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发布时间:2023-12-17 23:25:28

⑴ 学校的语文丶数学英语老师和班级的46名学生看电影应付多少钱团购25元C含4张


⑵ 英语老师让看电影。成事在人。看完后写200单词左右的影评。。大神们速度行动起来吧。。急。。。。谢谢

This movie is better as any medicine to cure heart problems. The best part is that it's not some fairy tale, but really happened. Nelson Mandela is the only 21th Century Statesman who can stand in the footsteps of the founding fathers of America. Clint Eastwood is the procer and director to watch, as he knows where to put his attention and efforts into. Morgan Freeman really is Nelson Mandela inside this movie excelling way above the Oscar for best leading actor. That he was nominated and didn't win, only testifies that there still are certain matters to be sorted out in Hollywood. Matt Damon does a great job in the role of the South African rugby captain Francis Pienaar. The strange mix of suspense and excitement among the team of bodyguards when they have to escort Nelson Mandela around the country and ring his 04:00 am training walk, underlines the motive of Mandela's decision to guide the Springbok Rugby team, the former symbol of Apartheid, to the world-champion title.




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