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发布时间:2023-01-08 14:15:53

1. 求一段英语介绍宫崎骏

Gongqijun brief 1941-1969, Hayao Miyazaki was born on January 5, 1941, four brothers, ranked second.Their homes and lived in Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, but because of wartime evacuation of the Second World War, and their families moved to Utsunomiya City Kanuma city.Kanuma uncle lived in the city operates a plane factory, Hayao Miyazaki's father is headed in that factory.Hayao Miyazaki's mother was very strict, very smart minds.Hayao Miyazaki Mody's brother recalled later that he saw the "Sky" the mother-in-law could not help but think about his mother pirates.Although not fully grown, but the personality down lifelike.Hayao Miyazaki primary grades one to three in Utsunomiya City primary school, but they returned to Tokyo.Tokyo will be transferred to the school.In 1947 when Hayao Miyazaki's mother is suffering from tuberculosis, lying in bed with a full nine years.From this film, "My Neighbor Totoro" can be seen ring the dark days of the shadow of a Hayao Miyazaki.1958, the first long history of the Japanese video color animation film "The White Snake" (East video animation) exhibition,Hayao Miyazaki is the third year students hooked on the film, liked the original cartoon animation, he began to have interest.Hayao Miyazaki like Tu Tu paint used on some ships and things like aircraft, but will not be painted.He also resolved to be the master of a cartoonist.After graating from high school, learning center Hayao Miyazaki enter Tokyo University student, majoring in political economics.1963, Hayao Miyazaki graated from college, entered the eastbound video animation work.The first involved in the proction of works of the East reflected in the same year in December Animation Theater "Wanwan loyal possession".Followed by Hayao Miyazaki part in the first video proced by the first TV animation -- Junior ken> wolf.He plans to put the often were not adopted, but still sticks to his ideals Hayao Miyazaki.Russian cartoon read "Snow Queen", Hayao Miyazaki's minds more exuberant creative flame,He later recalled : This"I can see how the animation proction is the cause .... treasure deserves careful animation is such a pure, simple and unadorned.allow our imagination to run through performance art .... not lost its force poemfiction or drama and other art forms. "1964.Hayao Miyazaki animation when East reflects the association's Secretary-General,it is high time the association vice chairman Tian-xun (Hayao Miyazaki is reportedly socialists).That too, Hayao Miyazaki Tian Zhu and his colleagues began to Miss U.S. Date.Autumn 1965, Hayao Miyazaki voluntary help high (Huotian) hun director of the "Solar Prince" The proction teamas scenes of the original design and painting.In October 2002, Hayao Miyazaki and the United States too Tian Zhu Miss married, they had a son in January 1967."Solar Prince" exhibition in 1968, Hayao Miyazaki and his wife will attend the "boot wearing of" The Cat in the proction.The next year, both together proced the "space ship flying buyulei".April 1969, the second son was born.1970-1979, 1971, Hayao Miyazaki left the video animation, and high (Huotian) - hun,Kotabe sheep were first together, "A-Pro tasks."In 1973, he and two high Tian-xun cooperation in the animation "Panda> exhibition.This works Hayao Miyazaki, who is one of four post-original, the script, and scene design, original paintings, a sizeable personal style play.June, Hayao Miyazaki, high (Huotian) - hun and sheep left Kotabe "A-Pro"adding "Zuiyo Picture."In July, Hayao Miyazaki Sand go to Switzerland, following a search of his work "The Alps girls ensemble," the inspirationIn this work he served as design and images constitute scene.In 1975, he went to Italy and Argentina Sand, making preparations for the "mother-thousand-mile-seeking"as well as scenes of the same design.1978, the first wholly proced by Hayao Miyazaki's works -- coming out of juvenile male, "broadcast on NHK.received favorable reviews, Hayao Miyazaki's thinking and style displayed in the film significantly.Tokyo, in 1979 he entered the movie News.1980 film "Lu Caliostro City III" (disaster)once again showed the "future years" adventure film style.1982 full-length cartoon "concerts" in German bookstores beginning of a series of Animage magazine.This has been a series of comics before the end of 1994.November 1982, the movie News from Tokyo, a freelance writer.1980-1989, 1983, director Hayao Miyazaki's animated version of "concerts" to start planning.high (Huotian) - hun as procers from the entire Topcraft studio film proction.In July 1997, Hayao Miyazaki's mother, died 71 years ago.Animation Theater in March 1984 "concerts" exhibition, rich imagination and deep content.shocked the audience and the entire film instry.April, Hayao Miyazaki and two partners founded a high Hata, Shunroko hun "two horse" club.1985, founded Studio Ghibli, the company began to manufacture the "Sky".From the "Sky", Hayao Miyazaki has been working in Studio Ghibli,Up to now proced a total of succession "My Neighbor Totoro" and "Kiki's Delivery Service", "红", "Xinyu""On Your Mark>, and the" Princess "animated films.Hayao Miyazaki has been drawing comics and childhood worship featuring cartoon character, but later in the creative process.He found he could only Tetsuka replicas, no matter how, is also unable to break the shackles.Therefore, Hayao Miyazaki Tetsuka criticized the destruction of the Japanese comic action cartoon instry.Many people think that the proction of Hayao Miyazaki to retire after the "Princess" is not in the proction of animated films, in fact,Hayao Miyazaki's body can no longer do a film director, he said.Dry animation film directors live it is the dedication,So, because of some problems he can not personally directed the proction, such as the "Princess".but also to provide an opportunity for young people.But this does not mean he will give up the animation proction work,Hayao Miyazaki animation proction can also participate in some activities not covered everything, such as scripts, and other figures set.


宫崎骏生于1941年1 月5 日,四兄弟中排行第二。他们家原本住在东京都文京区,后来二次大战因战时疏散,举家迁往宇都宫市和鹿沼市。住鹿沼市的伯父经营了一家飞机工厂,宫崎骏的父亲在那间工厂担任主管。宫崎骏的母亲 是个很严格的人,头脑很聪明。宫崎骏的么弟后来回忆说,他看到《天空之城》中的海盗婆婆不禁想起了自己的母亲,虽然长得完全不像,但是个性倒神似。宫崎骏小学一到三年级都在宇都宫市的小学就读,后来他们搬回东京,便转到东京的学校读书。1947年的时候,宫崎骏的母亲患了结核病,在床上整整躺了九年。从《龙猫》这部电影中就可以看到宫崎骏一家的这段灰暗日子的影子。1958年,日本影史上第一部长篇彩色电影动画《白蛇传》(东映动画制作)上映了,还是高三学生的宫崎骏迷上了这部片子,原本就喜爱漫画的他开始对动画产生兴趣。宫崎骏从前就喜欢涂涂画画一些军舰、飞机之类的东西,不过不太会画人,他也曾立志要当一名漫画家。





1971年,宫崎骏离开东映动画,和高(火田)勋、小田部羊一等人一起进入“A-Pro”工作。1973年,他和高田勋两人合作的动画《Panda》上映了,这部作品中宫崎骏一人身兼四个职务—原案、脚本、场面设计、原画,个人风格有颇大的发挥。六月的时候,宫崎骏、高(火田)勋和小田部羊一离开“A-Pro”,加入“Zuiyo Picture”。七月,宫崎骏到瑞士去拍外景,寻找他的下一部作品《阿尔卑斯山的少女海蒂》的灵感,在这部作品中他担任场面设计及画面构成。1975年,他又到义大利和阿根廷拍外景,准备制作《寻母三千里》,同样也是担任场面设计。

1978年,第一部全程由宫崎骏监制的作品——《未来少年科男》在NHK 播出,颇受好评,宫崎骏的思想与风格在本片中大大地展现。1979年他进入东京movie新社,1980年执导《鲁邦三世Caliostro城》(剧场版),再度展现《未来少年》的冒险电影风格。1982年长篇漫画《风之谷》在德间书店的Animage杂志上开始连载,这部漫画一直连载到1994年才完结。1982年11月,退出东京movie新社,当自由作家。



1985年,Studio Ghibli 创立,开始制作《天空之城》。从《天空之城》以后,宫崎骏就一直Studio Ghibli 在工作,到现在为止一共陆陆续续制作了《龙猫》、《魔女宅急便》、《红猪》、《心之谷》、《On Your Mark》,以及《幽灵公主》等动画电影。



2. 宫崎骏动画经典英语台词

宫崎骏的动画具有极强的 想象力 ,为人们展现的是一个个魔幻而又美丽的世界,深得全世界人们的喜爱。那么你想重温一下宫崎骏动画里面那一些经典的台词吗?下面我为大家带来宫崎骏动画经典英语台词,希望大家喜欢!


Maybe we are not changed, but we are closer and closer to the real you.


Happy is the land, hard is hell, blue is the world.


I do not know go where, but I have been on the road.


Do not worry, the best always in the most casual.


Fearless alone.Because in this world, there must be a person, working hard towards you.


If the direction is wrong, to stop that progress


Love, is not finding a perfect person, but by learning the perfect vision, appreciate that imperfect person.


Believe me, we can be happier, because innocence is just an attitude.


A strong heart, to apologize, but must be more powerful, to forgive.

宫崎骏动画 经典台词 :《千与千寻》
1、If she steals your name, you’ll never find your way home. I no longer remember mine. But it’s strange I remembered yours.


2、Kamaji: There used to be a return train, but these days it’s a one-way ride. Still interested?

Chihiro: Yup, I' II walk back, along the tracks.



3、Once you've met someone you never really forget them. It just takes a while for your memories to return.


4、Chihiro: Granny... I just want you to know my real name! It's Chihiro!

Zeniba: Oh, what a pretty name! Be sure to take good care of it, dear!



5、Go back the way you came, Chihiro. But don’t ever look back.


1、The people have to grow up, one day you will be happy with strollers walking in the street, and once the favorite, regardless of how once, will become a trend, turned and disappeared in the time tunnel. So go ahead, go ahead, do not look back.


2、 Life can be arbitrary, but can not follow the crowd.


3、The layout here and you humans do not. The substance has a soul here. When you humans create something with hope and feelings. That thing will be given to the soul, like the love you gave me, and it did.


1、We've decided to plant them all out in the front,because someday they'll be tall and beautiful


2、She said when she comes, she'll only sleep in my bed.You said you were big enough to sleep by yourself.Mommy told me it would be OK.

可是小梅好想跟妈妈—起睡嘛,咦 你不是说长大了要自己一个人睡的吗,和妈妈睡的话没有关系。

3、"Dear Mother, I'm surprised I can write to you at all,'cause my heart is still beating so fast,


4、I'm giving Mommy this corn I picked for her specially.I'm sure she'll love you for it.


5、What a beautiful tree it is.,This tree's been here, well, since before anyone can remember.Man and trees were the best of friends.


6、Well, I'm not sure, but I could've sworn,l saw both girls in the treetop laughing.That might not be as crazy as you think.


7、Wow. What do we do now?lf it's not too much trouble, could we stay until it stops raining?

雨这么大 真伤脑筋啊,土地公爷爷拜托请你快点让雨停下来。

8、Why would he give you this beat-up thing?We didn't have one, but I'm afraid he got soaking wet.

这么破的伞 真不好意思,这把伞帮了我们好大的忙。

9、If they're not sprites,then you have nothing to be frightened about.lf we keep smiling, the sprites may graally go away

它不会害人 也没什么好要怕的,对它们笑笑 它们不会害你的。

10、But I also believe that you met the king of the forest,Meeting him is a sign of good luck.There's no guarantee you'll see him all the time.We'll have to pay our respects.

小梅刚才一定是的主人了,这就表示小梅运气很好,不过这种机会并不常有哦,来 我们去跟它打个招呼吧。











3. 我喜欢电影英语作文

I love watching TV since I was a little child, and the programs I liked are cartoons and TV series. But now, I love watching movie most. The first movie I liked is My Neighbor Totoro(《龙猫》). Since then, I nearly watched all movies proced by Hayao Miyazaki.(宫崎骏)His movies are simple, warm and ecational. They are very suitable for middle school students. I watch domestic movie most but I love foreign films. I feel happy and relax when I am watching movie. Movie brings a lot a fun to me and my life. I also make new friends e to movie. We share this common interest and we often introce movies to each other. I am a student now and my task is to study, so I only spend a little time in movies.


4. 求宫崎骏《起风了》之中,男女主角第一次见面对话的英语

一、Le vent se lève, il faut tenter de vivre. 纵有疾风起,人生不言弃。(参考沪江小D词典)
汉语拼音谐音:lu wang se lai wu yi fu dong ti 率 wei wu 注:率的汉语拼音不能用键盘打出这里注明发“率”的音。
二、这句话引用自法国诗人保罗·瓦勒里的著作《海滨墓园》(Le cimetière marin)中的一句诗——Le vent se lève, il faut tenter de vivre,意为:纵有疾风起,人生不言弃。更白话的翻译是:起风了,唯有努力生存。也在宫崎骏的一步电影《起风了》)中被引用

5. 宫崎骏及其作品英文介绍

Gongqijun brief 1941-1969, Hayao Miyazaki was born on January 5, 1941, four brothers, ranked second.Their homes and lived in Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, but because of wartime evacuation of the Second World War, and their families moved to Utsunomiya City Kanuma city.Kanuma uncle lived in the city operates a plane factory, Hayao Miyazaki's father is headed in that factory.Hayao Miyazaki's mother was very strict, very smart minds.Hayao Miyazaki Mody's brother recalled later that he saw the "Sky" the mother-in-law could not help but think about his mother pirates.Although not fully grown, but the personality down lifelike.Hayao Miyazaki primary grades one to three in Utsunomiya City primary school, but they returned to Tokyo.Tokyo will be transferred to the school.In 1947 when Hayao Miyazaki's mother is suffering from tuberculosis, lying in bed with a full nine years.From this film, "My Neighbor Totoro" can be seen ring the dark days of the shadow of a Hayao Miyazaki.1958, the first long history of the Japanese video color animation film "The White Snake" (East video animation) exhibition,Hayao Miyazaki is the third year students hooked on the film, liked the original cartoon animation, he began to have interest.Hayao Miyazaki like Tu Tu paint used on some ships and things like aircraft, but will not be painted.He also resolved to be the master of a cartoonist---------------------------------宫崎峻简介 (上面的英语意思)1941-1969年 宫崎骏生于1941年1 月5 日,四兄弟中排行第二。他们家原本住在东京都文京区,后来二次大战因战时疏散,举家迁往宇都宫市和鹿沼市。住鹿沼市的伯父经营了一家飞机工厂,宫崎骏的父亲在那间工厂担任主管。宫崎骏的母亲 是个很严格的人,头脑很聪明。宫崎骏的么弟后来回忆说,他看到《天空之城》中的海盗婆婆不禁想起了自己的母亲,虽然长得完全不像,但是个性倒神似。宫崎骏小学一到三年级都在宇都宫市的小学就读,后来他们搬回东京,便转到东京的学校读书。1947年的时候,宫崎骏的母亲患了结核病,在床上整整躺了九年。从《龙猫》这部电影中就可以看到宫崎骏一家的这段灰暗日子的影子。1958年,日本影史上第一部长篇彩色电影动画《白蛇传》(东映动画制作)上映了,还是高三学生的宫崎骏迷上了这部片子,原本就喜爱漫画的他开始对动画产生兴趣。宫崎骏从前就喜欢涂涂画画一些军舰、飞机之类的东西,不过不太会画人,他也曾立志要当一名漫画家。---------------------------------毕竟回答里不能回答超过2000字所以直接用网址的【天空之城】介绍 http://..com/question/18179168.html这是每集【天】的英语剧情 http://tieba..com/f?kz=348203481---------------------------------《千寻》偶一个朋友就把这个写到英语作文交给老师了-.-给你参考看看 http://www.totoroclub.net/forum/viewthread.php?tid=10013---------------------------------【风之谷】1984 *《风之谷》 Kaze no tani no Naushika In the far future, man has destroyed the Earth in the "Seven Days of Fire". Now, there are small pockets of humanity that survive. One pocket is the Valley of Wind where a princess named Nausicaa tries to understand, rather than destroy the Toxic Jungle. Note that the old US release titled Warriors of the Wind is an entirely kiddified version which edits the original movie heavily, thus creating an entirely different story n the far future, a thousand years after a nuclear war left the Earth as a nuclear holocaust. The Valley of the Wind, a small kingdom ruled by King Jil struggles for survival as the community tries to defend the Valley from gigantic Ohm creatures and toxic plants that live beyond the Valley in the Sea of Decay, whilst Jil's daughter and heiress to the throne, Princess Nausicaa tries to understand and feels it is wrong to destroy the toxic jungle. The Valley is attacked by the Tolmekian people who plan to destroy the Sea of Decay by using the greatest warriors that started the holocaust. After Nausicaa is taken prisoner, Nausicca escapes and goes beneath the Sea of Decay where she discovers the toxic plants are not poisoning the air and are purifying the world by draining the air of radiation and toxins. With everything at stake, Nausicaa unites with the Ohms and set out to the Valley and foil the Tolmekians plan of unleashing the Great Warrior which will start another holocaust.-----------PS很少有人会自己打英语的啦,毕竟网上有谢人们发感慨啊,用英语写的。都可以借来用....如果楼主是为了交作业的话,就用第二个好了(偶是经过“猪猪”同意才拿来借你参考额)

6. 求一篇介绍宫崎骏英语短文。

风之谷:Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (Kaze no Tani no Naushika, 1984), was an adventure film that introced many of the themes which recur in later films: a concern with ecology and the human impact on the environment; a fascination with aircraft and flight; pacifism, including an anti-military streak; feminism; and morally ambiguous characterizations, especially among villains. This was the first film both written and directed by Miyazaki. He adapted it from his manga series of the same title, which he began writing and illustrating two years earlier, but which remained incomplete until after the film's release.

Following the success of Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Miyazaki co-founded the animation proction company Studio Ghibli with Takahata in 1985, and has proced nearly all of his subsequent work through it.

Miyazaki continued to gain recognition with his next three films. Laputa: Castle in the Sky (1986) recounts the adventure of two orphans seeking a magical castle-island that floats in the sky; My Neighbor Totoro (Tonari no Totoro, 1988) tells of the adventure of two girls and their interaction with forest spirits; and Kiki's Delivery Service (1989), adapted from a novel by Eiko Kadono, tells the story of a small-town girl who leaves home to begin life as a witch in a big city. Miyazaki's fascination with flight is evident throughout these films, ranging from the ornithopters flown by pirates in Castle in the Sky, to the Totoro and the Cat Bus soaring through the air, and Kiki flying her broom.

红猪:Porco Rosso (1992) was a notable departure for Miyazaki, in that the main character was an alt male, an anti-fascist aviator transformed into an anthropomorphic pig. The film is set in 1920s Italy and the title character is a bounty hunter who fights air pirates and an American soldier of fortune. The film explores the tension between selfishness and ty. The film can also be viewed as an abstract self-portrait of the director; its subtext can be read as a fictionalized autobiography.[citation needed] Like many of his movies, it is richly allusive and generates a lot of its humour and charm out of its references to American film of the 1930s and 1940s. Porco Rosso, for instance, owes much to the various screen personae of Humphrey Bogart.

哈尔的移动城堡:In July 2004, Miyazaki completed proction on Howl's Moving Castle, a film adaptation of Diana Wynne Jones' fantasy novel. Miyazaki came out of retirement following the sudden departure of original director Mamoru Hosoda[5]. The film premiered at the 2004 Venice International Film Festival and won the Golden Osella award for animation technology. On November 20, 2004, Howl's Moving Castle opened to general audiences in Japan where it earned ¥1.4 billion in its first two days. The English language version was later released in the US by Walt Disney.

7. 求将下面文字翻译成英语的四分钟演讲稿!拒绝机翻,用词要精准!

Everybody is good! Today I to share the pictures: Hayao Miyazaki and his animation works.
As everyone knows, Hayao Miyazaki is a Japanese animation director of world famous, his works convey the humanities concern, environmental protection concept is good, make known to every family, deeply love the world. This picture, is Japan a netizen by painting method, showing us the Hayao Miyazaki directed the animation works.
This painting as the background to the blue sky and white clouds, tone is relatively soft, reflects two things Hayao Miyazaki cartoon which often convey: flying and sky. Occupy the largest proportion in the picture is Hayao Miyazaki, the old man's head and face, we can clearly see Hayao Miyazaki his personal characteristics, including that a head of white hair, a white beard, and that a pair of decades have not replaced the glasses. But in his facial features and hair surrounding, it is a series of animation works he directed. Want to know what these works? Let me give you details: the "by" in his glasses around, respectively is: the upper left corner of the "Totoro", tells us the alien gods Japanese Village Forest in the lower left corner of the sun, "Prince" and "lupin III", tells the story of a series about the teenage stories of adventure, the upper right corner of the "Kiki", tells the story of a magical girl back and grow in another city, the lower right corner of the "sky city", tells the story of the air, and a rogue army of young children in the city of the sky adventures and battles, and glasses in the lower right corner collapsed, it is shown the villain Mooska eventually fell from the crack of the sky city ending; those on his hair "run", respectively is: the "Heidi of the Alps", is about a shepherdess Heidi story; the middle of the "Princess Mononoke", "Howl's Moving Castle", "valley of the wind", the three film with fantastic technique, expounds the concept of environmental protection, love to the world; the right is short for "Habitat", is also about environmental protection. Don't forget to fly in his head on the red plane, from the "red", is about a dislike of war men into pigs story; finally, those on his chin free "fly", respectively is: the left most "spirited away", is about girls and their parents into Chihiro the Japanese spirit world after various adventures, this also is I most loves one works, is very touching, the right is "whisper of the heart", with the reality and fantasy insertion method, told us the mentality of a female high school students. More interesting, red fish Ponyo or in his nose with a nose form the drill out, from the film "Ponyo on the cliff", tells the story of a fish into the story of mankind; and out of his mouth, "detective Sherlock" the cat is a cat in the detective Sherlock, as we now see TV series "Holmes" plot almost, but is a kitty cat; while around his glasses and hair, we can see which covered with green grass and vines, this is Hayao Miyazaki the most loving thing to use in the film, is the performance of the love for nature sincerely.



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