导航:首页 > 电影字幕 > 电影院有很舒服的椅子英语


发布时间:2023-06-11 23:14:13

『壹』 这家电影院有最舒服的座位( comfortable)翻译成英语

The cinema owns the most comfortable seats.
It is this cinema than owns the most comfortable seats.
The seats are the most comfortable,which belong to the cinema.

『贰』 英语翻译:我家离学校最近,市电影院是最受欢迎的,太阳影院有最舒适的座位

My home is the closest to school.
The cinema in town is the most popular.
The Sun cinema has the most comfortable seats.

『叁』 我喜欢这家新开的电影院因为它有最大的屏幕和最舒适的座椅用英语怎么说

I like this newly opened cinema because it has the largest screen and the most comfortable seats.

『肆』 Screen City是最好的电影院,因为那里有最大的屏暮和最舒适的座位。用英语怎么说

Screen City is the best movie theater, because there are both the biggest Screen and the most comfortable seats.

『伍』 这家电影院里的座位是所有当中最舒适的用英语怎莫说

The seats in this cinema are most comfortable of all.
Of all movie theatres , the seats in this one are coziest.

『陆』 我认为xx电影院有舒适的坐比xx电影院用英语怎么说

The seats are more comfortable in cinema XX than in cinema XXX.



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