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发布时间:2023-10-20 22:53:01

『壹』 《暮光之城》新月电影台词中英对照


-Bella: It's one year older than you.

-Edward: No,it isn't.I'm 109.

-Bella: Wow,maybe I should not be dating such an old man.It's gross.I should feel certainly repulse.

-Edward: So,how come Jacob Black gets to give you a gift and I don't?

-Bella: Because I have nothing to give back to you.

-Bella: Bella,you give me everything just by breathing.

-Edward: You can't trust vampires.Trust me!

-Edward: Though I do envy him,one thing.

-Bella: Juliet.She's like perfect.If you like that obviously beautiful sort of thing.

-Edward:No,not the girl,dear.…It's nearly impossible for some..people.For humans,a little poison,a dagger to the heart.So many different options.Because I considered it once.I didn't know,if I didn't get to you in time.I had to come up with some kind of..plan.I would go to Italy and provoke the Volturi.

Bella: Can't you stop talking about that?I can't even think about someone hurting you.
贝拉: 别再说这个了。我简直不敢去想有人会伤害你。

Edward: Bella,the only thing that can hurt me is you.And I don't have anything else to be afraid of.

Emmett: Dating an older woman?Hot!What?

-Bella:Edward,what happened with Jasper.It's nothing.

-Edward:You're right.It was nothing.Nothing the way I always expected.And nothing compared to what could have happened.You just don't belong to my world,Bella.

-Bella:When you left,and he left,you took everything with you.
But the absence of him is everywhere I look.
It's like a huge hole has been punched through my chest.
But in a way I'm glad.
The pain is my only reminder that he was real,that you all were.

-Bella: Please!No,no!Please!Kill me..kill me.Not him.

-Aro:How extraordinary.You would give up your life for someone like us.A vampire.A soulless monster.

-Edward: You can sleep.I'll still be here when you wake up.Bella,the only reason that I left was because I thought I was protecting you.I needed you to have a chance at a normal,happy life.

-Bella: It was so easy for you to leave.

-Edward: Leaving you was the hardest thing I've done in a hundred years.I swear I will never fail you again.I'm so sorry..Charlie's coming.

-Bella: Jack,I love you.So,please don't make me choose.
Because it'll be him,it's always been him.

-Edward: Marry me,Bella.

『贰』 求英文电影配音片段 2人

如果能再爱一次 这个电影不错的 对白也很经典。。。

伊恩:I love you. 珊曼莎:Oh, I love you too. 伊恩:And I wanna tell you why I love you. 珊曼莎:It's raining, you know that ,right? 伊恩:I have to tell you this and you need to hear it. I love you since I met you. But I couldn't allow myself to truely feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead, making decisions so unfair. Today, because of you, what I learnt from you, every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I have learnt if you do that then you're living your life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Not for today, not for you, I would never know love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved. 珊曼莎:I… I don't know what to said. 伊恩:You don't have to say anything, I just wanna tell you. 伊恩对莎曼塔最后的告白: 我对你一见钟情……但知道今天我才允许自己真正去体会,我一直先做考虑,毫无畏惧地下决定。今天因为你,我从你身上学到……我做的每个选择都不同了,我的人生已经彻底地改变了。我学到了如果自己那样做,才会过着充实的生活。不管剩五分钟或五十年都无所谓。莎曼塔,要不是今天,要不是你……我永远不会懂得爱情。谢谢你教会我如何去爱,以及被爱。 英文版: I have loved you since I met you ...but I would not allow myself to truly feel it until today. I am always thinking ahead, making decisions out of fear. Today, because of you, what I learned from you ...every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I have learned that if you do that, you are living your life fully. It doesn’t matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, not for you ...I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who told me to love and to be loved.

『叁』 暮光之城新月和月蚀电影开头贝拉的一段独白,英文和翻译都要


These violent delights have violent ends...
And in their triumph die , like fire and power..
Which, as they kiss , consume..


some say the world will end in fire ,
some say in ice,
from what i've tasted of desire
i hold with those who favor fire.
but if it had to perish twice,
i think i know enough of hate to say that for destruction
ice,is also great
and would suffice




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