Ⅰ 看小黄人电影学英语:minion是什么意思
mini 迷你的,袖珍的
minimize 使最小化
minimum 最小值,最小量
miniature 微型的;缩影
minute 微小的;分钟,片刻
minor 较小的,次要的;未成年者
Ⅱ 要写一篇英语作文,可我要说出小黄人之大眼的电影情节,简述!
你要写什么样的我们都不知道啊我只能给你找了些模板啊 自我介绍 大家好!我叫杨润子,今年12岁了,再南师附小上学。 小的时候,别人说我像个男孩子,没错,我的确没点儿女孩子的样儿。我像猴儿一样,以开心起来,像疯了似的,一个劲儿地跳。爸爸说习惯成自然,别再跳了!可是我哪儿会听呢? 我的爱好是数学和英语。数学老师和英语老师非常喜欢我,特别是英语老师,对我,总摆出那张慈祥的脸孔,数学老师也一样,每次都以娃娃脸来面对我,而我的数学和英语成绩总是很好的。当然,语文也一样。 我喜欢西瓜和芒果,他们的味道非常好,你也不妨去试试! 我喜欢跑步,他对我的身体有着很大的好处。我有一个远大的理想,那就是我要当一名伟大的企业家,所以我还喜欢天蓝色和银白色,它代表着我要飞向天空。 我是个好胜心非常强的人。考试时,别人比我考得好,我不服气,平时更加努力,结果取得了更好的成绩,因为我知道,只有海胜心腔的孩子,才会取得成功! 我的优点是勇敢,我勇敢地去参加所有的竞赛,而且已参加,就必须给捧个证书回来,否则,我是不会甘心的。我的缺点是不爱举手回答问题,我也常对自己说,难道我的手就如千斤这么重么?怕什么?明天我就举手!可是到了第二天,我又像老鼠那样,缩到地洞去了,不是我会改正它的。 这就是我,你喜欢我么? 1)Hello!大家好,我叫王晓,现在在高密市开发区埠口小学五年级学习。 我有一张圆圆的脸,一双乌黑的眼睛,短头发。我今年12岁了,不小了吧?却总也脱不掉那满脸的稚气。 我的爱好就是爱看书。说起看书,我还有一段小故事呢!那天,我看见我的一个同学买了一本《苦儿流浪记》,这本书我已经向往了许久,可是爸爸始终没有答应我的要求。我的自尊心很强,从小到大几乎没有央求过别人,这次,我硬着头皮,只好向他去借。谁知,他说可以是可以,可得拿动物图书跟与交换,我只好把书给他,向他要了那本《苦儿流浪记》。 我的缺点就是爱掉“金豆豆”。咳,你可别笑,这也是我的爱好哩!养的宠物了,哭!受同学欺负,哭!考试不好,哭!看书看到感人处,鼻子一酸,又落下两排“大珍珠”。不过,我丝毫不觉得难为情,古人云:“当笑则笑,当哭则哭,无须掩饰。” 要说我不爱的,就数运动了。体育成绩自然不好了。三年级时,垒球扔个四五米顶天了,成绩还没过70分。不过,这个缺点,以后我要改。 我这个人,不仅爱哭爱笑,爱读书爱剪纸,还爱交朋友。你愿意和我交个朋友吗? 2)朋友,认识我吗?下面,我向各位做一下自我介绍。 我叫陈文强,现在在高密市开发区埠口小学五年级学习,今年11岁。我家里有4口人,有爸爸、妈妈、姐姐和我。我的外表嘛,说不上是英俊,但也不算丑。圆圆的脸蛋上,嵌着一双浓眉大眼,两只耳朵长在两旁,一个小嘴镶嵌在脸蛋中央,一个小嘴长在鼻子下面。我每天都是一个笑脸,即使有烦恼我也不会说出来。 我有个乐天助人的特点。记得有一次,我们中午放学,我走在回家的路上,忽然看见一个老奶奶身上背着很多东西,走不动了。我马上跑过去,问了一下情况。原来今天老奶奶去走亲家,由于亲家给的礼物太多,老奶奶累得走不动了。于是我对她说:“老奶奶,我帮助你把东西背回家吧!”老奶奶高兴地回答说:“好,好。谢谢你,小朋友。”我一边背着东西一边搀扶着老奶奶。不一会儿,就到了老奶奶家。我把东西放到老奶奶的屋子里,老奶奶直夸我是一个好孩子。我听了,心里甜蜜蜜的。 我也有一个爱好,爱看书。记得有一天上午,妈妈叫我剥蚕豆,我答应了。我一边剥蚕豆一边看书,妈妈看见了,哈哈大笑。我疑惑不解地说:“妈妈,你笑什么?”妈妈回答说:“你自已看一看吧!”我连忙低下头一看,我也忍不住笑了起来,原来我把豆壳和豆肉混在一起了。当然,这是我的一个缺点。以后,无论做什么事情都要认真,全神贯注。 我呀,有时候也很马虎。比如在数学这一方面,举个例子说明:125×30=3750。用简便的方法就是125×3=375。我先这样算出结果,直接把“375”当成了得数,把积缩小了10倍。有时候,我还会把加法算成乘法,把乘法算成加法呢! 我写完了作业,根本就不检查,才造成了许多错误。如果我检查了,有时候还会照着原来的抄写一遍。当然是为了节省脑子嘛。我决定,以后要认真检查作业,保证没有错误才行。 我这个人爱看电视,所以大部分精力都用在了看电视身上了。有时候,我吃饭也要看着电视,看书也看着电视。一开始,我以为是一举两得,两全其美,可是接下来一考虑,还是一件事情也没有做好。爸爸因此还给我订了一条规则:如果五年级上学期考考不到满分,不准看电视。我想:我以后要少看电视,把精力要用在学习上。 我有许多优点,也有许多缺点。我以后要改正这些缺点,取人之长,补己之短。我要改变自我,做一个新的我。 你们现在认识我了吧?喜欢我吗? 自我介绍 我叫**,今年十三岁,刚上初二。 我个子中等,1,66,再班里排第十个,长脸短鼻子,手大脚也大,一双眼睛不大也不小,眼珠子特别有神,一张大嘴巴特别能说,只要一说起来,说上一个小时也没问题,个子不高不矮,身体不胖不瘦。总的来说还是比较帅的。 我在北京市**中上学,我们的校服不好看,全是兰色,所以特别好认,一看就是中学生。 我的优点就是爱动,每天早上我都到外面锻炼,跑跑步,玩玩单杠等, 所以,我在学校的体育特别好,我的学习也是不可质疑的,数学考试从来没下过90分,我的英语也不错。所以,我的脸上总是洋溢者喜悦的表情。 我的缺点就是不会打篮球,也不知到是怎么一回事,就是不喜欢,而且, 我上课还总走神,不注意听讲。所以,老师叫我后,我还满有信心的站起来,百分之八十都是对的,害的老师又气又笑。 这就是我,只要一见到我,我总是笑,我会热情的和你打招呼,来吧! 点评: 这篇自我介绍虽然和简历有所不同,但是,确实看起来像简历的一样的东西了,没有必要面面俱到,一板一眼,让人觉得很古板,缺少文学的特点。在这个自我介绍中,存在问题就是,把“我”的优点,“我”的缺点一条条的罗列出来,明确是明确了,但是,文学性却失去了,因此,应该学会用一种文学的方法描写自己,在某一个自己最得意的特点上,下大功夫描写自己,当然,也不要企图掩盖自己的不足,所谓君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚,只有通过你的自我介绍,看到一个立体的生动的磊落的你,这才说明你的自我介绍或者说自画像是成功的。 李玲自传 小女孩一位,现年十三岁,并非大家闺秀,其貌不扬, 生于广西柳州市。祖籍浙江(为金庸之老乡),却从未涉足此地。四岁上,随父进京,进入地科院幼儿园。人生地不熟,受小朋友之欺侮,常含泪缩于墙角,渐将爱动爱闹之习改掉,胆小慎微,直至现今。记得当时住于一小院,母亲教之读幼儿书报,增长见闻,并习钢琴,后受益匪浅。 六岁半入小学,低年级时甚欢乐。班主任姓粱,极慈祥,伙伴亲密如一家。可惜好景不长,三年级插班时并入二班,亦搬家至先住地。此班同学待人冷漠,妒性强,不以诚心相对;搬家后住处离小学甚远,与同学不能互通有无,更增隔膜。在此班中度日如年,几欲转学而不得,只得整日学习,以慰无聊。常受老师表扬,实不知乃出于无奈。 毕业后,考入北京八中。此地环境优美,令人心怡。同学大都多才,且全班关系和谐。老师深得学生之心。平日同学高谈阔论(吾班谓之“扯”),我时常混于其中,其乐融融。吾不爱体育,便去打电脑看小说。生活充实学业得志,不亦乐乎!现升入初二,今后之事,还未得知。 吾从小到大爱好甚多,却无一成为特长。琴棋书画,只略知其一。小学时得过些奖:在市英语科技竞赛中,一、二、三等奖各获过一次,在新加坡数学竞赛中获过三等奖,钢琴过了九级。中学后便无一所获。目前无大志,只把心胸豁达作为最高追求,喜爱金庸先生之《笑傲江湖》,及李白、辛弃疾之诗词。愿今后不负自己及家长之望,小事开心、大事顺利、少出差错,足矣。 点评: 这篇自传语言十分简练,文中的小作者以时间为顺序,重点叙述了小作者三个时期的不同情况,即在幼儿时期、小学时期和中学时期的情况,而且简要地叙述了小作者自己的性格、爱好、特长以及取得的成绩。可谓重点突出,详略得当。 这篇自传的语言不仅简练,而且诙谐、生动。在充满朝气的文字中,一个多才多艺而又谦虚谨慎;一个健康向上而又诙谐活泼的“阳光女孩”脱颖而出,亭亭玉立于读者面前,煞是惹人喜爱。这篇自传中诙谐、幽默的语言有模仿《老舍自传》语言特点痕迹,但是,在初学的时候,这种模仿借鉴是必不可少的,而且,是值得提倡的。
Ⅲ 关于评论小黄人动画片的英语作文简单点的。
I know that the United States has many cartoon characters, I very like Donald Duck and mickey, because they are cute. We China also has a lot of good animation, there are also many lovely characters such as wit brave Monkey King, I like it, hope you can fall in love with them.
意思是 我知道美国有很多卡通人物,我很喜欢唐老鸭还有米奇,因为他们很可爱。我们中国也有很多很好的动画片,也有很多可爱的人物如机智勇敢的美猴王等,我都很喜欢,希望你也能爱上他们。
Ⅳ 看小黄人电影观后感英文版
When it comes to film, people usually favor good over evil, focus on the protagonist and ignore the supporting characters. But when it comes to theMinions, these conventions go right out the window.
Originally comedic background characters in the Despicable Me franchise,these yellow pill-shaped screwballs, including Stuart, Kevin, and Bob amongothers, have totally stolen the show and turned into a pervasive meme.
This summer the characters debuted in their own self-titled movie intheaters abroad, having the second biggest opening weekend of all time for ananimated film, according to USA Today. Recently, McDonald’s has been includingMinion toys with kids’ meals in some regions, causing loyal fans to flock to therestaurant to collect them all. Related video games, apparel, toys and othermerchandise are sweeping the world.
Ⅳ 电影小黄人的英文简介
Minions is a 2015 3D computer-animated family comedy film, and a prequel/spin-off to the Despicable Me franchise. Proced by Illumination Entertainment for Universal Pictures, it was directed by Pierre Coffin and Kyle Balda, written by Brian Lynch, and proced by Chris Meledandri and Janet Healy. The film stars Coffin (as the Minions), Sandra Bullock, Jon Hamm, Michael Keaton, Allison Janney, and Steve Coogan, and is narrated by Geoffrey Rush. It was first foreshadowed in the end credits of Despicable Me 2, where Stuart, Kevin, and Bob, three of the Minions, are seen auditioning for the film.
Ⅵ 英语电影读后感小黄人50字左右(小黄人系列的都行,不要太长)
I do not like white man,I do not like black man, I like Yellow man,Yes,I like them very much.They looks like a banana.
We will kill them all!
Ⅶ 电影《小黄人》内容简介中文和英文
Minions is a 2015 3D computer-animated family comedy film, and a prequel/spin-off to the Despicable Me franchise. Proced by Illumination Entertainment for Universal Pictures, it was directed by Pierre Coffin and Kyle Balda, written by Brian Lynch, and proced by Chris Meledandri and Janet Healy.
Ⅷ 急需一份 关于小黄人这部电影的英语介绍词
您说的应该是今年上映的 Despicable Me 2,以下为英文介绍,望采纳
Description :
Despicable Me 2 is a 2013 American 3D computer-animated family action comedy film and the sequel to the 2010 animated film Despicable Me.Steve Carell, Russell Brand, and Miranda Cosgrove reprise their roles. Kristen Wiig, who played Miss Hattie in the first film, voices agent Lucy Wilde. Ken Jeong, who played Talk Show Host, voices Floyd Eagle-san.
Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud
Ken Daurio (screenplay), Cinco Paul (screenplay)
Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Benjamin Bratt | See full cast and crew
While Gru, the ex-supervillain is adjusting to family life and an attempted honest living in the jam business, a secret Arctic laboratory is stolen. The Anti-Villain League decides it needs an insider's help and recruits Gru in the investigation. Together with the eccentric AVL agent, Lucy Wilde, Gru concludes that his prime suspect is the presumed dead supervillain, El Macho, whose his teenage son is also making the moves on his eldest daughter, Margo. Seemingly blinded by his overprotectiveness of his children and his growing mutual attraction to Lucy, Gru seems on the wrong track even as his minions are being quietly kidnapped en masse for some malevolent purpose.
Box Office
$76,000,000 (estimated)
Opening Weekend:
$83,517,315 (USA) (5 July 2013)
$357,558,315 (USA) (6 September 2013)
Gru's tiny, yellow, loyal yet childish and funny, genetically-mutated henchmen. The Minions mostly speak their own gobbledygook-like language called "Minionese", although they do appear to understand English. They have existed since the beginning of time, evolving from single yellow cell organisms into beings, who have only one purpose - "to seek out and serve the most despicable master they can find."[12] In the short film Banana, the Minions are revealed to have an uncontrolable craving for fruits, especially apples and bananas (especially the latter). They also appear to have a strange obsession with butts (evident by photoing their own butts in the first film, then laughing at Silas Ramsbottom's surname in the second).
The Minions have standard English-style names. Mentioned in the films and other media are Dave,[13] Stuart,[14] Kevin,[14] Jerry,[15] Carl,[14] Phil,[14] Paul, Jorge,[16] Tim,[14] Donny, Mark, Lance, Tom,[15] John, Steve, Frank and Bob.
下面介绍的是影片中注射了 PX-41 血清后变坏的 Minion
The Evil Minions are characters that appear in Despicable Me 2. Orginally Gru's Minions, these purple creatures are the proct of the extreme mutation caused by the PX-41 serum entering their bloodstream.
When the Minions were mutated by the PX-41, they were transformed into vicious, mindless, destructive monsters; that are completely indestructible, and will eat anything in their path.
The Evil Minions are very different from regular Minions, having purple skin, long arms, wild bushy purple hair, and crooked teeth. They are also wild, and don't usually speak, as much as they scream most of the time.
Fortunately, Dr. Nefario created an antidote (PX-47) and mixed it in with the awful-tasting jelly Gru was developing, and utilizing a rapid fire delivery system, returning all the transformed Minions to normal. Even so, a single Evil Minion roars in front of the camera just before the credits roll.
The Purple Minions, are, for all intents and purposes, indestructible, as Kevin (as a evil minion) was hit with a flame thrower and a gun, and was unharmed, struck with an axe and a police car, with no damage, (even eating the axe and car), and even swallowing a bomb and containing the explosion with no problem at all.
Not all minions were under the PX-41, some of the minions include Lance, Dave and Stuart, Tim, Carl, Jorge and 2 other minions
Some evil minions have more hair than others.
Phil is the first minion to be mutated into an evil minion and then he was turned back to normal last.
Ironically the minion were referred to as Gru's evil minions in the first film.
All the Evil Minions change their uniform, except Phil who was still on his maid uniform instead of a black overall with a white "M" as a logo.
Added by Cutepogiamhermosa
Ⅸ 小黄人英语观后感100词
Minions has crossed the $500 million mark at the international box office.The animated comedy opened in first place in 55 territories, setting the record in 29 markets for the biggest opening weekend of all time for an animated movie. Combined with its domestic total of $260 million, the movie has worldwide takings of around $760 million. With the film still set for release in China, Japan and Korea within the next two months, instry insiders are predicting that the film will cross the billion dollar mark. Minions is a spinoff of hit film Despicable Me and follows the lovable minions as they set out to serve the most despicable ma...