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发布时间:2023-01-02 11:40:34

㈠ 初一 英语电影观后感 50词(需要2篇)!

Yesterday I watched an action movie with my best frend.The movie was great ,we were very happy it made us laugh.At last we were so happy that we didn't want go home.Afer that ,we watched another action movie.



㈡ 英语电影观后感200字

英语电影观后感200字,关于 英语原声电影观后感 ,下面我为你带来 看英语电影写观后感 ,欢迎阅读参考,谢谢!


This film is based on a true story . That happened in Japan in 1935.So I was moved by the spirit of Hachi!

No one has the ability to show his love to only one person ring his whole life, let alone make friends with only one person; have the food that never changes year by year; do the same damn thing without complaining and consciousness of exhaustion.

We can’t! However, what we could learn from Hachi is that we should never forget the one we once loved.

In fact , some research and statistics prove that pets are more sensitive in human’s diseases than we do. Hachi fetched that ball because he knew that his master would die because of his heart disease. It’s his only way to hold him back .

Hachi has been waiting in the weeds, waiting for his only fellow to walk him home. His hope has been floating in the breeze, carrying his loneliness and misery all above the ground. Maybe professor knows, but he could never come back.


I have never seen such an amazing film since I saw The Shawshank Redemption. Shawshank encompasses friendships, hardships, hopes, and dreams. And what is so great about the movie is that it moves you, it gives you hope.

Even though the circumstances between the characters and the viewers are quite different, you don't feel that far removed from what the characters are going through.

It is a simple film, yet it has an everlasting message. Frank Darabont didn't need to put any kind of outlandish special effects to get us to love this film, the narration and the acting does that for him.

Why this movie didn't win all seven Oscars is beyond me, but don't let that sway you to not see this film, let its ranking on the IMDb's top 250 list sway you, let your friends recommendation about the movie sway you.

Set aside a little over two hours tonight and rent this movie. You will finally understand what everyone is talking about and you will understand why this is my all time favorite movie.


Avatar is one of the movies which I enjoyed best。

Not only the 3D effect, but also the scenario shocked me very deeply。

Because of my first 3D movie watching experience, the view from movie abstracted me at the beginning of the film。

The people, the tree ,the tank and other things in the movie are so real that I afraid something hurt me if I don't have my attention。

What I learn from the scenario is that if people want to get along well with others, they should learn from the others, understand the others then when they make decision, they should put themselves into other's position

㈢ home纪录片观后感


在网络搜索“环保 纪录片 震撼”,发现很多人推荐《家园》(HOME),并形容其为“唯美”“震撼”“或许是纪录片拍摄的极限”,将信将疑,找了个带中英文字幕的DOWN下来一看,果然被雷倒了:首先是构图,每一幅图都是精品;其次是配音,英文发音特别纯正浑厚;第三是配乐,女高音直达灵魂的深处。另外,本片以地球的发展史为主线,脉络清晰,从四十亿年前地球也即太阳系的诞生说起,一直谈到近20万年人类的诞生,继承了地球40亿年的丰富遗产,却在最近的50年内让地球失去了它精妙的平衡;本片解说词切中要害,饱含对地球的热爱以及地球遭受破坏的感伤。影片最后介绍了一些政府及非政府组织在环保方面的举措。放在家里52寸的液晶电视上观看效果很好。其中有说西伯利亚的永久冻土带已经遭受温室效应的影响,永久冻土已经不再“永久”,而且,冻土下面的甲烷正在并即将大量释放,而甲烷的温室效应是二氧化碳的20倍!整个地球处在一个临界状态,人类正在遭遇一个不可知的未来。热爱地球,关注环保,要悲观已经太晚,行动起来,从素食、节俭开始!(想想52寸的液晶电视、笔记本电脑都是不环保的呀L)



《Home》(中文译名:家园 / 地球很美有赖你 / 卢贝松之抢救地球)是一部法国制作的非盈利影片,于2009年6月5日世界环境日首播,并在全世界超过100个国家和地区通过电影、电视、DVD和互联网同步公映发行。而我刚好碰上了明珠台在香港地区的电视首播。

《Home》的导演是著名法国摄影师、生态学家、环境保护者Yann Arthus-Bertrand (扬·阿尔蒂斯-贝特朗),Yann Arthus-Bertrand专门从事空中摄影已超过30年,极具声望。他的空中摄影作品集《Earth from Above(空中看地球)》被翻译成24种语言,销售量超过3百万册;同名的免费摄影展在全球110个城市展出,观众达1.2亿人次。而《Home》便是Yann Arthus-Bertrand 30年空中摄影和环保工作的一次动态精华荟萃。法国著名导演吕克·贝松 ( Luc Besson, 《这个杀手不太冷》、《第五元素》导演) 则担任《Home》的制片。

整部影片拍摄时间跨度18个月(在上海的镜头中可以看到建设中和完成后的`"环球金融中心"),共计217天穿越54个国家120个拍摄点,使用装在直升机上的Cineflex高清摄影机拍摄了733盘录相带,样片总长488小时。影片拍摄得到巴黎春天集团(Printemps-Pinault-Redoute)1000万欧元的资助以及许多著名品牌的赞助,包括YSL, Gucci, Boucheron, Ellos, SomeWhere, Stella McCartney, Avenue, Alexander McQueen, Bottega Veneta, Sergio Rossi, Puma等。

让影片增色不少的电影配乐,是由法国著名作曲家Armand Amar创作,并由布达佩斯交响乐团和上海音乐学院打击乐团演绎。影片音乐中融汇了蒙古、亚美尼亚、伊朗等国的吟唱和器乐,使影片犹如冥想般舒缓又带着淡淡的哀伤,以另一种方式,传达了对地球家园现状的不安及深切怜爱之情。

我们居住的这个蓝色星球已经存在了45亿年,她孕育出来的万千物种长期一直相互依存。但只有20万年历史的人类,却快速掌控了这个星球并为所欲为,过度索取资源,打破了亿万年来的固有生态平衡。在《Home》里面,我们了解到:为了满足日益增长的食物需要,全球一半的谷物用于饲养提供肉类的牲口,生产1公斤牛肉就需要消耗1万3千升的水;为了生产纸浆而砍伐原始森林大量种植桉树,生物的多样性被人为破坏,快速生长的桉树,抽干了地下的水分,快速消耗地球的资源。 过去50年,人类对地球的改变,比前面20万年还要多,令这个美丽的蓝星球千疮百孔:大河断流,资源枯竭;冰川冰冠快速减少,气温上升,气候反常;森林消失,物种灭绝......

* 20%的世界人口消耗了80%的地球资源

* 全球军费开支多于援助发展中国家经费的12倍

* 每天有5千人死于受污染的食水,10亿人没有干净的饮用水

* 10亿人在饱受饥饿

* 全球超过50%销售的谷物用于喂食牲口与生化燃料上

* 全球40%耕地质量下降

* 每年有1300万公顷的林地给毁灭

* 1/4的哺乳动物、1/8的鸟类、1/3的两栖动物濒临绝种,生物品种的死亡率快于自然速度1000倍

* 75%的渔产品已耗尽或面临耗尽

* 过去15年的平均温度是有纪录以来的最高

* 冰冠的厚度40年来减少了40%

* 到2050年,可能导致多达2亿的气候难民




㈣ 观后感的英文怎么说怎么写



impressions of after reading;


1.《老人与海》 我读了美国著名作家海明威的小说《老人与海》,十分佩服小说中老渔夫的意志,他让我懂得了一个人一定要有坚持不懈的精神,才能获得成功。 小说描写的是一个年近六旬的老渔夫,在一次单身出海打鱼时,钓到了一条大鱼,却拉不上来。老渔夫同鱼周旋了几天后,才发现这是一条超过自己渔船数倍的大马林鱼,虽然明知很难取胜,但仍不放弃。后来又因大马林鱼伤口上的鱼腥味引来了几群鲨鱼抢食,但老人仍不愿就这样放弃,最终突出重围,将大鱼带回了渔港,让其他渔夫佩服不已。

I read a famous American writer Ernest Hemingway's novel "the old man and the sea", very admire kept the will of the novel, he let me know how a man must have perseverance, can succeed. The man is a novel depicts a near the old fisherman, in a single out to sea fishing, caught a big fish, but pull not up. The old fisherman al with fish after a few days, found that this is a more than his several times as big marlin fishing boats, although knowing is hard to win, but still don't give up. Later and because the big marlin wound fish smell drew a few group of sharks rob food, but the old man still would not so give up, eventually beckoning, the big fish back to the fishing port, let the other fishermen

2.《to 童年admire. 》 这本书是作者真实生活的写照,高尔基根据自己的亲身经历,再现了黑暗统治下的孩子从觉醒到长大的苦难历程。阿廖沙是一个悲惨、可怜的小孩,他的童年是在外祖父家度过的,他的生活可不像我们现在这样幸福,充满阳光和爱。他的外祖父性情暴躁,贪婪、自私;两个舅舅也很自私、粗暴,这些都在年幼的阿 廖沙的心里留下了深深的烙印。这本书让我了解到了当时沙皇统治时期的困苦生活,让我知道了现在的美好生活的来之不易。我们要珍惜现在的幸福生活,热爱生活,努力学习,用自己的能力和智慧把这个世界建设得更加美好。

This book is the real portraiture of life, golgi according to own experience, emersion the children of dark rule from awakening to the suffering of the course grew up. Allyson is a tragic, poor child, his childhood was spent in my grandfather home, his life is not like we do now happiness, full of light and love. His grandfather cranky and greed, selfish; Two uncle is very selfish, rough, these are young allyson heart left a deep imprint. This book let I learned the czar was ring the reign of the poor life, let me know the better life now the hard-won. We should cherish the happiness of life, love of life, study hard, with their own ability and wisdom to the world ?

3.《海底两万里》 这几天,我看了一本《海底两万里》,这本书非常有意思。其中,我被《海底两万里》中的冰山这一节内容深深打动了。 他们在南极地区航行,在回来的路上,不幸被冰山困住,但他们用自己的智慧拯救了自己的生命。 多么惊心动魄的一刻啊!想想他们,在危险的情况下,他们头脑清醒,用智慧战胜了困难。那我呢?我从小到大都很胆小,而且在困难来临的时候没有勇气去面对、去战胜它。而《海底两万里》给了我一些勇气,我应该学习他们的那种不畏艰险的精神!《海底两万里》虽然只是一本冒险小说,但它却给了我许多的勇气,它让我勇敢地去面对现实,不能胆小怕事!

These days, I read a book "the two miles", this book is very interesting. Among them, I was the submarine two miles of the tip this section content deeply moved. They in the Antarctic voyage, on my way back, unfortunate tip trapped, but they use their wisdom to save his own life. How thrilling moment! Think about them, in dangerous situation, they your head, with wisdom victory over the difficulties. What about me? My whole life is very timid, and in difficult comes no courage to face, to overcome it. The submarine two miles "gave me some courage, I should study they the sort of any difficulty spirit! "The two miles" although just a adventure stories, but it gave

4.《假如给我三天光明》 《假如给我三天光明》这本书记录的是海伦.凯勒一生的事。书中感人心腑的故事,总是在我受到困难和挫折是鼓励我,不要后退。海伦.凯勒从小就失去了听觉、视觉和甜美的声音。她也曾因自己的缺陷而放弃过,可她又很快振作起来。在莎莉文老师的帮助下,凭着超人的毅力,不但学会了说话,还学会了五种语言文字!她一生熬过了八十七个无声、无语、无光的孤独岁月!一个人只要胸怀大志,并不懈向着目标努力奋斗,就不会被一些客观条件束缚,你就会拥有无限的力量去实现它!坚贞不屈、不断进取的精神是海伦.凯勒所拥有的,我们——祖国的接班人更应该拥有这种美好的精神品质!

"If three days to see" the book of records is Helen. Keller of life. In the heart of the book moving heart-sweetening story, I was always in difficulties and frustrations is to encourage me, don't back. Helen. Keller was lost his hearing, vision, and sweet voice. She also had by his own defects and given it up, but then she soon cheer up. In Sally, the help of the teacher, with superman perseverance, not only learn to talk, but also learn to five language! Her life survived the eighty-seven silent, speechless, the loneliness of light years! As long as a person ambitious, and unremitting efforts to the target, won't be some objective conditions bondage, you will have unlimited power to realize

5.it! Stood 《firm and 水unyielding, enterprising 浒spirit 传is Helen. ? 》 《水浒传》是部庞大、复杂的小说,它生动地描写、反映了梁山起义的发生,发展壮大直至起义失败的整个过程。它明确地描写出了当时起义的社会根源和原由,并成功塑造出了那些栩栩如生的起义英雄的形象,且通过他们不同的反抗道路展开了起义过程,也具体地揭示了起义失败的内在原因。英雄们走上反抗的道路,各有不同的原因和不同的情况,但是在逼上梁山这一点上,许多人是共同的.他们不满官府的剥削,受地主的掠夺和迫害起而反抗,结果被逼上山落草.勇猛地向统治阶级进行冲击.他们是从血的教训中觉醒过来的。 The marsh is large, complex of novel, it vividly, reflect the occurrence of liangshan uprising, grow until the whole process of a failed uprising. It clearly description out of the uprising was social origins and reasons why, and successful making out the lifelike uprising hero image, and through them the resistance of the different road launched uprising process, also specifically reveals the internal reasons for a failed uprising. The resistance of the heroes on road, each have a different reason and to different situations, but in revolt this point, many people are common. Their dissatisfaction with the government exploitation, the landlord's rob and persecution revolted against, the results were forced up the mountain were gone. Bravely impact to the ruling class. They were from the blood of the teaching of the awakening of the ?



What We Learned: College is basically the Middle East, only with more gunfights, racial tension and date rapes.


If there's a movie you're both interested in seeing, watch it indivially and then call each other afterward and talk about it.


What We Learned: If you bully your team's water boy he will later show up inexplicably playing for your arch rival and rupture your spleen. Also, going to class is for suckers.


On the way home after watching a ballet performance, the kindergarten teacher asked her students what they thought of it.


Again, send a link to this post.Ask them what they think.Challenge them to get creative.


Learning of tables is essential even if there is a calculator. Each child should keep a diary where they can write stories, experiences and observations.


When I found this review in our forum I had no choice but to move it to the main page.


I advised writing an article after visiting the exhibition.


His roommate, Mary, is asking him about it.


I'm looking for time to write another two films out of Feedback, and recommend to others.


What We Learned: If you follow the example set in this movie, you will end up in federal prison.


Joe Bradley: Bnd that will be the end of the fairy tale.


I have been working on records, records that every section of Guan Hougan, I would like to.


What We Learned: Follow your heart and let inspiration into your life.


Probably everyone has seen a movie at one time or another! Discover some Modern English terms for expressing your feelings about them.


If there's a movie you're both interested in seeing, watch it indivially and then call each other afterward and talk about it.


These reviews accord with and stick to universal values. Effective criticism should have humanity as its core and embody humanistic concern and the spirit of rationalism .


On the way home after watching a ballet performance, the kindergarten teacher asked her students: What they thought of it.


Other children in the beginning of the paintings simple , the teacher let Chan Kwok-Kwan Shing see Picasso and the works of masters such as Monet, and then follow with the creation Feedback.


The movie is about the Wall Street "about it."


So far, the research documents for this work are limited to the brief introction to the plot or the simple after-reading comments.


Welcome any members here who are interested in this program to post any comments , suggestions or view about this program.


The Girl with the Dragon Tatto …


A Girl's Wish On the way home after watching a ballet performance, the kindergarten teacher asked her students what they thought of it.


What We Learned: If you're trying to make your college's swim team it helps to know the Triple Lindy.

《天降食物》观后感 故事讲的内容是这样的:有一个小岛,上面的人都很喜欢吃沙丁鱼,这个小岛还是专门出产沙丁鱼的。

There is a small island, the people are very like eat sardine, the island is specialized in the manufacturing of sardine.

《天降食物》观后感 故事讲的内容是这样的:有一个小岛,上面的人都很喜欢吃沙丁鱼,这个小岛还是专门出产沙丁鱼的。

㈤ 英语电影观后感100字(以下十选八)

What can I say about Pixar? Amazing?? Perfect?? Got to see this at the Cannes Film Festival in France (went on a trip with my family) and Pixar gives us another instant classic: Up.
The movie focuses on 78-year old man Carl Fredrickson's (voiced by Edward Asner) life who always had a dream of going on a journey to South American to see the wilds of it. He buys thousands of balloons just to attach it to his house to float up in the sky. So, he starts with his journey up in the sky in his house with balloons attached to it. Suddenly, he's not alone and somebody's at the door while flying, it's a boy scout kid named Russell. He invites the boy with him on his journey to South America.
Just brilliant and simple story-telling, beautiful visuals as usual with Pixar, awesome voice work, funny and smart dialogue, beautiful score once again by Michael Giacchino & very, very enjoyable characters. Speaking of characters, the highlight of the film: Dug the Dog. A sort of "robot" dog that will have you have you in a lot of stitches each scene that dog is in and that was the case with me. Simply, one of the funniest characters Pixar ever made. Pete Doctor, one of the four Pixar directors (John Lassester, Andrew Stanton, Brad Bird) who directed Monster's Inc (2001) needs and should get nominated for his clever, genius and smart directing of this but if Stanton didn't get the nods for (Finding Nemo and WALL-E) and Bird for (The Incredibles & Ratatouille) which they should of been, then the Oscars are making another HUGE mistake for not nominating this guy for this movie.
Up is the funniest Pixar movie, funnier than the Toy Story movies, A Bug's Life & Finding Nemo which were the funniest, in my opinion. The movie is not just hilarious, it's emotional and sad at times. Like WALL-E, it focuses on the character feelings but not as magical as WALL-E. Still, Up is full of emotional, fun and hilarious proportions. Your in for a BIG ride in this!!
"Ice" the set begins with a bird veteran "Cock wire" squirrel Scrat caused by the mainland split, then began a mammoth Manny, saber-toothed tiger Diego, sloth Sid iron triangle and their kind are The family set adventure funny journey ...
Cock wire squirrel photographed much, but it will be earth-shattering, full of a "engage in engage in the array" guy, its motive is pure, nothing more than just pine cones, never thought of the enormous impact of their behavior, resulting in serious consequences, However when we disdain its behavior practices, and its specificity, adhere to the unremitting down that we can learn, as long as we see this as a family, to society, will naturally have achieved very good results.
Mammoth Manny, a big but cautious, loved his family, great play, her daughter, strict management and strict teaching: going out can not go beyond a certain range, is not free to make friends, especially the kind friends of the opposite sex, began her daughter did not understand, then after the ordeal, her daughter understand come to understand that blood is thicker than water and what is true friendship, friends, Manny is also modifications for a sterile woman thinking, in reality, the relationship of parents and children how to handle I think targeted, like father Manny and his daughter may give us much inspiration.
Saber-toothed tiger Diego, ferocious despot, the face of pirates led by the nagging wear lip monkeys, without fear that without fear, daring Hendou; However, the White Tiger Girl, second in command of piracy burnouts pitted after Heart unfortunately, gentle side that accentuates, is described as "the hero becomes a prisoner", the white tiger crush abandoned dark from the next;
Sloth Sid is, indeed, everyone bbed "the most stupid and useless" in the name, has been abandoned by their families, but it is very simple and optimistic, gregarious and live comfortably, precisely the most useless key moment will be useful, Most of us are pushovers and do their own is their home, that is, to make contributions to society;
Finally, the ultra-sprouting Sid grandmother, because the old, the same as abandoned by their families, dependencies, and Sid (Sid will not abandon their grandmother), the elderly, had happened, even if the inconstancy of human relationships, but the mentality of super- step down when the cover I play: actually the whales when the pet (take a look at, you would dare to raise, only my super Meng grandmother), and finally also done a great save everyone, the elderly, there are many place in the play of their heat ... to support his caring for the elderly

To be honest, I've never seen anyone like Forrest Gump in a movie before.Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!
Forrest Gump not only shares his innocence and purity with others, ,he also manages to retain that innocence through some very difficult times. I love Forrest that he doesn't lose his purity through the movie, or maybe he just can't ,but either way, this shows us don't need to be evil or really intelligent to be recognised or successful.
It is just a movie, so maybe it doesn't work like that in reality.A simply means is that the acting and story of this film got a high level like the real . And in my definition that's what a good movie should be able to do.

I watched Hachiko: A Dog’s Story days ago, eyes filling with tear. It’s really a fantasticly moving film.
The plot went as: A college professor (Richard Gere) took in an abandoned dog and they formed an unbreakable bond. The dog arrived daily at the correct time at the station, to meet his owner. After the professor died while away from home, the dog kept vigil waiting for his master for nearly a decade.
To wait for your love for a decade, which contains almost the whole life-time of Hachi, it’s an incredible dedication that we human beings never has. This is why the film strikes us a lot.
No one has the ability to show his love to only one person ring his whole life, let alone make friends with only one people; have the food that never changes year by year; do the same damn thing without complaining and conciousness of exhaustion. We can’t! However, what we could learn from Hachi is that we should never forget the one we once loved.
A detail in the movie catches my eyes. One day when professor was on his way to school, Hachi fetched the tennis ball as he was taught years ago. But ring the last several years, he never did like that, because to fetch a ball in this way is not his instinct. Why Hachi did so? He wants to entertain his master for more palatable food, for a hug? I’m afraid not.
Research and statistics prove that pets are more sensitive in human’s potantial deseases than us do. Hachi fetched that ball because he knew that his master is going to die because of his heart desease. It’s his only way to hold him back.
Hachi has been waiting in the weeds, waiting for his only fellow to walk him home. His hope has been floating in the breeze, carrying his loneliness and misery all above the ground. Maybe professor knows, but he could never come back.
I watched a film in computer, the film is named <Ice Princess>.
Although this is a typical commercial film, but deeply touched my heart. Only sticking to dream can we realize to it. I remember when cancy gave up Harvard, she and her mother have such a conversation:
Mother: Cancy, you can't do this, you are giving up your dream!
Cancy: No, mom, I'm giving up your dream!
See here, I understand why this movie will have so much resonance. I feel like Cancy, the parent holding her give up her's dream, but never thought about whether her wants. I admire Cancy, when she faces her mother love things, but she doesn’t like to it, she has the courage to refuse it. A dream for many people, the word may indeed just a dream, only to survive in the heart, never thought I could go for, only too much because they can not cast aside, after the failure of total fear nothing. Indeed, the cruel reality can really frustrate a person's enthusiasm. Yes, I still want to give it ago, the same as Cancy.
The film also does make my mind suddenly had a big change, I began to call upon their past, are beginning to understand the way the future. It must be my own. The need to pursue the dream of the cost, I must learn to give up a lot of other things. Thinking many times, each time hit my heart. Touched me the most is that race credits Cancy, the mother arrived at the scene that period. I think, no more than the support of parents had more power to you.Thus we should be respect our parents and persuade them support our dream, then we feel very happy.

㈥ 英语电影观后感五篇


This film tells us a story about how a mon panda bees a real dragon warrior。 这个电影为我们讲述了一个平凡的熊猫怎样成为一个真正的龙武士的。

At the beginning,the Master Shifu did not believe that the panda can be a courageous dragon warrior。


Through the panda's persistence,he win Master Shifu's acceptance。 透过熊猫坚持不懈的努力,他赢得了师傅的认可。

Master Shifu tries his best to train the panda into a real warrior according to Master Wugu's instruction。


Finally,the panda succeeded in beating their biggest enemy -----the tiger。 最终,熊猫成功的打败了他们的最大的敌人----虎。

This movie tells us that:every difficulty can be overe as long as you tried your utmost persistently。




This film is based on a true story 。 That happened in Japan in 1935。So I was moved by the spirit of Hachi!

No one has the ability to show his love to only one person ring his whole life, let alone make friends with only one person; have the food that never changes year by year; do the same damn thing without plaining and consciousness of exhaustion。 We can’t! However, what we could learn from Hachi is that we should never forget the one we once loved。

In fact , some research and statistics prove that pets are more sensitive in human’s diseases than we do。 Hachi fetched that ball because he knew that his master would die because of his heart disease。 It’s his only way to hold him back 。 Hachi has been waiting in the weeds, waiting for his only fellow to walk him home。 His hope has been floating in the breeze, carrying his loneliness and misery all above the ground。 Maybe professor knows, but he could never e back。


Ice Age 冰河世纪观后感

It’s not particularly surprising to be disappointed by any puter-animated film not bearing the Pixar logo。 In fact, until Shrek, 2001’s rollicking success, I wouldn’t have even believed it could happen。 What is surprising, is that Ice Age doesn’t even ATTEMPT to reach Pixar’s Toy Story heights, apparently content to revel in its status as Monster’s, Inc。's second rate, half wit cousin。 Ice Age is yet another “extinction for kids” movie, one of many in a long line of baby dinosaurs, pterodactyl eggs, and sympathetic cavemen。 This time, it’s the ice age, and wooly mammoths roam the earth alongside primitive man。 Strangely enough, in this early world, animals can talk, and humans cannot。 But when a group of would-be-enemies discover a lost human baby, wooly mammoth (Ray Romano), saber-toothed tiger (Dennis Leary), and giant sloth (John Leguizamo) must work along side each other in a journey to return the child to its home。

Visually, Ice Age is perhaps the poorest bit of CGI I have ever seen。

Contrasted to the beautiful constructs of Monsters, Inc。; or even the gooey, gloppy creativity of Shrek; Ice Age is nothing but badly rendered polygons and Acme animated characters。 No hint of photo-realism here。 It’s like paring a Bugs Bunny Cartoon to The Lion King。 Actually, I suspect that is exactly what the folks at Ice Age were going for。

Ice Age is really little more than a collection of silly animal gags and

Leguizamo one liners。 Some of them are even quite funny。 If that is all that we’re going for here, then I suppose I’m all for it。 But then there are these strange attempts at gut wrenching sappiness, which fall painfully flat amidst sub-video game animation。 Frankly, I’m not even sure the CGI they use here is up to the task of displaying the kinds of emotions these people are trying to illicit from their characters。 The humans more closely resemble totem poles than they do living, breathing, creatures。 It’s laughable watching their

polygon-limited faces trying to emote in response to the story’s attempts at heartfelt, soft touches。

Thankfully, the main characters are animals, which are at least bearably rendered to slapstick fun levels。 As a result, what slapstick there is, is highly entertaining。 Sure, Ray Romano’s vocal talents aren’t particularly spectacular。 But Dennis Leary and the always-odd John Leguizamo cover for his mammoth ineptitude without hesitation。

The story itself is bland, boring, and uninspired, as is the almost laughably bad animation。 The film’s only real saving graces are some slapstick side trips into the world of an unlucky squirrel and a group of soon-to-be-extinct

melon-hoarding dodos。 Ice Age’s edy is worthy of Bugs, but unless you’re under 5, you’ll be bored with everything else。



This is a can't-miss family movie。 After all, EVERYONE seems to like inspiring family films--especially when it's based on real people。 And, not surprisingly, I had a thoroughly good time watching it--though I do remend you see it with a box of Kleenex nearby。

The film is about a young man named Michael Oher--an extremely large black teenager who has bounced from home to home in the foster care system。 Currently, he's in a new school and no one realizes that he has no place to live。 Yet in spite of having a crack-addicted mother, a father who was killed in prison and every other reason to be an angry powder keg, he's a very gentle and sad soul---who is also enormous and has amazing potential to play football。

A nosy but very nice lady (Sandra Bullock) convinces her husband (Tim McGraw) to bring Michael home。。。at least for the night。 But this one night turns into a permanent living situation and he bees an important part of the family。 However, despite this new living arrangement working out well, Michael is so far behind in school and his GPA so low that he hasn't a prayer to play football in college。 That's because although many schools are now offering him athletic scholarships, his GPA is too low to allow him to accept these offers。 So, with his new family's help, perhaps he can pull up those grades and have a future。

This film is super-inspirational and sweet--mostly because it's true。 I am sure that some poetic license was taken when making the film (I especially wonder if the little brother could be THIS precocious and adorable), but overall they did a good job of sticking reasonably close the facts。 While I loved Sandra Bullock's performance (she's great as usual), I was a bit surprised that she received Oscar for it--I did see a few performances in other films that year that I thought were a bit better (such as the leading young lady in "Precious")。 Also, Tim McGraw, while a lesser role in the film, did a surprisingly good job--especially as he's really known as a country singer, not an actor。 All around, a very good film and one that is meant to inspire。


Hero is a film that can impress everyone who has seen it。 It

narrates a funny and simple story, but leaves us a lot of thinking

behind。 It explains the definition of hero in a new and creative


The leading role Bernie Lapland was played by the famous

American edian Dustin Hoffman。 He is an ordinary but

unfortunate person who has previous convictions, mon

looking, lawsuit around and a tough ex-wife。 He is even not

liked by his judge who has only met his once。 Sometimes, he is

selfish and rude, but when facing his son, he returns to a

fatherly and attentive father like everyone else。 He happened to

encounter a plane crash at a rainy night, and rescued 54

passengers from the burning plane out of human nature。 He

grasped the chance to act as a hero, but what is dramatic is that

he missed the opportunity to claim the honor。 Meanwhile, a

vagrant called Bobber subsequently steps forward and got the

reward es with the worship from all the citizens。 Lapland

was still regarded as a poor man in jail, not being able to

achieve any kinds of success after doing such a big favor to the passengers。 While, Bobber started to show up in front of public under the glory of being a hero and set out to philanthropy。 He inspired people’s goodness and confidence in life, brought hope to the hopeless and homeless, he has done what a hero should do。 Finally, Bobber came to an agreement with the real hero Lapland, for not breaking people’s belief which had just set up by the man-made hero。

The whole story leads me to think of the definition of hero。 What is hero? Who is a hero? How should heroes behave? Actually, hero is just an ordinary person。 What makes him a hero is that he throws himself into breach when faced with danger, regardless of his own safety。 Then, an ordinary man changed in to a big hero。 It seems that he is so extraordinary among us, but in fact, he is just one of us。 We all can be the hero if we have the chance。 It is a symbol of the goodness indwells in our nature character。 When we put the word hero into the background of 21st century, its eternal aureole seems to fade。 We don’t need a hero to save the whole world any more, and we no longer wait for a hero to rescue our life。 We live in peace and harmony, and hero walks away from our life at the same time。 At the same time, when our country’s interest

meets danger or some one’s life is in risks, heroes who used to be pipsqueaks will rush out and break into our eyes。 The heroes who have made such great salvation can be everyone, they maybe our neighbors, our relatives, our friends or even someone we don’t know。 They are different from the bygone heroes who usually appear in front of every trouble, who can be read on text books, who used to be arranged at the frontier line of any kinds of danger。 Heroes now are mon people, but show up great courage and ability to bonder the responsibility to protect human lives and the peace of the world。 Heroes are just the ones e our boldly when somebody else are in jeopardy。

We all have the potential to be a hero, may be the only thing we need is the right opportunity。 Heroes are hidden in every corner of our society; they do their job silently and stay far from the media, they will never declare who they are and what they have done to public。 But, we cannot deny that they are real heroes。

㈦ 七年级水平的英语作文 60词 写看英文电影的观后感 !!!!

I loved watch cartoons before,but recently I saw an action movie called Transformers.It tells us the righteous will definitely beat the evil. The leading man was brave and he saved the world with his wisdom. The robots didn't disappointed me too.They were cool as much as they could be.I love each of those characters. From this movie,I learned a lot.


㈧ 英文电影观后感英语五篇


I watch with my brother today.It is adout a panda.He likes KongFu,but his dad does not let him do that.So he leave home and learn KongFu. He becomes a KongFu Panda and he helps his Shifu and beats Tailang.All people love him,and his father is very happy.He gets what he wants at last.

I like the panda very much.I want to be like him and do what is in my mind.Some day ,I will become anther winner like him.


When I was a freshman in college I watched the film Gua Sha Treatment for the first time, now I am a junior student and I come back to review the movie from a multicultural aspect, I have many different feelings after watching the film again.

At the beginning of the film, XuDatong is given an award and later he delivers a speech. What makes me impressed most is in his speech he says “one day I will become one of you, a truly successful American, today this award proved that America is a true land of opportunity and I am the living proof of that.” At that moment Xu thinks he has realized his American Dream totally with his lovingly wife and adorable son. However, I think it is ironical that to make a speech like that and I assume it is made on purpose to hind a clue for the story’s development. How many non-American people have such a beautiful American dream? One of my classmate studies in American now and before he went aboard he told me his American dream is he can stand at the top of the New York. To be honest, I also dream that one day I can get the Green Card living there happily and successfully maybe working at the Wall Street. When Xu gets the award he thinks he entirely melted in the melting pot neglecting the multicultural obstruct, later the plot goes against the way he thinks. And later Quinlan asked Xu ‘why you be the scapegoat of your father?’ Xu answers ‘because he is Chinese.’ Then maybe Xu knows that there is always a wide gap between Chinese and American cultures.

The second scene is Xu hit his son Denis because Denis hit the son of xu’s boss, at the middle of the film xu tells his boss that he hit his own son is only to show his respect to his boss John Quinlan, that time Quinlan feels puzzled “what a Chinese logic”, yes, American can never understand such a logic full of Chinese characteristic, because they respect everyone including the children, they won’t beat a child to please the boss, and there is no such a conception of degree between employee and employer, they feel everyone is equal, which is quite different from china.

Connected to the second scene, the third difference I want to analyze is the care for the children. In America, people pay more attention to the right of children which can be seen from the law—leaving children alone at home is illegal, while in China it is so common that almost everyone may experience such loneliness. And Children Welfare Agency does work in America which shows the importance Americans attach to children’s right. What’s more, I remember a line ‘No one won the case, especially the child.’ In my opinion, it also manifests the universal concern from the American public to the children.

The fourth aspect is following the procere, in the film, more than there times, the people focus on the rule, the law, the procere. At the Christmas Eve Xu wants to return back to his home pretending as a Santa Claus, what a pity, the security recognizes him and persuades ‘you are always a good tenement, never causes troubles for me.’ And another scene is at the end of the film , the judge says ‘I have to follow the procere.’ However, in China people always have to ask for a favor to do something, and later you have to pay back the favor ,for myself, I prefer the American style, strict to the procere.

The fifth and the last point is the humors, Quinlan says ‘you can’t fall, your health security is the company paid.’ ‘Datong, welcome home, maybe next time, you can come from the front door.’ ‘dady, why you come from the window’ ‘ because we don’t have a chimney.’ I really adore this distinguished American humor, especially in dangerous situations, which is quite rare in China.

That’s my whole reaction to Gua Sha Treatment.


Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!

In the contention of the best picture of the 67th Oscar Award in 1995, film Have got six Grand Prixes , such as the best picture , the best actor , the best achievement in directing , adapting drama , the best achievement in film editing and the best visual effect bestly ,etc. at one blow . The film was passed to a intellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of U.S.A.'s life, important incident of social political life make and represent to these decades such as U.S.A. from one unique angle. Film adapt Winston · novel of the same name of Groom since. Only the original work is that one is full of fantastic novels with a satiric flavour, but the film modifies and beautifies the story. Have abandoned the absurdity of the original work and revealed that satirizes meaning , have added a kind of tender feeling for the film. This undoubtedly makes the film suit audience and judging panel's taste even more, but has sacrificed the struggle spirit of the rebel of the original work , make the film become one kind and idealize ethical symbol .

Forrest Gump mould incarnation of virtue is honest keeping one's word , conscientiously , brave paying attention to emotioning among film. In the film, Forrest Gump is a very pure image, but Jenny has become the degenerate symbol . And write the great discrepancy originally in this. To all that narrated, since beginning all behave with a kind of tender feeling and well-meaning attitude after all for the film, having even joined poesy composition, this makes the film seem soft and have no injury. The film advocates to traditional moral concept and embodiment. Make film apt to accept by people, director superb lay out skill and film application of language make the film very attractive too. Success with commercial for film content of the film has given security, and the treatment on director's art makes the film more excellent, this is reason that the film succeeds. It was the box-office hits the most in that year to become U.S.A. in < Forrest Gump>.

Tom · Hanks very much sincere naturally performance having among film. He has obtained the laurel of the best actor of Oscar for the behavior in this film. This second movie emperor's money already whom he obtained in succession looks like. Success of < Forrest Gump>, make Tom Hanks become one of the most popular movie stars in Hollywood too. To Tom Hanks, those two years are the luckiest period of time in his performing art careers .


《勇敢的心》--观后感Set in the late 13th century, 'Braveheart' is the story of one of Scotland's greatest national heroes Sir William Wallace。 leader of the Scottish resistance forces ring the first years of the long, ultimately successful struggle to free Scotland from English rule。。。 Crucially charismatic in the title role, Gibson plays the heroic figure and emerges as a remarkable hero with wit and romantic soul, determined to rid his country of its English oppressors。。。 Wallace's revolution was set in motion, with great obstacles from his countrymen。。。 Many Scottish nobles lent him only grudging support as most of them were more concerned with wealth and titles than the freedom of the country。。。 In fact, the Scottish leaders are in favor of revolt-or not-depending on English bribes。。。 Wallace, by parison, is a man of honor, incorruptible and righteous。。。 He was knighted and proclaimed 'guardian and high protector of Scotland,' but as much as he railed against the Scottish no

bles, submitted to Edward I, King of England, he was astonished and in shock to discover the treachery of the leading Scot contender for the throne—Robert, the Earl of Bruce—to whom he confided , 'The people would follow you, if you would only lead them。' Sophie Marceau is exquisite as the distressed princeIsabella of France who ends up falling in love with Wallace, warning him out of several traps……Catherine McCormack is a stunning beauty who ignites Wallace's revolution……Patrick McGoohan is chilling, brutal, and vicious as the ruthleEdward I, known by the nickname 'Longshanks。' This king remains simply the embodiment of evil……While Angus McFadyen moves as a nobleman torn between his conscience and political aspiration, and Brendan Gleeson brings strength and humor to his role as the robust Hamish, David O'Hara is very effective as the crazy Irishman who provides much of the film's ic relief from even the most tensed moments……Mel Gibson has reason to be proud of 'Braveheart。' It is a

motion picture that dares to be excessive。。。 Gibson presents passionately the most spaciously impressive battles (yet staged for films) even excessively, and it is his passion and excethat make the motion picture great。。。 The horror and futility of massed hand-to-hand bats are exciting rather repulsive。。。 It is epic film-ma-ki-ng at its glorious best……Gibson's 'Braveheart' focuses on the human side of Wallace, a character so immense, so intelligent, and so passionate, exploring the definitions of honor and nobility, pushing us to follow the hero into his struggle against injustice and oppression。


Hotel Rwanda ---- a story of an African Schinderler

Hotel Rwanda is a film about a man。 It was based on a real story of a man who saved 1268 people’s lives in a madness genocidal, which happened in Rwanda, 1994。 The film was directed by Terry George, 2004。 The main actor Don Cheadle is not handsome but just an ordinary man。 You probably will even not recognize him when you happen to meet him on the street。 He acted a hero based on a true story, a man who was as simple as he is, Paul Rusesabagina。 Paul is a hero, a real man, while a hero and a real man doesn’t always need to be handsome or attractive in the appearance。 There are two nations in Rwanda, hutu and tutsi。 Paul is a hutu manager working for a 4 stars hotel on town。 The hutu army planed a genocidal to clear out all the tutsi people in ruwanda。 The tutsi people were suffering a madness blood bath。 Over 800,000 people had been killed within 100 days。 Paul has a tutsi wife, in order to protect his wife, children and other tutsis; he took them to hide in the hotel Rwanda。 There a

re many white people from all over the world lived in this hotel so the hotel is the safest place in Rwanda to hide。 There are 80 UN soldiers in Rwanda but only 4 guarded in the hotel and all of them are not allowed to shot。 If we say that Paul just wanted to save his wife at the beginning, after recognized that there is no one would e to help the tutsis, Paul throw himself into the breach。 He bribed the hutu general by wine and gold, used out every coin of his to purchase the refugees’ lives, ten, a hundred, 2 hundreds, 3 hundreds… more and more tutsi refugees flee to the hotel wishing to survive。 To them, Paul is an angel who keeps a hope for those hopeless people in the calamity。 His goodness his mercy is the key to be alive。

The hotel Rwanda is a dramatically and war film, ingeniously, there was almost no lens for slaughtering; however, the threatener of death was full filling with the whole movie。 One of the tutsi asked Paul,

“Why they are so truculence?”

“ Hatred? Insanity? … I don’t know。”

㈨ 观后感用英文怎么说应该怎么写



impression of view


摇滚校园观后感 Rock campus Pom Poko ; School of Rock Feedback

贝隆夫人观后感 Evita Feedback

纯粹电影观后感 Movie Review

电影观后感 Film impressions ; After watching a movie ; Film Feedback

阿甘正传英文观后感 Forrest Gump


写出一个观后感 film revlewinq

死神来了观后感 Death to the Feedback ; Death to the Pom Poko

变形金刚3观后感 Transformers 3 impressions ; Transformers 3 Feedback



What We Learned: College is basically the Middle East, only with more gunfights, racial tension and date rapes.


If there's a movie you're both interested in seeing, watch it indivially and then call each other afterward and talk about it.


What We Learned: If you bully your team's water boy he will later show up inexplicably playing for your arch rival and rupture your spleen. Also, going to class is for suckers.


On the way home after watching a ballet performance, the kindergarten teacher asked her students what they thought of it.


Again, send a link to this post.Ask them what they think.Challenge them to get creative.


Learning of tables is essential even if there is a calculator. Each child should keep a diary where they can write stories, experiences and observations.


When I found this review in our forum I had no choice but to move it to the main page.


I advised writing an article after visiting the exhibition.


His roommate, Mary, is asking him about it.


I'm looking for time to write another two films out of Feedback, and recommend to others.


What We Learned: If you follow the example set in this movie, you will end up in federal prison.


Joe Bradley: Bnd that will be the end of the fairy tale.


I have been working on records, records that every section of Guan Hougan, I would like to.


What We Learned: Follow your heart and let inspiration into your life.


Probably everyone has seen a movie at one time or another! Discover some Modern English terms for expressing your feelings about them.


If there's a movie you're both interested in seeing, watch it indivially and then call each other afterward and talk about it.


These reviews accord with and stick to universal values. Effective criticism should have humanity as its core and embody humanistic concern and the spirit of rationalism .


On the way home after watching a ballet performance, the kindergarten teacher asked her students: What they thought of it.


Other children in the beginning of the paintings simple , the teacher let Chan Kwok-Kwan Shing see Picasso and the works of masters such as Monet, and then follow with the creation Feedback.


The movie is about the Wall Street "about it."


So far, the research documents for this work are limited to the brief introction to the plot or the simple after-reading comments.


Welcome any members here who are interested in this program to post any comments , suggestions or view about this program.


The Girl with the Dragon Tatto …


A Girl's Wish On the way home after watching a ballet performance, the kindergarten teacher asked her students what they thought of it.


What We Learned: If you're trying to make your college's swim team it helps to know the Triple Lindy.

《天降食物》观后感 故事讲的内容是这样的:有一个小岛,上面的人都很喜欢吃沙丁鱼,这个小岛还是专门出产沙丁鱼的。

There is a small island, the people are very like eat sardine, the island is specialized in the manufacturing of sardine.

《天降食物》观后感 故事讲的内容是这样的:有一个小岛,上面的人都很喜欢吃沙丁鱼,这个小岛还是专门出产沙丁鱼的。

There is a small island, the people are very like eat sardine, the island is specialized in the manufacturing of sardine.



reaction to a book or an article

impression of a book or an article


I do not read the book because I like it. I have to write a book report. (I read the book not because I like it.)?



n. 反应,回应;反动;反作用力

cascade reaction


reaction accelerator


Autocatalysis:Catalysis of a chemical reaction by one of the procts of the reaction.



n. 书籍;著作;圣经;有内涵的事物;知识;剧本;账簿;卷,篇

adj. 从书本上学来的;账簿记载的

v. 预订;将…的姓名记在本子上;【英】预订房间 c

subsidiary book

辅助帐簿; 明细帐簿

It was a stupid book.


This is the sum of this book.



n. 文章;论文;条款;物品;冠词

v. 进行控告,提出罪状;签订协议;订约将…收为学徒或见习生

carry an article


It is a serious article.


A Class III article if it is of the opinion that the article is obscene

㈩ 英语作文200字20篇电影观后感

e warm winds blew gently. I was very tired and lay down to rest for a little while. Very soon I went into a state of dreaming.
A little girl sleeps in a corner of the garden. She cries and cries until her sound is broken. Suddenly a bright figure appears before the child. A beautiful fairy stands in front of her. She had a wand in her hand. “Why do you cry? What’s the trouble? Perhaps I can help you”, the fairy says. “My mother is dead. I am lonely, and nobody loves me”, answers the girl. “I am a fairy, my home is in the moon. Do you see the light of the moon? How pleasant it is. Would you like to live with me in the moon?”
“Thank you, dear fairy, I want to go with you”.
The fairy leads the girl into a wood where there are many dwarfs. They look very busy. Every one of them has to dig the soil. They are trying to find varieties of seeds. They cultivate the fields with their hands. All day long though they are exhausted, yet they are forced to work on. Otherwise they will be whipped to death. I made up my mind to save all of those dwarfs. The sound of the bell suddenly came to my ears. I had to wake up.
Oh! This is no other than a dream. I will not let it trouble my mind. (264 words)

考试作文2: Title: A Visit to My Uncle (Grandfather,… )
Time Limit: 30 minutes
Word Limit: No less than 120 words



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