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发布时间:2023-01-12 00:18:52

A. 写海伦凯勒的英语作文



Helen Keller lived in the U.S.A. She was a great woman. When Helen was a baby,she got very sick. Afthe many weeks,the doctor said:"she is better,but now she can't see and she can't hear." Her mother and father were very sad . Afthe a few years,things got worse. There was no way for Helen to speak to other people. She heard nothing. She saw nothing. She didn't undertand anyting. Then one day a teacher come to live with Helen and her family. The teacher helped Helen learn about words. Helen was a bright child and soon she learned to spell her first word. When she was older,she went to college. Helen was very famous. She helped many blind and deaf people. She traveled around the world and helped many people. Helen was a very old woman when she died. The world remembers her today as a brave and wonderful person. She was blind and deaf,but she found a way to see and hear.


In 1882 a baby girl caught a fever that was so fierce she nearly died. She survived but the fever left its mark - she could no longer see or hear. Because she could not hear she also found it very difficult to speak.So how did this child, blinded and deafened at 19 months old, grow up to become a world-famous author and public speaker?The fever cut her off from the outside world, depriving her of sight and sound. It was as if she had been thrown into a dark prison cell from which there could be no release.Luckily Helen was not someone who gave up easily. Soon she began to explore the world by using her other senses. She followed her mother wherever she went, hanging onto her skirts; she touched and smelled everything she came across. She copied their actions and was soon able to do certain jobs herself, like milking the cows or kneading dough, she even learnt to recognize people by feeling their faces or their clothes. She could also tell where she was in the garden by the smell of the different plants and the feel of the ground under her feet.By the age of seven she had invented over 60 different signs by which she could talk to her family, if she wanted bread for example, she would pretend to cut a loaf and butter the slices. If she wanted ice cream she wrapped her arms around herself and pretended to shiver.Helen was unusual in that she was extremely intelligent and also remarkably sensitive. By her own efforts she had managed to make some sense of an alien and confusing world. But even so she had limitations.At the age of five Helen began to realize she was different from other people. She noticed that her family did not use signs like she did but talked with their mouths. Sometimes she stood between two people and touched their lips. She could not understand what they said and she could not make any meaningful sounds herself. She wanted to talk but no matter how she tried she could not make herself understood. This makes her so angry that she used to hurl herself around the room, kicking and screaming in frustration.As she got older her frustration grew and her rages became worse and worse. She became wild and unruly. If she didn't get what she wanted she would throw tantrums until her family gave in. Her favorite tricks included grabbing other people's food from their plates and hurling fragile objects to the floor. Once she even managed to lock her mother into the pantry. Eventually it became clear that something had to be done. So, just before her seventh birthday, the family hired a private tutor - Anne Sullivan.Anne was careful to teach Helen especially those subjects in which she was interested. As a result Helen became gentler and she soon learnt to read and write in Braille. She also learnt to read people's lips by pressing her finger-tips against them and feeling the movement and vibrations. This method is called Tadoma and it is a skill that very, very few people manage to acquire. She also learnt to speak, a major achievement for someone who could not hear at all.Helen proved to be a remarkable scholar, graating with honors from Radcliff College in 1904. She had phenomenal powers of concentration and memory, as well as a dogged determination to succeed. While she was still at college she wrote 'The Story of My Life'. This was an immediate success and earned her enough money to buy her own house.She toured the country, giving lecture after lecture. Many books were written about her and several plays and films were made about her life. Eventually she became so famous that she was invited abroad and received many honors from foreign universities and monarchs. In 1932 she became a vice-president of the Royal National Institute for the Blind in the United Kingdom.After her death in 1968 an organization was set up in her name to combat blindness in the developing world. Today that agency, Helen Keller International, is one of the biggest organizations working with blind people overseas.

B. 对海伦凯勒的评价英文

名人的 故事 一定深刻影响着自己。但是对他们的评价要怎么写呢?下面是我为大家带来对海伦凯勒的评价英文,相信对你会有帮助的。
At the age of 19 months, Helen Keller was a happy, healthy girl. She could already say a few words. Unfortunately, she had a high fever which caused her to become deaf and blind. No longer could she see nor hear. The fever cut her off from the outside world, depriving her of sight and sound. It was as if she had been thrown into a dark prison cell from which there could be no release. She felt lost.

After that, she began to explore the world by using her other senses. She learned to do many things this way. For example, she could recognize people by feeling of their faces or their clothes.

She made up signs with her hands so she could "talk" to her family. She had 60 different signs. Helen was a very bright child. Soon she found herself was different from other children——she couldn't talk. This made her so angry that she used to hurl herself around the room, kicking and screaming in frustration.

The family knew they had to do something to help her. So, just before her seventh birthday, the family hired a private tutor — Anne Sullivan. Anne taught Helen the signs for the letters of the alphabet. Then she would "spell" the words in Helen's hand to communicate with her. One day Anne led Helen to the water pump and pumped water on her hand. She spelled the letters W-A-T-E-R as the water ran over Helen's hand. She did this over and over again. At last it dawned on Helen that the word "water" meant the water which she felt pouring over her hand. This opened up a whole new world for her. She ran everywhere asking Anne the name of different things and Anne would spell the words in her hand.

Helen had an amazing memory, and she also had skills very few people have ever been able to develop. She could put her fingers to a person's lips and understand the words which were being spoken.

While she was in college she wrote her book called "The Story of My Life". With the money she earned from the book she could afford a house.

She became famous and traveled around the world speaking to

groups of people. She met many important and well-known people as she traveled.

After her death in 1968 an organization was set up in her name to combat blindness in the developing world. Today that agency, Helen Keller International, is one of the biggest organizations working with blind people overseas.

I am touched by how firm Helen is. Compared to her, we are much healthier and live a happier life. After reading the story of her, I get to know how necessary we should enjoy our life. And I realize that if you keep working hard, you will succeed sooner or later. Helen will always be remembered as a heroine in my mind.
In 1882 a baby girl caught a fever that was so fierce she nearly died. She survived but the fever left its mark - she could no longer see or hear. Because she could not hear she also found it very difficult to speak.

So how did this child, blinded and deafened at 19 months old, grow up to become a world-famous author and public speaker?

The fever cut her off from the outside world, depriving her of sight and sound. It was as if she had been thrown into a dark prison cell from which there could be no release.

Luckily Helen was not someone who gave up easily. Soon she began to explore the world by using her other senses. She followed her mother wherever she went, hanging onto her skirts; she touched and smelled everything she came across. She copied their actions and was soon able to do certain jobs herself, like milking the cows or kneading dough, she even learnt to recognize people by feeling their faces or their clothes. She could also tell where she was in the garden by the smell of the different plants and the feel of the ground under her feet.

By the age of seven she had invented over 60 different signs by which she could talk to her family, if she wanted bread for(Motivational model yue.mipang.com) example, she would pretend to cut a loaf and butter the slices. If she wanted ice cream she wrapped her arms around herself and pretended to shiver.

Helen was unusual in that she was extremely intelligent and also remarkably sensitive. By her own efforts she had managed to make some sense of an alien and confusing world. But even so she had limitations.

At the age of five Helen began to realize she was different from other people. She noticed that her family did not use signs like she did but talked with their mouths. Sometimes she stood between two people and touched their lips. She could not understand what they said and she could not make any meaningful sounds herself. She wanted to talk but no matter how she tried she could not make herself understood. This makes her so angry that she used to hurl herself around the room, kicking and screaming in frustration.

As she got older her frustration grew and her rages became worse and worse. She became wild and unruly. If she didn't get what she wanted she would throw tantrums until her family gave in. Her favorite tricks included grabbing other people's food from their plates and hurling fragile objects to the floor. Once she even managed to lock her mother into the pantry.
The proper use of metaphor——book review of the Story of My Life Fascinating historians,filmmakers,social scientists and writers,the life of Helen Keller has inspired biographies,films,essays,articles and theatrical performances. It can not be praised too much. The Story of My Life is a story of courage and determination,of persistence in the face of great odds,of never giving in and remaining cheerfully optimistic no matter what the circumstances. Whatever,what I want to talk about is the use of metaphor which impresses me most and contributes a lot to this book as well.

In the book,Helen uses metaphor to indicate her determination which gives me a deep impression again and again.

I slipped back many times,I fall,I run against the edge of hidden obstacles,I lose my temper and find it again and keep it better,I trudge on,I gain a little,I feel encouraged,I get more eager and clime higher and I reach the widening horizon. Every struggle is a victor.One more effort and I reach the luminous cloud,the blue depths of the sky, the uplands of my desire.

This paragraph describes her real situation in Harvard University. It was her first year in Harvard. At that time,she could hardly found any special textbooks for the blind. It was extremely difficult for her to learn anything. She struggled with the help of others,sorrowfully. It’s obvious for us that she suffered a lot. However,she never gave up. She refused to surrendered to destiny. A persistent person who was putting her every effort into managing her idea comes up to my mind. All these phrases

such as “slip back,trudge on,blue depth and uplands” touch my heart. It was her willpower indicated by metaphor that moved me deeply. Helen proves us that where there is a will,there is a way by her deeds.

In the Story of My Life,she also expresses her love by using beautiful and positive words. It also is a kind of metaphor.

At first I did not realize what had happened; but when I put my hand in the cage and pretty wings did not meet my touch or his small pointed claws take hold of my finger, I know that I should never see my sweet little singer again.

As we all know,Helen is a deaf and blind woman. She can only fell the pretty bird given by her teacher as a Christmas gift. Her reorganization to the bird is so vague. However,I can really feel her happiness and her love to her sweet little bird even though there is no a word “love” being written. She expresses her love by using words“pretty,sweet” instead of using“love”directly.

Here is another example.

She realized that a child’s mind is like a shallow brook which ripples and dances merrily over the stony course of its ecation and reflects here a flower,there a bush, yonder a fleecy cloud;and she attempted guide my mind on its way,knowing like a brook it should be fed by mountain steams and hidden springs,until in broadened out into a deep river,capable of reflecting in its surface,billow hills the luminous shadows of trees and the blue heavens as well as the sweet face of a little flower.

Comparing a child’s mind to shallow brook which should be fed by small streams,Helen shows us the great influence ecation have on children. In other word,by doing so,the great influence from Anne

Sullivan stands out. Anne Sullivan taught Helen alphabet but instead of spelling single words. She spelled whole sentences into her hands. Sullivan is her stream and helps her grow into a brook even a considerable ocean.

Examples indicate that Helen writes with metaphor can be found throughout the book. I contend that if we pay our attention to such sentences,we can have a better understanding of metaphor and make good use of it. All in all,the Story of My Life is definitely worth reading and appreciating.

对海伦凯勒的评价英文相关 文章 :

1. 海伦凯勒经典英文名言

2. 海伦凯勒简介英文版

3. 优美文章:坚强的海伦·凯勒

C. 急求海伦凯勒的假如给我3天光明读后感,英文的!

Helen Keller was badly ill after she was born. She lost her beautiful voice, and she couldn’t see or hear at all. To her, to own a world like other people was a dream that could never come true

D. 英语作文赞扬海论凯勒50单词带中文翻译

Helen Keller
Helen Keller lived in the U.S.A.She was a great woman.
When Helen was a baby,she got very sick.Afthe many weeks,the doctor said:"she is better,but now she can't see and she can't hear." Her mother and father were very sad .
Afthe a few years,things got worse.There was no way for Helen to speak to other people.She heard nothing.She saw nothing.She didn't undertand anyting.
Then one day a teacher come to live with Helen and her family.The teacher helped Helen learn about words.Helen was a bright child and soon she learned to spell her first word.When she was older,she went to college.
Helen was very famous.She helped many blind and deaf people.She traveled around the world and helped many people.
Helen was a very old woman when she died.The world remembers her today as a brave and wonderful person.She was blind and deaf,but she found a way to see and hear.

E. 用英文描述海伦凯勒给我们的启示带翻译

she, a blind and deaf woman, became the world famous writer! i think she is one of the few tough women in the world. she never yielded to difficulties and always overcame all the problems with surprising perseverance. through her story, i realize that you should be persistent with your goal if you want to achieve something.

F. 关于海伦凯勒的英语作文


Helen Keller lived in the USA. She was a great woman.


Helen was blind and deaf. She couldn’t see anything or hear anything. Her parents are very sad.


A teacher helped Helen study words. Helen studied them very hard when she grew up. She went to college. In Helen Keller’s life, she wrote fourteen books and her first book is “My Life”. The book “If you give me three days light” is very famous.


She has some words: Be of good cheer. Do not think of today’s failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourself a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles.


Though she was blind and deaf, she found a way to see and hear.


G. 看海伦凯勒电影的观后感要英文的 急急急

Watching the Helen Keller movie, I surging, I be Helen made such a big achievement, that kind of toughness, be Helen shocked by his spirit bumpy moved.

The film tells the story of Helen Keller in her birth nineteen months time, because of illness, lost valuable listening and vision, so she became a deaf, mb, and blind severe disabled. She doesn't like normal person study, the life, but Helen Keller in teacher Anne's help, her overcome her sick. Learn to use hand "talk", and mastered English, French, German, Latin, Greece five kinds of words, In her 24 years old, she graate with excellent results in the famous Harvard University, it completely changed keller life.

See the film, gave me great comprehend: a deaf and mb people can have made so great achievement, how surprising. If Helen Keller had succumbed to unfortunate fate, then it will become a poor YuWei "parasites". But she didn't head to fate, she with amazing perseverance, indomitable spirit, carvered wonderful life path.

Helen is a disabled, but her mind is key just and free, longing for the future, she himwith a single indomitable heart, created a miracle in human history, and with lovingkindness hands holding the world of the disabled. She is our pride, our example. Helen's life, are tough, will give to us great encouragement, so that those who idling people very regret. Helen unyielding life, not only gives us a lot of enlightenment: we these healthy people, not away your youth, we should treasure this beautiful life, cherish the happiness of life. Don't wait for lost regret it, then already too late.

From Helen Keller body, I realized profoundly: a person will achieve, is not the condition quality, but in any struggle and progressive spirit. Had a target, just have the power, for this goal, will certainly encounter all sorts of difficulties, but as long as we march forward courageously, we will overcome all the difficulties and achieving brilliant achievements.



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