导航:首页 > 电影字幕 > 我看到了中国电影的进步英文翻译


发布时间:2022-11-06 03:45:47

① 刚刚过去的2009年里,中国电影市场的持续火爆是有目共睹的文化现象。 英文翻译

During the latest 2009, Chinese movie market has kept booming is a cultural phenomenon that was well known by the public.
有目共睹翻译成了well known by the public。

② 英语翻译 我们可以通过观看这部电影了解中国的过去和现在

We can see the Old and Now of chinese through whatched the movie.

③ 我希望这次你来中国你能看一些中国的优秀电影用英语怎么说

翻译:I hope you can watch some good Chinese movies when you come to China this time.

④ 我看的是长津湖中国红色电影用英语怎么说

I watched a red Chinese movie in Changjin Lake.

⑤ 急求对这一段话的英文翻译! 奖励100分 选中再追加50分 谢谢

The 21st century Chinese film around three social historical development stage form three different fluctuation: wto stages of the downturn wandering, was born in 100 Chinese movie slow climb, its 60th anniversary great high-key dash. In phase and concepts cognitive performance, the Chinese film was: has extraordinary development cones very; Has become a national culture development strategy important constituent, Has become popular interested in cultural entertainment object, Has established scale. Instrial The film as soft cultural power present will be more need to improve the quality and emotional spirit realm.

⑥ 我希望未来可以看到更多这样精彩的中国电影英文

不应该用want.应该用would like
Would you like to go to the cinema?

⑦ 英语翻译 这部电影有助于你了解中国的过去和现在

this movie will help you understand the past and present of China.

⑧ 急,翻译英文。

In recent years, China's film box office revenue achieved big leap. In 2009, China's film instry box office revenue reached 6.206 billion yuan more year on year increase of 42.96%. In this one, there are 12 domestic films at the box office Guoyi to "the great cause of nation-building", etc. The film was made on behalf of the film, contributed more than 30 billion at the box office for 7 years, the total domestic box office film super-large imports. In the economic crisis facing the world today, China is still booming domestic film What is the reason, what are the factors that contributed to the box office revenue continued to rise for the Chinese film instry you have any suggestions and expectations.

⑨ 我已经看过这部电影了。 翻译成英语 有采纳

l have seen this film

⑩ 我已经看过电影了英语怎么说

I have already watched the movie.也许你关注看电影的“看”和“电影'的单复数,那我可以明确的告诉你“看”一定用watch而movie要视语境而定,不是一定用单数或复数。如果单指某部电影就用单数否则一般用复数。



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