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发布时间:2023-12-11 13:57:18

A. 用英语描写你对一部电影的感受

I watched the film many times, every time reading, there will be a different
feeling, this movie tells us that our lives
are very
cruel, in the movie there are classic lines: "get busy living or get busy dying", take life as
a cruel
choice, but I get that simple life has to be worth the aftertaste from it . Believe in yourself, don't give up hope, do not give up efforts, patiently waiting
for the life of
your own brilliant, this is what the<
shawshank redemption> want to express

B. 英语作文 写一部自己喜爱的电影 描写人物形象,对这部电影的评价

Home Alone plot summary
It's a day before the McAllisters,a large family,go on holiday in Paris.Kevin,the 8-year-old,is despised by everyone else.His mum sends him up to the attic bedroom the night before.The next morning,they leave,forgetting to take him with them,and they don't realise until they are halfway across the Atlantic!
When Kevin discovers he has the large house to himself,he has the time of his life,but he is afraid of the neighbour,an old bearded man.Also,two burglars are determined to break in.Kevin pretends to have a party to scare them away one night,another time he lets firecrackers off in the kitchen.Finally,the burglars do get into the house,but Kevin has filled it with booby traps,which see the crooks being burned and banged on the head,among other things.
point of view (观点)
The overwhelming success of 'Home Alone' (it spawned two sequels),is enough to guarantee that most people will love this story of a family that departs for Paris on the Christmas holidays,mistakenly leaving an eight-year old boy to fend for himself.And fend he does,when burglars threaten to break in unless he can rig enough booby-traps to keep them out.
That's the simple plot in a nutshell.Macaulay Culkin seems to have no problem carrying most of the film with a wide variety of looks,gestures and expressions--but for my money it's Daniel Stern and Joe Pesci who get the main laughs as the bumbling burglars intent on outwitting the kid's traps.
Others in the cast don't have as much to do but do well enough by their roles,particularly Catherine O'Hara and John Heard as the parents who only discover on the plane that Kevin is missing.The laughs are steady,the color photography is great and the slight story is probably every boy's fantasy of what it might be like to be left home alone.Add to that the holiday flavor of Christmas and a pleasant musical score by John Williams and you have the makings of a classic.
The proof is in the pudding--they must have done something right!

C. 写一篇关于电影评价的英语作文八年级上。急!急!急!

A review of "The Smurfs"
It is sunny today. I am excited, It’s not because of the nice weather but “The Smurfs”, a 3D movie published by Sony Pictures Releasing (Argentina). The content of the movie is very amusing and funny for children. The scene and color are grandiose and magnificent. I think it's a successful motivation. Time goes fast! On the way home, the audiences are falling in love with those lovely smurfs. What a nice movie !
《鲁宾逊漂流记》读后感(A Review of Robinson Crusoe)
This is a novel by the English author Daniel Defoe, published in 1719. It is one of the most popular adventure novels in all literature. It is the story of Bobinson Crusoe, an Englishman who is shipwrecked in a lonely tropical island. He builds himself a hut, grows his own food, and becomes self-sufficient. After 23 years he meets with a group of cannibals and rescues one of their prisoners, a young native whome he calls Friday.Crusoe and his“man”Friday become close friends, and when they are finally rescued four years later, both return to England.
Robinson Crusoe was partly based on the actual deeds of Alexander Selkirk, an 18th-century Scottish sailor who spent almost five years alone on a desert island. This novel is famous for its lovely details and its expression of belief in man's ability when left alone in nature

D. 初一英语作文:你对电影的看法_300字

型禅Of all kinds of movies,纯橘 I like edies best. I think they're interesting. My favorite actor is Jackie. I like his movie King of Comedy. I think it’做租团s a successful edy. For action movies, I like The Lord of the Ring best. It’s exciting. I like documentaries because they’re true stories. I like only some thrillers. Many thrillers are scary and boring.

E. 用英语写一个简单的电影评价,任何一部电影都行

James Cameron once more shows that he knows what he is doing. I finally get to watch it after waiting so long. I am still in shock from what I experienced. The visual effects in the movie is great, you have to watch it with your own eyes to feel the magic James Cameron has captured with this masterpiece. Acting is excellent, you can't ask for anything more than the actors gave from science fiction. Whoever said no love or passion in the movie is mistaking big time, it has something for everyone starting from astonishing score and love story, big epic, awesome war episode and a unrepeatable beauty of Pandora. If you didn't like the movie at any point, you seriously need to see your doctor. Thank you, James Cameron for the best experience of my life!

F. 英语作文谈论大家对恐怖电影的看法

Firstly, let's go back some 45 years to 1968 to a black-and-white film, loosely based on the sci-fi novel "I Am Legend". A brother and sister travel to the countryside to visit their father's grave. After a series of bizarre attacks, the sister takes shelter in a farmhouse which is soon surrounded by the reanimated dead, or zombies as they were later known. George A. Romero's film "Night of the Living Dead" was initially controversial, too gruesome, then lauded as a success and social commentary. And the director went on to make it a series of six each nodding to contemporary concerns, big consumerism or economic division. Horror to me was always, an author of somehow upsetting the applecart of life. And it seemed to me that at the end, people always set it upright again. And we didn't wanna do that. We wanna just sort of leave it upset. So the events in "Night of the Living Dead" in fact are tragic events. And it's all about misunderstanding and people who behave stupidly, and faced with something that's really could be disastrous. The dead are coming back to life, all over the world. And what I wanted to say is that they all just concerned about their own little petty interests, instead of dealing with the problem.
首先,让我们回到45年前的1968年.这部电影由名为《我是传奇》的科幻小说改编而成,故事一对兄妹来到乡下给父亲扫墓,却遭受一系列怪异的袭击.之后,妹妹躲进了一间农舍避难,但很快房子就被一群活死人(后被称作僵尸)包围.乔治·A·罗梅罗的影片《活死人之夜》 在上映之初因其恐怖的场面饱受非议,后来被视为一部成功的影片,是对社会的批判.接着,这位导演继续创作了这一系列电影的另外五部,均反映了当代社会人们的担忧、消费主义或经济分工问题. 对于我而言,恐惧是打乱生活安排的始作俑者.我觉得,到最后人们总是能自我恢复,但我们并不想这样,我们想让这种不安感延续下去.因此,《活死人之夜》其实是一部悲剧.整部影片充斥着误解,以及面对灾难做出愚蠢行为的人.全世界的死人都活过来了.他们根本没有想办法去解决问题,反而只关心自己鸡毛蒜皮的小事.

G. 英语作文: 说说对不同电影的看法(例:动画片能让你放松)

Of all kinds of movies, I like comedies best. I think they're interesting. My favorite actor is Jackie. I like his movie King of Comedy. I think it’s a successful comedy. For action movies, I like The Lord of the Ring best. It’s exciting. I like documentaries because they’re true stories. I like only some thrillers. Many thrillers are scary and boring.

H. 写一篇评价电影的英语作文,80个单词左右

i watched a movie called BRAVE HEART recently.it shows that how the people in Scotland resisted the English invader under the leadship of William Wallace.the movie is exciting and moving.it teached me that how important the freedom is and every who love hia country should fight for it.although the movies about history in middle century is hard to get good comments,this movie did it.with the efforts of many movie workers it is rewarded Oscar Prize in 1995.so it is really worthy for everybody to watch.



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