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发布时间:2023-11-28 12:25:33

A. 英语周记怎么写

This week I didn’t do many wonderful things.

I went to learn developing film with my classmates on July 1st. It was easy and we all got good marks.

On July 4th, I went to school to learn, because I will be a junior three student soon. We would have to learn some lessons in advance. The weather was very hot. But I didn’t feel that learning lessons was boring. Some teachers are new. They are good I think, although they are all looked strict. And the lessons were not too bad.

This week was the beginning of this summer holiday, but it was really typical .




Mostly, I went to school to have lessons this week. It was hard but we must experience, wasn’t it?

But on Saturday I finished my first learning. And the second learning will begin on Aug 1st. I can have a break and do what I want to do.

On Saturday I went shopping. Indeed I didn’t buy many things. I just wanted to relax.

And then I played on the computer, sang , watched TV, etc. I just wanted to amuse myself.

I went to swim on Sunday, although I didn’t swim very well. I felt cool ring this hot time. I also played with my mother. She couldn’t swim so I taught her. I sometimes played a trick on her. I had a good time there.





This week I mostly stayed at home and did some homework.

Last Saturday HP6 had just come out. And many Harry Potter fans went to buy it. I did’t buy it because it was too expensive, but I downloaded it on the Internet. It was in English. Many people went on translating as soon as the book came out. I also took part in it and became a part of the translating group. From this group, I first realized that my English was so poor. I needed to look up in the dictionary all the time. It was really troublesome. But I withheld and withheld. I had translated many paragraphs. I was the youngest among the translators, but I didn’t feel there was much pressure. This work was hard but I really felt happy. We had already finished nearly 20 chapters.

I went to the Forest Park with my old friend this Thursday. Although it was hot, we had a wonderful time there. We played a lot, such as corsair, bumper cars, Arabian Flying Blanket and so on. We felt excited indeed. That day was also my friend’s birthday. I bought a comic strip for her because she likes cartoon very much. She also invited me to her new flat to play. At last she gave me a heart made of crystal. She really moved me.

On Sunday afternoon our translating group had finally finished all chapters! I was really excited. Although our translation was not very fluent and nice, even a little abrupt, it was our outcome. It was our effort. When I saw my name on the heroic translator list, I was really proud of myself我去了森林公园与我的老朋友本星期四。虽然炎热,我们有一个美好的时间。我们打了许多,如海盗船,碰碰车,阿拉伯飞行毯等等。我们感到高兴的。这一天也是我的朋友的生日。我买了连环画的她,因为她非常喜欢漫画。她还邀请我到她的新单位的作用。最后,她给了我一个水晶制成的心脏。她非常感动。


B. 初一水平的英语周记,我与同学看电影

Yesterday,my friends Lisa and I went to zhe cinema.we saw a very wonderful movie ,it's name is 'Transformers 4',wo,it was very cool,in this movie,we saw many robot,and we bought a robot present!

C. 征集8篇英语周记,初一学生的,每篇80字,不要很难,四篇关于暑假生活日常,四篇关于英文电影观后感,谢

  1. 爱丽丝梦游仙境观后感

    I found the new Alice to be a refreshing view of the original story, which we all know and are over-bored with. It was funny to see how they imagined Wonderland to evolve in time, yet keeping the same fictional characters. The visual effects give depth to the 'wonderland' feeling, and are remarkably well done.This movie is a classical story of a girl adventuring in a fantasy world and discovering the courage inside her, which will help her deal with the issues in her real life. Even if the story is predictable, the movie is never boring. I really enjoyed watching it!

  2. 哈利波特观后感

  3. 变形金刚观后感The transformeris a very classical and splendid movie. Moreover, it's considered as one of the greatest science fiction films. Trick shot and 2D technology become the most view in the film. Besides, no matter what shot or shooting technique, it's almost perfect. To be honest, I like it very much. No matter how many times I see the transformer, it's the most wonderful in my heart. In a word, this film is well worth seeing. Don't miss seeing!!
  4. 飞屋环游记观后感My favorite Pixar movies are the ones who have (in my opinion) the very best characters. Monsters, Inc., Toy Story, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, etc. My least favorites are the few that have the most uninteresting characters, like Cars. Not to say that Cars is a bad movie, but it didn't leave a memorable impression on me like those other movies did. Up fits somewhere in-between those two categories. It has some great characters, they just don't happen to be the main ones.I'll just come out and admit it - I thought Russell was an annoying little brat. Carl was a likable enough protagonist, but Russell really hurt the movie, for me. Kevin and Dug, on the other hand, are a big part of why I still ended up liking the movie a good bit. They're some of the most flat-out hilarious characters that Pixar has ever made. Most of the comedy in Up involves one of those two animals, in some way.This is a beautiful movie, no one can deny that. It's so bright, vivid and colorful, and it's also a good family film.
  5. 暑假生活1

    Today, I want to go to yunnan tourism, yeah, that's great!

    My father and I got up at three o 'clock, I wake up cheering.

    I sat with midtown elementary school teachers on the bus to hangzhou xiaoshan airport. Come to there, I feel very excited, because I can fly again.

    The plane like a giant bird, sitting on the plane I feel very comfortable. Giant bird took off, for a start, it ran slowly on the runway. All of a sudden, it's a whoosh on the blue sky.

    Giant birds fly ah fly, fly so high. I look out of the window, everything is under my feet.

    Three hours later, a beautiful yunnan is under my feet.

  6. 暑假生活2

    This evening, I and my mother was washing clothes.

    Let's put up the clothes to give out his pockets. To rub soap gently on the clothes, trousers. Then, I hard brush, brush with the brush. Mother said: "don't brush too hard good clothes, or clothes will be faster." Brush the clothes, I said: "mom, what should we do now?" "Ah, now it's time for cleaning. The first time to wash out of the water can be dirty, slowly, water is more and more clean.

    Finally, we wash clothes hanging on the balcony one by on.

  7. 暑假生活3

    This evening, my mother and I go to walking street skating.

    First of all, I put on skates, and then call mother to help me up, my mother let go slowly, in a short time, I like the swallow in action. Before long, I slipped a sweat.

    The children, quick to skating. It is also a good way to exercise.

  8. 暑假生活4

    Shanghai, a lot of people go by ship, one to the ship, the decoration is very good, and snacks.

    Sailing, grandfather bought popcorn, I took a bite to eat. Ah! Too good, when we swaying, was frightened. After a while, much better. The scenery on both sides of the ship slowly forward, open to beauty. Past skyscrapers in pudong, is in the east, in front of a magnificent bridge, and that's the famous huangpu bridge, the west is old bund! Followed by the famous buildings!

    We ate the snacks sitting in the boat to see the scenery.


D. 关于写动作电影的英语周记及翻译

的时间过去了这么快,我们离开了动物园1'oclock PM。

2.Today我的父母带我去外公家。我打我的表弟。突然,我的表哥建议去公园,并有一个休息。 “这是一个好主意。”我说。然后我们为旅行准备。午饭后,天空转暗。之后,又下起了大雨。这意味着我们的计划是不可能的。可叹的一天! 2008-07-22 16:15标志

E. 周记写看电影复联四

开头是鹰眼一家人,除了鹰眼自己外都被灭霸的响指打没了。 鹰眼从此自暴自弃 ,开始了杀手生涯。接着画面给到了托尼和星云。托尼在给小辣椒录视频,这与最后托尼录视频给孩子相呼应。惊奇队长出现,带着托尼的飞船回到了地球。复仇者联盟集结,一行人来到灭霸的居住地,想要夺回宝石。结果宝石已经被灭霸毁掉,灭霸也没了任何战斗力,被雷神一斧子砍掉脑袋。时间推进到5年后,蚁人从量子领域出来(至于他为什么进入量子领域,可以看《蚁人与黄蜂女》) , 惊讶的发现世界已经少了一半的人。蚁人找到美国队长,告诉了他自己在量子空间里的所见所闻。并得出了一个结论:运用量子技术可以穿越时空。于是美队和黑寡妇又燃起了拯救地球的希望。他们找到班纳(下文统一用浩克代替) , 此时的班纳已经跟浩克融为一体,拥有浩克的外表,班纳的头脑。之后又找到托尼,此时的托尼已经和小辣椒结婚并且有一个女儿,托尼拒绝了他们的邀请。但因为对不起良心而改变主意,加入计划。火箭浣熊和浩克找到了雷神,把已经发福堕落的雷神忽悠进了计划。黑寡妇找到了在日本执行杀人任务的鹰眼,最终劝说鹰眼加入。复仇者集结成功, 一行人分别回到了2012年的纽约(复仇者联盟1的时间线)、2013年的阿斯加德(雷神2的时间线)、2014年的某行星(忘了 名字了,银护1的时间线)。浩克负责找时间宝石,他找到了古一法师,并告诉了她自己的遭遇。古一一开始拒绝,但浩克告诉她在自己的时间线里,奇异博士是自愿交出宝石的。古一最终把宝石交给浩克。托尼、美队、蚁人三人寻找空间宝石。他们制订了一场天衣无缝的计划,但最终因为浩克的发狂,导致到手的空间宝石被洛基偷走。(这里美队在楼上遭遇了真正的自己,并有一场对决)这时候美队和托尼突然想到一个解决办法,他们一起回到了1970年的神盾局。找到了宇宙魔方和大量的皮姆粒子(用于时空穿梭)。在这里美队遭遇了旧情人佩吉卡特,托尼遇上了自己的父亲并有了一段意味深长的对话。战争机器和星云(下文称星云1)到了某行星(我之前提到过的) , 寻找现实与力量宝石。



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