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发布时间:2023-12-30 15:45:35

㈠ 海绵宝宝经典英文语录

蟹老板:“你别想从我这里拿走一分钱,一分钱!”可爱的蟹老板却是个典型的资本家 Crab boss: "You even think about take a penny from me, a penny!" Lovely crab boss is a typical capitalist海绵宝宝:“...你说得对,章鱼哥。”SpongeBob SquarePants: "You are right, octopus Brother."海绵宝宝:哦,章鱼哥,你在冒烟耶,你看起来就像是一棵煮熟的青菜SpongeBob SquarePants: Oh, octopus brother, you are smoking Jesus, you look like a cooked vegetable章鱼哥:“噢,这真是太可怕了~” 海绵宝宝:“嗨,章鱼哥,你想吹泡泡吗,只要两毛五。。。” Octopus Brother: "Oh, this is really too awful ~" SpongeBob SquarePants: "Hey, octopus brother, do you want to blow bubbles, as long as two hair 5..."我准备好了,我准备好了,我准备好了... I am ready, I am ready, I am ready ...我们去抓水母~~~~~~ We are catching jellyfish ~~~~~~

㈡ 海绵宝宝开场时船长说的话是什么

The Pirate and Kids 《海盗和孩子们》 Captain: Are ya ready kids? 船长:准备好了吗,孩子们? Kids: Aye Aye Captain. 孩子:是的,船长。 Captain: I can't hear you. 船长:太小声咯。 Kids: Aye Aye Captain! 孩子:是的!船长! Captain: OHHHHHHH, Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? 船长:哦哦哦~~~,是谁住在深海的大凤梨里? Kids: SpongeBob SquarePants! 孩子:海绵宝宝! Captain: Absorbent and yellow and porous is he! 船长:方方黄黄伸缩自如 Kids: SpongeBob SquarePants! 孩子:海绵宝宝! Captain: If nautical nonsense be something you wish, 船长:如果四处探险是你的愿望 Kids: SpongeBob SquarePants! 孩子:海绵宝宝! Captain: Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish! 船长:那就敲敲甲板让大鱼开路 Kids: SpongeBob SquarePants! 孩子:海绵宝宝! Captain: Ready? 船长:准备? Captain and Kids: SpongeBob SquarePants, SpongeBob SquarePants, SpongeBob SquarePants! 合:海绵宝宝,海绵宝宝,海绵宝宝! Captain: SpongeBob SquarePaaaaannttss!!! HA HA HA HA !!!! 船长:海绵~~~~~~~~~宝宝~~~哈哈哈!!!! 嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟(海绵宝宝吹的) 我也很喜欢看海绵宝宝哈。

㈢ 海绵宝宝经典英文语录

海绵宝宝对章鱼哥说(语素超快):章鱼哥,章鱼哥,章鱼哥,章鱼哥,章鱼哥...(章鱼哥一脸缺氧状-_- |)当我们说什么都别碰的时候意思就是什么都别碰! 嗨!嗨!嗨!女士们水母们,你们曾经注意过盐灌吗?我是说你们每天晚上都把它装满,我的意思是它它它....们到哪去了呢?啊?啊?啊!你知道我再说什么吗? 为什么换灯泡的时候要两个以上的松鼠?为什么?因为他们太傻了! 你们听说过金鱼破产的事吗?现在变成了彤鱼! 如果说我们着盛产什么,那就是手指的力量! 海绵宝宝:因为我生活在水下,所以我最符合水动力结构! 还有好多好多 ~~~ Sponge baby brother said on the octopus (morpheme ultrafast): octopus Colombia, Costa Rica octopus, octopus Colombia, Costa Rica octopus, octopus Columbia ... (Columbia octopus-like face hypoxia -_- ) When we say do not touch anything when the means do not touch anything! Hi! Hi! Hi! Ladies and jellyfish, you have noticed salt irrigation it? I am saying that you have it filled every night, I mean it .... have it where it gone? Ah? Ah? Ah! Do you know what I say it? Why is the time to change light bulbs more than two squirrels? Why? Because they are too silly! You have heard of bankruptcy goldfish do? Tong is now the fish! If we say that what we are rich, and that is the strength of your fingers! Sponge baby: because I live in the underwater, so I best hydrodynamic structure! There are a lot better ~ ~ ~【这只是搞笑台词的剪辑、不晓得你喜欢不】【希望苍蓝已经帮上忙】 还有加一句无关得、你好可爱哦答案补充 【再加点儿】1:这是一根神秘的绳子!(海绵宝宝花了几百年时间去追求派大星的秘密。结果//其实派大星不笨哦~哈哈) 2:我看不见我的额头!(卖彩色汉堡前派大星对海绵宝宝说的话) 3:我被传染了~丑了!(口气,那集整整笑了我2个多小时哈哈哈哈~我认为最经典的一集)4:再很久很久以前,有一直丑陋的企鹅!他张的很丑,他丑的把所有人都丑死了!(狗屁不通的一句话在派大星嘴里变成了无敌的笑话!笑的我脸都歪了!眼泪直流。。5:啊!粉色的! 啊!!黄色的!!你还是在乎我的。。。5555海绵宝宝我们在也不打架了!!(一起走出拳击擂台后)嘿~朋友!我的内裤买的时候是白色的~哇哈哈哈哈~~~笑死我拉!!答案补充 6:什么东西是大大粉粉的?你的朋友派大星~~~~(穿着海绵宝宝的裤子来找海绵宝宝玩~~~那集海绵宝宝考驾驶又没考上。。)7:我的糖呢?我的糖不见了!!(嘴边沾满了巧克力大声的吼着) 实在是太多了关于派大星的笑话!我一时间说不完但是可以肯定!我爱这只粉粉的星星已经不可自拔!派大星万岁~~ 派大星真好~~~派大星是最最最伟大的粉色失败者!有他的世界整个世界都是美好的~ 派大星也可以噢~~答案补充 1: This is a mysterious piece of string! (Sponge baby spent a few hundred years time to the pursuit of big stars to send secret. Results / / In fact, to send big stars不笨Oh ~ ha ha) 2: I can not see my forehead! (Selling color in Hamburg before the big stars of the sponge to send your baby to say) 3: I have been infected ~ ugly! (Tone, it sets a whole, I laughed more than two hours ha ha ha ha ~ I think the most classic episode)答案补充 4: another long, long time ago, there have been ugly penguins! Zhang He's ugly, ugly, he's the ugly all dead! (Shit does not make sense to send a word in his mouth into a big sing invincible joke! Laugh I turned the distortion! Tears DC.. 5: ah! Pink! Ah! ! Yellow! ! You still care about me. . . 5555 sponge baby we do not fight! ! (Together with the ring out of boxing after) a friend Hey ~! My underwear is the time to buy white答案补充 6: What is the粉粉greatly? Your friend to send big stars ~~~~( wearing pants sponge baby sponge baby come to play ~ ~ ~ That set sponge baby test driver admitted there was not any..)答案补充 7: I do sugar? My sugar disappeared! ! (Mouth covered with chocolate loud吼着) It is too much to send big joke sing! For a time too many but I can say for sure! I love this粉粉stars have not become addicted! Long live the big stars to send ~ ~ Send big stars are very good ~ ~ ~ send big stars is the most the greatest losers in pink! His world is a better world as a whole ~ Can also send large stars Oh ~ ~ 蟹老板:“你别想从我这里拿走一分钱,一分钱!”可爱的蟹老板却是个典型的资本家 Crab boss: "You even think about take a penny from me, a penny!" Lovely crab boss is a typical capitalist 海绵宝宝:“你说得对,章鱼哥。” SpongeBob SquarePants: "You are right, octopus Brother." 海绵宝宝:哦,章鱼哥,你在冒烟耶,你看起来就像是一棵煮熟的青菜 SpongeBob SquarePants: Oh, octopus brother, you are smoking Jesus, you look like a cooked vegetable 章鱼哥:“噢,这真是太可怕了~” 海绵宝宝:“嗨,章鱼哥,你想吹泡泡吗,只要两毛五。。。” Octopus Brother: "Oh, this is really too awful ~" SpongeBob SquarePants: "Hey, octopus brother, do you want to blow bubbles, as long as two hair 5..." 我准备好了,我准备好了,我准备好了... I am ready, I am ready, I am ready ... 我们去抓水母~~~~~~ We are catching jellyfish ~~~~~~ 就这么点了,累死了,我是武阳 嗨!派大星!要吹泡泡吗?呵呵,2毛5一个! 我准备好了!我准备好了! 小鸡为什么要过马路,因为它要到马路对面去。 早上好比基尼海滩! 法律上应该明文规定,在这么阳光灿烂灿烂的日子写作文是违法的。 您的咯吱窝里需不需要一碗热汤? 章鱼哥的话像愤怒的水母一样在我耳边不断的回荡。 裤子不会破了,因为裤子烂了。



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