导航:首页 > 电影字幕 > 哪部电影其实没那么好英文翻译


发布时间:2023-01-22 01:36:40

❶ ”我认为那部电影不值得看两遍。“的英语翻译有问题吗i do not think the film is worth watching twic

“i do not think the film is worth watching twice.”比 I think the film is not worth seeing two times 更好点。因为我们都知道如果以“I think, I believe...”开始的宾语从句,如果有否定的话,否定要前移。即常说“I don't think...”

❷ 哪部电影台词英文翻译让你印象深刻

《Forest Gump》翻译为《阿甘正传》。我知道这个不太显眼,但考虑下,如果直译为《福雷斯特-甘普》,还有味道么?《阿甘正传》这种译法,利用了《阿Q正传》的语境,带出来一种半戏谑的轻巧味道。给Forest Gump定死叫阿甘,也很符合他在电影里呆萌纯真的感觉。

❸ 英语翻译:1.这部电影和那部电影一样有趣 2.这本字典不如你想像的那样有用 3.她看起来和以前一样漂亮

1this film is as funny as that one 2this dictionary is not as useful as you think.
3she looks as pretty as before
4my life style is very different from hers
5the two brothers looks the same

❹ 这部电影没有那不有趣 英语翻译 急!

The movie isn't more interesting than that.
Our school is one of the best in our town
He jumps higher than any others boys in our class.
Today's homework is less than yesterday's.

❺ 翻译这部电影很有趣,我从来没有看到更好的

This movie is very interesting, I have never seen anything better.



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