导航:首页 > 电影字幕 > 在假期里我看了一部电影英文


发布时间:2023-01-12 04:45:41

Ⅰ 在假期里你读了哪些书,看过哪些电影呢你最喜欢哪一本(部)呢请你用英语写一篇A Report About a Book/Flim

第一个空:《another cinderrella story》selena gomze第二个空:dance learn love routine player outstanding no-popular people mr.big handsome totally kissable prom pitiless perfectly prince princess cinderella amazing promising mysterious第三个空:I'll give you some

Ⅱ 用英语怎么说:"我们去看了电影,我们很开心的度过了,假期我真的很快乐."

We went to see the film, we spent very happy, I am really very happy holiday

Ⅲ 我看了一部电影的英文

i watched a movie

see a movie 和 watch a movie的区别


A、see a movie 侧重表示看电影的整体事件
I'm going to see a movie. 我要去看电影。
I saw that moive before. 我看过那个电影。

B、watch a moive 侧重表示看电影的过程
I'm watching a movie. 我正在看电影。
I like watching movies. 我喜欢看电影。

I watch a lot of TV. 我看很多电视。
I watched a video at home. 我在家看(了)视频。

我们这里只是从语法层面分析了 see a movie 和 watch a movie 的区别,不能概括所有的情境。现实生活中,在不同的场景,可能还会有习惯用法上的区别,大家还是要以习惯用法为准。


watch a movie 会暗指是在家里看电影。

see a moive 会暗指去电影院啊之类的场所看电影。

Ⅳ 去年的暑假和朋友看了一场电影英文

In the last day of summer vacation.I go to the movies with my friends.I encounters a star.We are very happy.Our vacation was over.
These are my summer vacation life.
谷歌翻译:In the last day of summer vacation,and friends go to the movies,occasional star,we are very happy this way,our vacation was over.The above is my summer vacation.

Ⅳ 我在假期间看了一部叫做阿甘正传的电影英语

I like reading and watching movies.Recently I watched a movie called "Forrest Gump".Thanks to this movie,I thinked a lot and learnt a lot.

Ⅵ 假期,我看了一部非常好的电影的翻译是:什么意思

假期,我看了一部非常好的电影的翻译是:On vacation, I saw a really good movie

Ⅶ 英语翻译 1、我在这个假期看了一部电影,它的名字叫《xxx》.它感动了我. 就这个句子.

I watched a movie called " Desire city" in this holiday.I'm totally touched by this movie.

Ⅷ 我在看一部电影用英文怎么说

I'm watching a film
I'm watching a movie

Ⅸ 今天我看了一部电影,名字叫XXX。翻译成英文

I watched a film named xxx today.

名为… 用named十分恰当,从结构和文意上看都很合适

Ⅹ 我看了一部电影的英文



I saw a movie



You recall it as a memory instead of I saw a movie, I actually was there in this experience.



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