导航:首页 > 电影字幕 > 这部电影很值得观看英语翻译


发布时间:2023-10-29 00:49:14

A. 英语翻译,这部电影值得一看!

The film is worth seeing

B. 用英语翻译:1、商店前面一棵大树2、这部电影值得一看3、你学什么专业拜托各位了 3Q

1、商店前面一棵大树 There is a big tree in front of the shop. 2、这部电影值得一看 This film is worth to seeing. 3、你学什么专业? What's your specialty?

C. 这部电影确确实实值得一看,翻译成英文

This movie is worth seeing.

祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*)

D. 这部电影值得去看。"worth" 翻译成英文

This movie is worth seeing

E. 英语翻译,要求所有句子都有从句。 这部电影比我们想象的要好看很多,很值得再看一遍。 作为这些岛民的

Than we think this movie is so many, it's worth it to look again.
As the main food of these islanders fish, has been endangered.
Although he had received more and more, but he doesn't try to hard, because he felt that these anonymous intimidation is very naive.
The party is the largest event in this season, it is sponsored by a local famous textile company.

F. “这是一部值得一看的,非常经典的电影”这句话怎么翻译

This is a very classical film worthy of seeing.

G. 英语翻译 把“这是一部非常值得看的电影,也是一部非常值得让人反思的电影.” 翻译成英文.

This is a film that is worth watching and reflecting.



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