导航:首页 > 电影字幕 > 这个电影让人很感动英语怎么说


发布时间:2022-11-15 04:57:24

① 这部电影太感人了。翻译成英文

I was touched/moved by this movie.

② 这部电影的情节很感人 用英语怎么说

The film's plot is very touching

③ 这个电影很吸引人,情节既感人又有意义所以人们很喜欢。翻译成英语用love.... because

People love this movie very much because it is attractive and it's plot is touching and meaningful.这不是唯一的翻译也有其他翻译表达可以参考

④ 它是一部让人感动的电影,他反映了人类内心的巨大的痛苦,我能感觉到它巨大的悲伤,求翻译成英文

It is a moving film, he reflects the human heart of the great pain, I can feel it great sadness,请采纳!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

⑤ 英语 令人感动的电影 怎么说

a touching/moving movie

⑥ 英语翻译句子:我被那部令人感动的电影深深地感动了。

I was deeply moved by that moving movie.

⑦ 用英语怎么说看了这部电影很感动,很催人奋进,很棒

-------- It's an excellent film, moving you and inspiring you as well.

⑧ 我被这部感人的电影感动了 英语怎么说

I was moved by this emotinal movie.

⑨ 这部电影很感人许多情节常常让我很累英文

this movie is moving
i feel tired
his thought is that everyone should picture a picture
he is a very kind man
students are talking in chinese
he has gone abroad.

⑩ 这部电影非常感人,我看了好几遍 英语翻译

The movie was quite touching,and I have seen it for several times.
I was touched by a film, which I have seen for several times.
I was so touched by this movie that I have seen it for several times.

注意:感人的表达方式有很多,常用:touch,move的变形,看电影的表达是:see a movie/film



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