⑴ 哪位ggmm帮我翻译下有关雨果《悲惨世界》的英文词万分感谢
Lamartine: 阿方斯·马里·路易斯·普拉·德·拉马丁(Alphonse Marie Louise Prat de Lamartine,1790年10月21日-1869年2月28日)是法国著名浪漫主义诗人,作家和政治家。法国十九世纪浪漫主义文学家的代表人物之一、所谓消极浪漫主义的领袖. http://www.revefrance.com/bbs/archive/index.php/t-16959.html
Bonapartist: 波拿巴主义者. 指19世纪拥护拿破仑一世和拿破仑三世的人。1814年拿破仑一世退位以后,他的追随者多半拥护他的儿子.
Kathryn Grossman : 凯瑟琳·格罗斯曼, 《悲惨世界》的文学评论家.
Cerisola: 塞利索拉. a former teacher at the Lycee Francais de New York and a current instructor at New York University, 《悲惨世界》的文学评论家.
Champmathieu: 商马第. 一位穷人,因偷了人家制酒的苹果被捕了。监狱看守把商马第看作了冉阿让。因为他们年纪、相貌、身材都很象。另两个被判终身监禁的囚犯,也断定商马第就是冉阿让. 不久,商马第案件开庭审判。这时,马德兰市长思想斗争十分激烈,因为他就是冉阿让。最后,他决定去投案,搭救那个蒙受不白之冤的人。他到阿拉斯法庭上公开了自己原来的身份,于是商马第得到了释放。
⑵ 求悲惨世界人物名字中英对照,谢谢
冉阿让(Jean Valjean): 因为偷一条面包救济儿子而坐牢十九年的囚犯,原本只判五年徒刑,但由于他并不信任法律,屡屡越狱以致罪刑加重。他倔强不惧强权的个性使探长沙威对他深恶痛绝,他过人的气力也使沙威对他印象深刻,两人遂结下一生相互追逐之缘。假释后他受神父启发向上,改名当上市长,为人慈悲,帮助女工芳汀抚养女儿珂赛特,救了女儿的情人——革命青年马吕斯,在女儿有了好归宿之后,带着赎罪的爱离开了人间。
芳汀(Fantine): 冉阿让工厂里的一名女工,她有段坎坷的青春,在怀了男友的骨肉之后却被恶意遗弃,为了女儿的生活,只好忍下心把她寄养在蒙佛梅一位酒馆老板的家里,自己来到巴黎谋生并定时寄钱回去,但由于她有私生女的事被同事揭发,被赶出工厂,只好卖了首饰、长发,甚至肉体,不幸沦为一名妓女。幸好遇见冉阿让,托付了女儿的未来才安心的逝去。
沙威(Javert): 正义的坚持者,也是正义的顽固者,他相信慈悲是罪犯的根苗,特别是像冉阿让这样的人。所以穷其一生誓将他抓回牢狱,却发现冉阿让的本性是多么善良,这对一个抱持人性本恶论的警探而言,是非常残酷的一件事,因此他在下水道放走背负马吕斯的冉阿让之后,由于无法再面对自己持守多年的信念,选择跳河结束他充满殉道意味的一生。
德纳第夫妇(Thenardier): 小镇蒙佛梅一家酒馆的老板,典型的中下阶级人物,贪财、自私、卑鄙,个性倒也十分逗趣,夫妇俩可谓天造地设,互相挖苦,对珂赛特一致的欺压,对女儿艾潘妮一致的溺爱,后来德纳第先生沦为丐帮帮主,在义勇军后方搜括死亡者身上的值钱物品,最后两人还在珂赛特的婚礼上着实耍宝了一阵,真是不改其性。
马吕斯(Marius) :《悲惨世界》中的主要人物,英俊帅气,是十九世纪标准革命青年。父亲是拿破伦的上校并被封为男爵,被身为保王派的外祖父抚养成人,一直厌恶身为波拿巴派的父亲。但当深爱他的父亲去世后,他对革命对共和逐渐有所领悟,抛弃外祖父家的巨大物质享受继承了父亲的“军衔”与“爵位”,成为一个坚定的共和派。他为理想热血奔腾,为珂赛特纯情洋溢,在起义中负伤昏迷,被冉阿让所救,虽说同伴大多牺牲令人无限感伤,但最终如愿娶得珂赛特,也是美事一椿。
加夫罗契(Gavroche) 革命时代下早熟的孩子,聪明有主见,是个包打听。
主教米里哀(Bishop Myriel): 笛涅地区的主教,是冉阿让出狱后惟一愿意收容他的人,以爱心和宽容转瞬间感动了冉阿让,也就此改变了他的一生。
⑶ 求悲惨世界中的人物的英文名~ 谢谢
* Jean Valjean (a.k.a. Monsieur Madeleine, a.k.a. Ultime Fauchelevent, a.k.a. Monsieur Leblanc, a.k.a. Urn Fabre, a.k.a. 24601) — Convicted for stealing a loaf of bread, he is paroled from prison nineteen years later. Rejected by society for being a former convict, Bishop Myriel turns his life around. He assumes a new identity to pursue an honest life, becoming a factory owner and a mayor. He adopts and raises Fantine's daughter, Cosette, and dies at an old age.
* Javert (a.k.a. Monsieur DeMasi) — An obsessive police inspector who continuously hunts, tracks down, and loses Valjean. He goes undercover behind the barricade, but is discovered and unmasked. Valjean has the chance to kill Javert, but lets him go. Later Javert allows Valjean to escape. For the first time, Javert is in a situation in which to act lawfully is immoral. His inner conflict leads him to commit suicide by jumping into the River Seine.
* Bishop Myriel, the bishop of Digne — A kindly old priest who is promoted to bishop by a chance encounter with Napoleon. He convinces Valjean to change his ways after Valjean steals some silver from him.
* Fantine — A Parisian grisette abandoned while pregnant by her lover Félix Tholomyès. Fantine leaves her daughter Cosette in the care of the Thénardiers, innkeepers in a village called Montfermeil. Unfortunately, Mme. Thénardier spoils her own daughters and abuses Cosette. Fantine finds work at Monsieur Madeleine's factory, but is fired by a woman supervisor who discovers that she is an unwed mother. To meet repeated demands for money from the Thénardiers, she sells her hair, then her front teeth, and finally turns to prostitution. Valjean learns of her plight when Javert arrests her for attacking a man who tried to force her to have sex with him. She dies of tuberculosis before Valjean is able to reunite her with Cosette.
* Cosette — The daughter of Fantine. For the first few years of her life, she is beaten and forced to be a drudge by the Thénardiers. After her mother dies, Valjean ransoms her from the Thénardiers and she becomes his adopted daughter. She falls in love with Marius Pontmercy, and marries him at the end of the novel.
* Marius Pontmercy — An aristocrat who fell out with his royalist grandfather after discovering his father was an officer under Napoleon. He studies law, joins the revolutionary ABC students and later falls in love with Cosette.
* M. & Mme. Thénardier — A corrupt innkeeper and his wife. They have five children: two daughters (Éponine and Azelma) and three sons (Gavroche and two unnamed younger sons). They take in Cosette in her first years, mistreating and abusing her. They end up losing the inn and moving to Paris, living as the Jondrettes. Thénardier is later the head of a criminal gang called the Patron-Minette. The family also live next door to Marius, who recognizes Thénardier as the man who "tended to" his father at Waterloo.
* Éponine — The Thénardiers' elder daughter. As a child, she is pampered and spoiled by her parents, but ends up a street urchin when she reaches adolescence. She participates in her father's crimes and begging schemes to obtain money. She is also in love with Marius. At Marius' request, she finds Cosette's address for him and leads him to her. After disguising herself as a boy, she tricks Marius into going to the barricades, hoping that they will die together. However, she reaches out her hand to stop a soldier's bullet heading for Marius: she is mortally wounded as the bullet goes through her hand and back. As she is dying, her final request is that once she has passed, Marius will kiss her on the forehead. He does.
* Gavroche — The unloved eldest son of the Thénardiers. He lives on his own and is a street urchin. He takes part in the barricades and dies collecting bullets from dead National Guardsmen.
* Enjolras — The leader of the revolutionary students. He dies ring the fighting at the barricade.
[edit] Minor
* Mademoiselle Baptistine — Bishop Myriel's sister. She loves and venerates her brother.
* Madame Magloire — Domestic servant for the Bishop and his sister. She grumbles at the life of poverty the Bishop insists upon, and is fearful that he leaves the door open to strangers.
* Petit Gervais — A small boy who drops a coin. There are two perspectives on Jean Valjean's encounter with him. According to one, Valjean, still a man of criminal mind, places his foot on the coin and refuses to return it to the boy, despite Gervais' protests. When the boy flees the scene and Valjean comes to his senses, remembering what the bishop had done for him, he is horribly ashamed of what he has done and searches for the boy in vain. Another interpretation of this scene is that Jean Valjean was not aware that he was stepping on the coin, and snarls at Petit Gervais, thinking he is just annoying him, but realizes later that the coin was under his foot and feels horrible. Either way, he was uncaring of the boy's pleas.
* Fauchelevent — Valjean saves Fauchelevent’s life when Valjean lifts a carriage underneath which he is caught. Fauchelevent later will return the favor by providing sanctuary for Valjean and Cosette at a convent, and by providing his name for Valjean's use.
* Bamatabois — An idler who harasses Fantine and puts snow down her back. He is also one of the jurors at Champmathieu’s trial.
* Champmathieu — A vagabond who is mistakenly accused of being Valjean.
* Brevet — An ex-convict from Toulon who knew Valjean there. In 1823, he is serving time in the prison in Arras for an unknown crime. He is the first to claim that Champmathieu is really Valjean. Used to wear knitted, checkered suspenders.
* Chenildieu — A lifer from Toulon. He and Valjean were chain mates for five years. He once tried to remove the lifer's brand TFP (travaux forcés à perpetuité, forced labor for life) by putting his shoulder on a chafing dish full of embers. He is described as a small, wiry but energetic man.
* Cochepaille — Another lifer from Toulon. He used to be a shepherd from the Pyrenees who became a smuggler. He is described as stupid and has a tattoo on his arm, March 1st, 1815.
* Sister Simplice — A nun who cares for Fantine on her sickbed. She also lies to Javert to protect Valjean.
* Toussaint — Valjean and Cosette's servant in Paris.
* Monsieur Gillenormand — Marius' grandfather. A Monarchist, he disagrees sharply with Marius on political issues, and they have several arguments. He attempts to keep Marius from being influenced by his father, an officer in Napoleon's army. While in perpetual conflict over ideas, he does illustrate his love for his grandson.
* Mademoiselle Gillenormand — M. Gillenormand's daughter, she lives with her father.
* Colonel Georges Pontmercy — Marius' father, and an officer in Napoleon's army. Wounded at Waterloo, Pontmercy erroneously believes M. Thénardier saved his life. He tells Marius of this great debt.
* Mabeuf — An elderly churchwarden. He was friends with Colonel Pontmercy, and then befriends Marius after Colonel Pontmercy's death. He helps Marius realize the true identity and intentions of his father. He has a great love for plants and books, but ends up having to sell his books e to descending into poverty. Feeling that all hope is lost, he joins the students in the insurrection. He is shot and killed at the top of the barricades when raising their flag.
* Magnon — Former worker of M. Gillenormand and friend of the Thénardiers. She had been receiving child support payments from M. Gillenormand for her two illegitimate sons, who she claimed were fathered by him. When her sons died in an epidemic, she had them replaced with the Thénardiers' two youngest sons so that she could protect her income. The Thénardiers get a portion of the payments. She is soon arrested e to being allegedly involved in the Gorbeau Robbery.
* Two little brothers — The two unnamed youngest sons of the Thénardiers. The Thénariders send their sons to Magnon to replace her own two sons who died of illness. When Magnon is arrested, a cobbler gives the boys a note written by Magnon with an address to go to. Unfortunately, it is torn away from them e to a strong wind. Unable to find it, they end up living on the streets. They soon run into their brother Gavroche, who gives them temporary care and support. The two boys and Gavroche are unaware they are related.
* Azelma — The younger daughter of the Thénardiers. Like her sister Éponine, she is spoiled as a child, and suffers the same ragged fate when she is older. She also takes part in her father's crimes, and continues to stay with him after the rest of her family perishes. She goes to America with him at the end of the novel.
* Patron-Minette — A quartet of bandits who assist in the Thénardiers' ambush of Valjean at Gorbeau House and the attempted robbery at the Rue Plumet. The gang consists of Montparnasse, Claquesous, Babet, and Gueulemer.
* Brujon — A robber and criminal. He participates in crimes with M. Thénardier and the Patron-Minette gang (such as the Gorbeau Robbery and the attempted robbery at the Rue Plumet). The author describes Brujon as being "a sprightly young fellow, very cunning and very adroit, with a flurried and plaintive appearance."
* Friends of the ABC — A group of revolutionary students. They fight and die in the insurrection on June 5 and 6th, 1832. Led by Enjolras, its other principal members are Courfeyrac, Combeferre, Jean Prouvaire, Feuilly, Bahorel, Lesgles, nicknaimed Bossuet (sometimes also written Laigle), Joly, and Grantaire.
* Grantaire — Alcoholic, womanizing, revolutionary student, who, unlike the other revolutionaries, does not strongly believe in the cause of the ABC Society, but is a member because he hero-worships Enjolras. Their relationship is most commonly compared to Orestes and Pylades, referenced in the book. Grantaire is executed in the wine shop with Enjolras.
⑷ 《悲惨世界》用英语怎么说
《悲惨世界》用英语表示为: The Wretched,The Miserable Ones。悲惨世界是(法国)雨果的小说,所以书的原名是法文: Les Misérables。
But the idea, I believe, has never been used as ambitiously as in Les Miserables.
This article intends to interpret Hugo sLes Miserables from the view of the feminism.
Hugo is among the best writers in french literature whose masterpieces are Notre Dame de Paris and Les Miserables.
With two big projects out this year, The Dark Knight Rises and Les Miserables, Hathaway is Hollywood's golden girl.
We do not need to preface every country review with dire economic forecasts.
Boyle's rendition of "I Dreamed a Dream" from the musical "Les Miserables" in April last year has been downloaded hundreds of millions of times on the YouTube video sharing site.
In the December issue of Vogue, the stunning series of images have been bbed Dreaming a Dream by the photographer and feature the star studded cast-including Anne Hathaway, Russell Crowe and Hugh Jackman.
The Golden Age, the Garden of Eden, the Time of the Gods& all were far away from the misery of the present.
⑸ 悲惨世界的人物介绍
冉·阿让(Jean Valjean)
德纳第夫妇的大女儿,自小倍受宠爱,小时候是瞧不起珂赛特的。但也许是受教育的缘故,她比父母有良知多了,虽然暗恋对象马吕斯并不爱她,她仍然愿意为他打听珂赛特的消息、为他送情书,并在珂赛特父女有危险时保护他们。她“宁肯自己杀其所爱,也不容他人夺其所爱” ,在起义爆发后将马吕斯引向街垒,希望和他一同死去。但在战斗中却因为替马吕斯挡子弹而受伤,最终在马吕斯怀中死去。
革命青年的领袖,风度翩翩,“”只对一事怀有热情--人权,只对一事抱有决心--清障“ ,在策动的起事中壮烈身亡。
主教米里哀(Bishop Myriel)
⑹ <悲惨世界>用英语怎么说
法文 Les Miserables
英文 Misery world
⑺ 悲惨世界人物介绍
Javert: a real tragic character, he is so determined to keep in their own positions, firm as the stars, but do not know the stars behind only is the shadow, his life only carrying out their own "justice" is a tool for people who do not understand love. Miliai Bishop: mercy, kindness, but his goodness and kindness from a religious belief. The relationship between religion and the royal family in Europe is close, religious rely on Royal guarantee his dignified and sacred, Royal also depend on the religious prove his power behoove. Jean Valjean: by the bishop of probation after become good, especially something dying said: "that I gave me this silver candlesticks on whether I satisfied" also set me thinking.
⑻ 悲惨世界的英文翻译
Les Misérables
英文翻译很多,多译为The Wretched,The Miserable Ones.