A. 急求《律政俏佳人》的经典台词
这是一部典型的好莱坞青春校园影片,有丰富的画面和绚烂的色彩,当然最最重要的就是主人公在90分钟中传奇的励志过程。 从中我们也了解到了金发美人在美国社会的地位究竟是怎样的一种状况,不学无术,靠美貌吃饭是大多数人对她们的看法,但在影片中美丽聪慧的Elle打破了这个定势,完成了一个从美貌白天鹅到智慧白天鹅的过程。
Elle Woods
A very pretty, smart and sweet young woman who decides to completely change her life and go to Harvard law School, in order to follow her boyfriend, who has decided to break up with her.
Warner Huntington the 3rd
Elle’s boyfriend, who is snobby, who decides to leave her because he feels he needs to find a more serious looking girlfriend that will help him with his future career in politics.
A woman working class hairdresser who becomes Elle’s best friend.
Warner’s new girlfriend at Harvard, who treats Elle very poorly at first.
Brooke Taylor Windham
A successful business woman who makes well known exercise videos, who is charged with the murder of her rich husband.
Professor Callahan
A lawyer and Professor at Harvard, who is hired to defend Brooke.
A young lawyer and Professor Callahan’s assistant.
This is the story of Elle Woods, a very cute and friendly student who is also the most popular girl in her Los Angeles sorority (A house and club for female students). Elle has just finished her studies in Fashion, and is getting prepared to marry her boyfriend, Warner, who will soon be going to Harvard Law School, in Boston. Unfortunately, Warner decides to break up with Elle, because he wants to find a more serious looking girlfriend who will help his career in politics after he gets out of law school (Elle, unfortunately looks like the mb blonde)
故事的引子是从Elle的金发开始的,这似乎是很荒谬的一件事情,但是在英美文化当中,这种现象已经历来已久了,判断一个女孩的受教育程度或是家庭背景,往往是通过头发颜色和说话声音的位置,这在很多的影视作品中都有体现(梦露早期的作品都是挤着嗓子说话的)。还有Warner就读的大学是Harvard Law School(哈佛法学院),熟悉美国政治的人都知道,竞选议员是迈入仕途的第一步。从政的道路当中,伴侣的选择至关重要,不光要有较好的教育背景,更重要的是联姻的家族要门当户对,就Warner所说的抛弃Elle为了找一个serious girl其实也只是一个借口罢了。
Elle为迎接期待已久的约会,拉着两个死党去置装。在服装店(Sun Plaza Boutique)里,坏心的店员认为Elle只是富家的挥霍女罢了,于是想拿过季的衣服充当新款……
Clerk:There’s noting I love more than a mb blond with daddy’s plastic.(to Elle)Did you see this one? We just got it in yesterday.
Elle:Oh,Is this low-viscosity rayon?
Clerk: yes, of course.
Elle: With a half-loop, top-stitching on the hem.
Clerk: Absolutely. It’s one of kind.
It’s one of kind. 字面上是“在此类中的唯一一种”,意思是“独一无二”,If something is “one of a kind,” it is truly unique, with no others like it.强调的是对于某事物“独特”unique的感觉。关于这个短语,想起了上课期间一个同学问我可否用“I won’t lift a finger”,他理解该短语的意思是“爱不释手”。其实不然,如“put a finger on sth.”的意思就是对某事理解,得门道,所以以此联想一下就可以得出“I won’t lift a finger”是我不感兴趣之意。
还应该注意的是Sun Plaza Boutique,这里的服装店没有用传统的“商店”之类词,而是用了“Boutique”,根据发音我们感觉他有一点法语的味道,没错,他来自于法语,原意是small shop,或者是A small shop located within a large department store or supermarket.(大商场中的“店中店”),但是在今天,boutique更多的与luxury(奢侈品)相联系,而且特指高档女装店,每年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,众多女星的礼服大多是在世界顶级品牌的Boutique中定制的。
B. 诚求《Legally Blonde 律政俏佳人》电影完整版英文台词或剧本
C. 律政俏佳人经典台词
A legal ecation means your will learn to speak in a new language. you will be taught to achive insight into the world around you, and you sharply question what you know. The law is reason free from passion. It leaves much room for interpretation, but leaves very little for self-doubt.
On our very first day at Harvard, a very wise professor quoted Aristotle," The law is reason free from passion!" Well, no offence to Aristotle, but in my three years at Harvard, I've come to find that passion is the key ingredient to the study and practise of law, and of life. It's with passion, courage of conviction, strong sense of self that we take our next steps into the world! Remembering the first impressions are not always correct. You must always have faith in people. And most importantly, you must have faith in yourself!Congratulations class of 2004---we did it!
I came to Washington to help my dog Bruiser...and somewhere around the way...I learned a really unexpected lesson. I know what you are thinking---Who's this girl? And what could this simple, small-town girl from Bel Air...have to say to all of us? I'll tell you. It's about something that's bigger
than me...or any single act of legislation. This is about a matter that should be at...the highest
importance to every American...My hair.
There's this salon in Beverly Hills. It's really fancy and beautiful. It's impossible to get an
appointment. Unless you're Julia Roberts or from "Friends"...you can just forget it. But one
day they called me. They had an opening. So I was going to finally get the chance...to
sit in one of those sacred beauty chairs. I was so excited. Then the colorist...gave me
Brassy Brigitte instead of Harlow Honey.
The shampoo girl washed my hair with spiral perm solution...instead of color-intensive moisturizing shampoo. Finally sylist...gave me a bob...with bangs. Suffice to say,
it was just wrong.All wrong. For me, you know. First I was angry. Then I realized my anger
was completely misdirected. This wasn't salon' s fault. I had sat there and witnessed this
injustice...and had let it happen. I didn't get involved in the process. I forgot to use my
voice. I forgot to believe in myself. But now I know better. I know that one honest
voice can be louder than a crowd. I know that if we lose our voice...or if we let those
who speak on our behalf...compromise our voice, then this country...this country is in
for a really bad haircut. So speak up, America. Speak up! Speak up for the home of the
brave. Speak up for the land of the free gift with purchase.
Speak up, America. Speak up! And remember...you're beautiful. Thank you.
;D. 求律政俏佳人中英文字幕版!!!!
链接: https://pan..com/s/1VD1M_5h_x43INK0wVYLR4Q
E. 律政俏佳人2带英文字幕版,请发给我,非常需要!有分悬赏亲!
链接: https://pan..com/s/1EK1ijzyJUd4CfPKTRQu38g