导航:首页 > 电影字幕 > 千与千寻英语版大电影


发布时间:2023-01-10 07:11:21

㈠ 请问电影《千与千寻》英文版名字为何要叫做《spirited away》


《spirited away》也就是神隐的意思

㈡ 谁有千与千寻英文版的资源 谢谢了


㈢ Spirited away千与千寻英语版百度云资源1080p


㈣ 求《千与千寻》英文版中文字幕百度网盘


㈤ 千与千寻英文版在哪里看


㈥ 用英语介绍电影千里千寻,200个单词左右 带汉语翻译

Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi)
Directed by Hayao Miyazaki
Spirited Away is the story of a young girl named Chihiro who is leaving everything that she knows to move with her family to a new town. On the way to their new home her Father decides to take a shortcut on a dirt road that ends and there is a tunnel, and her parents decide to go through. Scared, Chihiro follows and they find themselves in a small town with many restaurants. With nobody around, Chihiro's parents begin eating and decide to pay later. Chihiro wanders off and approaches a large building where she is told to run away before night by a mysterious young boy. She goes to find her parents who have turned into pigs. As she runs back toward the tunnel she came through she finds water blocking her path. The young boy from the bridge named Haku finds her and helps her into the large building from before, which is a Bathhouse for the Gods of Japan. Chihiro learns she can only stay to help her parents if she finds work at the bathouse, and she must work and find a way to reverse the effects on her parents. This is a story of growing up, and finding ourselves.

㈦ 千与千寻英文简介

Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi)
Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi is the story of a young girl named Chihiro who is leaving everything that she knows to move with her family to a new town. On the way to their new home her Father decides to take a shortcut on a dirt road that ends and there is a tunnel, and her parents decide to go through. Scared, Chihiro follows and they find themselves in a small town with many restaurants. With nobody around, Chihiro's parents begin eating and decide to pay later. Chihiro wanders off and approaches a large building where she is told to run away before night by a mysterious young boy. She goes to find her parents who have turned into pigs. As she runs back toward the tunnel she came through she finds water blocking her path. The young boy from the bridge named Haku finds her and helps her into the large building from before, which is a Bathhouse for the Gods of Japan. Chihiro learns she can only stay to help her parents if she finds work at the bathouse, and she must work and find a way to reverse the effects on her parents. This is a story of growing up, and finding ourselves.


㈧ “千与千寻”这部电影用英语怎么说啊

Spirited Away

㈨ 求英文配音的千与千寻版本,有字幕当然更好,给学生英语学习用,好心人帮帮忙

[宫崎骏] 剧场版 神隐少女 千与千寻 Spirited Away (BD 720p AVC AACx9 Subx7).mp4






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