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发布时间:2023-07-06 11:56:20

❶ 《阿凡达》讲的是什么,主角是一个怎样的人

《阿凡达》(Avatar)是一部科幻电影,由著名导演詹姆斯·卡梅隆执导,二十世纪福克斯出品,该片有2D、3D和IMAX-3D三种制式供观众选择。影片的预算超过5亿美元,成为电影史上预算金额最高的电影。此外,由导演詹姆斯·卡梅隆监制的全平台同名游戏《阿凡达》(James Cameron's Avatar: The Game)于2009年12月1日推出,游戏类型为TPS(第三人称科幻称射击动作游戏),支持3D显示器。另外,还有一些《阿凡达》周边产品及同名作品。以及奥斯科尔旗下屁颠虫推出的桌面HIFI——057阿凡达。

故事发生在2154年,故事从地球开始,杰克·萨利是一个双腿瘫痪的前海军陆战队员,他觉得没有任何东西值得他去战斗,因此他对被派遣去潘多拉星球的采矿公司工作欣然接受。 这个星球上有一种别的地方都没有的矿物元素“Unobtanium”,能够吸引人类不远万里来到这里拓荒的原因就是“Unobtanium”将彻底改变人类的能源产业。但是问题是,资源丰富的潘多拉星球并不适合人类生活,这里的空气对人类致命,本土的动植物都是凶猛的掠食者,极度危险。这里的环境也造就了与人类不同的种族:10英尺高(约3米)的蓝色类人生物“Na'vi族”。Na'vi族不满人类拓荒者的到来,也不喜欢人类的机器在这个星球的土地上因为到处挖矿而留下的斑斑伤痕。 虽然潘多拉星球环境严酷,但人类只要带上空气过滤面罩,甚至可以裸露皮肤在潘多拉星球上作业。但是由于人类即使学会纳威语也无法和纳威人直接交流,于是科学家们转向了克隆技术:他们将人类DNA和Na'vi人的DNA结合在一起,制造了一个克隆Na'vi人,这个克隆Na'vi人可以让人类的意识进驻其中,成为人类在这个星球上自由活动的“化身”。然而并不是任何人都可以操纵这个克隆Na'vi人,只有DNA与他身上人类DNA配型相符的人才有这样的能力。 《阿凡达》剧照
杰克·萨利的双胞胎哥哥是这个克隆Na'vi的人类DNA捐献者,他就可以操纵这个克隆Na'vi人,然而他被杀死了,采矿的公司为了不让砸下去的钱白砸(克隆Na'vi人价格不菲),必须找到一个可以代替他操纵克隆Na'vi的人,这个人的DNA还必须和其配型相符,于是他们自然就找到了杰克·萨利,杰克·萨利对此很高兴,因为那意味着他又能走路了。 几年后,杰克·萨利到了潘多拉星球,他发现这里的美景简直无法用语言来形容,高达900英尺(约274米)的参天巨树、星罗棋布飘浮在空中的群山、色彩斑斓充满奇特植物的茂密雨林、晚上各种动植物还会发出光。就如同梦中的奇幻花园。不过很快他就体验到了这里的危险,一头死圣兽(潘多拉星球一种本土生物)与他狭路相逢,在逃命过程中杰克与队友失去了联系,在晚上的时候又被一群土狼袭击,杰克奋起战斗,在整个战斗的过程中杰克寡不敌众危在旦夕,危急关头中一支箭射死了毒狼,杰克得救了。救他的是Na'vi族的公主,杰克从她口中了解到了更多潘多拉星球的知识。
不过杰克·萨利如果要加入Na'vi族人对抗人类入侵者的战争,要付出很大的代价:他不能永远呆在“化身”中,当“化身”——克隆Na'vi人睡觉时,他就会回到自己半身不遂的人类身体中,只有通过专门的连接设备才能重新回到“化身”中。一旦与自己的同胞为敌,他就失去了与“化身”结合的可能,只能困在残疾的身体里,并失去那个他越来越喜欢的Na'vi女孩。 最后,人类在利益的驱动下,派遣了战机去摧毁Na'vi族人所生存的家园树,尽管杰克等人一再争取希望可以不要那么做,但是采矿公司还是决意要去摧毁。杰克与他们协商,自己去和Na'vi族人交涉,让他们离开那颗大树,然而当他说明了一切之后,Na'vi族人都很愤怒,特别是杰克喜欢的那个Na'vi族人女孩也是很愤怒,Na'vi族人就把杰克和一名女教授一起捆在了刑架上了。采矿公司派遣的战机发现他们协商失败了。于是就下令开火,摧毁了他们前进的障碍——Na'vi族人赖以生存的那棵巨树,Na'vi族人的领袖也被炮火炸死。 没有了生存之地的Na'vi族人被迫暂居神树之下。而杰克等人的正义行为因为和采矿公司的利益相冲,被他们关了起来。后来,他们借机驾机逃跑了,杰克骑着“魅影”到达了Na'vi族人暂居的神树下,呼吁Na'vi族人作出反抗,他终于又得到Na'vi族人的信任。在他的呼吁下,他们联络了潘多拉星球上了其他民族的人,一起组建了一支几千人的反抗军,形成了陆空两路的防线。采矿公司的军队也发现了Na'vi族人的反抗迹象,他们迅速装填了大量的高烈性炸药,准备提前消灭Na'vi族人。于是,Na'vi族人的反抗联盟和采矿公司的军队展开了血战,结果,Na'vi族人反抗军最终打败了人类,而人类的军队指挥也被杀死,Na'vi族人在杰克的帮助下,将遣送采矿公司全部离开潘多拉星球。在Na'vi的精神领袖的带领下,Na'vi族人用自己的感受器(辫子)与神树相连,借助神树的力量,将杰克·萨利的精神(灵魂)转移到他的阿凡达身上,杰克最终成为了这个星上Na'vi人的领袖。故事到这里就结束了。



1、Avatar (2009)《阿凡达》


❸ 电影英语推荐手抄报 英语电影手抄报





3.《黑暗骑士猛空》(The Dark Knight)


4.《喜剧之王》(The King of Comedy)


5.《了不起的盖茨比》(The Great Gatsby)


❹ 帮我写1篇有关《阿凡达》电影介绍的英语作文,200词左右

1. Currently one of the most popular things to do in your free time is to watch the 3D blockbuster Avatar, nevertheless a long wait in a queue for a ticket seems a certainty. If you know a little about American history, you may find Avatar to
Currently one of the most popular things to do in your free time is to watch the 3D blockbuster Avatar, nevertheless a long wait in a queue for a ticket seems a certainty.
If you know a little about American history, you may find Avatar to be a cinematized retelling of the plight of native Indian people driven away from their ancestral lands 400 years ago.
In the movie the story occurs in the year 2154. A marine named Jake is dispatched to a faraway planet called Pandora where lives blue-skinned Na'vi people and hosts a precious matter, which a greedy company head covets. In order to win Na'vi people's trust and then convince them to decamp, Jake transfers his spirit into a remotely controlled Na'vi body, called an avatar.
But as Jake mingles with the Na'vi People, he graally develops a close bond with the locals and finally decides to stand on their side against the human threat.
Having watched the movie in an IMAX theater, I, together with literally everyone else in the huge room, were thrilled and amazed at the jaw-dropping visual feast it offered.
Despite switching frequently between CGI and a real life cast, the movie doesn't discomfort its audience at all, thanks to a series of technological breakthroughs, a well-known trademark of James Cameron, the film's director.
However, at three hours running time, the plot heavy movie can prove difficult to sit through without yawning. Having said that, I don't think the story of Avatar is any worse than other Hollywood sci-fi epics. A huge leap in techniques with Avatar fails to drag the storytelling to a higher level. This may suggest that a fundamental change in storytelling is far more arous than creating cutting-edge material, and at the same time it may also prove that a refreshing story is more important.
Even James Cameron himself has said in an interview with Newsweek that movies are about storytelling, and humans playing humans.
If Avatar impacts you more on the physical side, we have to expect Cameron's future movies will both feast our eyes and touch our hearts.
On my one-to-ten movie scale, I give Avatar an eight.

2.The revelation of life
Life, in all species are very important
Life, with everything only once, no matter what.
When the home tree to the next moment, Greenaway's screams penetrate my heart, as if the green Napian heard crying.
House did not, and soul along with fly. Surrounded by the wounded and dead comrades, but the cause of this tragedy is the human.
I think this pair of scenes depicting the director not only highlight the special effects only, humans are now being little by little to destroy the tree of our own homes. A large number of harmful gas emissions, without purification of the sewage discharged into rivers directly, many of the biological we can no longer see it.
Perhaps one day we will see their homes ignited the raging flames, can we go from here?

3. paean to the courage
Him, a disabled person, for his contribution to his own country's legs, he was courageous.
He is far marines to stand up again in order to realize their dream of death came over the Pandora's Star, he was courageous.
He suffered as a claim of discrimination against the human partner is still monitoring stations set up their own dream, he is courageous.
A wheelchair, he watched helplessly that he has muscle atrophy of the legs.
With Affan up, he stood up! He flew happy to leap. Enjoy regained his legs, but closes his eyes, as if everything is Nankeyimeng. His face, he is courageous.
Navy family for his family, he became a Knight of the Phantom of the Opera, although the film did not emphasize his conquest of Phantom of the Opera scene, but this courage is enough to conquer all difficulties, and
He was also once a member of the human race, when he was switching sides, just for the sake of glory at the hearts of humanity and human enemy, he is brave!

❺ 用英文介绍阿凡达电影 并翻译

Avatar is a 2009 American science fiction epic film written and directed by James Cameron and starring Sam Worthington,Zoe Saldana,Sigourney Weaver,Michelle Rodriguez and Stephen Lang.The film is set in the year 2154,when humans are engaged in mining reserves of a precious mineral called unobtanium on the lush moon Pandora of the Alpha Centauri star system.The colonists' expansion threatens the continued existence of the Na'vi,a race of humanoids indigenous to Pandora,as well as the moon's ecosystem.The film's title refers to the genetically engineered Na'vi bodies used by several human characters to interact with the natives of Pandora.



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