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发布时间:2022-12-18 02:33:39

A. 电影《家园》解说词 全部

家园 很底的配置就能玩 《家园》单机游戏 2.1 游戏基本信息 家园英文原版游戏封面游戏名:家园 Homeworld 开发商:Relic Entertainment 发行商:Sierra Entertainment 游戏平台:PC 游戏类型:即时战略 发售日期:1999年9月28日 2.2 游戏背景 很久以前,在一个遥远的星系,各个星球之间没有来往。直到,一个民族“本图西”(Bentusi)的出现。他们发现了由远古民族“先祖”制造的3颗超空间核心(Hyper space cores)之中的1颗。有了它,本图西就可以在星际中任意来往。本图西充当起了“星际贸易者”的角色,将他们掌握的科技卖给各个民族,整个星际的科技水平因此都得到了提高。 直到——第2颗核心的发现。 一个民族,“希格拉”(Higara)[以后暂且称作“古希格拉”在一颗沙漠星球上发现了第2颗核心。但是,古希格拉人制造了一艘巨大的战舰“萨尤克之怒”,搭载核心,挑起了战火。泰坦帝国(Taidan Empire)也被卷入了战争,母星险些陷落。但是,这时,本图西人插手了,他们毕竟技高一筹,最终瘫痪了“萨尤克之怒”。但是,舰长抱着一丝希望,破釜沉舟的对来收取核心的本图西母港船“本图斯”(Bentus)发起了攻击。本图西人又一次胜过了古希格拉人,最终,“萨尤克之怒”被迫爆炸。古希格拉人被流放,但是,他们偷偷地带上了核心,因为,他们知道,只要有核心,就有希望。 流放船最终着陆在卡拉克。 2.2.1前言库申母舰库申(Kushan)人居住在一颗名为卡拉克(Kharak),仅有两极地区有人生存的沙漠星球上。他们群落而居,以各自独立的基斯(Kiith或Kiithid)为社会政治的主体,有著各自独立的宗教与文化特色在卡拉克。在卡拉克大部分的历史,是在两个基斯之间的战争中度过。 卡拉克严酷而难以住人的自然气候让库申人开始质疑为什么他们会在这星球上演化出来。基因上的研究证实了他们并不是在卡拉克上演化的生物。而他们从何而来这个问题则由一颗故障的天气卫星解答,这颗卫星在赤道区不适合人居的广大沙漠之中侦测到金属的存在。一支探险队前往该地,发现了一艘巨大的外星船舰,卡尔-托巴(Khar-Toba,最初的城市)。在“卡尔-托巴”之中他们找到了一样改变库申人未来的东西:一块人工雕琢出的石块,上面刻画著粗略的银河。在一条旋臂上的小点明显代表著卡拉克;有一条线将这个点连接到银河内环区的另一个点上,上面标示著比基斯的历史更为古老的字样: 《希格拉(Hiigara)》…家园(Hiigara...Our home) 几乎全部的基斯都团结在一起,为了回到它们真正的家园、找出他们离乡背景的理由而奋斗。没有一个卡拉克人知道他们的旅程上会遇到什么,所以最后决定要建造一艘万能的船舰。这造就了所谓的“母舰”,名唤“希格拉之耀”,一艘长3.4公里[1],需要六十年来建造的巨舰,不但是科技与工程上的大跃进,也耗尽了卡拉克上的天然资源。六十万名移民将以冷冻睡眠的方式度踏上旅程;粒子物理学上的进步让造船厂能够将小行星分解成原子等级的材料,用以建造船舰。舰桥人员将由卡拉克最好的技术员、导航员、外交人员、以及科学家日以继夜的轮值。由於无法研发出足以协调这些工作的电脑,一名年轻的女神经机械学家卡伦·斯叶特(Karan S'jet)将他自己的身体整合进母舰的系统,作为母舰的活体电脑核心。她现在是舰队指挥。 玩家由游戏开场影片(由手工绘制的黑白图片交织而成的动画)以及包含许多更深入细节的游戏手册中得到这些资讯。游戏从母舰启航开始进行。 2.2.2故事内容泰坦母舰注意:下文记有作品情节、结局或其他相关内容,可能降低欣赏原作时的兴致。 在母舰离开后,卡拉克遭到泰坦帝国的攻击,这个跨越许多星系、占领1/4个银河系的帝国现在不但控制著希格拉,更全力阻挠库申人取回他们的家园。残存在卡拉克地表数以百万计的居民被大气燃烧武器毁灭。母舰无法挽回这场浩劫,但誓言将对泰坦舰队复仇。 很快的,库申遗民遭遇到了本图西(Bentushi)人,他们是一群善良的商人,愿意提供科技与资讯。他们也遭遇到了侵扰贸易路径千年的凶狠海盗图拉尼海盗(Turanic Raider),以及将所居的大星云视为圣地的卡德 TVB剧情网 在线观看: http://www.tvbjq.com/

B. 专题片解说词用英文怎么说

Shenzhen Lighting Technology Co., Ltd under China Flower Adornment Sutra of Hui Neng Group, is a focus on LED lights and LED lights tunnel research and development, proction, sales and service as one of high technology enterprises.
Faith based, innovation and Zhi Yuan. Hua Hui Neng that confidence is always the key to the success of the first, the company adhere to the promotion of green lighting, the promotion of sustainable development objectives for the enterprise, with strong technical force, advanced proction equipment, strict quality management, standing in the LED lighting instry .
Hua Hui Neng Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. has a strong R & D team, in the "excellence, high quality" concept under the guidance of the procts developed with the times, the company launched proction of LED lamps and tunnel lamps series adopt international advanced Seoul, Korea LED light source, the proct of high energy, long life, no maintenance, saving more than 90% compared to ordinary incandescent lamps, high pressure sodium, compared with 60% -75% energy saving, the service life of up to 10 years, and non-toxic harmless, green. With the concept of advance technology and quality procts have a number of technical certification and Honor.
Hua Hui Neng believe that talent is a strategic resource development, talent cultivation and management, adherence to the "people-oriented" management philosophy, cultivate a group of high-quality, professional, knowledgeable of the elite force.
In addition, the Group also owns Hua Yan, Shenzhen, China Yanhui Hai Electronics Co., Ltd.; Shenzhen Hua Hui may Technology Co., Ltd., Hua Yan Science and Technology (Hong Kong) Limited and a number of subsidiary entities, including Shenzhen, China Yanhui Hai Electronic Co., Ltd. is a proction of high precision, high-density double-sided and multilayer printed circuit board of the professional manufacturers, the company since its inception to market-oriented, technology guidance, professional development and proction of electronic procts, procts widely used in communications, digital, computer, instrumentation, automotive, appliance, and other high-tech electronics, digital control machine tools, sold to Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, Europe, the United States and other countries and regions, and obtained the unanimous approval of customer service, sales increased year by year, 2010 expected to reach annual sales of 300 million yuan.
Chi When the deposit lofty, infinite beyond forever! In this era of intense change, Hua Yan Renyong to take on the responsibility of a forerunner to the spirit of innovation and development of the Survey in the online world to forge ahead to the future development of the business vision of serving the customer.
Miles sky, the vastness, Huayan Group, will the turmoil in the new economic tide in the wind and waves, splashing into the water 3000!

C. 用英文介绍一部英文电影,加翻译

hello,everyone.i will introce a film“Kung Fu Panda”(功夫熊猫)The panda is very cute, funny and humorous. And he dreams to be a Master and he realizes it finally.But the process is very hard. There are other animals in the cartoon played some small roles such as tiger, monkey, crane and so on. They are also strong and fight for justice. i like this movie wery much.It encouages me to study hard like the panda then my dream will come true finally.i also hope that everyone could study hard like me.so all of us can be better.


D. 电影《HOME》的中英文解说词


E. 求国家形象宣传片的英语解说词

In Octorber 2003, the first Chinese citizen saw his homeland from outer space, and the mythology and dreams of thousands of years, became a reality. Our songs of how the earth is our garden and our pride in surviving our long history suddeny became more vivid and clear.
Who are the Chinese? What makes us who we are? But even before this momentous chapter in our history, Chinese people have always regarded themselves from multi facets and angles. Is tradition a burden, or kind of driving force for development? Do we take our culture heritage too seriously, or not seriously enough? Do you see conflict or fusion, or visions of the future.

Chapter 1 Opening the Door with Confidence
第一章 开放而有自信
In 1979,China opened the biggest window in the world to the outside, and China suddenly dazzled people of panarama with the panorama of change. Some may argue that unde such a huge material and mental stimulation, it would be hard to maintain equilibrium.
In my mind, China is a country that has very strong inclusiveness.……
She is a country with rich culture……
She has a long history, but also changes everyday……
But after 30 years, the world has seen how much China's profound history and culture ascent has given, leave us the flexibility and unity when facing fast transformation.
(龙永图 WTO谈判中国首席代表):加入世贸以后,整个国力的增强使得中国更加的自信,也更加开放了。
(Long Yongtu China's WTO accession negotiations Chief Expert):After China's accession to the WTO, Chinese people are getting more and more confident because of increasing national strength.
Oberservers must admit in its meeting with the world, China has preserved its own special character. 30 years opening has been a time of bravely facing the new and stepping forward on a path of our own choosing. Several respected international reports bring us No.1 in terms of public confidence in the future. Is this confidence underpined by GDP growth, or thousands of years of culture, or the efforts of many millions of people? We believe China will deliver an answer before too long.
Chapter 2 Growth with Sustainability 增长而能持续早在两千多年前,中国的哲人孟子就提出了,不要过度捕捞鱼虾,这样才可以不断得到鱼虾。要按严格的时令进山伐木,这样才能有利于森林的生长。这类思想,如今被称为循环经济。
Over two thousand years ago, the great Chinese philosopher Mencius observed the refraining of overfishing will ensure fishing last forever. And also cutting woods according to seasons ensures healthier forest. Such century with all the wisdom now goes by the name sustainable development.在今天的中国,你可以看见GDP的增长,收入的增长,甚至梦想的增长。也可以看见更多人享受着教育的增长。

F. 一部英语电影的英文介绍和经典台词


After winning a trip on the RMS Titanic ring a dockside card game, American Jack Dawson spots the society girl Rose DeWitt Bukater who is on her way to Philadelphia to marry her rich snob fiance Cal Hockley. Rose feels helplessly trapped by her situation and makes her way to the aft deck and thinks of suicide until she is rescued by Jack. Cal is therefore obliged to invite Jack to dine at their first-class table where he suffers through the slights of his snobbish hosts. In return, he spirits Rose off to third class for an evening of dancing, giving her the time of her life. Deciding to forsake her intended future all together, Rose asks Jack, who has made his living making sketches on the streets of Paris, to draw her in the nude wearing the invaluable blue diamond Cal has given her. Cal finds out and has Jack locked away. Soon afterwards, the ship hits an iceberg and Rose must find Jack while both must run from Cal even as the ship sinks deeper into the freezing water.

Proction Status: Released

Logline: A young man and woman from different social classes fall in love aboard the ill-fated voyage.

Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama and Romance

Running Time: 3 hrs. 17 min.

Release Date: December 19, 1997

MPAA Rating: PG-13 for disaster related peril and violence, nudity, sensuality and brief language.

Distributors: Paramount Pictures

Proction Co.: Lightstorm Entertainment

Studios: 20th Century Fox, Paramount Pictures

U.S. Box Office: $600,743,440

Filming Locations: Rosarito, Mexico
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Los Angeles, California, USA
United Kingdom

Proced in: United States

Rose: Jack, this is impossible. I can't see you.

Rose: Jack,这不可能,我看不到你。

Jack: Rose, you're no picnic... you're a spoiled brat even, but under that you're a strong, pure heart, and you're the most amazing astounding girl I've ever known and…

Jack: Rose,你并不是在野餐。好了,被宠坏的孩子,但是你有坚强而纯洁的心灵,你是我见过的最令人吃惊的女孩……

Rose: Jack I…

Rose: Jack,我……

Jack: No wait. Let me try to get this out. You're amazing... and I know I have nothing to offer you, Rose. I know that. But I'm involved now. You jump, I jump, remember? I can't turn away without knowing you're going to be alright.

Jack: 等等。让我把话说完。你是那么吸引我……我知道我并没有什么可以给你,Rose,我知道。但是我应经爱上你了。你跳,我就跳,记得吗?我不能就这样离开,不知道你是否平安。

Rose: You're making this very hard. I'll be fine. Really.

Rose: 你把事情弄得复杂了。我会好起来的。真的。

Jack: I don't think so. They've got you in a glass jar like some butterfly, and you're going to die it you don't break out. Maybe not right away, cause you're strong. But sooner or later the fire in you is going to go out.

Jack: 我不这么想。你像被他们放在玻璃罐中的蝴蝶一样,你会力竭而亡。也许不是马上, 因为你很坚强。但是这是早晚的事。

Rose: It's not up to you to save me, Jack.

Rose: 我不能靠你来救我,Jack。

Jack: You're right. Only you can do that.

Jack: 对。只有你自己能救自己。

Rose: I have to go back, they'll miss me. Please, Jack, for both our sakes, leave me alone.

Rose: 我得回去了,他们会挂念我的。Jack,请让我单独待着,这样对我们都好

1.Outwardly, I was everything a well-brought up girl should be. Inside, I was screaming.
2.We’re the luckiest sons-of-*es in the world.
3.There is nothing I couldn’t give you, there is nothing I would deny you, if you would not deny me. Open you’re heart to me.
4.What the purpose of university is to find a suitable husband.

5.Remember, they love money, so just pretend like you own a goldmine and you’re in the club.
6.All life is a game of luck.
7.I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what’s going to happen, or who I’m going to meet, where I’m going to wind up.
8.I figure life is a gift and I don’t intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you’re going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you.
9.To make each day count.
要让每一天都有所值。(※I like this one )
10.We’re women. Our choices are never easy.
11.You jump, I jump. (another touching sentence)
12.Will you give us a chance to live?

13.God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death. Neither shall there be sorrow or dying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former world has passed away.
14.You’re going to get out of here. You’re going to go on and you’re going to make lots of babies and you’re going to watch them grow and you’re going to die an old, an old lady, warm in your bed. Not here. Not this night. Not like this.

G. 谁能把电影《2012》里面的疯子查理做的那段FLASH的解说词告诉我(中英文版都可以)






























H. 英文电影的英语介绍

我在英文赏析课上老师介绍的 非常适合高中生看
I don’t know for sure whether it is the cold or the movie that kept me tossing and turning in bed, but one thing is certain: many scattered fragments of the movie again and again flashed in my mind. My cell phone read 4:16 am at that time, but I was not sleepy at all. So I decided to get up and write something.
"The Pursuit of Happyness" -- the title comes from a misspelled schoolhouse mural -- has a lot on its mind but mostly this: If America is about the promise of bettering oneself, why does it have to be so freaking hard? In the movie, Jefferson's Declaration of Independence words about happiness kept recurring to Chris Gardner. Every day, Christ had to work hard from morning till night, but still could hardly make a living. Chris saw a bunch of suits, mostly male, pouring out of the Dean Witter Reynolds brokerage firm in downtown San Francisco. They all looked “happy,” “Why not me? “ Christ wondered. He did have an adorable boy, Christopher, but wife Linda was becoming a scarecrow of overworked anxiety. Finally, his wife left Christ because of life pressure, leaving him and her five-year-old son, Christopher. And naturally, Christ became a single father.
With the failure of his business, Christ had no money to pay for the rent, so they were driven away from the flat. They became homeless. They slept in asylum, subway station public bathroom or anywhere as a temporary shelter. The destitution of life was absolutely depressing, but for his son’s future, for his own belief, Christ never gave up and he still strongly believed that happiness would come one day if he worked hard enough today.
With his great efforts, Christ won a six-month internship at Dean Witter, but there was no pay at all. So on one hand, Christ had to work hard to make a living; on the other hand, he had to fight for his intern work, since only one of the twenty interns would succeed finally. Besides, he had to take good care of his son after day care. However, Christ made it with his amazing willpower.
Christ was unfortunate, for he got a wife who was not understandable at all (though she has her own difficulties) and was in bad luck with his business. But he was very fortunate also, for he got a son who was very thoughtful and, I think, tough life experiences always make a great person.

It is said that this movie is inspired by a true story, and I want to say, this movie does inspire me a lot. What impressed me most are: Christ’s wife left him because of life pressure; Christ’s love to his son and Christ’s strong belief towards life. Through these, I know that it is not easy to be a good husband and a good Papa, since in reality, only love cannot only make everything. And I also learn that one has to strongly believe in himself, no matter how difficult the situation is, but of course, hard-working is indispensable.
这绝对是一部经典的电影 但是有点长 所以我把中文意思也给你 你可以依照自己的喜好节选
《阿甘正传》影评 英文中文对照版
<Forrest Gump> Film review
Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!
In the contention of the best picture of the 67th Oscar Award in 1995, film <Forrest Gump> Have got six Grand Prixes , such as the best picture , the best actor , the best achievement in directing , adapting drama , the best achievement in film editing and the best visual effect bestly ,etc. at one blow . The film was passed to a intellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of U.S.A.'s life, important incident of social political life make and represent to these decades such as U.S.A. from one unique angle. Film adapt Winston · novel of the same name of Groom since. Only the original work is that one is full of fantastic novels with a satiric flavour, but the film modifies and beautifies the story. Have abandoned the absurdity of the original work and revealed that satirizes meaning , have added a kind of tender feeling for the film. This undoubtedly makes the film suit audience and judging panel's taste even more, but has sacrificed the struggle spirit of the rebel of the original work , make the film become one kind and idealize ethical symbol .
Forrest Gump mould incarnation of virtue is honest keeping one's word , conscientiously , brave paying attention to emotioning among film. In the film, Forrest Gump is a very pure image, but Jenny has become the degenerate symbol . And write the great discrepancy originally in this. To all that narrated, since beginning all behave with a kind of tender feeling and well-meaning attitude after all for the film, having even joined poesy composition, this makes the film seem soft and have no injury. The film advocates to traditional moral concept and embodiment. Make film apt to accept by people, director superb lay out skill and film application of language make the film very attractive too. Success with commercial for film content of the film has given security, and the treatment on director's art makes the film more excellent, this is reason that the film succeeds. It was the box-office hits the most in that year to become U.S.A. in < Forrest Gump>.
Tom · Hanks very much sincere naturally performance having among film. He has obtained the laurel of the best actor of Oscar for the behavior in this film. This second movie emperor's money already whom he obtained in succession looks like. Success of < Forrest Gump>, make Tom Hanks become one of the most popular movie stars in Hollywood too. To Tom Hanks, those two years are the luckiest period of time in his performing art careers .
阿甘是一个出生很不幸的人,通常人们总是认为这种人不能成功, 在做任何事情过程中。 但是,相反,这个不幸的人已经取得许多难以置信的成功,他是一个足球明星,一名战争英雄和一个百万富翁!

So what's your choice between being a common person or a hero with people's respects? Most people will choose the latter. But what will be your choice if the cost is laying your lover among the risks? What will it be if the cost is you can never tell the girl, who you love so much, that you love her? The spider man had this contradiction. But finally he still chose the latter, not in order to be a hero, but to make this word peaceful.
I was so moved by the words the Aunt Mary said:
You will never guess what he wants to be, the spider man. He knows the hero when he sees one, too a few characters out there, flying all around out there, saving old girls like me. Lord knows kids like Henry need hero courageous, sacrificing for people, setting examples for all of us. Everybody loves a hero. People enthrone them, cheer them, scream their names and years later they will tell how they stood in the rain for hours just to get a glimpse the one who taught them to hold on to stand longer. I believe there is a hero in all of us. They keep us be honest, give us strength, make us noble, and finally allow us to die with proud. Ever though sometimes we have to initiatively give up the thing we want most, even our dreams. Spider man did that for Henry, so he wants to know where he is gone. He needs him.
The spider man got much from these words, so did I. And what about you? what's the hero lying in you?

Brave Heart, the winner of Oscar Prize, is about the war between England and Scotland.

But in the movie, the most important thing is not fighting. It is the pursuit of freedom that attract me most. In the age mentioned in the movie, England ruled Scotland in a cruel way. People in Scotland rebelled.

Wallace, leader of the rebellion, was a real hero. He fought bravely with his soldiers, for neither wealth nor power. What they want the most is that they could live a free life.

After long-time fighting, the rebellion was beaten down and Wallace was arrested. The ruler gave hime a last chance to confess and promised him if he did so, he might not be sentenced.

But what's Wallace's choice. At the last of his life, he abandoned the chance to survive and cried out, 'freedom'. This was the word that all people in Scotland wanted to say.

This movie is my favorite. It tells me that there is something named freedom which is more important than life

Story takes place in 1947, banker Andy because his wife was having an affair with guns to kill her and her lover, and he was accused of killing his wife and his lover, Andy Pipanwuqi resettlement sentence, which means that he will Shawn prison rest of their lives. Arie 1927 Beipanwuqi resettlement sentence for murder, were released on parole on several occasions without success. Shawn has become a prison, he is now the "authority figures", as long as you can afford to pay the money, he was almost there are ways to be made into anything you want: cigarettes, candy, wine, and even marijuana. Whenever a new prisoner comes, everyone who bet on the first night crying. Arie that the fragile, bookish Andy will cry when the foot a result, Andy's silence so that he lost a four-pack of cigarettes. But also to make Arui him a new light.

Since a long time, Andy is not, and any human contact, while everyone complained about the same time, he was in the yard is a leisurely stroll, as the same as in the park. A month later, Andy please Arui to help him carry out the first thing a small pickaxe, he explained that he would like carving some small things to while away the time, and said that he think of ways to escape the prison The routine inspection. Soon, Arie went on to play Andy carved chess. After Andy has carried out for a Rita. Haihua wire attached to a huge poster of the cell wall.

Time, Andy and the other prisoners out of several labor, he inadvertently heard the prison officer in the taxed talk about things. Andy said he had an approach could allow prison officials to legally remove to a large tax, as the exchange, he was a friend more than a dozen inmates each win two bottles of Tiger beer. Drinking beer, Arie said that over the years, he first felt the sense of freedom.

As Andy proficient in the knowledge of the financial system, and soon made him out of prison and heavy physical labor, and other abnormal prisoners harassment. Soon, Andy notorious for an increasing number of prison guards began to deal with tax issues, and even children's ecational problems came to him for advice. At the same time Andy has also graally become warden warden Shawn important tool for money laundering. As Andy wrote to the governor constantly, and finally to the prison for a small amount of money for the prison library building. Prison life is very flat to talk about, and always want their own to find some things to do. Andy heard the original Arie liked Chuikou Qin, she bought one given to him. After the dead of night, you can hear the melodious sound of the harmonica a slight echoed in prison.

The arrival of a young prisoner Andy broke the quiet life in prison: the inmates at another prison before, when heard Andy's case, he knew who the murderers! But when Andy request to the governor to re-try the case, they were met with refusal, and has been in solitary confinement for two months severely punished. Andy in order to prevent the release of the design at the prison killed an insider!

Face the harsh reality, Andy became very depressed ... ... One day, he Arie said: "If one day you will receive parole, be sure to go somewhere for me to complete a wish. It was the first time I and his wife dating place, to where the big oak tree g up under a box. that when a you know what it is. "That night, wind and rain, thunder rang out, has been the success of the soul salvation Andy Jailbreak .

The original two decades, Andy every day with that the little pickaxe to dig holes and then use the posters will cover the hole. Andy after his release, took the part of black money kept by the warden and the warden was denounced corruption of the truth. Governor kept a small account book in its own coffers to see is Andy left a Bible, placed inside the hollowed out part of the ground into a round that put nearly a mattock.

Arie was released, he found a box under the oak in cash, two old friends finally sunny beach in Mexico, a reunion.








大哥看我给你介绍的这么多的份上 您采纳我吧 感激不尽

I. 哪个英语高手能翻译麦迪时刻(35秒13分)的现场解说词啊英文的~谢谢了!!

在比赛结束前不到一分钟时,火箭在落后10分,麦蒂突破后抛投篮不中,但姚明在第一时间直接将球补扣入网,2秒钟后,马刺队传球被帕吉特断球,后者直接扣篮得分,在几秒中内一下追上4分,此时时间已经不多了,火箭队被迫采取犯规战术,对方的布朗2罚全中,差距又拉到了8分。时间还剩44.2秒时,麦蒂的表演开始了,先是运球到前场直接出手投中3分,几乎没有任何准备动作。然后犯规战术,对方2罚又是全中。但麦蒂又投中了不可思议的一球,他和姚明做了一个掩护后,引诱邓肯对他犯规,并且在下落过程中投出3分,球进了,再加罚一次,打4分成功。紧跟着又是犯规战术,对方邓肯又是2罚全中,时间只剩16秒了,火箭队险些发不出球来,关键时刻,还是麦蒂接住了难度极大的传球,然后在有防守专家鲍文面前再次三分命中,这时马刺队慌了手脚,他们叫了最后一次暂停,然后准备发前场球,暂停时间到,姚明防守发球的人发球后,球到了传到布朗手里,他运球冲进火箭队的内线,但他摔倒了,麦蒂迅速拿起地上的球,直冲前场,在左侧三分线附近再次投出三分,并再次命中。此时时间只1.7秒,帕克从后场运球到前场三分出手不中,比赛结束,火箭神奇般的以81-80战胜马刺。 具体经过:1.最后这一分钟属于麦迪,这一刻他就是那上帝..... 终场52秒,麦迪突破上篮不中,姚明抢到篮板直接空中补扣中的,拉开了火箭队反击的序幕(74-66)2.之后帕吉特机警的断下帕克给邓肯的传球,扣篮得手(74-68)3.马刺暂停,后麦迪犯规由布朗两罚全中麦迪时刻到,他全场运球后镇定自若的投中了他匪夷所思的第一记三分球(76-71)4.苏拉犯规,布朗继续两罚全中,麦迪运球前场,利用姚明的挡拆绕过鲍文,再假动作骗起邓肯,顺势投篮,球不可思议的再中并加罚命中.....(78-75)5.帕吉特向邓肯犯规,后者也难得的两罚全中.火箭的暂停麦迪很困难的勉强接到巴雷特的传球,运球至三分线外面对紧逼的鲍文再次飚中三分!!(80-78)6.马刺暂停,布朗接球后运球,并于底线附近姚明面前卧倒,麦迪迅速拣下球,持球疾奔,在终场前一秒外线再次三分命中!!!!进球后的麦迪用力挥舞拳头怒吼,少有的镜头... (80-81)7.尾声:帕克飞奔前场一记不着边际的大号三分.功臣被众人压在身下.8.全场观众吼叫重温麦迪时刻35秒13分,连中四个三分球,其中包括一个打四分成功。麦蒂完成了不可能完成的任务,神奇的麦蒂时刻就此诞生。虽然如今的麦蒂遇到了很大的麻烦 但希望球迷们依旧那么支持他 他始终是那个火箭1号 祝麦蒂早日找回那个神奇的自己!麦迪时刻的具体日期是2004年12月10日,最后33.5秒砍下13分(4个三分球/一个加罚球),率队在最后时刻大翻盘掀翻强敌马刺,在如此短的时间如此大量的连续得分被成为奇迹也不过分。在场的姚明赛后评论:这样的比赛换别人来打200年一场,T-MAC来50年一场。言论:波波维奇:你眼睁睁的看着他把刀子捅进你心窝,可你根本对此无能为力。麦迪:提前退场的观众,你们错过了一场伟大的比赛。“我们得以第一手地感受到他之所以是这个世界上最伟大球员之一的原因,”火箭后卫苏拉叹道:“他竟然将我们从那样的绝境中拉了出来,真是神奇,令人难以置信。”鲍恩也表示:“太狂野了,看着麦蒂那样将球送进篮圈真是奇妙的感觉,他投中了一两个后我们开始想‘我们是否能将比分追近点?’也许当时每个人都是那样想的:‘至少我们能让比赛看上去不那么难看。’但麦蒂有不同的想法,他想为我们赢得胜利,这真是神奇。”波波维奇恼羞成怒地回答道:“我怎么知道为什么会这样?!麦蒂的手太烫了,他是个出色的家伙,想让比赛结局变成这样,他们必须做到很多事才行(他们竟然做到了)。我们最后时刻有许多糟糕的表现,但麦蒂的表现也确实伟大。”麦蒂赛后回忆道:“老兄,老实说我以前还真的没试过这种事,我当时怎么想的?我想的是‘别放弃,我只需要把球投出去,当他们开球的时候争取把球断下来。如果断不下再用犯规战术让他们上罚球线。’”以下是04年12月10日NBA.COM的首页新闻McGrady scored 13 of his 33 points in the final 35 seconds, including a game-winning 3-pointer with 1.7 seconds remaining as the Rockets snapped a seven-game slide against the San Antonio Spurs with an 81-80 triumph at the Toyota Center."We got a miracle," Houston coach Jeff Van Gundy said. "You need miracles over the course of a season."

J. 人类的历史就是一部战争史一部 电影的解说词英文的开头有一只鹰飞过是什么电影啊有下载的地址吗


你看的是那个 阿里巴巴的广告吧



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