1. 电影歌曲
2. 电影歌曲
# "I'm Looking for Something"
Performed by Maxi Anderson, Charlene Carmen, and Keisha Heely
# "Goin' Downtown"
Performed by Steve Russell, Durrell Babbs, Luke Boyd, and Eric Dawkins
# "Takin' the Long Way Home"
Performed by Michael-Leon Wooley
# "Move"
Performed by Jennifer Hudson, Beyoncé Knowles, and Anika Noni Rose
# "Fake Your Way to the Top"
Performed by Eddie Murphy, Jennifer Hudson, Beyoncé Knowles,
and Anika Noni Rose
# "Cadillac Car"
Performed by Eddie Murphy, Jennifer Hudson, Beyoncé Knowles,
Anika Noni Rose, Rory O'Malley, Laura Bell Bundy, and Anne Elizabeth Warren
# "Steppin' to the Bad Side"
Performed by Jamie Foxx, Keith Robinson, Hinton Battle, Eddie Murphy, Jennifer Hudson, Beyoncé Knowles, and Anika Noni Rose
# "Love You I Do"
Performed by Jennifer Hudson
# "I Want You Baby"
Performed by Eddie Murphy, Jennifer Hudson, Beyoncé Knowles,
and Anika Noni Rose
# "Family"
Performed by Keith Robinson, Jennifer Hudson, Jamie Foxx, Beyoncé Knowles,and Anika Noni Rose
# "Dreamgirls"
Performed by Beyoncé Knowles, Jennifer Hudson, and Anika Noni Rose
# "Heavy"
Performed by Beyoncé Knowles, Jennifer Hudson, and Anika Noni Rose
# "It's All Over"
Performed by Jennifer Hudson, Beyoncé Knowles, Anika Noni Rose, Jamie Foxx,Keith Robinson, and Sharon Leal
# "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going"
Performed by Jennifer Hudson
# "I'm Somebody"
Performed by Beyoncé Knowles, Anika Noni Rose, and Sharon Leal
# "When I First Saw You"
Performed by Jamie Foxx
# "Patience"
Performed by Eddie Murphy, Anika Noni Rose, Keith Robinson,
and Chorus
# "I Am Changing"
Performed by Jennifer Hudson
# "Perfect World"
Performed by Steve Russell
# "I Meant You No Harm"
Performed by Eddie Murphy
# "Jimmy's Rap"
Performed by Eddie Murphy
# "Lorrell Loves Jimmy"
Performed by Anika Noni Rose
# "Family" (Reprise)
Performed by Beyoncé Knowles, Anika Noni Rose, and Sharon Leal
# "Step on Over"
Performed by Beyoncé Knowles, Anika Noni Rose, and Sharon Leal
# "One Night Only"
Performed by Jennifer Hudson
# "Listen"
Performed by Beyoncé Knowles
# "Hard to Say Goodbye"
Performed by Beyoncé Knowles, Anika Noni Rose, and Sharon Leal
# "Dreamgirls" (Finale)
Performed by Jennifer Hudson, Beyoncé Knowles, Anika Noni Rose, and Sharon Leal
# "Patience" (End Title Version)
Performed by Anika Noni Rose, Keith Robinson, and Chorus
# "When I First Saw You" (End Title Duet Version)
Performed by Jamie Foxx and Beyoncé Knowles
# "White Christmas"
Performed by Paul Rabjohns
# "Silent Night" Traditional
Performed by The Impressions
英文 我也一般一般 你自己看吧
3. 电影歌曲
4. 电影歌曲
Kotohisa Ueno_Like the bird
5. 电影歌曲
主题曲[*"Vois Sur Ton Chemin 眺望你的路途"]
【放牛班的春天】片中担纲演出及演唱的男主角青少年男高音尚巴堤莫里耶领衔圣马克教堂儿童唱诗班展现歌唱亲和力的现场演出. 美妙传唱【放牛班的春天】奥斯卡提名主题曲Vois Sur Ton Chemin与多首主题乐曲,以及来自3座法国凯萨奖肯定的电影音乐家所创作的【小宇宙】、【喜马拉雅】、【男孩变成熊】等电影音乐作品
Concerto Pour Deux Voix (双童声协奏曲 )
男声JB Maunier(Jean-Baptiste Maunier),就是” 放牛班的春天” 里的小男主角
女声Clémence Saint-Preux(原作曲家的女儿)
原曲是音乐家Saint—Preux所作的 “Concerto for one voice”如今改编成童声合唱,Clemence & Jean—Baptiste Maunier 把美妙的童声演绎的淋漓尽致。
协奏曲《Concerto pour deux voix》没有一点歌词,只是两个曼妙的童声在音乐的衬托下穿梭游离的,这种形式不失为展现最真切天籁歌喉的最佳方式,一切歌词的修饰都是多余的.
这首无词合唱由两个十几岁的孩子完美演绎,jean—baptiste maunier 和 clemence 把童声的美妙表现得淋漓尽致,最近法国音乐电台在晚间反复播放,可见chorale收欢迎程度丝毫不减。luc记得几个月前法国 电视一台tf1曾举办过一场合唱晚会,全是经典的chorale曲目,这两个孩子也被主持人请上台作嘉宾,clemence还有 点腼腆,maunier 已经是轻车熟路了。毕竟才15岁的他从去年《les choristes》巨大成功中走来,已经踏上了星途。
1990年出生的maunier (莫涅)现在和父母兄弟住在里昂,他在天主教中学上学时发现了自己歌唱的天赋,其后被发掘出演了《les choristes》(放牛班的春天)为观众熟悉,与 clemence的合唱犹如金童玉女,不仅在法国,而且到加拿大,日本等世界各地参加演出。
maunier 每天要练习至少一个半小时的声乐,当然他自己除了古典和宗教音乐,还是像其它男孩一样喜欢摇滚和流行音乐,比如kyo。回到生活 中的maunier和朋友们一起娱乐,一起运动,一起踢足球,如同普通法国男孩一样。只不过成功早早的到来是否能真正造就一个优 秀的歌手呢,luc希望不久就能看到一个更加成熟的maunier出现在法国乐坛和影坛。
6. 电影歌曲
black suit's coming吧
7. 电影歌曲
8. 电影歌曲
Thunder truck这个是老兵登上战舰的歌曲
acdc-big gun
acdc的Hard As A Rock
Creedence Clearwater Revival 的Fortunate Son
Guns for hire
9. 电影歌曲
我只知道歌词但目前搜索不到歌,我也在找,这歌相当好听:When you waking the morning.You help me now you go.say that sorry.must be moving now.
这首歌是Peter Allen(彼得艾伦)创作的。他曾为好多电影创作过大量优秀的背景音乐。
10. 电影歌曲
歌曲:roll to me
歌手:del amitri
你去网络MP3收索该歌名 roll to me 前三个就是了,你可以试听一下