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发布时间:2022-04-18 17:37:33

⑴ 《无双》里的英语插曲是什么

原声大碟 -《天下无双》[MP3!]
这是由王家卫监制的贺岁片《天下无双》的原声大碟 ,除收录了电影配乐外,主角王菲、梁朝伟、赵薇和张震主唱的主题曲和插曲,亦有收录在内。这只充满中国特色的专辑,更为中国传统黄梅调,注入了现代的元素。

⑵ 求一首英文歌歌名、高潮的伴奏跟天下无双差不多在高潮部分My love my li、拜托了各位 谢谢

http://bbs.51lrc.com/dispbbs.asp?boardid=12&id=59604 你看一下嘛!

⑶ 有一首歌,跟天下无双的调调很像,但是是英文歌,女唱,求助

god is a girl 额 打出来自己都虚了,可能不是,去试试看吧!

⑷ 《泡妞秘籍》8分钟的时候冷雨和无双场景时的英文歌叫什么,搜了好多都不是!跪求


⑸ 一首英文歌,开头发音貌似是一无双啊哦哦哦哦,高潮和结尾都是哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦。。。重复了几次,女声。

lady gaga的bedromance

⑹ 武林外传里面,辛普森第一次见到无双的时候出现的场景里面唱得英文歌是什么

94年在影片《西雅图的不眠夜》中Celine Dion与Clive Grittin 联袂合作的歌曲《When I Fell in Love》(当我坠入爱河),

⑺ 电影泡妞秘籍中前面无双学姐和那个男生kiss的时候,放一首很high的也英文歌,是什么

Hey, said us hustler's work is never through
We makin' it 'cause we make it move
The only thing we know how to do
Said it's the only thing we know how to do
Work hard, play hard
Work hard, play hard.
We work hard, play hard
Keep partyin' like it's your job
Work hard, play hard
Work hard, play hard.
We work hard, play hard
Keep partyin' like it's your job
Come on baby and drop this
Scrub that floor and just mop it
Show these gangsters how you cock block it
Don't care what you got in your pocket
I get the way that you rockin'
Flip that thang thang don't stop it
When I just bang bang and pop it
While the club crowded just watch you (work it out)
Got a gang of cash and it's all thrown out on the bar (now work it out)
And it's going fast cuz I feel like a superstar (now work it out)
And you may not have it, I might just broke the law (now work it out)
It's your time to grab it,
now make this whole thing yours (now work it out)
Hey, said us hustler's work is never through
We makin' it 'cause we make it move
The only thing we know how to do
Said it's the only thing we know how to do
Work hard, play hard
Work hard, play hard.
We work hard, play hard
Keep partyin' like it's your job
Work hard, play hard
Work hard, play hard.
We work hard, play hard
Keep partyin' like it's your job
Some pressure that we can push
Ladies can't get enough
Got my fitness, I'm looking buff
And all my people with me, I trust
Holdin' down for my suit k
If they askin' you, I'm not guilty
All the thing that I'm guilty of is making you rock with me (work it out)
Got a gang of cash and it's all thrown out on the bar (now work it out)
And it's going fast cuz I feel like a superstar (now work it out)
And you may not have it, I might just broke the law (now work it out)
It's your time to grab it,
now make this whole thing yours (now work it out)
Hey, said us hustler's work is never through
We makin' it 'cause we make it move
The only thing we know how to do
Said it's the only thing we know how to do
Work hard, play hard
Work hard, play hard.
We work hard, play hard
Keep partyin' like it's your job
Work hard, play hard
Work hard, play hard.
We work hard, play hard
Keep partyin' like it's your job
Hey, said us hustler's work is never through
We makin' it 'cause we make it move
The only thing we know how to do
Said it's the only thing we know how to do
Work hard, play hard
Work hard, play hard.
We work hard, play hard
Keep partyin' like it's your job
Work hard, play hard
Work hard, play hard.
We work hard, play hard
Keep partyin' like it's your job

⑻ 郭富城雨周润发的电影《无双》,片尾字幕的时候那首男唱英文歌是什么


⑼ 广州城市之星电台《爱无双》播放完时的那首英文歌!!!


⑽ 和天下无双曲一样的英文歌

the one and only



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