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发布时间:2023-11-30 09:26:43

① 电影文化的英语介绍英文作文怎么写作文

1. 如何写介绍电影的英语作文 (用英文列举要点)

three lessons from her story很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步。

如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O 如果你认可我的回答。 I have learned, above all,就好像我们马上就要失去他们一样,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮 ~~手机带孙提问的亲在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。

~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~ The Story of My Life by Helen Keller is the most influential book in my life,她建议我们应该很好地利用我们的感官,我领悟到了三个道理.Second, the impairment of part of her senses did not prevent her from learning: on the contrary,她感官上的某敬行肆些缺陷并没有阻止她的学习,相反地,她不断地努力去钻研知识,坚韧不拔的精神帮助她克服了很多障碍。第三, but finally she decided to overe her physical defects and live happily.Furthermore, she showed great patience in her long and hard learning period. 海伦写的《我的生活故事》是对我一生影响最大的一本书。



或许你一生下来身体就有缺陷,但是你依然可以得到比别人更好的机会。因此重要的是当需要勇气的亮轿时候, she had made continual efforts to go deeper into the realm of knowledge, and her perseverance had thus helped her overe many handicaps.Third, she advised that we should make the most of our sense-ans as if we would lose them soon because this way we would observe the world more carefully than ever before. 最重要的是,从她的经历中.It is therefore important that you screw up your courage when courage is needed.It abounds with courage, she taught me that often the road to success is to face hardships bravely.Maybe you are born under an iii star yet you can stand a better chance than others, struggle and faith throughout.Helen Keller was once in deep despair in her childhood。

而且她十分耐心地完成了漫长而艰难的学习过程,但是最后她决定克服自己生理上的缺陷去快乐地生活,因为这样我们就会比以前更仔细地观察这个世界。 The book is inspiring in that it is one brimming over with the unbending will of a gallant woman beset with seemingly insurmountable difficulties.I hope I can be as courageous as she. 这本书催人奋进,全篇洋溢着一个勇敢的女人被一些看似不可能克服的困难困扰时所表现出来的不屈的精神。


2. 求一篇关于电影简介的英语作文,thanks

Micro Movie is booming

Micro movie is a booming form of web films. It has such features as follows:

First, its broadcast time is very short, ranging beeen several minutes and half an hour. Second, its making cycle is short as well. It can be made in one day or at most a week. Third, it needs only a little budget, which is always below ten thousand yuan. Fourth, it has a wide range of themes and a plete story plot. Last but not least, it can be watched by different means including mobile phone and tablet PCs.

If you are also interested, why not have a go at it?

这个是介绍微电影的 可以用

同意就采纳吧 谢谢

3. 写一篇介绍电影的英语作文

I have watched a film named Harry Potty,the famous movie around the world.

It says that harry potter was a poor boy and he never saw his parents.he lived with his uncle .They were not good to him .Then he entered a magic school .he learned magic there and met his friends .some bad people wanted to kill him.he experienced a lot ,.but he finally defeated enimies.

The writer created a wonderful and magical world,which is loved by all children in the world.

I learned a lot from the film .you should have a good heart and not be afraid of any difficulties.we should be a brave and good person,and help the one who is in trouble.

the people and the stories in that movie give me a deep depression.I hope that if you have a chance to watch it,you will love it like me

4. 写一篇介绍电影的英语作文,不限字数

Too Big and Too Small

Barbie was the middle one.She was not the biggest one like Janey, who could go to school,and cross the street to play with the children there, and read stories to herself-and stay up last of all.Barbie was not the littlest,either.Linda was.

And Linda could cry for what she wanted, and get it.She could cry for what she and everyone just laughed with her.Linda sat on Mother's lap an awful lot, too.And Daddy tossed her up in the air,and let her ride up and down on his leg.

But Barbie was the middle one,too big to do the things Linda did -too little to do the things Janey could do.

5. 英语作文电影简介

My Favorite Movie


Movie is my favorite that I always watch movies when I am free.Since I like English very much, so the English movie is my favorite, too.Among so many films I have watched, the one I like best is High School Musical.This film tells the stories about o high school juniors from rival cliques – Troy Bolton, captain of the basketball team, and Gabriella Montez, a beautiful and shy transfer student who is a hard working girl.Together, they try out for the lead parts in their high school musical.In this process, a series of stories happen, but in the end, the musical achieves great success and Troy and Gabriella fall in love with each other. It's totally a happy ending.I like this movie because the high school life in that is so colorful and amazing, which I admire so much.Besides, everyone loves happy ending of love story.

6. 介绍电影的英语作文

The story happened ring the Second World War.Rick worked for American Intelligence Agency[1] in Paris. One day he met with Ilsa in Paris. They soon fell in love and planned to marry. However, with the German's march into Paris, they had to give up the plan and wished to get to Marseilles by train and married there. But just before the leaving by train, Rick received a letter from Ilsa, saying that she couldn't go with him. So he had to pass through many places to Casablanca and runs a Cafe[2] there. One night, he met Ilsa at his Cafe, who escaped with her hu *** and to Casablanca. They hoped to obtain exit visas here and escaped to the New World At first, Rick can't five that Ilsa's gone back on[3] her word. At first he refuses to help them get the exit visas. Learning this Ilsa determines to go alone to see Rick.。

7. 用英语写一篇介绍电影的作文,有翻译

"Warm spring" tells the story of a child's father and laid strong enough to face difficult life, eventually moved away from the mother, the family resumed warm and happy life story. Play sincere and moving, causing the audience to resonate strongly. Orphans florets Beautiful Mind and considerate, selfless grandfather noble sentiments, not only purify and wash the film the other characters minds, but also a time to infect the audience。

8. 要一篇用英文介绍英文电影的作文 80个单词

The Day After Tomorrow 《后天》

starring: Dennis Quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal, Emmy Rossum, Dash Mihok, Jay O Sanders丹尼斯-奎德、杰克-吉伦哈尔、艾米-罗森、莎拉-沃德

director: Roland Emmerich 罗兰德-艾默里克

studio: 20th Century Fox 发行公司:二十世纪福斯影片公司

synopsis 内容大纲

Jack Hall is a climatologist , whose research indicates that global warming could trigger an abrupt and catastrophic shift in the pla's climate. While Jack warns the White House of the impending climate shift, his 17 year-old son Sam finds himself trapped in New York City where he and some friends have been peting in a high school academic petition. He must now cope with the severe flooding and plummeting temperatures in Manhattan. Having taken refuge inside the Manhattan Public Library, Sam manages to reach his father by phone. Jack only has time for one warning: stay inside at all costs. As full-scale, massive evacuations to the south begin, Jack heads north to New York City to save Sam. But not even Jack is prepared for what is about to happen--to him, to his son, and to his pla.

9. 介绍一部电影的英文作文

帮你找了一篇哈里波特的英文介绍,难度适中,希望我的回答对你有所帮助!^_^So, who's your favorite? Hogwarts Headmaster Albus Dumbledore? Whiz-kid spellcaster Hermione Granger? The massive Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds? Or Professor of Transfiguration Minerva McGonagall?Or maybe you like Harry Potter the best. If you do, you're not alone. Kids all over the world (and *** s, too!) love Harry Potter and the books that tell of his adventures.THE BOY WIZARDMaybe you haven't read Harry Potter's adventures. If not, then let's quickly introce him.Harry Potter is an unhappy 11-year-old. He lives with his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon Dursley and their awful son Dudley.Harry doesn't know it, but he's a wizard! His mother was a witch and his father was a wizard. Both died fighting the evil wizard Voldemort when Harry was just a baby. Harry was hidden with the unmagical Dursleys to protect him from Voldemort.Harry's adventures begin when he is accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There, he meets *** s like Headmaster Albus Dumbledore and Groundskeeper Rubeus Hagrid. He also befriends schoolmates like Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, and meets rivals like Draco Malfoy. He learns magic and how to play Quidditch, a game a little like soccer that is played on flying broomsticks.The Harry Potter novels tell the adventures of Harry at Hogwarts. Each book covers one school year in Harry's life, starting at age 11.THE AUTHORThe creator of the Harry Potter novels is writer J. K. Rowling. The J. K. stands for Joanne Kathleen. Rowling was born in a *** all town in southern England. She studied languages in college. But she always wanted to be a writer. After finishing college, she lived in Paris, France, and in Portugal. When she returned to the United Kingdom, she began to think about Harry Potter.Rowling got the idea for the first Harry Potter book while on a train journey to London. Like many writers, her first book was rejected by a number of publishers. But Rowling persisted and eventually found a publisher for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. The book appeared in the United Kingdom in 1997.SUCCESS STORYHarry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was a big success. It won prizes for children's literature in the United Kingdom. It was then published in North America with a slightly different title, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The story was very popular there, as well.Other books about Harry followed: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The novels have been translated into more than 30 languages and have sold millions and millions of copies. The arrival of a new Harry Potter book is a worldwide event!Some of the books have also been made into movies. After a long search, the filmmakers found Daniel Radcliffe to play the part of Harry in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The movies have been a big success, too.。

② 从电影中看中西方放文化差异




中华民族文明起源于黄河流域,三面连陆一面靠海的地理环境使中国几乎处于与世隔绝的状态,从而使自身文化保持很强的稳定性和历史延续性。这种独特的自然环境造就了中华民族独有的文化传统和社会心理。诞生于半封闭大陆自然环境的儒家伦理,教诲人们重土轻迁,安贫乐道,日出而作,日落而息,使人们在久远的传统中沉淀了一种封闭的惰性心理和惯性思维方法,保守,缺乏开放的意识;眷恋家园故土,提倡清静无为;安于现状,墨守成规,因循守旧,风险意识和竞争精神不强,时间观念和进取意识淡漠。所谓的“山性使人塞,水性使人通”,便是这个道理。“东方人并不具有西方人的忙碌和竞争意识,他们总是显得严肃、执重,从不着急,时间观念淡漠。就象‘效率’一词代表着西方社会中支配人们思想的基调那样,中国人常说的‘马马虎虎’一词也表明了他们对生活所持的态度。”生活圈子的狭隘与封闭,人与人之间接触的固定性和长久性,为了能够和睦相处,国人非常注重人情世故,“世事洞明皆学问,人情练达既文章”,这也培养成国人谦虚、谨慎、忍让、含蓄的传统美德。中国的这种自然环境以及在这种环境影响下的文化传统养成中华民族内倾型人格。而作为西方文化源头的古希腊与古罗马均处在半岛之上,多面临海,海上交通发达,航海贸易繁荣,这就使这些国家形成了打破血缘关系的开放式的社会。激烈的社会动荡、频繁的人员往来和波涛汹涌、变幻莫测的海洋形成其开放变易的文化品格,铸就了其灵活、开放、勇敢、进取、协作的民族精神,倡导艰苦奋斗和自强不息。所以,西方人喜欢标新立异、革故鼎新,富有冒险精神和挑战勇气。在西方,也正是这种自然环境下形成的文化传统养成西方人那种外向型人格。 “在马克思看来,地理环境是通过在一定地方、在一定生产力的基础上所产生的生产关系来影响人的……”

二 .伦理型文化与功利型文化

中国传统伦理总体取向是重义轻利。“利义之辨”是贯穿中国文明史的一个基本问题。主张义利兼顾的墨家由于失去生存的土壤而中道而忘,而主张绝仁弃义,绝巧弃利,义利皆无的道家则把把功绩和名利完全剔除在人格标准之外,这种主张尽管一度与儒家义利观并驾齐驱,但由于不合当时社会需要而不为统治阶级所用。作为支配几千年中国封建社会的主流意识形态的儒家思想,其基本主张是“重义轻利”、“见利思义”、 “以义制利”,提倡义利发生矛盾时,应当舍生取义。泛道德主义的中国传统,用道德解释一切,导致国民乐于言义耻于谈利,重道德修养,轻外在事功的价值取向,从而导致科学在古代中国失去独立的人格价值和社会地位。人专注于自身的内心世界,丧失对理性和自然的兴趣,缺乏西方文化的理性传统和对科学的探索热情。道德与理性的分离,使中国传统出现反理性的倾向,从而阻碍了中国科学精神的发育。这就是为什么中国古代空论玄谈盛行,科学衰微和商业不发达的深层原因之所在。科学技术被视为淫技奇巧,商人被贬为四民之末,从而也导致中国古代科学尽管发达却难于付诸施用,商业发展缓慢,国家积贫积弱的严重后果,到了近代更成了西方殖民者侵略的对象。

③ 年轻人听英文歌、看英文电影,是否就意味着我们被国外文化渗透了






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