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发布时间:2023-03-12 02:19:12

『壹』 《飘》的英文名字是什么

《飘》,英文原名为Gone with the wind。是美国女作家玛格丽特·米切尔(Margaret Mitchell 1900-1949)撰写的长篇小说。小说以亚特兰大以及附近的一个种植园为故事场景,是一部全景式的社会小说。









『贰』 女人必看十部电影英文介绍

1、《乱世佳人》(Go With the Wind 1939)又译:《飘》—— 坚强


2、《钢琴课》(the piano 1993) —— 沟通

获第46届戛纳电影节金棕榈大奖,第六十六届奥斯卡最佳最佳女主角、女配角,最佳剧本奖。影片导演简.坎皮恩(campion jane)也是女性,用女性思维和感受去拍一部女性题材影片,应该更符合女性观众口味。影片给人印象最深刻的就是主演霍利.亨特(hunter holly)饰演的哑女,只靠动作和表情就能获得奥斯卡女主角奖。最后艾达在船上把钢琴推入海中,她也由于绳子缠绕被拉入海中,在深蓝的海水中下沉,下沉……把她的沉寂带入海底,也把痛苦的记忆沉入海中,给人以很强的震撼。

3、《蒂凡尼的早餐》(Breakfast At Tiffany‘s 1961) —— 虚荣

最初知道这部片子还是源于片中广为流传,经久不衰的插曲《moon river》(<<月亮河>>)这首歌前不久还入选为“二十世纪最经典歌曲”。奥黛丽.赫本塑造的霍莉性格饱满可信,鲁莽,稚气而又脆弱,开创了60年代电影中女性解放角色的先河。男人没有不喜欢奥黛丽.赫本的,而该片的摄影师是弗兰茨.普兰纳——这是奥黛丽最喜欢的摄影师,他把奥黛丽拍得十分漂亮。奥黛丽.赫本在片中边弹边唱《moon river》的形象被评为是她最令人心动的形象。作为女性观众,是不是更应该看看,以便使自己更动人呢?而把本片作为必看的影片还并不只因为此,虽然该片不是一部女性题材影片,但片中突出的主题--反对“虚荣”和“金钱至上”使其绝对应该被列入女人必看的影片之中,从1961年至今以及日后相当长的一段时间里,该片都有着广泛而深远的现实意义。

4、《简爱》(Jane Eyre 1944)琼.芳登主演 —— 尊严


5、《白领丽人》)(Working Girl 1988)又名《上班女郎》 —— 才华


6、《母女情深》(terms of endearment 1983) —— 亲情


7、《紫色》(the color purple 1985) —— 苦难

史蒂文.斯皮尔伯格导演,胡比.戈德堡(whoopi goldberg)在片中饰西莉,恐怕当初所有看过该片的人谁也不会想到饰演如此悲剧性人物的胡比.戈德堡日后会出演搞笑的喜剧电影《修女也疯狂》系列,并以搞笑风格主持奥斯卡颁奖典礼!不过可惜的是该片获11项奖的提名,最终却一无所获,有评论说该片过于情。不过由此也可以吸取一些教训,那就是--不要试图包揽奥斯卡所有奖项而兼顾影片的方方面面,还不如只搞几样突出的,这样更容易获奖。

8、《末路狂花》(thelma &louise 1991) —— 女权

美国1991年夏季10大卖座片之一,这部影片被认为是一部典型的女权主义电影,成功地描写了女主角作为普通妇女,在男性的压迫下,被迫走向极端……女权主义者和准备成为女权主义者的女性观众必看!先看这部影片苏珊.萨兰登(susan sarandon)的表演,再看她在《漫步死亡线》中饰演的修女,怎么也看不出是一个人。

9、《漂亮女人》(pretty woman 1990)又名:《风月俏佳人》 —— 浪漫


10、《女人那话儿》(Women's Private parts ) —— 性爱


『叁』 《飘》的英文名字是什么


『肆』 求英文版飘中的人名,剧情介绍,人物简介

主演:费雯丽、克拉克·盖博、李斯利·霍华德、 奥莉薇·黛·哈佛兰
类型:剧情 爱情 战争
时长:238 分钟

《乱世佳人》(GONE WITH THE WIND)是好莱坞影史上最值得骄傲的一部旷世巨片,影片放映时间长达4小时,观者如潮。其魅力贯穿整个20世纪,因此有好莱坞“第一巨片”之称。影片当年耗资400多万美元,历时三年半完成,其间数换导演,银幕上出现了60多位主要演员和9000多名配角演员。在1939年的第12届奥斯卡奖中一举夺得八项金像奖,轰动美国影坛。这部耗资巨大,场景豪华,战争场面宏大逼真的历史巨片,以它令人称道的艺术成就成为美国电影史上一部经典作品,令人百看不厌。
1861年南北战争爆发的前夕,塔拉庄园的千金小姐斯佳丽爱上了另一庄园主的儿子阿希礼,但阿希礼却选择了查尔斯的表妹——温柔善良的玫兰妮为终身伴侣。斯佳丽出于妒恨,抢先嫁给了玫兰妮的哥哥查尔斯。不久,美国南北战争爆发了。阿希礼和查尔斯作为征兵上了前线。查尔斯很快就在战争中死去了。斯佳丽成了寡妇, 但她内心却一直热恋着阿希礼。

总的来说,斯佳丽堪称巾帼不让须眉的奇女子,人中龙凤,难怪瑞特这样的牛人也拜倒在她的石榴裙下。每次看《乱世佳人》,每次都有不同的收获。年轻时看,讨厌虚荣爱出风头的斯佳丽,喜欢纯洁善良的玫兰妮,不喜欢油腔滑调的瑞特巴特勒,喜欢温文尔雅的阿希礼,喜欢南方如画的景致和田园牧歌式的生活,不喜欢北方的浮华和放荡。后来看了多次之后,不由得对斯佳丽敬佩起来,原本是一个弱女子,任性而年青,第一次结婚是一时的冲动报复,嫁给了不爱的男孩,让自己成为了年轻的寡妇。第二次结婚是为了一家人的生存,抢走了妹妹的心上人,肯尼迪。肯尼迪虽然是一个半老头子,却不是斯佳丽的对手,面对她的冷酷和无情,他束手无策。最终为了斯佳丽差点遭受的侮辱去报复穷白人而被人击毙,不幸枉死,却从未享受过斯佳丽的一点爱。于是斯佳丽再次成为寡妇,而且还是个有钱的寡妇。在那个战火纷飞的年代,为了答应过阿希礼照顾玫兰妮的一句承诺,在北军就要攻占亚特兰大的时候,斯佳丽又果断地替玫兰妮接生,并找到瑞特冲破重重阻碍和关卡,回到了乡下老家--塔拉庄园。在又饥又饿之时,她又遭受了母亲病亡、父亲痴呆、家里被劫,一穷二白的多重打击,她不屈不挠,带头种田干活,喝令妹妹下床摘棉花,并照顾玫兰妮和小波,支撑一家人的生计,那时她顶多也不过是个二十来岁的小姑娘,本应是个在母亲怀里撒娇的小姑娘。可是面对如此巨大的困难,她没有选择逃避,而是勇敢挑起家里的重担,以常人难以企及的毅力抗争命运,每每看到斯佳丽举着萝卜向天盟誓,决不愿让家人再受苦挨饿时,我总是觉得拍片导演对光线和背景的运用是那么巧妙和艺术, 它那么生动地刻划了思嘉渴望安定、渴望生存、渴望富裕的强烈而真实的内心情感。我觉得那时的她,已完成了最艰难的嬗变,由一只丑陋的毛毛虫破茧而出变成了美丽的蝶,自由而高贵,那时的思嘉就像一个女神---渴望富有、并为此能不择手段的欲望女神。
无论是面对战争的废墟和硝烟、母亲和父亲的去世、生活的贫穷艰难还是女儿的夭折,在和她承受同样的痛苦和艰难的人们当中,她都是最刚强、最坚韧的一个和最先从痛苦和艰难中走出来的一个。当斯佳丽面对着已是满目伤痕泰勒庄园时,她的坚韧和刚强令她这个家中的长女担起家长的重担。在影片的末尾,她还坚定地告诉我们:Tomorrow is another day。

片段三:瑞特为了帮助斯佳丽重返故里,拼死弄了一匹身负重伤的老马,并帮助她把玫兰妮抱到马车上,同时一路历经辛苦,并在即将要到达的时候,瑞特看到许多南方兵前仆后继,视死如归,深感震撼,并决定上战场,为保卫家园尽一份力。这时可以看出,为了心爱的女人,他能出生入死; 同样,面临家园被毁之境,他也是一个热血之人,导演在这里才向我们描绘了一个深藏在平日玩世不恭外表下,也具有一颗为荣誉甘洒热血之心的典型南方男性的形象。在这里我们看到,虽然瑞特平日里非常精明、现实,但他骨子里其实还是一个南方人。
黑人奶妈的形象刻画的非常成功。 由此扮演黑妈的演员哈蒂·麦克丹尼尔(Hattie McDaniel)战胜了奥丽维亚(美兰妮)获得了第十二届奥斯卡最佳女配角奖,据说是历史上第一个获得奥斯卡奖的黑人。哈蒂将其特有的幽默感注入奶妈玛格丽特一形象中,台词念得完美无缺,与斯佳丽的扮演者费雯丽配合默契,犹如绿叶扶红花,结果两人双双获奖。由于奶妈一角的成功,哈蒂后来几乎垄断了银幕上所有的黑人保姆角色,在许多影片里可以看到她那肥胖、温顺、饶舌的形象。

『伍』 飘的英文赏析

AbstractThis present paper concentrates on an analysis of the characters of the heroine: Scarlett in the novel <Gone with the wind>.Her characters can be analyzed by two aspects: the positive characters such as strong will and courage, honesty and keeping promise ; and the demerits in her characters, such as selfishness and coldness, abjection etc. To support the thesis, the paper is divided into five parts. The first part gives a brief introction to both the author and the novel. The second part makes an analysis of the positive characters of Scarlett. The third part makes an analysis of the demerits in Scarlett’s characters. The fourth part gives the reasons for the formation of Scarlett’s characters. The fifth part is the conclusion, restating the thesis of the paper.Key Words: Scarlett; Weakness of characteristic; Strength of characteristic; Personality formation I. Introction1.1 A brief Introction to the authorMargaret Munnerlyn Mitchell (November 8, 1900 – August 16, 1949), popularly known as Margaret Mitchell was an American author. She was born in a prominent Atlanta lawyer’s family in Atlanta. The time Mitchell grew up was under the environment of Civil War, she heard a lot of burning of the city, the use of the family house as an army hospital, and the sufferings of the family and their friends ring the post-war reconstruction period. Margaret started writing Gone with the Wind in 1926, which is the next year she married John Marsh. The aim of her writing is to write a defensive, chauvinistic account of the South’s war. The whole process of writing lasted almost 10 years. The novel Gone with the Wind was published in 1936, and won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937. The novel is one of the most popular books of all time, selling more than 28 million copies. An American film based on this novel was released in 1939, which is one of the highest-grossing film in the history of Hollywood, and received a record-breaking number of Academy Awards.[Note1] Mitchell drew upon her encyclopedic knowledge of the Civil War and dramatic moments from her own life, and typed her epic novel on an old Remington typewriter. She originally named the heroine "Pansy O'Hara", and Tara was "Fontenoy Hall". She initially considered naming the novel Tote The Weary Load or Tomorrow Is Another Day .[Note 2] Mitchell wrote for her own enjoyment and with solid support from her husband. In 1949, crossing a street to go to a theater, Margaret Mitchell was killed by a drunken driver.1.2 A brief Introction to the novelThe story of Gone with the Wind revolves around Scarlett O’Hara, who is daughter of Irish landowner Gerald, and who has made the plantation Tara into one of Georgia’s finest. In this novel, Scarlett is in love with Ashley Wilkes, who marries his cousin Melanie. As the civil war begins, Scarlett bears the responsibility to protect her family and the pregnant Melanie. During the time she stays in Atlanta with relatives, she faces Sherman’s army and delivers Melanie’s baby as the city was in danger. During the after-war reconstruction period, Scarlett practically does business with the Yankees and so prospers and restores the fortunes of Tara. In this novel, she marries 3 times with purposes —firstly she married with Charles Hamilton to spite Ashley, a second time to pay off Tara’s postwar taxes, and the third time for fun. Her third husband, Rhett Butler, engages in lucrative deals with the Federal Army from the start of the conflict and right through Reconstruction. He was angry about his wife’s love for Ashley and selfish disengagement from him and their daughter, Bonnie Blue, who dies in a riding accident. The novel ends with Scarlett realizing how much she loves Rhett and resolving to get him back—by returning to her beloved hometown Tara to plan her strategy.II. An analysis of the positive characters of Scarlett2.1. Scarlett’s integrity to promise Scarlett’s integrity to promise is evidenced by what she does ring the war; she tries her best to look after Ashley’s wife and son, only because she loves Ashley and has promised him to take care of Melanie. Before Ashley leaves to fight for the South, he asked Scarlett to take care of his wife-Melanie. Scarlett agreed and carried her promise till the end of this story. Even though she is in love with Ashley, and jealous on Melanie, she always looks after her and her baby. After Ashley left, the Yankees finally begin their siege of Atlanta, the city evacuates. Melanie and Scarlett remain behind to leave the dangerous place as Melanie is pregnant and about to give birth. After attempts to get help, Scarlett delivers Melanie's baby herself. When they return back to Tara, Scarlett still constantly offers help to Melanie and her child. Even after Ashley returned back to Tara, Scarlett still offers help to his and her family. It is not only because she loves Ashley, but also because she wants to keep her promise, which she made long time ago. 2.2. Scarlett’s loyalty to loveScarlett’s loyalty to love is evidencedattractive to Scarlett, because he is a mystery to Scarlett; she is always trying to get to know Ashley’s real feelings. The things about Ashley, which she could not understand, make her love him more. They know each other since their childhood, Scarlett and Ashley always play together. She has seen him come and go and never gives him a thought, and Ashley has never seemed so very attractive to her at the early stage. Scarlett fell in love with Ashley since “that day two years ago when Ashley, newly home from his three years’ Grand Tour in Europe, hand called to pay his respects, she had loved him.” That year she is only 16, she is so attracted and falls in love with him until she is 28. She turns to see Ashley to be that authority figure, which she always respects and loves, but he is not able to be one for her. Her so-called love for Ashley is a kind of child’s love, because he is someone that denied her, so that makes her want it more. “Even now, she could recall each detail of his dress, how brightly his boots shone, the head of a Mesa in cameo on his cravat pin, the wide Panama hat that was instantly in his hand when he saw her.” However, Ashley does never show love to her, even though he knows clearly that she loves him, “And yet- and yet – she knew he loved her. She could not be mistaken about it. Instinct stronger than reason and knowledge born of experience told her that he loved her. Too often she had surprised him when his eyes were neither drowsy nor remote, when he looked at her with a yearning and a sadness, which puzzled her. She knew he loved her.” In fact, Ashley does not love her, but he chooses to keep a vague relationship with her. Although Scarlett knows Ashley does not love her, still wants Ashley to marry her at that time and wishful thinking to be his wife. She even encourages him to run away with her, which is always a nice dream to Scarlett. 2.3. Scarlett’s courageScarlett’s courage can be seen from what she does to protect her family and her second marriage to Frank. When Scarlett return Tara, the Tara's former overseer, Yankee Jonas Wilkerson, newly a Scallywag, raises the taxes on Tara to force the O'Haras out so that he and his wife can live there. In order to save Tara, Scarlett goes to Atlanta and gets Rhett to give her the money to pay the taxes. She soon finds out Rhett is in jail and unable to help her. She then runs into Frank Kennedy, who is a successful storeowner. Frank, is unable to resist Scarlett's charms, marries her and gives her the tax money. In all, her courage makes her to marry her second husband, Frank, in order to protect Tara, where her family is. 2. 4. Scarlett’s strong willScarlett’s strong will is reflected when she return back to Tara. At that time, Scarlett finds the house in Tara in ruins, the crops burned, most of the slaves run off, her mother dead, her father demented, and her two sisters sick with typhoid. Some of her npillaging of the Yankees and they share with her all that is possible. Therefore, Scarlett forces her family and the slaves to tend fields and pick cotton. During that reconstruction period, a lone Yankee soldier arrives looking to loot and assault Scarlett, she shoots him. In all, the Scarlett’s strong will makes her to do anything to protect Tara and herself. Scarlett has a practical nature and willingness to step on anyone who doesn't have her family's best interests at heart, including her own sister. For example, in her mind, and the circumstances appear to support her thinking, there simply was no choice if they were to keep Tara. Encouraged by her strong willingness to protect Tara, she had to steal and marry Frank Kennedy herself. In fact, what people hate most about her literally enabled her to save the family.2. 5. Scarlett’s strong sense of responsibilityScarlett has a strong sense of responsibility. During the war, she volunteers to take care of the wounded in Atlanta. She has a strong sense of social responsibility, similar as many white women; she takes an active and ecated part in the movement to separate the South from the North. To Scarlett, protecting south means to protect her family and the plantation. Atlanta is completely lost from South after Sherman’s campaign. Many people in Atlanta desert their lands and families and escape to other places. Scarlett’s sense of responsibility could be seen from her loves to family and the whole of Tara. Tara is her land and her backbone; she stays and tries her best to preserve Tara no matter what it costs. Moreover, her responsibility can be seen from how she keeps with her promises. Although she agrees to take care of Melanie because she is in love with Ashley and she does not want to upset him, but she eventually does all her best to keep this promise. 2.6. Scarlett’s pursuit of independenceScarlett is an independent woman to some extent. It can be shown when she returns Tara. She starts her business and practice usury, run timber mill, and illegally employ Negroes. Even though she is abused by the southern royalty to be greedy, selfish, shameless, cruel and cold, she is an adventure, an upstart and a great heroine who has survived in the war. In fact, all the people in Tara including the Ashleys are living on Scarlett’s shoulders. Without her help, Melanie and her child would be dead in the war. Without Scarlett to be an evil, Melanie could not be respected as an angel. Therefore, Scarlett is the real respectable person because of her independence and strong characteristic. It might be arguable that Scarlett is not a fully independent woman at first, because she is a spoiled girl at first, and then she relied on men to get through the challenges in her life. However, eventually after she goes back to Tara, she becomes an independent woman, she owns her business and she looks after her family and other people in Tara with h III. An analysis of Scarlett’s demerits in her characters3.1. Scarlett’s selfishness and coldnessScarlett’s selfishness and coldness could be reflected from her attempts to get Ashley in any mean. Against the background of war, Scarlett stays in Atlanta and enjoys the company of Rhett; on the other hand, she continues to carry a torch for Ashley. She does not really care about how Melanie feels about her relationship with Ashley, and she is willing to destroy Melanie’s marriage. The day Ashley leaves, Scarlett once again reveals her feelings to him, hoping Ashley will also break down and allow he to tell Scarlett that he loves her too. Ashley makes Scarlett promise that she will look after Melanie and see his family through the upcoming crisis in his absence. Scarlett blindly agrees to his promise. As Ashley intends to leave, Scarlett clings to him desperately and they share a passionate, forbidden embrace. From an ethical point of view, it is not right to destroy anybody else’s family, particularly Melanie is her relative. However, she still does it because she is selfish, she does not care the consequence, she just want to get love from Ashley 希望小弟转载的能帮上忙

『陆』 影评电影《飘》,英语的怎么写

注意看了:gone with the wind

Scarlett is a woman who can deal with a nation at war, Atlanta burning, the Union Army carrying off everything from her beloved Tara, the carpetbaggers who arrive after the war. Scarlett is beautiful. She has vitality. But Ashley, the man she has wanted for so long, is going to marry his placid cousin, Melanie. Mammy warns Scarlett to behave herself at the party at Twelve Oaks. There is a new man there that day, the day the Civil War begins. Rhett Butler. Scarlett does not know he is in the room when she pleads with Ashley to choose her instead of Melanie.

Gone With the Wind, an all-time best-seller by Margaret
Mitchell, is a legendary recollection of the last brilliance of the Old South. The writer's debut novel was an instant success. And the story has been bestowed an even further reaching popularity since Vivian Leigh presented a vivid translation to the screen of Katie Scarlett O'Hara, a southern belle raised in her father's white-pillared plantation Tara. A climax of Hollywood, from Director Victor Fleming for MGM, Gone with the Wind is more than a vicissitude, it is also an old, lost culture revisited.

It is Old South, which today is no more than a dream remembered. People were once there, living with the high strong slaves' songs in the quarters, in security, peace and eternity. Here, Scarlett spends her young maiden years. She is well disciplined by her mother, but her blazing green eyes always betray her covert capricious self; the one who enjoys parties and the surrounding ofbeaus. She dreams to marry the noble Ashley Wilkes. The impending war shatters the golden peace of the South, and leaves many lives permanently changed. Plantations, treasures, and honor are ruined. Scarlett is made a most peculiar widow by the war, and then compelled into a second marriage in continuation of her struggle for the salvation of Tara. And her third marriage to Rhett Butler is also jeopardized because of her secret, stubborn ardency for Ashley.

『柒』 电影《飘》片名 Gone with the Wind 有什么来历和含义

Gone是"Go"的过去分词形式.Wind是"风"的意思."Gone with the wind"是跟着风一起走,也就是随风飘去.

“Gone with the wind”题目代表着美国内战前曾经在美国南方根深蒂固的一种生活方式的结束。就像电影开头所说的那样:There was a land of Cavaliers and Cotton Fields called the Old South...
Here was the last ever to be seen of knights and their Ladies Fair, of Master and of Slave...
Look for it only in books, for it is no more than a dream remembered.
A Civilization gone with the wind.
“a civilization has gone with the wind”,意思是一种文明已经随风而去。随着战争的临近,南方人原本的生活方式已经远去。




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