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发布时间:2023-02-06 21:04:30

⑴ 电影经典英语名句

每一部经典的电影里面都有一个动人的 故事 ,其中里面一些经典的台词名句总能让人印象深刻。下面我为大家推荐一些电影里面的经典英语名句,欢迎大家阅读 收藏 !

1、This path has been placed before you. The choice is yours alone


2、We are not here because we are free .we are here because we are not free.

我们在这里不是因为我们自由,我们在这里是因为我们不自由。 《黑客帝国》

3、WILLIAM WALLACE:"Fight, and you may die. Run, and you'll live at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now. Would you be willing to trade? All the days from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our Freedom! Freedom——

" 威廉华莱士:"是啊,如果战斗,可能会死。如果逃跑,至少还能活。年复一年,直到寿终正寝。你们!愿不愿意用这么多苟活的日子去换一个机会,就一个机会!那就是回来,告诉敌人,他们也许能夺走我们的生命,但是,他们永远夺不走我们的自由!" "我们的自由!! 《勇敢的心》

4、If the people we love are stolen from us,the way to have them live on,is to remember them. Building burn,people die,but real love is forever. ——《The Crow》

如果我们所爱的人从我们身边被偷走,要使他们继续留在我们身边,就要记住他们。建筑会被焚毁,人会死去,而真爱永存。 ——《乌鸦》

5、The past passed by, The future is not comeing yet, whatever it going to be, All we have is , is this,the present.


6、Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smiles back .

死神在向我们每个人微笑,我们所能做的只有回敬微笑。 《角斗士》

7、"with great power there must come great responsibility" [SPIDER-MAN]

"有了多大的能力就会有多大的责任" [蜘蛛人]

8、The front is a dead end ,hope be turning cape


9、Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something.You got a dream,you gotta protect it.People can't do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can't do it.If you want something,go get it. (Will Smith)

别让别人告诉你你不能做什么,你有梦想,你就得保护它。人们自己做不成什么事情,就想要告诉你你也做不成。如果你想要什么,就要去争取。(韦尔 史密斯《当幸福来敲门〉)

10、The things you own, end up oweing you.

你所拥有的东西最终拥有了你。 《搏击俱乐部》

1、Gone With the Wind 《乱世佳人》

"... tomorrow is another day!"




Jack: "You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise.

Rose: "I promise."

Jack: "Never let go.

Rose: "I promise. I will never let go, Jack. I'll never let go."





"Bond. James Bond."


【007电影系列的招牌台词。 此语是刺激“邦德迷”们肾上腺素加速分泌的最有效的“催化剂”(虽已用过19次),Fans伴随着邦德一次次出生入死、一次次非凡艳遇、一次次化险为夷、一次次惊声尖叫……邦德已成为Fans心目中不死的银幕神话。】

4、Forrest Gump《阿甘正传》

Momma always said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get."



5、The Terminator《终结者》

"I'll be back!"




Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.


7、 《计程车司机》

You talkin' to me?"




"E.T. phone home."



9、 《绿野仙踪》

"There's no place like home."



10、 《绝望主妇》

I have g myself up from dirt to afford these things, and no one is going to take them away from me!



"Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."


13、《 毕业 生》

"Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to sece me, aren't you?"



Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,she walks into mine.



It's time to wrap it up.




I remember my grandson asked me the other day, he said: "Grandpa, were you a hero in the great war?"

"No," I replied, "But I served in a company of heroes."



Show me the money!


18、My best friend's wedding 《我最好朋友的婚礼》

Michael, I love you. I've loved you for nine years; I've just been too arrogant and scared to realize it. Oh… Now I'm just scared. I… I realize this comes at a very inopportune time, but I really have this gigantic favor to ask of you. Choose me. Marry me. Let me make you happy.



To be, or not to be- that is the question

生存或毁灭, 这是个必答之问题。


I have had my best love before, but I didn't treasure her. When I lost her, I fell regretful. It is the most painful matter in this world. If God can give me another chance, I will say 3 words to her --- I love you. If you have to give a time limit to this love, I hope it is 10 thousand years.



It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.


22、罗马假日 Roman Holiday

Well, life isn't always what one likes, istn't it?


23. 《女人香》

Some people live in a lifetime in a minute.


24. 《神探亨特》

You are under arrest for so and so reason. You have the right to remain silent. Anything what you say can and will be used in the court of law against you. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be provided to you.



Come to class, do the work, or I'll fail you.



Frankly, my dear, I don't have a!



I come, I see, I conquer!


28.《 爱情故事 》

love means never having to say you're sorry!



The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death. But when I stand in front of you yet I don't say: "I love you " .



I am big! It's the pictures that got small.


经典电影哲理英语 句子
1、If there's magic in boxing...

如果 拳击 运动中有诀窍的话...

2、...it's the magic of fighting battles beyond enrance...


3、...beyond cracked ribs, ruptured kidneys and detached retinas,


4、It's the magic of risking everything for a dream that nobody sees but you.


———— 《百万美元宝贝 》

5、Ernest Hemingway once wrote: “The world is a fine place and worth fighting for. I agree with the second part. ”



6、Why would you want to be with someone who doesn't love you?


7、Destiny is something we've invented because we can't stand the fact that everything that happens is accidental.


8、You make millions of decisions that mean nothing and then one day your order takes out and it changes your life.



9、Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something, not even me.


10、You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want something, go get it.




1. 电影经典英语名言

2. 电影名言英语名言

3. 20句英语电影台词

4. 魔兽电影经典台词

5. 10句励志感人经典台词

⑵ 香港警匪片中常见到的一串台词用英语怎么说

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and
will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult an attorney before questioning. You have the right to have your attorney present with you ring questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you at no expense. You may choose to exercise these rights at any time

⑶ 同一部原声英文电影的经典对白,中英文都要有,五到十句。

Dumbledore: It does not to do dwell on dreams, and forget to live.

Ron: Harry, it's you that has to go on, I know it. Not me, not Hermione. You!

Voldemort: There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it.

Dumbledore: It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.

一、“他绝不会走,只要留下来的那些人还忠于他!”(He'll never be gone! Not as long as those who remain are loyal to him!)
二、“我们希望我们的波特先生总是能够扭转乾坤”“放心吧,我会的!”(Mr.Potter will always be around to save the dead.——Don’t worry, I will be.)
三、 “比这更重要的是--友谊和勇气。”(There are more important things, friendship and bravery.)
四、“多比没有主人!多比是自由的小精灵!多比是来救哈利-波特和他的朋友们!”(Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter, and his friends!)
五、“爱我们的人是永远不会离开我们的。”(The ones that love us never really leave us.)
六、“想要杀哈利,得先把我们也杀掉!”(If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us, too!)

1. 斯内普:你这个令人失望多愁善感的小子,只会苦涩的抱怨生活如何的不公平。你可能没有注意到,生活本来就是不公平的。
Severus Snape: Sentimental children forever whining about how bitterly unfair your lives have been. Well,it may have escaped you notice, but life isn't fair.
2 . 哈利:你才是懦弱的人,你不懂得爱,也不懂得友情,我可怜你。
Harry Potter: You're the weak one. And you'll never know love,or friendship. And I feel sorry for you.
3. 卢娜:再说,我妈妈以前经常说,失去的东西总会找到方法回来的。
Luna Lovegood: Anyway, my mum always said things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end.

⑷ 电影大鱼 经典台词(中英对照)

1、The more difficult something is, the more rewarding it is in the end.


2、Sometimes the only way to catch an uncatchable woman is to offer her a wedding rin


3、Kept in a small bowl, the goldfish will remain small. With more space, the fish will grow double, triple or quadruple its size.


4、They said when you meet the love of your life,time stops.And that's true.What they don't tell you is that once time starts again, it moves extra fast to catch up.


5、There comes a point when a reasonable man will swallow his pride and admit that he's made a terrible mistake.Truth is , I was never a reasonable man.



《大鱼》是一部2003年出品的美国奇幻片,故事改编自丹尼尔·华勒斯(Daniel Wallace)于1998年出版的《大鱼老爸》(Big Fish)改编而成。由蒂姆·伯顿执导,由伊万·麦克格雷格、阿尔伯特·芬尼和杰西卡·兰格等联袂出演。 。

电影以孩子的口吻来叙述其爸爸传奇的一生。爱德华·布鲁姆是个喜欢吹牛的老头,总喜欢炫耀年轻时旅行推销的经历,儿子并不相信,觉得父亲很虚荣浮夸,父子关系渐渐疏离。直到父亲不久于人世,儿子决定回去见父亲最后一面,他终于领悟到父亲充满激情和想象的一生 。

⑸ 大鱼电影里的英语短句.有哪些

1、Sometimes the only way to catch an uncatchable woman is to offer her a wedding ring.

2、Kept in a small bowl, the goldfish will remain small. With more space, the fish will grow double, triple or quadruple its size.

3、Did you ever think that maybe you're not too big but maybe this town is just too small?Well, it's too small for a man of my ambition.

4、The biggest fish in the river gets that way by never being caught.

5、There comes a point when a reasonable man will swallow his pride and admit that he's made a terrible mistake.Truth is , I was never a reasonable man.

6、The more difficult something is, the more rewarding it is in the end.

7、 This town is more than any man could ask for. And if I were to end up here, I would consider myself lucky.But the truth is, I'm just not ready to end up anywhere.

8、-- Can I take your picture?
-- Oh, you don't need a picture.Just look up the word 'handsome' in the dictionary.

9、They said when you meet the love of your life,time stops.And that's true.What they don't tell you is that once time starts again, it moves extra fast to catch up.

10、-- You were hot shit back in Hickville,but here in the real world, you got squat.You don't have a plan or a job.Nothing except the clothes on your back. You were a big fish in a small pond, but this here is the ocean and you're drowning....

-- ...I don't have a job,but I would have a job if you gave me one.And I may not have much, but I have more determination than any man you're likely to meet.

-- 你是乡下来的大人物,但在真实世界里,你啥都不是。你没什么打算、没有一份工作,除了身上的衣服以外什么都没有。你原本是小池子里的大鱼,但现在这里是大海,你会淹死的...

-- 我是没有工作,但只要你给我一份就可以。我拥有的也许不多,但我比任何人都有决心。

11、Most things you consider evil or wicked are simply lonely and lacking in social niceties.

12、Fate has a cruel way of circling around on you.There's a time when a man needs to fight and a time when he needs to accept that his destiny's lost.Now the ship has sailed,and that only a fool will continue.Truth is , I've always been a fool.

13、 The thing about icebergs is you only see 10 percent while the other 90 percent is below the water where you can't see it.

14、-- You don't even know me.
-- I have the rest of my life to find out.
-- 你甚至还不认识我。
-- 我用毕生来认识你。

15、Jennifer: See, to him there's only two women:Your mother, and everyone else...I was make-believe.And his other life,you.You were real.

16、Dr. Bennett:And that's the real story of how you were born.Not very exciting,is it?And I suppose if I had to choose between the true version and an elaborate one involving a fish and a wedding ring,I might choose the fancy version.But, then that's just me.

17、Have you ever heard a joke so many times you've forgotten why it's funny? And then you hear it again and suddenly it's new. You remember why you loved it in the first place.

18、A man tells stories so many times that he becomes the stories. They live on after him, and in that way, he becomes immortal.

⑹ 《绝望主妇》经典英语台词语录带翻译

《绝望的主妇》是一部家庭伦理电视剧,剧中那些蕴涵哲理的话,总是给人留下深刻的印象和启发! 下面我为大家带来《《绝望主妇》经典英语台词,希望大家喜欢!


Life was suddenly full of possibilities.Not to mention a few unexpected surprises.


As I look back at the world I left behind, it's all so clear to me:the beauty that waits to be unveiled,the mysteries that long to be uncovered.But people so rarely stop to take a look,they just keep moving.It’s a shame really, there’s so much to see.


Yes, I remember the world --every detail.And what I remember most is how afraid I was. What a waste.You see, to live in fear is not to live at all.I wish I could tell this to those I left behind,but would it do any good? Probably not.I understand now -- there will always be those who face their fears,and there will always be those who run away.


When I was alive, I maintained many different identities –lover, wife, and ultimately, victim.Yes, labels are important to the living.They dictate how people see themselves,so we always gave up almost everything to assume a new label.


People, by their very nature, are always on the lookout for intruders, trying to prevent those on the outside from getting in. But there will always be those who force their way into our lives, just as there will be those we invite in. But the most troubling of all will be the ones who stand on the outside looking in, the ones we never truly get to know.


The search for power begins when we're quite young. As children,we're taught that the power of good triumphs over the power of evil. But as we get older, we realize that nothing is ever that simple. Traces of evil always remain.


An odd thing happens when we die. Taste,touch, smell, and sound become a distant memory,but our sight --ah, our sight expands,and we can suddenly see the world we've left behind so clearly.Of course, most of what's visible to the dead could also be seen by the living,if they'd only take the time to look.



Competition. It means different things to different people, but whether it's a friendly rivalry or a fight to the death? The end result is the same. There will be winners, and there will be losers. Of course, the trick is to know which battles to fight. You see, no victory comes without a price.


People are complicated creatures. On the one hand, able to perform great acts of charity. On the other, capable of the most underhanded forms of betrayal. It's a constant battle that rages within all of usbetween the better angels of our nature and the temptation of our inner demons. And sometimes, the only way to ward off the darkness, is to shine the light of compassion.


Trust is a fragile thing. Once earned, it affords us tremendous freedom. But once trust is lost, it can be impossible to recover. Of course, the truth is we never know who we can trust. Those we're closest to can betray us. And total strangers can come to our rescue. In the end, most people decide to trust only themselves.It really is the simplest way to keep from getting burned.

信任是脆弱的东西。一旦赢得,可给予我们巨大的空间,而一旦失去,就不可能再重建。当然,事实上我们永远不知道该去信任谁。最亲近的人都有可能背叛我们,完全陌生的人却会来帮助我们。到头来,大多数人决定只信任自己。这的确是避免引火上身最简单的 方法 。

We are all searching for someone,that special person who will provide us what's missing in our lives.Someone who can offer companionship, or assistance, or security.And sometimes, if we search very hard,we can find someone who provides us with all three.Yes, we're all searching for someone,and if we can't find them, we can only pray they find us.


Death is inevitable. It's a promise made to each of us at birth. But before that promise is kept,we all hope something will happen to us.Whether it's the thrill of romance, the joy of raising a family, or the anguish of great loss. We all hope to experience something that make our lives meaningful.But the sad fact is not all lives have meaning. Some people spend their time on this planet just sitting on the sidelines, waiting for something to happen to them before it's too late.

死亡无可避免,每个人出生时就已注定,但在大限到来之前, 我们都希望会发生点事情。不管是激情浪漫、天伦之乐、还是切肤之痛,我们都希望经历一些让生命有意义的事。然而事实却令人遗憾,不是所有的生命都有意义,一些人只是袖手旁观虚耗时光,坐等事情降临,直至错失良机。

There is a widely read book that tells us everyone is a sinner.Of course, not everyone feels guilt over the bad things they do.In contrast, there are those who assume more than their share of the blame.There are others who soothe their consciences with small acts of kindness,or by telling themselves their sins were justified.Finally, there are the ones who simply vow to do better next time and pray for forgiveness.Sometimes their prayers are answered.

有一本很流行的书说,我们每个人都有罪。当然了,不是每个人都对他们所做的坏事感到愧疚。相反,有些人认为那比应受的谴责更多。有人会做点小善事来安抚他们的良心,或者告诉自己这些罪行是正当的。最后, 他们发誓下一次会做的好些,并祈求饶恕,有时他们的祈祷真的灵验了。


Sooner or later,the time comes when we all must become responsible alts and learn to give up what we want so we can choose to do what is right.Of course, a life time of responsibility isn't always easy.And as the years go on,it's a burden that can become too heavy for some to bear.But still, we try to do what is best,what is good --not only for ourselves, but for those we love.Yes, sooner or later, we must all become responsible alts.No one knows this better than the young.


It's impossible to grasp just how powerful love is. It can sustain us through trying times or motivate us to make extraordinary sacrifices.It can force decent men to commit the darkest deeds or compel ordinary women to search for hidden truths.And long after we're gone, love remains, burned into our memories. We all search for love, but some of us, after we've found it, wish we hadn't.


Each new day in suburbia brings with it a new set of lies. The worst are the ones we tell ourselves before we fall asleep.We whisper them in the dark, telling ourselves we're happy or that he's happy,that we can change, or that he will change his mind.We persuade ourselves we can live with our sins or that we can live without him.Yes, each night before we fall asleep,we lie to ourselves in the desperate,desperate hopes that come morning, It will all be true.


Good friends offer to help in a crisis. Great friends don't take no for an answer.

好朋友在危难之时伸出援手,伟大的朋友在面对请求时从不说“不” 。.

Yes,everyone loves a scandal, no matter how big or small.After all, what could be more entertaining than watching the downfall of the high and mighty? What could be more amusing than the public exposure of hypocritical sinners?Yes, everyone loves a scandal, and if for some reason you're not enjoying the latest one, well -- the next one is always around the corner.

是的 人人都喜欢丑闻,或大或小。毕竟,有什么能比看成功者栽倒更具娱乐性?有什么能比伪君子被曝光更有趣呢?是的,人人都喜欢丑闻。如果因为种种原因你不再对最新的丑闻感兴趣,没关系,下一个很快就会来临。

Life is a journey,one that is much better traveled with a companion by our side.Of course, that companion can be just about anyone:a neighbor on the other side of the street,or the man on the other side of the bed.The companion can be a mother with good intentions,or a child who's up to no good.Very inspirational.Still, despite our best intentions,some of us will lose our companions along the way.And then the journey becomes unbearable.You see, human beings are designed for many things,but loneliness isn't one of them.


Spring comes every year to Wisteria Lane. But not everyone remembers to stop and smell the flowers. Some are too busy worrying about the future or mistakes they've made in the past. Others are preoccupied with not getting caught,or thinking of ways to catch someone else. Still, there will always be a few who remember to take a moment and appreciate what spring has given them, just as there will always be those who prefer to sit in the dark, brooding over everything they've lost.



The vow is simple, really.Those who take it promise to stay together,for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer,in sickness and in health, to honor and to cherish,forsaking all others until death do us part.Yes, the vow is simple.Finding someone worthy of such a promise is the hard part.But if we can,that's when we begin to live happily ever after.


Nothing is forever.And the time comes when we all must say goodbye to the world we know.Goodbye to everything we had taken for granted.Goodbye to those we thought would never abandon us.And when these changes finally do occur,when the familiar has departed and the unfamiliar has taken its place,all any of us can really do is to say hello and welcome.


We all honor heroes for different reasons. Sometimes for their daring. Sometimes for their bravery. Sometimes for their goodness. But mostly we honor heroes because at one point or another, we all dream of being rescued.Of course, if the right hero doesn't come along,sometimes we just have to rescue ourselves.


Children come into the world with their own agendas.Some, to brighten our days. Some, to test our patience. Some, to give us purpose. Some, to take care of us…Yes, when they come, children change everything. Especially when they're not invited.


It's an odd thing to look back on the world to watch those I left behind.Each in her own way so brave,so determined and so very desperate.Desperate to venture out,but afraid of what she'll miss when she goes.Desperate to get everything she wants,even when she's not exactly sure of what that is.Desperate for life to be perfect again,although she realizes it never really was.Desperate for a better future if she can find a way to escape her past.I not only watch,I cheer them on, these amazing women.I hope so much they'll find what they're looking for.But I know not all of them will.Sadly, that's just not the way life works.Not everyone gets a happy ending.

回过头来看这个世界,看看这些身后人是件很奇怪的事情。她们如此的勇敢坚定,却又如此的绝望。不顾一切地想要出去冒险,却又害怕因此会失去某些东西。不顾一切地想得到所有渴望的东西,甚至连她自己都不知道到底想要什么。不顾一切地想要生活重拾完美,尽管她知道生活从未完美过。不顾一切地想要一个更美好的未来,如果她能设法摆脱过去。我不只是关视,还为这些了不起的女人们加油。我衷心希望她们都能心想事成,但我知道,不是每个人都能称心如意,很遗憾,这就是生活,不是每个 故事 都有美好结局。


1. 电影经典英语名句

2. 《绝望主妇》经典英语台词

3. 《星际迷航》经典英语台词

4. 《驯龙高手》经典英语台词

⑺ 窈窕淑女英文电影10句经典台词

1、Henry Higgins: The streets will bestrewn withthe boies of men,shootingthemselvesforyour sake before I’m done with you.

亨利 希金斯:等我把你教好了,整条街都将堆满男人的尸体,他们会争着向你求婚决斗致死。

2、If yourefuse this offeryou will be the most ungratedful,wiched girl and theangels will weep for you!如果你拒绝这么好的条件,你就是个最无情的坏姑娘,天使都会为你哭泣。

3、What I done what I did wasnot forthe taxis and the dresses,but becausewe were pleasant together and I come to care for you .Not to want you to make love to me and not forgetting the difference between us, but more friendly like.


4、The moment I let a womanmake friends with me,she becomes jealous,exacting,suspicious and a damned nuisance.The moment that I make friends with a woman I become selfish and tyranical.So here I am ,a confirmed old bechelor and likely to remain so.


5、Damn,damn,damn,damn.I’ve grownaccustomed toher face.She almost makes the day begin.I’ve grown accustomed to the tune that she whistles night and noon,her smiles,her frowns,her ups, her downs aresecond nature to me.

该死的,该死的, 我已经习惯了每天见到她,是她让新的一天开始,我已经习惯了她从早到晚的口哨声,她的一颦一笑,已经成为了我天性需要的一部分,就像呼吸与吸气。

6、Surely I could always be the way again,and yet I’ve grownaccustomed toher looks.Accustomed toher voice,accustomed toher face.我当然可以回到从前,但我已经习惯了她的样子,习惯了她的声音,习惯了她的脸庞。

7、Ican’t afford’em, Governor.Neithercould you if you was as poor as me.我买不起道德,大人,你像我一样穷也会这样。

8、I mean to go onbeing undeserving.I like it an’that’s the truth.我可以不用救济过活,但确实乐意有救济。

9、Ihave to livefor others now,not formyself. Middle-class morality. 我得为别人而活,而不是为自己,所谓的中产阶级道德。

10、I won’t be called a baggage.Not when I ‘ve offered to play like any lady.我可不是个东西,我是来付钱给你的女士。


You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions.

Anything you do say may be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present ring questioning now or in the future.

If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish.

If you decide to answer questions now without an attorney present you will still have the right to stop answering at any time until you talk to an attorney.

Knowing and understanding your rights as I have explained them to you, are you willing to answer my questions without an attorney present?




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