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发布时间:2024-01-03 08:37:17

㈠ 邀请去看电影英语口语对话

【 #英语口语# 导语】邀请朋友一起去看电影,是生活中的常事,但是邀请外国朋友去看电影怎么英语表达呢?以下是由 考 网整理的邀请去看电影英语口语对话,希望对你们有帮助!


A:Hi, Annie. I was wondering if you were free tomorrow night.你好,安妮。我想知道你今晚是否有空。

B:Well, George, I guess I am. Why do you ask?呃,乔治,我想我有空。你为什么这样问呢?

A:I've just got a pair of presale"Star Wars"movie tickets from a friend.我刚刚从朋友那里得到两张“星球大战”的预前散售搜悉电影票。

B:And I'm thinking of inviting you along for the opening premiere. Are you interested?我想邀请你一起去看首映礼。你有兴趣吗?

A:Yes, definitely. Thanks for inviting me.是的,当然有。谢谢你的邀请。

B:My pleasure.我很乐意。

A:I really want to watch"Star Wars"on the opening day. But the presale tickets were sold out.我真的很想在首映那天看“星球大战”。但是预售门票已经卖光了。

B:How did you manage to get hold of them?你是怎样得到票的?

A:A friend of mine works in the corporate headquarters of Pepsi, which is the major sponsor of the movie.我的一个朋友在百事公司的总部工作,百事是这部电影的主要赞助商。

B:He was able to get the tickets for free. And then he sold 2 to me for 50 dollars a piece.他可以免世悔乎费拿到门票。然后他以每张50美元的价格卖给我2张。

A:You paid 50 dollars for each ticket?That's a huge premium over the regular price.你每张票花了50美元?这比原价还要高出许多。

B:Not really. Considering the fact that other people were willing to pay as much200 dollars each as the blackmarket.不完全是这样。想想其他人愿意花200美元从黑市那里购得一票就值得了。

A:Besides, I knew you were really looking forward to watching"star wars"on the opening day.另外,我知道你很期待在首映那天看“星球大战”。

B:Woo, I'm really honored you went through all this trouble just for my sake. Ireally appreciate that. So what time are we going?喔,我很荣幸你经历了这么多困难仅仅是因为我。我真的很感激。那么,我们什么时候去?

A:Well, let's see. The movie starts at ten.We should be there at least one hour earlier because there is a big line.呃,让我想想。电影10点钟开始。我们至少应该提前一个钟头到达,因为要排长队。

B:I can pick you up at your house at eight. Is that ok with you?我晚上8点钟到你家接你。可以吗?

A:Eight o'clock p. m, that's fine with me.晚上8点钟我可以。



A: Would you like to go see a movie tomorrow night?


B: I am busy tomorrow night, but I am free the night after.


A: That's great! What time should I pick you up?


4.B: 8 p.m. would be great.


A: Well, 8 p.m. it is. What movie would you like to see?


B: I'm not sure. Which movies are out right now?


A: I actually don't know. How about we choose when we get there?


B: Sure thing, that sounds great.


A: Okay, should I pick you up at your house? Or do you want to meet somewhere?


B: I live by school; if you want, we could meet there.


A: Sure. I drive a white Nissan Sentra. I'll text you later on, okay?


B: That sounds great. I'll be waiting for your text.



A: Hello. May I speak to Mary, please?


B: Speaking. Who’s calling, please?


A: Hi, Mary. This is Tom.


B: Oh, hi, Tom. How’ve you been?


A: Just fine. I say. Aren’t you busy tomorrow evening?


B: Let me see. Uh-huh…no, I guess I’ll be free.


A: Well, uh…why not dine out together and go to the movies?


B: Sounds like a good idea.


A: Okay. I’ll pick you up at 6:00.


B: Thank you for inviting me. See you then. Bye, Tom.


A: Bye now.


㈡ 关于最喜欢电影的英语对话

Todd: Alright, Tennessee, you were talking about how you like movies.

Tenn: Yes, I'm a big movie buff超级电影迷.

Todd: OK. What kind of movies do you like?

Tenn: I kind of like, I kind of like most genres of movies, it's just, what I look for is a good story and good characters is the main thing...so even if I like the genre, if like wether it be science fiction or historical drama, if the, if the story isn't good then, then I, I don't like it at all.

Todd: OK. Off the top of your head, what's a movie that you really liked?

Tenn: Well, the Lord Of the Rings they've been doing, I really have enjoyed.

Todd: Uh-huh.

Tenn: They did a good job.

Todd: Did you read the books?

Tenn: Oh, yes! It was one of the first *** books I read when I was in elementary school.

Todd: OK, well, what is the last movie you saw?

Tenn: The last movie I saw, Pirates of the Carribean.

Todd: OK. Was it any good?

Tenn: Ah, it wasn't bad.

Todd: It wasn't bad.

Tenn: Yeah !

Todd: Alright, thanks a lot.

Tenn: I like pirates.

Todd: You like pirates. What? You like pirates!

Tenn: Oh, yeah! You know, when you're a kid, pirates is the thing to be.

Todd: Yeah!

Tenn: "Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!"

Todd: OK. Alright. Thanks Tennessee.

Tenn: OK.
麦克: Would you like to go to the movies tonight?


苏珊: Well, I just saw a horror movie last night. It almost frightened me to death.


麦克: Well, we could see something different, like a detective film.


苏珊: I don`t care for a detective film. It also makes me nervous.


麦克: Well, a western, an adventure, a war, a violent or a science-fiction movie, which one do you like best?


苏珊: A science-fiction film, I think.


麦克: Oh, sure we will have a son of scientist.

Favorite Movie

A: What's your favorite movie?

B: "The Grand Budapest Hotel." Why do you ask?

A: I was wondering what types of movies you liked.

B: Well, that's my favorite movie, but I like all sorts of movies.

A: Oh, okay, but why do you like that movie so much?

B: Because it has action, adventure, edy, and wonderful acting.

A: How many times would you say you have seen it?

B: Too many to say. I watch it at least twice a month.

A: Really, you like it that much?

B: It's a really good movie. You should watch it.

A: Could I borrow it? I don't have money to buy it.

B: Yes, I could lend you the movie, but be careful with it.

㈢ 约两个好朋友去看电影情景对话英文

ullest use of these blessed faculties. Their eyes and ears take in all sights and sounds



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