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发布时间:2023-02-22 21:29:11

⑴ 5部英语动画电影简介



It tells the story of Simba, a lion cub who flees the family home when his dad - King Mufasa - snuffs it and wicked Uncle Scar tricks him into thinking it was his fault. He grows up tucked away in a jungle hiding place, alongside newfound buddies Timon and Pumbaa(a meerkat and a wart-hog, in case you're wondering), before eventually plucking up the courage to return to the Pride Lands and take back what's rightfully his.


Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs

After the events of "Ice Age: The Meltdown", life begins to change for Manny and his friends: Scrat is still on the hunt to hold onto his beloved acorn, while finding a possible romance in a female sabre-toothed squirrel named Scratte. Manny and Ellie, having since become an item, are expecting a baby, which leaves Manny anxious to ensure that everything is perfect for when his baby arrives. Diego is fed up with being treated like a house-cat and ponders the notion that he is becoming too laid-back. Sid begins to wish for a family of his own, and so steals some dinosaur eggs which leads to Sid ending up in a strange underground world where his herd must rescue him, while dodging dinosaurs and facing danger left and right, and meeting up with a one-eyed weasel known as Buck who hunts dinosaurs intently.


Beauty and the Beast

"Once upon a time..." A half-ruined merchant lives in the country with his son Ludovic and his three daughters.Two of the daughters,Felicie and Adelaide,are real shrews,selfish,pretentious,evil.They exploit the third daughter,Belle,as a servant.One day,the merchant get lost in the forest and enters a strange castle.He picks up a rose for Beauty,what makes the castle's owner appear.He is a monster,half-human (body) and half-beast (paws,head),and he has magic powers.He sentenced the merchant to death,unless one of his daughters replaces him.Beauty sacrifices herself for her father and go to the castle.She will discover that the Beast is not so wild and inhuman than it looks.


Snow White

A long time ago, the beautiful queen gave birth after snow white died, sad king two years marry another a queen, Snow White's stepmother, the queen beauty guise, but the mirror told her world only snow white is the most beautiful, the queen broil with envy sent warrior put her escort to the forest to murder, Warriors sympathy Snow White let her light deep into the forest. A small animal with a good heart to soothe her, the birds and animals also took her to a cabin. After clearing away the room she fell asleep. The owner of the house is in the seven dwarfs outside the mine. They listened to the snow white princess tells her to stay at home. The queen that Snow White did not die, we mirror ourselves into an old woman, came to the depths of the forest, tricking Snow White ate a poisonous apple, Princess faint dead in the past. The bird caught queen disguise, fly to the mine reported the snow white princess misfortune. The seven dwarfs rushed back, her panic to escape, in the storm fell down the cliff and die. The seven dwarfs grieved, put snow white in a crystal coffin, day and night to guard her. Neighboring Prince After hearing the news, came riding a white horse, love kiss snow white revive. Then the prince with snow white riding on a white horse, bid farewell to the seven dwarfs and forest animals, to the prince's palace began a happy life


the house of flying clouds

A young Carl Fredrickson meets a young adventure spirited girl named Ellie. They both dream of going to a Lost Land in South America. 70 years later, Ellie has died. Carl remembers the promise he made to her. Then, when he inadvertently hits a construction worker, he is forced to go to a retirement home. But before they can take him, he and his house fly away. However he has a stowaway aboard. An 8 year old boy named Russell, who's trying to get an Assisting the Elderly badge. Together, they embark on an adventure, where they encounter talking dogs, an evil villain and a rare bird named Kevin.

⑵ 史上最适合练英语口语的10部英文动画电影

《怪物史瑞克》Shrek (2001)


《精灵旅社》Hotel Transylvania (2012)


《驯龙高手》How to Train Your Dragon (2010)


《丁丁历险记》The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn (2011)


《玩具总动员》Toy Story (1995)


《冰雪奇缘》Frozen (2013)

你可能没看过《冰雪奇缘》,但你不可能没听过《Let It Go》,这首歌相当好听,但是它只是这部奇幻电影的一小部分。《冰雪奇缘》中角色的语速很快,他们的对话很有意思而且听起来很自然,所以这也是你可以拿来练习快速口语听力的好素材。

《头脑特工队》Inside Out (2015)


《超人总动员》The Incredibles (2004)


《蝙蝠侠:哥谭骑士》Batman: Gotham Knight (2008)


《乐高大电影》The Lego Movie (2014)



我平时会用这个 RJ 来巩固学习,里面有很多大量电影剪辑,还有中英文字幕,还可以自由切换,比单独去看电影还有效,里面有些博主还把每句话出现的短语、单词都单独标记出来了,无论是,看视频练听力,还是只看单语练翻译,都是很好的学习材料。

⑶ 英文动画电影有哪些













⑷ 有哪些值得刷10次的英文动画电影

10部必看英文动画电影你可以观看如下。1. 英文电影动画片《飞屋环游记》2. 英文电影动画片 《小王子》3. 英文电影动画片《疯狂动物城》4. 英文电影动画片《爱宠大机密》5. 英文电影动画片《疯狂原始人》6. 英文电影动画片《里约大冒险》7. 英文电影动画片《里约大冒险2》8. 英文电影动画片《天才眼镜狗》9. 英文电影动画片《寻梦环游记》10. 英文电影动画片《闪电狗》

⑸ 英文动画电影小学生必看




⑹ 适合学英语口语的动画片


1、《狮子王》,导演:罗杰· 艾勒斯、罗伯· 明可夫。

《狮子王》是由乔恩· 费儒执导,唐纳德· 格洛沃、詹姆斯· 厄尔· 琼斯、碧昂丝· 诺尔斯、切瓦特· 埃加福特等联合配音的动画片。该片讲述了小狮子王辛巴在众多热情的朋友的陪伴下,最终成为了森林之王的故事。该片于2019年7月12日在中国内地上映,并于2019年7月19日在北美上映。

⑺ 十部必看英文电影动画




⑻ 有什么著名的英文动画电影

1 《玩具总动员》Toy Story,1995年 2 《幻想曲》Fantasia,1940年 3 《白雪公主》Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,1937年 4 《玩具总动员2》Toy Story 2,1999年 5 《钢铁巨人》The Iron Giant,1999年 6 《美女与野兽》Beauty and the Beast,1991年 7 《圣诞夜惊魂》The Nightmare Before Christmas,1993年 8 《谁陷害了兔子罗杰》Who Framed Roger Rabbit,1988年 9 《南方公园电影版》South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut,1999年 10 《千与千寻》Spirited Away,2002年 11 《木偶奇遇记》Pinocchio,1940年 12 《狮子王》The Lion King,1994年 13 《小鸡快跑》Chicken Run,2000年 14 《小鹿斑比》Bambi,1942年 15 《怪物史莱克》Shrek,2001年 16 《幽灵公主》Princess Mononoke,1999年 17 《怪物公司》Monsters Inc.,2001年 18 《黄色潜水艇》Yellow Submarine,1968年 19 《阿拉丁》Aladdin,1992年 20 《亚基拉》Akira,1989年 21 《昆虫总动员》A Bug's Life,1998年 22 《小美人鱼》The Little Mermaid,1989年 23 《萤火虫之墓》Grave of the Fireflies,1988年 24 《小飞象》Dumbo,1941年 25 《梦醒人生》Waking Life,2001年 26 《睡美人》Sleeping Beauty,1959年 27 《森林王子》The Jungle Book,1967年 28 《101只斑点狗》101 Dalmatians,1961年 29 《冰河世纪》Ice Age,2002年 30 《龙猫》My Neighbor Totoro,1993年 31 《海底沉舟》Watership Down,1978年 32 《夏洛的网》Charlotte's Web,1973年 33 《小姐与流氓》Lady and the Tramp,1955年 34 《宾尼兔》The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Movie,1979年 35 《勇敢鼠妈妈》The Secret of NIMH,1982年 36 《小飞侠》Peter Pan,1953年 37 《灰姑娘》Cinderella,1950年 38 《攻壳机动队》Ghost in the Shell,1995年 39 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》Alice in Wonderland,1951年 40 《埃及王子》The Prince of Egypt,1998年 41 《小蚁雄兵》Antz,1998年 42 《动物农场》Animal Farm,1955年 43 《星际宝贝》Lilo & Stitch,2002年 44 《爱丽丝》Alice,1988年 45 《钟楼驼侠》The Hunchback of Notre Dame,1996年 46 《魔女宅急便》Kiki's Delivery Service,1989年 47 《弱智与丧门星玩转美国》Beavis & Butthead Do America,1996年 48 《最终幻想》Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within,2001年 49 《花木兰》Mulan,1998年 50 《奇幻星球》Fantastic Planet,1973年 51 《怪猫菲力兹》Fritz the Cat,1972年 52 《格列佛游记》Gulliver's Travels,1939年 53 《重金属》Heavy Metal,1981年 54 《大都会》Metropolis,2002年 55 《罗宾汉》Robin Hood,1973年 56 《泰山》Tarzan,1999年 57 《变身国王》The Emperor's New Groove,2000年 58 《阿基米德王子历险记》The Adventures of Prince Achmed,1926年 59 《高卢英雄传》Asterix et Cleopatre,1968年 60 《幻想曲2000》Fantasia 2000,2000年 61 《变形金刚电影版》Transformers: The Movie,1986年 62 《蝙蝠侠大战幻影人》B



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