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发布时间:2023-04-03 14:41:02

1. 用英语写的花木兰的观后感字数两百

Film about hua mulan is a smart, handsome, brave, a little girl, very filial piety at that time his father to command was practicing kung fu, practice the leg is very painful, every time my father mulan disguised as men for father on the battlefield.
In barracks, well there's a little dragon named mushu and remind a lucky little cricket or exposed, hua mulan is very serious after studying the general's every move, hua mulan finally on the battlefield, with troops defeated the huns, to protect their country.
Watched the movie I think hua mulan spirit is worth me to learn, I usually very timid, saw the bugs he turned pale with fear, and learning mulan filial piety to parents, later to study hard, try not to let the parents worry about.

2. 电影《花木兰》观后感(英语100词)

This retelling of the old Chinese folktale is about the story of a young Chinese maiden who learns that her weakened and lame father is to be called up into the army in order to fight the invading Huns. Knowing that he would never survive the rigours of war in his state, she decides to disguise herself and join in his place. Unknown to her, her ancestors are aware of this and to prevent it, they order a tiny disgraced dragon, Mushu to join her in order to force her to abandon her plan. He agrees, but when he meets Mulan, he learns that she cannot be dissuaded and so decides to help her in the perilous times ahead.

3. 求动画片《花木兰》英语影评

Disney has boldly recreated the Chinese Mulan story, used many new animation technologies, and added a lot of Disney's humor. The film has not only magnificent momentum, but also warm scenes, charming colors and moving plots.









4. 花木兰电影迪士尼英语影评70字


Reception of Mulan was mostly positive, gathering a 86% fresh rating from Rotten Tomatoes. Stephen Wong described the visuals as "stunning," Kyle Suggs described the visuals as "breathtaking," and Dan Jardine described the visuals as "magnificently animated." Many praise the movie for attempting something new. Fa Mulan is unlike a traditional Disney heroine, suggesting that she is independent and brave; without being overtly glamorous.

Mulan is a 1998 animated feature film proced by Walt Disney Feature Animation, and released by Walt Disney Pictures on June 19, 1998. The thirty-sixth animated feature in the Disney Animated Canon and the ninth film in the Disney Renaissance, the film is based on the Chinese legend of Hua Mulan, and was the first of three proced primarily at the animation studio at Disney-MGM Studios in Orlando, Florida. It was directed by Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook, with the story by Robert D. San Souci and Rita Hsiao, among others.
While the film today is very popular among young alts, many of which praise it for being the most progressive Disney Princess film, the film did well at the box office, though it's success didn't quite reach the standards of previous Disney Renaissance movies such as Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, or The Lion King

5. 求美国那个花木兰电影的英语观后感 要求120字 初级水平就行 救命啊!!!!!


Mulan's story-so far, mainly e to "Ode of Mulan" Masterpiece folk side of this, this long narrative poems of praise Nvbannanzhuang Mulan for the father of military legend. Now many more people it will be made into a movie, down through the ages.

War heroes, men living without a hero, heroine will be, with the Northern Wei Rouran not prominent men of war, will have a prominent heroine Mulan. She is a weak girl, he's elderly father, is no longer on the weak; she is a woman weaving, but to her father, to join the army to fight on. She never bow to the men, loudly told the world: "Women are no inferior to men.". Mulan will be a battle, how rapidly the tension is very high morale, march more urgent, more military tension, this is an order reversing, as a girl left the family, into a battlefield, the equivalent of the world into another. She and a man eating live with, eat the same suffering, by the same tired, but do men with different stories, and create a brilliant different men, as well as proof of "who say woman not so good as men. ? "

Mulan back, is not easy. Her attention to the value of life, the more the warmth of the family know. She has refused to grant the emperor, officials do not want to cast aside their high position and great wealth, she is willing to foot thousands of miles Chi, also home at an early date.

She returned, the arm of his elderly parents out to meet her sister was up to greet her, while his younger brother while sharpening pig, take concrete actions to meet the sisters to come back. To see all of this, Mulan is very pleased with the 12-year risk one's life on the battlefield, how hard. The 12-year Nvbannanzhuang and visible, however difficult, but all in the past, Mulan inner spiritual strength, which is what a great place.

Day settle down, the partners in the past and look at her every time she loaded her daughter to always see them, afraid of the partners in the past, Mulan in mind: you know? Bloody battle in the past to work with you on the battlefield, Li Under the great service; not to come back after the emperor of the reward I am a girl.

Give me back my daughter character, how proud Mulan.

花木兰的事迹传至今,主要应归功于《木兰辞》这一方民歌绝 唱,是这篇长篇叙事诗歌颂了花木兰女扮男装替父从军的传奇故事。现在更有许多人将它拍成了电影,千古流传。
战争产生英雌,在世无男英雄的情况下,便会有女英雄,北魏与柔然战争没有突出的男人,就有了突出的女英雄花木兰。 她本是个柔弱的女孩,可他为了年老的父亲,就不再柔弱;她本是个织布女子,但她为了父亲,就参军打仗。她从不向男的低头,大声告诉了世人:巾帼不让须眉。花木兰就要出征了,是多么的急促紧张,是多么的昂扬士气,行军多急,军情多紧张,军令如山倒,作为一个少女离开闺阁,投入战场,何异投入另一个世界。她与男人同吃共住,吃一样的苦,受一样的累,却干出与男人不同的事迹,创出了与男人不同的辉煌,同时也证明了“女子哪里不如男?”

6. 英语作文“花木兰观后感”带翻译60词


7. 电影花木兰影评









8. 英语的动画片的观后感100字

在古老的中国,有一位个性爽朗,性情善良的好女孩,名字叫作花木兰,身为花家的大女儿,花木兰在父母开明的教悔下,一直很期待自己能花家带来荣耀。不过就在北方匈奴来犯,国家正大举征兵的时候,木兰年迈的父亲竟也被徵召上战场,伤心的花木兰害怕父亲会一去不返,便趁着午夜假扮成男装,偷走父亲的盔甲,代替父亲上战场去。花家的祖宗为保护花木兰,于是派出一只心地善良的木须龙去陪伴她,这只讲话像连珠炮又爱生气的小龙,在一路上为木兰带来许多欢笑与协助。 而迪士尼在第36部年度长篇动画钜片,首次采用中国古老的传奇故事“花木兰”,在600位多位迪士尼动画师,孜孜不倦历时四年的时间,将传说内容幻化为令人目不暇给的动画场面,其中当然不乏优美的配乐与令人捧腹大笑的幽默罗!影片中的一对活宝--木须龙和蟋蟀,两个原本毫无拉拢的个体出现在了剧中,成了影片的一大看点,他们极尽搞笑之能事,木须龙活跃万分,蟋蟀则低调行事,但两者结合在一起则闹出了很多笑料,观后感《英文动画片观后感》。这条龙虚荣心强,爱面子,具有人性一面,此外,这龙还有疯的特点,让人极为喜爱,活脱就是活宝一个。在雪山跟匈奴一战的时候,这头龙还在雪崩的时候拿个铠甲冲浪,令人发笑不已。 而对于出身于古老中国家庭的花木兰,她自小便是个聪明伶俐,志气高昂的女孩,虽然她一心一意想要父母为她这个女儿感到骄傲,但似乎常常弄巧成拙,令她自己伤心不已。当她得知年迈的父亲将被徵召入伍,以对抗日渐入侵的匈奴时,花木兰不禁为父亲的安危感到忧心,突生的勇气促使木兰决定告别家乡,女扮男装“代父从军”,就像是得到祖先们的庇荫般,。由被排斥到接受,就在花木兰的军人生活渐入佳境时,她女扮男装的身份被揭穿了,她与木须被抛弃在冰天雪地的边疆,即使在如此恶劣的情势之下,木兰都没有放弃对抗挫折的勇气,但是原想要为家人带来骄傲的花木兰,要如何回到中原,并证明自己的一片心意?而瞒骗父母出征,欺骗长官从军的欺君之罪,又要会让花木兰如何面对自己的家人呢?

9. 英文《花木兰》观后感


10. 花木兰 英语读后感

I am excited mood watching the movie "mulan", plot shock SOB, let my heart surging, once in a very long while can't calm.
Hua mu LAN like martial arts since childhood. Beautiful face is full of naughty boys, she filial piety, clever, and rich sense of justice, often fighting to be outraged by an injustice, but the father said: "the flowers home, on the battlefield, only to play, you next life to be a boy!"
Mulan is true later disguised as men or generation of father. Observatory, with armed mulan father silently say goodbye to helpless eyes full of love and blessings... Mulan eyes firm and full of pride, as if to say: "don't worry, father, daughter, for you on the battlefield, will be triumphant! You take care of yourself!" To protect the homeland, confirmed



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