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发布时间:2023-02-23 22:39:12

㈠ 通过看英文电影我也学到更多有用的知识翻译

I also learn more useful information by watching movies.

㈡ 看英文电影对学习英语的作用 英文1000字作文

A growing amount of people are fascinated by English movies . Some of the English learners hold the opinion that watching English movies can do some help for their English learning .I fully approve the statement and i consider It functions in the following ways .
First of all ,funny or fantastic English movies can increase students' interest in English learning . Once a person is in love with a pile of English movie , he or she will try very hard to enrich English skills for understanding his or her beloved movie series better.In this case , he or she can easily develop English skills in a relatively short time .The second ,learning English through watching movies is much more amused than through text book .Most of times ,students are pleased to watch gorgeous English movies thus they will be capable and happy to learn English in that way for more hours . Since the learning time is longer , it is convincing that their English skills will be heightened at a higher speed .The third ,our listening capability is about to be improved while watching English movies especially those without subtitles.English movies contains a wide range of information of English world and a large amount of English words and they approximately presents the real English speaking condition in the western countries . Therefore,English listening skill of us will be greatly advanced if we tried to understand every sentence of movies. The fourth , just like the listening skill , our ability of speaking will be significantly improved as well .The majority of English movies are speaking in a charming and accurate way .Listening to them can do some help for correcting English learner's pronunciation .Pronunciation, which is quite substantial in learning English , is of essential importance and needs to be taken seriously.The fifth.watching English with subtitles is useful to make a English learner a better writer .Some students found it difficult to remember English written form .This problem can be partly solved by watching English movies if students paid a little amount of attention toward subtitles .The sixth , watching English movie can help English learners understand English culture and their way of thinking .Western people have a much more different way of thinking compared with Chinese .This distinction has been reflected in their grammar and preference of essay writing . Once students figured out the differences , English learning will become much easier .The seventh , English learners can obtain a lot of new ways of English speaking . As a language ,English is changing all the time just like the others . Nowadays ,more and more fashionable words are added into the English dictionary .Slang of the USA is updating every single day .It will be possible for us to keep pace with these changes if we are following the latest movies .
In fact , i benefit a lot from watching English films . I fell in love with English comedy in 2008 and have watched a bunch of it since then .I have to admit that my English skills have been significantly advanced and reached a level that i dare not to dream in the old days .Before learning English through watching English movie ,i considered English learning boring and tough .Nonetheless ,i love learning English and can not even go to bed without watching a piece of English film .I could not hear English clearly if it was spoken at a relatively fast speed because the listening records from text books spoke much slower . Currently , i can understand almost every word of a sentence which is fast spoken and that is all e to watch English films .My accent of English speaking has been efficiently improved since watching a large amount of English films .Charming accent is really tough to obtain .A pile of great Chinese English speaker still can not get rid of Chinese accent because they are so familiar with their mother language thus the Chinese accent will come out automatically when speaking English .It is seemed that accurate accent is impossible to obtain for Chinese English learner .However , since i watched a huge amount of English films and paid a lot of attention to their tone every time ,my accent has been highly advanced .Now , i can communicate with native English speaker confidently without worring about my funny accent and it is a real bliss .

All in all ,watching good English movies can help a lot while learning English . One can not resist this relaxing and efficient way of learning a foreign language .

㈢ 看英语电影对我们也很有用。怎么翻译

It is useful/helpful for us to watch English movies.

㈣ 翻译句子 我通过看电影学习英语

i learning English by watching movies

㈤ 看电影和听歌曲是学习英语的很好的方法翻译成英语

Watching movies (Seeing a film) and listening to songs are good methods of learning English.

㈥ 我喜欢通过看英语电影学习英语用英语该如何表达

I like to learn English by watching English movies.



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