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发布时间:2022-04-17 05:26:35

㈠ 写你最喜欢的电影英文


My favorite movie is Mr. & Mrs. Smith, which is played by Julie and Pitt. I appreciate the beauty, the dance with music, and the humorous and so on.

For first reason, Julia and Pit are both beauty guys, a good vision could get from the movie. It also is reported they two get married for this movie, which is may a real love feeling in it, including the sweet dancing time, having shopping together, and even fierce tussle between them. So, I watched it several times.

Secondly, I like the novel story which is told to me. From the romance loving to common marriage life, suddenly it is becoming an Exciting killing life with the closet companion, finally find the best way to love and live together. It a good lesson to the couple tired of their marriage.

Thirdly, I am fond of the comic plot from the movie. Just from the seeing doctor at the beginning and the ending, it would bring some fun. And I also like they are chatting at the car when they are pursued just behind them and have to deal with the problem survive and death the moment of truth. That moment, the dialogue between them is very cool and interesting, filling with fun.

Finally, I would like to say it is a worthwhile movie if you have time with your lover.


Hello,boys and girls!My name is Jenny.I'm 14-year-old.My birthday is on October 31st.I'm a movie fan.I like action movie and science movie. My favorite actor is Jackie Chan.He is a great action actor. He has many movies . For example.The Around the World is 80 Days,Rob-B-hood and Rush Hour.These movies are very exciting. I really like Rob-B-hood very much, because they are exciting.I like action movie movies very much.


㈡ 你喜欢看哪些电影(英语)


律政俏佳人1、2(Legally Blonde)……谁说金发美女头发黄见识短,个个头脑空空?


劲歌飞扬(Raise Your Voice)……小城女孩纽约孤身求学,立志闯出广阔音乐天地


高校天后(Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen)……纽约漂亮女孩到乡下小城


冰上公主(Ice Princess)……一段关于滑冰少女的励志故事


魅力四射1、2、3、4(Bring It On)……美少女啦啦队




邻家女孩(The Girl Next Door)……隔壁的美女竟然是AV女优!




新丁驾到(The New Guy)……倒霉男生监狱里面学做人


辣妈辣妹(Freaky Friday)……怪诞星期五,母女大换身


贱女孩(Mean Girls)……美国青春校园版《金枝欲孽》


纽约时刻(New York Minute)……孪生姐妹纽约圆梦记


平民天后(The Lizzie McGuire Movie)……美国少女旅行途中被误认为意大利明星


牛仔裤的夏天1、2(The Sisterhood of the Tr***eling Pants)……四个美少女共享一条神奇的牛仔裤


怪女孩出位(Pretty Persuasion)……贝弗里山庄的两个女孩不惜一切代价要自己成名


总统千金欧游记(Chasing Liberty)……青春喜剧版《罗马假日》


第一女儿(First Daughter)……类似上部电影


水瓶座女孩(What a Girl Wants)…单亲女孩前往欧洲去寻找身为英国皇家贵族的父亲


拜金女郎(Material Girls)……富豪姐妹勇对家庭破产危机


勇踏星途(Br***e New Girl)……一部改编自布兰妮成长经验的影集


窈窕美眉(She's All That)……美国版《流星花园》


混合宿舍1、2(Dorm Day Crazy)……校园性喜剧,自己看吧




恋爱刺客(John Tucker Must Die)……三个辣妹整蛊***




灰姑娘的玻璃手机(A Cinderella Story)……这一次灰姑娘丢失的不是水晶鞋而是手机


超完美夺分(The Perfect Score)……七个中学生策划到普林斯顿考试中心偷答案的惊天大计划


公主日记1、2(The Princess Diaries)……纽约女孩意外得知自己竟然是欧洲小国公主


足球尤物(She's the Man)……美少女乔装成孪生哥哥冒名顶替进入了男子球队


美国派1、2、3、4、5(American Pie)……名气太大,不说也罢


歌舞青春1、2(High School Musical)……CCTV6才播过不久,不说了


公路之旅(Road Trip)……三个大学生千里奔波追逐穿帮“***”录像带




少儿不宜(Not Another Teen Movie)…… 美国青春校园版《炮制女朋友》


变身辣妹(The Hot Chick)……辣妹和修车工之间的变身


男女变错身(It's a Boy Girl Thing)……辣妹和帅哥同学兼邻居之间的变身




留级之王1、2 (Van Wilder)……让老生回想起了自己的大学时代




翘课天才(Ferris Bueller's Day Off) ……学生逃学,校长追捕


大学新生(Sydney White)……假小子是怎么炼成淑女的


新窈窕淑男(Little Sister)……一个男生男扮女装混入女生寝室




孟汉娜(Hannah Montana)……平凡女孩白天是学生,晚上是歌星


宝贝新官人(Son in Law)……简单的校园爱情故事


魅力学堂(Charm School)……墨西哥城某女校的一群反叛女生和老师作对的故事





㈢ 你最喜欢看什么电影英语翻译(两种)

What kind of movie do you like best?
What kind of movie do you prefer?

㈣ 你喜欢看哪部电影 英语怎么说

Which film do you like ?
Which movie do you like ?


㈤ “你喜欢看什么电影”用英语怎么说

What kind of movies do you like?

㈥ 你喜欢看什么电影 英文怎么说



㈦ 你喜欢看哪部电影 英文怎么说

Which movie/film do you like?

Which movie/film do you prefer?

㈧ 你喜欢什么电影用英文怎么回答

What is your favourite flim? 你最喜欢的电影是?
回答:My favourite flim is (电影名称).
My favourite flim is Iron Man.

㈨ 你喜欢什么种类的电影用英语怎么说

What kind of movies do you like?
科幻片 Science Fiction ( Sci-Fi )
剧情片 Drama
爱情片 Romance
喜剧片 Comedy
动作片Action Movies
恐怖片 Horror Moives
悬疑片Suspense Movies
预告片 Movie trailer



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