⑴ 《简爱》电影的英语影评
Jane Eyre is a first-person narrative of the formative years of the title character, a small, plain-faced, intelligent, and passionate English orphan girl. The plot follows the form of a Bilngsroman, a novel that tells the story of a child's maturation and focuses on the emotions and experiences that lead to his or her maturity. The novel goes through five distinct stages: (1) Jane's childhood at Gateshead, where she is abused by her aunt and cousins; (2) her ecation at Lowood School, where she acquires friends and role models but also suffers privations; (3) her time as governess at Thornfield Manor, where she falls in love with her Byronic employer, Edward Rochester; (4) her time with the Rivers family at Marsh's End (or Moor House) and at Morton, where her cold clergyman-cousin St. John Rivers proposes to her; and (5) her reunion with and marriage to her beloved Rochester at his house of Ferndean. Partly autobiographical, the novel abounds with social criticism and sinister Gothic elements. Jane Eyre is divided into 38 chapters, and most editions are at least 400 pages long
⑵ 简爱读后感英文版
Person's life to go through many muddy rain is rough?I have no idea.Person's life have many valiant record is brilliant?I have no idea.But I know: as long as strong in the face of life, like the wonderful; as long as the effort to do the ordinary life, like the brilliant.
She is like an ugly ckling with only ugly ckling abandoned, her childhood humiliation, to never shed a tear.When aunt took her to the orphanage, she also did not give up their own, even if his only friend Helen has died, but she still brave and strong to live, and consciously.
Life is wonderful track meet.
She get a tutor to do to Thornfield Manor, accidentally met the owner Mr. Rochester, he is handsome and full of temperament, but the position of the gap is broad, she has no fear, resolutely and ran across the divide and.She is strong, brave pursuit of equality and freedom, can't harm her Rochester and dignity.
A brave man must be harvested, brave people will be bitter, brave man, as a brave man, should be like her - like Jane love.
Once I was innocent, I really be light of heart from care.One day I found out, I don't know since when
ane Eyre,is a poor but aspiring,small in body but huge in soul,obscure but self-respecting girl.After we close the covers of the book,after having a long journey of the spirit,Jane Eyre,a marvelous figure,has left us so much to recall and to think:
We remember her goodness:for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes,for someone who despised her for her ordinariness,and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.
We remember her pursuit of justice.It’s like a companion with the goodness.But still,a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side.
We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality.In her opinion,everyone is the same at the God’s feet.Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance,but all the human being are equal in personality.
We also remember her striving for life,her toughness and her confidence…
When we think of this girl,what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply,but a huge charm of her personality.
Her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from her experience,at least,that is a fresh new recognition of the real beauty.
⑶ 简爱电影观后感英文200
《简爱》是一本具有多年历史的文学著作。至今已152年的历史了。它的成功在于它详细的内容,精彩的片段。在译序中,它还详细地介绍了《简爱》的作者一些背景故事。 从中我了解到了作者夏洛蒂.勃郎特的许多事。她出生在一个年经济困顿、多灾多难的家庭;居住在一个远离尘器的穷乡僻壤;生活在革命势头正健,国家由农民向工业国过渡,新兴资产阶级日益壮大的时代,这些都给她的小说创作上打上了可见的烙印。 可惜,上帝似乎毫不吝啬的塑造了这个天才们。有似乎急不可耐伸出了毁灭之手。这些才华横溢的儿女,都无一例外的先于父亲再人生的黄金时间离开了人间。惜乎,勃郎特姐妹! 《简爱》这本小说,主要通过简.爱与罗切斯特之间一波三折的爱情故事,塑造了一个出生低微、生活道路曲折,却始终坚持维护独立人格、追求个性自由、主张人生平等、不向人生低头的坚强女性。 简.爱生存在一个父母双亡,寄人篱下的环境。从小就承受着与同龄人不一样的待遇:姨妈的嫌弃,表姐的蔑视,表哥的侮辱和毒打然而,她并没有绝望,她并没有自我摧毁,并没有在侮辱中沉沦.所带来的种种不幸的一切,相反,换回的却是简.爱的无限信心,却是简.爱的坚强不屈的精神,一种可战胜的内在人格力量. 不幸,在学习生活中,简.爱仍然是承受着肉体上的受罚和心灵上的催残.学校的施主罗可赫斯特不但当着全校师生的面诋毁她,而且把她置于耻辱台上示众.使她在全校师生面前丢尽了脸.但简.爱仍坚强不屈,化悲愤为力量,不但在学习上飞速进步,而且也取得了师生们的理解. 不久,简.爱又陷入了爱情的旋涡.个性及强的她同样保持着个人高贵的尊严,在情敌面前显得大家闺秀,毫不逊色,对于英格拉姆小姐的咄咄逼人,她从容面对. 同样, 在罗切斯特的面前,她从不因为自己是一个地位低贱的家庭教师,而感到自卑,她认为他们是平等的.不应该因为她是仆人,而不能受到别人的尊重.也正因为她的正直,高尚,纯洁,心灵没有受到世俗社会的污染。使得罗切斯特感到自惭性秽,同时对她肃然起敬,并深深地爱上了她。他的真心,让她感动,她接受了他.后来,简.爱发现罗切斯特已有了妻子,她的自尊自重再次出现,毫不犹豫地离开了他,她对爱情的专一,让我敬佩. 最后,简.爱得知,罗切斯特为了拯救在活中的妻子不幸双目失明.躯体严重残疾,完全丧失了生活能力,而同时又妻亡财毁.简.爱全身心的爱再次投入了他的怀抱
楼主在改改 这样可以伪原创
⑷ 简爱电影的英文影评。
A fast hour and a half
of psychological doom and gloom, and glimmers of happiness through true
love trounced by the realities of 1840 England. It's all pretty amazing
stuff, and you have to see it to believe it, those dark clouds and
sprawling stone buildings.
Yes, Orson Welles is the lead male here, Mr. Rochester, and he's a
physical presence, for sure, but a stiff one. As just one slightly
unfair comparison, watch how Lawrence Olivier handles being lead male
in a similar era (1939) Bronte film, Wuthering Heights. It's unfair
because this earlier movie, directed by William Wyler, is even better
than Jane Eyre. But here we have an actress who wowed the world in the
masterful Rebecca in 1940, and with Olivier himself, and if you see
this Hitchcock movie, based on a Daphne Maurier book, you'll see a
weirdly too similar echo of Charlotte Bronte's plot, complete with
mysterious master of the house and a big fire at the end.
This big mix and match is meant only to say that this kind of movie,
this kind of plot, reached a fever pitch in the early 1940s and
proced three masterpieces. You should see them all, and see the
influences back and front and sideways. Great stuff, with Jane Eyre the
third in line, made by the lesser known British director Robert
Stevenson (who had this one early success and then the other one, Mary
Poppins, of all things). But it was based on an Orson Welles radio
version of the story, which you can feel in the narrated lines with
Joan Fontaine's voice. You sense Welles had a hand in the whole feel of
the movie, the camera angles in the early scenes (looking up or down at
the child), and the overall Gothic excess and fog.
Great stuff to just feel and absorb.
⑸ 简爱读后感英文
This is a story about a special and unreserved woman who has been exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearlessly struggling for her ideal life.The story can be interpreted as a symbol of the independent spirit.
In this era of rapid social and technological change leading to increasing life complexity and psychological displacement,both physical and mental effects on us call for a balance.
We are likely to find ourselves bogged down in the Sargasso Sea of information overload and living unconsciousness.It's our spirit that makes the life meaningful.
⑹ 简爱英文读后感优秀
Recently, I have reading the book "Jane Eyre”.
Although I forgot some details in the book, Jane gave me deeply impression, I admire her very much. After that the teacher also told us to put the play in to a movie, and then we all can touch each hero’s soul in the book. The play it mainly tell us how Jane is growing up when suffering from great difficulties and painless. what's more, it is impressed me that she still love her master even if he is blind at last e to rescue his mad wife. And I like the Classic lines what Jane said to Mr. Rochester :"Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automaton?--a machine without feelings? and can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips, and my drop of living water dashed from my cup?
Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!--I have as much soul as you,--and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh;--it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God's feet, equal,--as we are!" its so beautiful, Jane is a girl who will never lose confidence in life and always sensible when handling with some motional problems. Jane was huge in my heart. She can control her life and fate. She knew how to continue her life and she got it!
Maybe after what she told me I have known that what love is and how to love and to be loved! The book is a book worth of reading, so all in all let’s enjoy it!
After reading Jane Eyre, I think Jane Eyre is a great woman. Through a serious of troublesome situations between Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester, the author set up a great female image before readers: insisting on maintaining an independent personality, pursuing indivial freedom, advocating equality of life and being confident before hard conditions.
Her early life at Gateshead was terrible, everyone seems harsh on her. She survives her parents at an early age, and has to live with her ugly aunt and three cousins. She suffers large quantities of bad conditions that others may not experience. However, she does not give up in despair, she does not destroy herself mentally, instead, Jane Eyre is filled with unlimited confidence, and she is a strong spirit, a victory over the inner personality.
She is then forced to send to Lowood Institution, unfortunately, life there turns out to be terrible, too. She is still under physical and spiritual punishment. Mr Brocklehurst insults her to be a liar before all pupils and teachers. But there she meets one sincere friend Helen Burns and one sincere teacher Miss Temple. They always treat her well. She then behaves very well and get many people’s recognition. Six years later, she makes a teacher there.
After two years teaching life at Lowood Institution, she plans to leave there to pursuit her own life and happiness. She was in a position of governess through a letter from Thornfield. Her life was totally changed after that. There she met a lovely girl, Adele and her master, Mr. Rochester. She has a special feeling about them. With the development of the plots, Jane Eyre succeed a large sum of money from his uncle, and through all bitter things which was caused by Rochester’s wife in Thornfield, Jane Eyre and Mr.Rockester finally get married and lead an ideal life.
I think Jane Eyre is an autobiography of Charlotte Bronte. Although the story is made up, the heroine and people's life and the environment in the story were taken from the details of real people around and experience. Charlotte Bronte described a young girl’s struggling life to express her inner thought: everyone is equal regardless of his or her gender. The uniqueness of Jane Eyre is not only lies in its truth and the strong artistic appeal, but also lies in the particular female image. The love story of Rochester and Jane Eyre vividly shows the fire of passion and sincere heart strongly reveals their notions of love. She looks down upon the upper class who only use their power to do what they intend to do and laughs at their stupid to show her independent character and beauty dream.
In the actual fact, she wasn’t pretty, even herself knows that, and of course, the ordinary appearance make others have bad opinion on her, even her own aunt dislike her. And some others even thought that she was easy to look down upon and tease, but she was totally much more than “the plain and ugly tutor”. And as a little governess she said to her master: “Do you think my poor, obscure, plain, and little has led me to be a soulless and heartless person? You have done a wrong thing!”Underneath these lines sees the equality of human in Jane Eyre’s mind. She has affection towards her master, Mr. Rochester, but when she finds that he has already had a wife, she leaves him and her love place without consideration. Although God did not grant her a beauty and wealth person, instead, God gave her a kind mind and a thoughtful brain. Her idea of equality and self-respect impressed us extremely much and make us feel the power inside her small body.
In my mind, a person’s beauty on the face can only make others feel that he or she is attractive or charming, if his or her mind isn’t the same noble as the appearance, beauty of this kind cannot last for a long time, because other people will one day find that the beauty which had charmed them was only a superficial one, it’s not sincere, they will not like the person any more. For a long time, only a person’s great virtue, a noble soul, a beautiful heart can be called as an everlasting beauty, just as Albert Einstein said: “A person must be held accountable for their biological survival or all of the meaning or purpose, from an objective point of view, I think it is ridiculous. Everyone can have a certain ideal, which determines the ideal and his efforts to determine the direction. In this sense, I never easy and the enjoyment of life as an end in itself, the ethical basis of this, I call it the ideal pigsty. I lit up the road, and continue to give me new courage to face up to the pleasure of the ideal life is good and the beautiful and true. If it were not for like-minded between the warm feelings, but focus on the objective world, the arts and sciences in the field of work will never reach the target, and then it seems to me that life would be empty. There are efforts to pursue the goal of the vulgar - property, vanity, luxury living, I think it is despicable.”
Now I get a better understanding of what real beauty is, as we are all human-beings, so we should distinguish whether a man is noble or vulgar.
Jane Eyre’s story makes me thinking about our future life and I learn much from her experiences, I know everyone will have a better tomorrow if one holds his beliefs, regardless of one’s status and the situation he is in.
Jane eyre is a novel with its own spin. It tells people what a life is all about.
The author of Jane eyre charlotte Bronte gentle, pure, like the pursuit of some good things, even though she was poor, lost a mother's love since childhood, combined with her short stature, appearance is not outstanding, but perhaps this is a kind of soul of inferiority, reflected in her character is a very sensitive self-esteem. Her description of Jane eyre is also an unbeautiful, small woman, but she has a very strong self-esteem.
Jane eyre lived in an environment under the care of a family. She was born with different treatment from her peers, her aunt's dislike, her cousin's contempt, her cousin's insults and beatings. & hellip; Perhaps because of all this, in exchange for a simple love of boundless confidence and strong indomitable character, a kind of invincible inner personality strength. She was determined to pursue a bright, holy, beautiful life.
In the presence of rochester, she never felt inferior to herself as a lowly tutor, and thought they were equal. It was also because of her integrity, her nobility, her purity, that her heart was not polluted by the world, that she was shocked and fell in love with her. And when they got married, Jane knew that rochester had a wife, and she felt that she had to leave. I am going to obey the law that god has given to the world, and I will hold on to the principles that I have accepted when I am awake and when I am not as mad as I am now. . But from the bottom of her heart, Jane eyre realized that she was deceived because she loved rochester. But Jane eyre made a very rational decision. Surrounded by such a love force, under the temptation of rich life, she still insists on her dignity as a person, which is the most spiritual charm of Jane eyre.
At the end of the novel design a very light -- although the rochester manor destroyed, he himself became a disability, but it is such a condition, make Jane no longer in the conflict between dignity and love, but also gain their dignity and true love.
In today's society, people are mad to drown love for money and status. Choose rich between poverty and wealth, and choose not to love between love and love. Few people, like Jane eyre, have abandoned everything for love, and have nothing to do with it. "Jane eyre" shows us a kind of return to nature, a kind of love that pursues the whole heart, and the dignity as a person deserves. It is like a cup of ice water, purifying everyone's heart.
⑺ 简爱英文读后感
Look at the book, let me think of a lot, I also dont know this book, under the reminder of my girlfriend I discovered this book, I think this writing is very good, although the story took place in 152 years ago, but it can also write the faint shore of the world, the master is really miserable, but difficult to do her,
She still insists on living, she still has a perfect result, this is to eat bitter bitter, fang is the truth of the human being, we also want like her in the real life!
I hope all the students, all the young people, dont be scared in front of difficulties, to be brave in the face of it, you can walk out from the difficulties, so you are a brave man!
Believe that you are also a person of interest!
Today, see the "Jane eyre" this book, I felt the tragic fate of the heroine Jane eyre and her brave the spirit of the pursuit of their own destiny.
This book mainly said the heroine Jane eyre heavy small lost parents, foster care in my aunts home, though every effort, but still difficult to please my aunts joy. Later, she was sent to a charity school, keep on studying hard work in extreme conditions, charity school after graation, Jane eyre, summon up courage to meet new life for tutors to thornfield manor, when she won the love, a hide secret for 15 years and has defeated the wedding, but Jane is not to give up, but then started a new life.
See the book, I was painful for the heros tragic fate, and was shocked by her not to give up the spirit of, Jane eyre tells us that even the most ordinary person, have their own courage, love and dignity.
"Love" in the history of English literature is handed down as a classic, it has successfully shaped the history of English literature first on love, life, society and religion, have taken a stand on ones own initiative and dare to struggle, dare to fight for free and equal status of women.
The Almost all women love foreign literature, like D Charlottes "in love".If we think that Charlotte is only just to write this section of tangled up love to write "love".I think, sorry, thats not correct.The author also is a female, living in turbulent England in the middle of the nineteenth Century, when the thoughts have a brand new start.And in "Jane love" in infiltration is the largest such thoughts -- womens sense of independence.Let us imagine, if Jane love independent, has been killed in his childhood; if she did not share the independent, she already and wife Rochester to live together, began to have money, a new life; if she is not that the purity, we are now in the hands of "Jane love" is no longer a touching tears classic.So, I began to think, why "Jane love" let us be moved, fondle admiringly -- she is independent personality, beckoning personality charm.
However, we cant help wanting to ask, only this step can be independent?I think I wont.After all, womens independence is a long-term process, not accomplish at one stroke.It needs a thorough courage, love was like Jane decided to leave Rochester, need "wind rustling Xi the Yi River is so cold, strong earth to did not return" heroic and courage.I think, this should be the most crucial one step, also should be the decisive step towards independence.And Charlottes Jane love but her stubborn disposition, independent personality left us a moved.So she is successful, happy women.
Jane love has as an independent womens classic, I hope the sun, the flowers more Jane love out, whether poor or rich,; whether beauty, or homely, have good heart and enrich the mind, can the independent personality and a strong sexual life.
The immortal works of Jane Eyre, a treasure house of world literature, have recently been discovered by me. I read it carefully. Jane. The author of love is Charlotte of England. Bront, she was born in the small town of the Yorkshire mountain village is the Reverend Patrick Thornton. Bronts third children. Charlotte wrote a long novel Jane in August 1847. Love. The story of Jane Eyre is mainly about the story of the young girl, Jane, who grew up from a young girl. Jane had no parents, and was adopted by a pro uncle. After his uncle died, her aunt bullied his love all day. Later, Jane was sent to an orphanage and lived there for 8 years. Then Jane went to be a tutor and finally got married to Mr. Rochester.
I love the fifth chapter: to Lowood (Lowood orphanage). At that time, Jane went to the orphanage, and she had a very hard day. The orphanage children can eat up to two times a week of bread and cheese and coffee, and they eat burnt porridge is not utter a sound, every morning to late to wait until the wash water, where the teacher is very strict, do something to stand for in the hall but. There is a teacher Miss Tan wave has broken some rules, let the students have a better day.
The misfortune of Janes love makes me feel that life is so beautiful that we should cherish the present life. You cant be strong when you meet a setback.
Reading Jane Eyre has a sense that I introce you to a good book that cant be missed. Its name is Jane Eyre.
This book tells the story of the heroine Jane, who has lost his parents and was in his aunts house. As a result of abuse, the consciousness of resistance sprouted. After graating from the school, he went to the manor as a family teacher and became admiring each other with the owner of the manor. The results found that the other is a married person, and his ex-wife is a mad woman in the attic is closed. At the end of his heart, Jane fled alone, and then he forgot about it and returned to him. The man at this time had been blinded by his eyes, and Jane still had a story with him.
After reading this article, I also have a new understanding of literature. It is a belief that literature is a kind of ideal and ambition, as well as wisdom and wisdom. To our ordinary people is an unreachable priceless treasure, a kind of tradition and spiritual wealth that can be carried forward.
This book can enrich our extracurricular life, at the same time, it can also improve our literary background and exercise our ability to control the good words and sentences in our writing. The author also told us, "the path of growth is full of sunshine and the rain that moistens our hearts.
I benefit a lot, what about you?
Recently, I have reading the book "Jane Eyre”。 Although I forgot some details in the book, Jane gave me deeply impression, I admire her very much. After that the teacher also told us to put the play in to a movie, and then we all can touch each hero’s soul in the book. The play it mainly tell us how Jane is growing up when suffering from great difficulties and painless.
whats more, it is impressed me that she still love her master even if he is blind at last e to rescue his mad wife. And I like the Classic lines what Jane said to Mr. Rochester :"Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automaton?--a machine without feelings? and can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips, and my drop of living water dashed from my cup? Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!--I have as much soul as you,--and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you.
I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh;--it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at Gods feet, equal,--as we are!" its so beautiful, Jane is a girl who will never lose confidence in life and always sensible when handling with some motional problems. Jane was huge in my heart. She can control her life and fate. She knew how to continue her life and she got it!
Maybe after what she told me I have known that what love is and how to love and to be loved! The book is a book worth of reading, so all in all let’s enjoy it!
Jane Eyre,she is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think:
We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.
We remember her pursuit of justice. It’s like a companion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side.
We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God’s feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality.
We also remember her striving for life, her toughness and her confidence.
When we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personality.
I read a lot of books, but there are few books that I like. But a book I read in summer vacation really made me feel on the scene. This book is called Jane Eyre. Maybe as a girl, I can feel the hardship of Jane Eyre.
Jane Eyre is a poor girl, and we are too happy than all of us. She had lost their parents, were placed in the uncles family, lives with a family. If the uncle is still alive, it should be good to her, but even he is dead. We were protected by family from childhood, but Jane was bullied by cousin and cousin all day. Every day I have read the book, she read a book to hide, for fear of being discovered. Later, even her only good friend, Helen, died of illness.
Jane has spent eight years of loneliness at a boarding school. But when a family teacher, he fell in love with Mr. Rochester, and after a lot of rain and rain, he got her own love. There was a son, and his eyes were as big as his father, Rochester, as beautiful.
What is the reason why a person can bear so much suffering? Maybe behind her, theres been a lot of power to support her and encourage her. This power may be a parent in heaven and may be herself. If everyone of us can be inspired and courageous like Jane Eyre, there will be no difficulty for you to stop and move forward.
⑻ 《简爱》的英文影评
A thoroughly engaging adaption of the brooding classic, this film rises above the turgid tone often imposed on other classics brought to the screen. Joan Fontaine turns in a brilliantly deceptively understated performance, and Orson Welles restrains from the scenery chewing that marred some of his own projects; there is surprising chemistry between them. At times, Welles is a downright "sexy" leading man! The script (credited to John Houseman and Aldous Huxley) captures the right "tone" of Victorian cruelty and repression.
Under Robert Stevenson's direction Fontaine/Welles seem to capture the essence of two abused outsiders resisting their attraction for one another, trying to adhere to convention. A strong supporting cast. There are brief though memorable appearances by Agnes Moorehead, Elizabeth Taylor and Peggy Ann Garner as "young" Jane.
George Barnes' camera captures appropriately stark images of Ross Dowd and Thomas Little's sets. Charlotte Bronte's grim novel is well suited to the excellent B/W, cinematography: a memorable scene early in the film has young Jane being punished by being forced to stand on a stool that is nearly in the center of a fan of shadows cast by the stair railing, It is almost reminiscent of expressionist German films of the Weimar years.
The film manages to entertain as well as inform. Purists may object to the last 3 lines of the film which hint at a slightly happier denouement than the book offered. In spite of that, Jane Eyre is still a nearly flawless film.
⑼ 简爱的英文影评