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发布时间:2022-12-11 01:47:37

Ⅰ 奥斯卡金曲 “毕业生”和“无心快语”分别出自那两部电影

毕业生是电影《毕业生》中的插曲,中文名为“斯卡布罗集市”,英文名为Scarborough Fair.

无心快语是《The Age of Innocence》(《心外幽情》)的主题曲

Ⅱ 电影”毕业生“讲的什么

导演达斯廷·霍夫曼1967年上映的成名作《毕业生The Graate》是一部举足轻重的代表作,由达斯汀·霍夫曼,凯瑟琳·罗斯,安妮·班克罗夫特主演,曾获第四十届奥斯卡最佳导演奖,第二十五届金球奖最佳影片,最佳导演,最佳女主角和最佳新人等多项奖项。


《毕业生》电影原声大碟带由戴夫.格鲁辛Dave Grusin 与保罗西蒙Paul Simon 合作编写,前者负责音乐部份,后者则负责片中多首插曲,包括脍炙人口的 “The Sound Of Silence” 、 “Scaebrough Fair” 、 “Mrs. Robinson” 等,当年都是令人朗朗上口的畅销曲。格鲁辛是著名爵士乐钢琴手,但配乐风格颇为多样化,本片偏向清新的民谣风,颇能反映入世未深的大学生心境。西蒙则是著名民谣二重唱 “Simon And Garfunkel” 的作曲主将。

西蒙(Paul Simon)是美国歌坛上的一个奇迹,常被冠以作曲家、歌唱家和吉它手的美誉,实际上再加上诗人也不过分。他的个人演唱以及和加芬克尔(Art Garfunkel)的重唱作品几乎都是出自他的手中。他的歌词首首都是优美的诗歌,他的歌曲旋律优美迷人。西蒙和加芬克尔六十年代后期开始风靡多年的重唱可说是流行音乐史上的最佳重唱,西蒙的嗓音松弛自然,加芬克尔音色轻柔高洁,两人的和声如诗如梦一般丰富多彩,令人回味无穷。

《寂静之声The sound of silence》和《斯卡波罗集市》一样,是电影《毕业生》的插曲,一个在片头,一个在片尾。前一首1966年同名单曲获美国排行榜冠军;后一首1969年获奥斯卡最佳电影插曲奖。两首歌的风格差不多,都是那种经典的怀旧情怀。它的旋律直入心底,静静地、一尘不染的,轻柔的从耳边拂过。很容易让人想起雪后的黎明、原野的清风


Ⅲ 美国电影《毕业生》插曲歌词

Scarborough Fair
Scarborough Fair(斯卡堡集市,也译作“斯卡波罗集市”),是一首旋律优美的经典英文歌曲,曾作为第40届奥斯卡获奖影片《毕业生》(The Graate)的插曲,曲调凄美婉转,给人以心灵深处的触动。《Scarborough Fair》原是一首古老的英国民歌,其起源可一直追溯到中世纪,原唱歌手为保罗·西蒙(Paul Simon)和阿特·加芬克尔(Art Garfunkel)。莎拉·布莱曼(Sarah Brightman)翻唱过该歌曲,收录于2000年专辑《La Luna》。此外来自英伦岛屿的 Gregorian格里高利合唱团(又称“教皇合唱团”)也曾翻唱过该歌曲。
Are you going to Scarborough Fair?您要去斯卡波罗集市吗?
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.芜荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香
Remember me to one who lives there,代我向那儿的一位姑娘问好
She once was the true love of mine.她曾经是我的爱人
Tell her to make me a cambric shirt.叫她替我做件麻布衣衫
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香
Without no seams nor needlework.上面不用缝口,也不用针线
Then she'll be a true love of mine.她就会是我真正的爱人
Tell her to find me an acre of land.叫她替我找一块地
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香
Between salt water and the sea strand.就在沙滩和大海之间
Then she'll be a true love of mine.她就会是我真正的爱人
Tell her to reap it in a sickle of leather.叫她用一把皮镰收割
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香
And gather it all in a bunch of heather.用石楠草捆扎成束
Then she'll be a true love of mine.她就会是我真正的爱人
Are you going to Scarborough Fair?您要去斯卡波罗集市吗?
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香
Remember me to one who lives there,代我向那儿的一位姑娘问好
She once was the true love of mine.[2] 她曾经是我的爱人

Ⅳ 电影《毕业生》的英文评价和社会背景

The Graate is a 1967 American comedy-drama film directed by Mike Nichols. It is based on the 1963 novel The Graate by Charles Webb, who wrote it shortly after graating from Williams College. The screenplay was by Buck Henry, who makes a cameo appearance as a hotel clerk, and Calder Willingham. The film tells the story of Benjamin Braddock (played by Dustin Hoffman), a recent university graate with no well-defined aim in life, who is seced by an older woman, Mrs. Robinson (Anne Bancroft), and then proceeds to fall in love with her daughter Elaine.
A.D. Murphy of Variety and Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times praised the film upon its release, with Murphy describing it as a "delightful satirical comedy-drama" and Ebert claiming it was the "funniest American comedy of the year".
For the film's thirtieth anniversary reissue, Roger Ebert retracted some of his previous praise for the film, noting that he now felt its time has passed and he now had more sympathy for Mrs. Robinson than Benjamin, whom he considered "an insufferable creep."He, along with Gene Siskel, gave the film a mediocre review on the television program Siskel & Ebert.

Ⅳ 电影毕业生的英文简介

After a successful stint away at an eastern college, twenty-one year old
Benjamin Braddock returns to his parents' Los Angeles area home a
graate. Although the world should be his oyster, Ben is instead in a
state of extreme anxiety as he has no idea what to do with his life,
which is made all the more difficult since everybody asks him what he
plans on doing or tells him what he should do. In his confused state
ring which he would rather be alone to wallow in self-pity, he is easy
prey for the aggressive Mrs. Robinson, the wife of his father's
business partner who he's known all his life and who seces him.
Thinking about and then eventually succumbing to her advances only adds
to his anxiety and confusion as he hides what they're doing from the
rest of the world, and as he needs more than just sex in a relationship,
sex which is all she wants from him. His confusion is lessened but his
life becomes more complicated when he is reacquainted with Elaine
Robinson, the Robinsons' daughter who too is home from college at
Berkeley and who he has not seen since high school. Despite a rocky
start directed largely by the wants of Mrs. Robinson, Ben and Elaine
start to fall for each other. In this complicated situation, Ben has to
try to figure out how at least to start to strive for what he believes
should be that successful post-graate life.

Ⅵ 美国电影《毕业生》在线观看及下载地址




Ⅶ 电影《毕业生》的英文名 插曲有几个 都是什么 要英文的

《毕业生》英文名:The Graate
插曲:01.The Sound of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel02.The Singleman Party Foxtrot - David Grusin03.Mrs. Robinson - Simon & Garfunkel04.Sunporch Cha-Cha-Cha - David Grusin05.Scarborough Fair/Canticle (Interlude) - Simon & Garfunkel06.On the Strip - David Grusin07.April Come She Will - Simon & Garfunkel08.The Folks - David Grusin09.Scarborough Fair/Canticle - Simon & Garfunkel10.A Great Effect - David Grusin11.The Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine - Simon & Garfunkel12.Whew - David Grusin13.Mrs. Robinson - Simon & Garfunkel14.Sound of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel

Ⅷ 电影《毕业生》是哪年出的


片 名: The Graate

译 名: 毕业生

导 演: ( 迈克·尼科尔斯 Mike Nichols )

主 演: (安妮·班克罗夫特 Anne Bancroft) (达斯丁·霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman) (凯瑟琳·罗斯 Katharine Ross) (威廉·丹尼尔斯 William Daniels) (默里·汉密尔顿 Murray Hamilton) ( Elizabeth Wilson)

上 映: 1967年12月21日 美国 更多地区

地 区: 美国 更多详细拍摄地

对 白: 英语

IMDb评分8.1/10 ( 48924票 ) 详细

颜 色: 彩色

声 音: 4-Track Stereo

时 长: 105

类 型: 剧情 爱情 喜剧

分 级: 美国:PG 美国:已认可 英国:AA 英国:15 冰岛:L 阿根廷:16 澳大利亚:M 澳大利亚:R 加拿大:AA 加拿大:G 加拿大:PA 智利:18 芬兰:K-16 意大利:VM14 荷兰:AL 荷兰:MG6 挪威:15 新加坡:PG 瑞典:15 西德:12 西德:16 加拿大:R

Ⅸ 美国电影《毕业生》主题曲叫什么

美国电影《毕业生》主题曲为《Scarborough Fair》。

《Scarborough Fair》
演唱:Simon And Garfunkel
Are you going to Scarborough Fair
Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme
芜荽 鼠尾草 迷迭香和百里香
Remember me to one who lives there
She once was a true love of mine
Tell her to make me a cambric shirt
Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme
芜荽 鼠尾草 迷迭香和百里香
Without no seams nor needle work
上面不用缝口 也不用针线
Then she`ll be ture love of main
Tell her to find me an acre of land
Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme
芜荽 鼠尾草 迷迭香和百里香
Between the salt water and the sea strand
Then she`ll be a true love of mine
Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather
Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme
芜荽 鼠尾草 迷迭香和百里香
And gather it all in a bunch of heather
Then she`ll be a true love of mine
Are you going to Scarborough Fair
Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme
芜荽 鼠尾草 迷迭香和百里香
Remember me to one who lives there
She once was a true love of mine



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