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发布时间:2023-07-07 03:16:11

1. 有谁知道金毛犬演的狗狗电影呢



2. 飞狗巴迪的主要内容英文

After his father died in a test flight accident, George, a basketball player, became an introvert and was teased and teased by his classmates at school.

On his way home he meets Buddy, a golden retriever who has just escaped abuse from his owner. When George got home, he ran into Buddy again playing basketball on the backyard basketball court and found that Buddy liked to play basketball, too.

Then he took Buddy home and started a new life. His character began to change. In a casual conversation, he found that the black uncle who cleaned up with him was actually Arthur, once a famous football star.

Arthur made his game better and taught him a lot about how to be a man.

At a game, Buddy's former owner saw on TV that the basketball-playing dog was his and went to collect it. After rescuing Buddy, George set him free on a desert island to prevent his former owner from finding him again.

George was losing the game one after another because of the loss of Buddy, until Buddy's surprise appearance gave the team a victory. In the end, Buddy was fairly awarded to George by the judge, and the two good friends will never be apart from now on.








3. 电影《神犬也疯狂》一共有几部

1996年 神犬也疯狂1:飞狗巴迪
1998年 神犬也疯狂2:金牌接球员
2001年 神犬也疯狂3:神犬家族
2002年 神犬也疯狂4:第七局获胜
2003年 神犬也疯狂5:神犬当家
2006年 神犬也疯狂6:神犬小巴迪Air Buddies
2008年 神犬也疯狂7:雪狗兄弟Snow Buddies
2009年 神犬也疯狂8:太空犬Space Buddies
2009年 神犬也疯狂9:圣诞狗狗Santa Buddies
2011年 神犬也疯狂10 :恐怖狗狗Spooky Buddies
2012年 神犬也疯狂11 :护宝狗狗Treasure Buddies



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