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发布时间:2024-04-02 08:53:23

㈠ 求电影后天(the day after tomorrow)的几句经典台词

Tom:What do you think's gomna happen to us.
Jack:What do you mean?
Tom:I mean us,civilization,everybody.
Jack:Mankind survived the last Ice Age. We're certairly capadle of surviving this one. All depends on whether or not we're able to learn from our mistakes. I sure as hell would lik a chance to learn from mine.
Tom:You did everything you could.
Jack:I was thinking abou Sam.
Tom:Jack,you know the chance of Sam.
Jack:I made my son a promise. I'm going to keep it.

杰克:人类生存上一个冰期。我们certairly capadle生存的这一个。一切都取决于是否我们能够从错误中吸取教训。我当然会为地狱力的机会,我的学习。

㈡ 电影后天的句子

“The Day After Tomorrow” 《后天》
1.Just me and my dad hanging out for 10 days.(片中)
hang out 与某人在一起消磨时间 约会
eg:Hey, are you free to hang out this weekend? I’d really like to see you. 嘿,这周末有时间吗?我很想见你.
eg:Oh, no. We’re just hanging out. Nothing serious. We’re just friends, we’re just hanging out. 噢,没有.我们只是在一起聊天.没什么大事.我们只是朋友.

2.We heard somebody was left behind. We brought an ambulance.(片中)
leave sb./sth. behind 撇下某人或某物
eg:We can’t leave the dog behind for two months. We’ll have to find somebody to take care of him. 我们不能把狗丢下两个月那么久.我们得找人照看它.

3.How long have I been out of it?(片中)
out of it 走神 没注意
eg:You look pretty out of it. A cup of coffee?

4.Try to wait it out.(片中)
wait sth out 静观事态的发展
eg:I think you’re just going to have to wait out this storm. When this storm is over, then we’ll see about trying to get you home.
eg:Ah, you have a cold, that’s too bad but I guess you just have to wait it out. Hope you feel better soon. 啊,你感冒了,太不走运了.但我想你得静心调养.希望你快好起来.

5.You’re going to brief the President directly. (片中)
brief sb. on 简明扼要的汇报
eg:Before we start, let me brief you on what you are expected to do.
eg:The manager brief us on the company sales for this year.

6.Their best chance is to stay inside. Try to ride it out. (片中)
ride it out 安然躲过,安然渡过,安全渡过 等待
eg:Why don’t you ride out the rain? If it stops soon, you can still go home. 你怎么不等雨停呢?如果雨很快停了,你还是可以回家的.

7.Does he ever lighten up?(片中)
lighten up 放松 (=relax)
eg:Lighten up! Have a little fun at the party. Don’t worry about the test, it’ll be fine. Lighten up, enjoy the party. 放松点.在聚会上好好玩.别担心考试了,没事的.
eg:Lighten up! It’s not that big deal, things will get better soon! Just lighten up! 放松点!没什么大不了的,一切都会好的.尽管放宽心吧!

8.What I’m about to tell you is supposed to be confidential.(片中)
confidential 机密的,绝密的 私人的
eg:I usually keep details about my personal life confidential.
eg:That is confidential. I’m sorry, I’m not allowed to do that.

9.Is that Neville’s handiwork? (片中)
handiwork 手工制作 (引申义)杰作 某人行为的结果
eg:This shirt is the handiwork of a local tailor.
eg:This is gorgeous handiwork. Very skilled.

10.Absolutely. If we can hail a cab.(片中)
Hail 招呼(计程车) 引起某人注意
eg:Yeah, I might have to drive you home. It’s really hard to hail a cab in this part of town. 是的,我也许得送你回家.这附近很难叫到出租车.
eg:Hail Caesar!

11.We’re gonna get this whole thing straightened out.(片中)
get sth. straightened out 把事情(的来龙去脉)搞清楚 弄清楚不懂的事情
eg:Let’s get this straightened out, did you lie or not?
eg:Can you straighten out this problem with my bill?

12.The current depends upon a delicate balance of salt and freshwater. (片中) 水流取决于盐和淡水的平衡比例.
delicate balance 脆弱的平衡,度的拿捏
eg:You must understand the delicate balance of spices it requires.
你必须了解它所需的辣椒比例.(做菜时) 你必须懂得拿捏好需要多少量调味品。

13.Yeah, I think I got the hang of it. (片中)
get the hang of sth 基本了解 摸到门路 找到窍门 理解某事.
eg:Hey, you’re really getting the hang of it. Good job, keep it up.
eg:Oh, man, I’ve been working on this math for ages now, and I think I’m finally beginning to get the hang of it. 哦兄弟,我们做这道数学题好久了,我想我终于开窍了.

14.Boss’ll chewing my head off if these cores get messed up.(片中)
chew one’s head off 你非常生气并且大喊
eg:I’ve never seen her like that. She was totally chewing my head off. 我从没见过她那样的.她冲我大喊大叫!
eg:I understand! You don’t have to chew my head off!

15.Yes, it’s a paradox, but global warming can trigger a cooling trend.(片中) 是的,这很奇怪,但全球变暖会引发天气变冷的趋势.
paradox 矛盾或奇怪的说法或情形,但却真实.
eg:Woman are a paradox. They say they want one thing, but really want something different! 女人真是矛盾,她们说想要这个,但其实是想要另一个.
eg:It’s such a paradox! I don’t know how I can love her and hate her at the same time. 真是奇怪!我怎么可能同时爱她又恨她呢!

㈢ 电影《后天》当中有句英语‘their best chance is to stay inside’他们最好的选择是呆在家里,为什么加to

is 是be动词,这句话也可这样说their best chance is staying inside!

㈣ 一篇英文电影评论 <<后天>>

1. This movie takes a big-budget, special-effects-filled look at what the world would look like if the greenhouse effect and global warming continued at such levels that they resulted in worldwide catastrophe and disaster, including multiple hurricanes, tornadoes, tidal waves, floods and the beginning of the next Ice Age. At the center of the story is a paleoclimatologist (a scientist who studies the ways weather patterns changed in the past), Professor Jack Hall (Quaid), who tries to save the world from the effects of global warming while also trying to get to his son, Sam (Gyllenhaal), who was in New York City as part of a scholastic competition, when the city was overwhelmed by the chilling beginnings of the new Ice Age. In addition to all of the other challenges Dr. Hall faces, he's also going against the flow as humanity races south to warmer climes, and he's nearly the only one going north...

2. When global warming causes world wide disasters and leads to an ice age, a climatologist named Jack Hall tries to rescue his son Sam who is trapped in New York. Jack must go from Washington D.C. to New York, but on the way some things happen. Can Jack rescue his son?

3. We humans are such sinners. We pillage and plunder our planet's natural resources, carelessly and indignantly burn our fossil fuels, and throw caution to the wind for our wanton irresponsiblity.

Well, to coin a classic phrase, "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature." And she's one broad you don't dare want to mess with, as the disaster-laden THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW attests. In a movie that must have environmentalists and tree huggers worldwide grinning from pierced ear to pierced ear, we humans are forced at last to atone for the sin of global warming--a sin that melts the polar caps and brings on another Ice Age (in about the time it takes to play a baseball game).

Forget the plot. It's worse than bad--it's trite, banal, hackneyed, threadbare, and worn-out all rolled into one. Dennis Quaid is the climatologist who predicts doom but is subsequently ignored by his greedy government; he also has a son who ends up trapped in New York. The beautiful Sela Ward plays the standard this-disaster-epic-must-have-a-female-lead-who-spends-her-time-wringing-her-hands-and-looking-worried-and-then-cries part. Ian Holm, for goodness sake, is Bilbo Baggins, not some Scottish scientist about to go into the deep freeze, and Jake Gyllenhaal, who plays Quaid's and Ward's son, has a constant smirk on his face that I could never figure out.

As I said, forget the plot. This movie's strength is its visual onslaught of destruction and disaster on a global scale--from tornadoes ravaging Los Angeles (Why do LA TV reporters feel compelled to cover a twister a stone's throw away on live TV?) to three cataclysmic "blizzard hurricanes" that devour the Northern Hemisphere. The special effects are well-done, and jarring; seeing a huge tidal wave overtake the Statue of Liberty and then sweep relentlessly into Manhattan (Why didn't Brooklyn and Queens get equal time?) is bone-chilling. Throw in a pack of hungry wolves escaped from the zoo and an eye of each storm that plunges the temperature minus 150 degrees in a matter of seconds, and you've got a virtual kitchen sink of gloom and doom. Our fearless government reluctantly acts; in a huge twist of irony, the U.S. is evacuated, with its citizens streaming into Mexico, and the northern states take on a popsicle effect. It's all great fun to watch.

THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW succeeds on the visual, and fails dismally on everything else. Now I've got to go get my twelve-pack out of the freezer. I want to see what frozen beer tastes like.

4. There's no two ways about it...filmmaker Roland Emmerich really despises New York...three of his last four films depict some level of destruction within the Big Apple. Why does he hate it so? I have no idea, but he also doesn't seem all that found of Los Angeles, either...

The Day After Tomorrow (2004), written, proced and directed by Roland Emmerich stars Dennis Quaid (who'd been having a really decent run of good films, up until now, that is...), and Jake Gyllenhaal, who seems to bounce between really good movies (Donnie Darko) to really lousy ones (Bubble Boy, Highway). Also appearing is Emmy Rossum (who bares a remarkable resemblance, at times, to American Pie's Elizabeth Shannon), Jay O. Sanders (Daylight), Perry King (The Lords of Flatbush), Kenneth Walsh (Miracle), Sela `yowsa, yowsa' Ward, and Ian `Bilbo Baggins' Holm.

Okay...Jack Hall (Quaid) is a paleoclimatologist...what's that, you say? Well, apparently it's someone who studies the weather of the past, using ice core samples from the artic and sophisticated computer programs...more or less a glorified weatherman. During his research, he's found evidence to support the world is soon (soon meaning anywhere from 100 to 1,000 years) heading for another ice age, but no one is taking him too seriously, especially not the haughty Vice President (Walsh), probably e to the fact the weather reports we get on the TV are usually only right about half the time, so why should we jump through hoops for this clown? Surprise, surprise, it turns out Walsh is right (but his timing is way off...typical weatherman) as the poopie hits the fan...big time. Hail the size of footballs in Japan, tornadoes in LA, tide waves and crazy snow in New York (haven't they suffered enough?), all resulting in a global climate change, which doesn't sound all that bad, but basically the entire northern hemisphere is buried under ice and snow...a lot of ice and snow...and temperatures are dropping. Oh why didn't they listen to Hall? The fools...the frozen fools...

I will say this...The Day After Tomorrow sported some of the best special effects I've seen in awhile. The wide scale destruction of major cities was very intense (Irwin Allen, the master of disaster, the man who brought us all those wonderful 70's disaster movie, would have been proud)...also, I thought the acting was passable, which is sad, given the experienced cast involved, but they were just doing what they were told. If I were to rate this film on the special effects alone, it would be five stars, but I have to also consider the other aspects, the story, the dialog and such. It's these elements (or lack of) that ultimately derailed the film, for me at least. Emmerich seems to try and dazzle the audience with glossy special effects in hope we won't put too much thought into all the holes, large and small, that riddle the plot. I remember when I saw Emmerich's Independence Day (1996) for the first time, I was really taken with the film, but subsequent viewings revealed the paper thin construction, allowing the story to collapse in on itself...here, I need not watch the film again as the flimsy nature came through like a sledgehammer to the head...and Emmerich lays on the schmaltzy, maudlin sentimentality, disguised in the form of altruistic self sacrifice and heroism, about as thick as he lays the snows on New York...I would have thought it difficult to top the gushy, slushy, saccharine sweet goo presented in Independence Day, but I was wrong, as here, he turns it into an art form. The dialog was just awful...I was surprised some of the actors managed to get their lines out while keeping a straight face. Also, the dialog was entirely predictable, especially between the pregnant pauses meant to heighten the emotional level for the drivel soon to follow...I actually found myself speaking lines before they were spoken in the film, as it was that obvious as to what was coming. And the film seems inundated with a preachy smugness...yes, we consume fossil fuels and use resources from the Earth, but does that necessarily make us evil and deserving of the scenario played out in this film? I love it when Hollywood, in all of its shallow gloriousness, tries to teach the rest of the world what's wrong with us. This is a big difference between Emmerich and Irwin Allen...Allen made disaster films to engage and entertain, while Emmerich seems to use the medium as a means to tell us the error of our so called destructive ways, and showing the ruinous consequences that result. Ahh, I've stood on my soapbox long enough...here's some scenes to watch for...the one, after New York is frozen, with the homeless man teaching the rich kid, who normally wouldn't have given the filthy man the time of day, how to use newspapers and such to insulate himself by stuffing them in his clothes...can you see the irony here? The homeless, once a burden on our society, have now, after the disaster, found purpose in advising the uninitiated on how to survive, as they've had to do living on the mean streets. Everyone go out and befriend a homeless person now, before it's too late...okay, how about this scene...the kids, now stuck in the Manhattan library after the storm, are scrounging for food, and break into some vending machines. The homeless guy suggests looking in the trash cans, as there's always something to eat in trash cans (yeah, okay...I'll tell you what my stinky friend, I'll eat the potato chips and M&M's and you can have whatever edible, maggot infested morsels you find rummaging in the garbage)...again, infinitely invaluable advice from the homeless...

㈤ 电影《后天》01:06:27-01:07:57台词


01:06:01,198 --> 01:06:02,824
Yes, sir. 遵命,长官

01:06:17,347 --> 01:06:18,938

01:06:19,116 --> 01:06:20,946
...get me my wife.给我接我的妻子

01:06:39,902 --> 01:06:43,359
Sorry, mates,
but we're just about out of petrol.

01:06:46,642 --> 01:06:48,074

01:06:48,611 --> 01:06:50,202
Is there any chance...有没有可能...

01:06:50,813 --> 01:06:52,279
...that it'll run... ...那可以...

01:06:53,549 --> 01:06:55,448
...on this?...用这个?

01:06:55,618 --> 01:06:57,209
Are you mad?你疯了吗?

01:06:57,386 --> 01:06:59,751
That's a 1 2-year-old Scotch.那是放了12年的苏格兰威士忌

01:07:21,544 --> 01:07:22,805

01:07:23,746 --> 01:07:25,906
To England.为了英国

01:07:26,782 --> 01:07:28,646
To mankind.为了人类

01:07:30,720 --> 01:07:32,584
To Manchester United.为了曼彻斯特联队

01:07:40,429 --> 01:07:41,725
I just....我只是....

01:07:41,897 --> 01:07:45,832
I just wish I could have seen
him grow up. You know?

01:07:49,505 --> 01:07:52,337
The important thing is he will grow up.

01:07:57,346 --> 01:07:59,142

01:08:15,698 --> 01:08:18,461
Maybe you should have somebody
help you with that.

01:08:19,100 --> 01:08:21,897
Sir, I am president of the Electronics Club...

㈥ 我拼命读书为了将来,谁知道没有将来! 电影《后天》这句台词英文怎么翻译

I struggle to study for my future.
I do not have future, none the less...

㈦ 《后天》电影里 最后总统的电视讲话的英文稿子

These past few weeks have left us all
with a profound sense of humility in the face of nature's
destructive power.
For years, we operated under the belief
that we could continue consuming our planet's natural resources
without consequence.
We were wrong.
I was wrong.
The fact that my first address to you
comes from a consulate on foreign soil is a testament to our changed reality.
Not only Americans but people all around the globe
are now guests in the nations we once called The Third World.
In our time of need,
they have taken us in and sheltered us.
And I am deeply grateful
for their hospitality.
We mourn the loss of a spirited leader
whose courageous order to evacuate.
For days, we've despaired
about the fate of the people who are trapped in the North.
Today, there is cause for hope.
Only a few hours ago, I received word
that a small group of people survived in New York City
against all odds...
and in the face
of tremendous adversity.
I've ordered an immediate
search-and-rescue mission to bring them home
and to look for more survivors.

㈧ 电影后天经典对白


1. [last lines]
Parker:Have you ever seen the air so clear?
2. Jason Evans:Okay. What happened?
Jack Hall:Well, we had to get inside in kind of a hurry, so I sort of pushed you in.
Jason Evans:I should be used to you pushing me around.

3. [watching the "Hollywood" sign being destroyed by a tornado]
Bart Chopper Reporter:This tornado just came and erased the Hollywood sign. The Hollywood sign is gone. It's just shredded.

4. Gomez:Booker! What's going on, here?
Booker:They just issued a tornado warning in Los Angeles.

5. Simon:What are the odds of two buoys failing?
Terry Rapson:Remote.
[another buoy seen on the computer screen fails]
Terry Rapson:Make that three.

6. [Franks falls through a shopping mall's roof and hangs by his rope]
Jack Hall:Frank! Are you all right?
Frank Harris:I'm fine! Just dropped in to do a little shopping.

7. Judith:Books can be good for something other than burning.

8. Tina:[making out] Shouldn't you be monitoring the weather or something?
Bob:This is L.A... what weather?

9. Jack Hall:I think we are on the verge of a major climate shift!

10. Terry Rapson:We'll be fine.

11. Terry Rapson:[over the phone] Several hours ago, three helicopters went down over Scotland. They crashed because the fuel in their lines froze.
Jack Hall:At what temperature does...
Terry Rapson:[interrupting] Negative one hundred and fifty degrees Fahrenheit.
Terry Rapson:They had to look it up!

12. Elsa:What book is that?
Jeremy:The Guttenburg Bible.
Elsa:You think God is going to save you?
Jeremy:No, I don't believe in God.
Elsa:You seem to be holding onto the book very tightly.
Jeremy:I'm protecting it. This Bible is the first book ever published. It represents the dawn of the age of reasoning. As far as I'm concerned, the written word is mankind's greatest achievement. Laugh if you want. But if Western Civilization is destroyed, I want to save one little piece of it.

13. [they're snowed in at Scotland]
Terry Rapson:We've got our own genny, enough tea and biscuits to sink a ship. We'll be fine! As long as the loo doesn't back up again.

14. Brian Parks:Man you've got some serious competition.
Sam Hall:Please.
Brian Parks:I bet he's really rich too.
Sam Hall:Shut up.

15. News Reporter:If you look over behind me, that's a tornado. Yes! A twister in Los Angeles. It's one of many tornadoes that are destroying our city. There's another one! That's the Los Angeles skyline! It's unbelievable! It's huge! I've never seen anything like that.

16. J.D.:Sam, just tell her how you feel.

17. Jack Hall:I think we've hit a critical desalinization point.

18. Jason Evans:[as a shelf of ice is breaking off] I didn't do anything!

19. Jason Evans:I didn't do anything!

20. Simon:[their final lines in the movie] Gentlemen,
Simon:To England!
Terry Rapson:To mankind!
Dennis:To Manchester United!

21. Jack Hall:Our climate is fragile. The ice caps are disappearing at a dangerous rate.
Vice President Becker:Dr. Hall, our economy is every bit as fragile as the environment. Perhaps you should keep that in mind before making sensationalist claims.
Jack Hall:Well, the last chunk of ice that broke off was the size of Rhode Island. A lot of folks would say that was pretty sensational.

22. RAF #1:[trying to start plummeting helicopter] Come on, you bastard! Come on!

23. J.D.:[showing the other students the museum] I couldn't let you guys leave New York without seeing the Natural History Museum.
Sam Hall:[under his breath] Of course not, it's the world's finest collection of stuffed animals.

24. Jack Hall:I will come for you, do you understand me?

25. Jason Evans:What's going to happen to us?
Jack Hall:What do you mean?
Jason Evans:I mean "us"? Civilization? Everyone?
Jack Hall:Mankind survived the last ice age. We're certainly capable of surviving this one. The only question is, will we be able to learn from our mistakes?

26. Jason Evans:[as he meets a gorgeous woman] Hi, I'm Jason!

27. Terry Rapson:[after Simon suggests that the scotch might serve as fuel to keep them alive] Are you mad? That's a 12-year-old scotch!

28. Terry Rapson:We found something extraordinary... extraordinary and disturbing, that is. You remember saying in New Delhi about how melting of the polar ice can disrupt the North Atlantic current?
Jack Hall:Yes.
Terry Rapson:Well... I think it's happening.

29. Jack Hall:[on Sam failing calculus] I'm not angry. I'm disappointed.
Sam Hall:Do you wanna hear my side of it?
Jack Hall:Sam, how can there be two sides?
Sam Hall:Hey, look, I got every question right on the final and the only reason Mr. Spengler failed me was because I didn't write out the solutions.
Jack Hall:Why not?
Sam Hall:I do them in my head.
Jack Hall:Did you tell him that?
Sam Hall:I did. He said he didn't believe me. He said that if he couldn't do them in my head then I must be cheating.
Jack Hall:Well, that's ridiculous! How can he fail you for being smarter than he is?
Sam Hall:That's what I said.
Jack Hall:[smirks] You did? How'd he take it?
Sam Hall:He flunked me, remember?

30. Jeremy:Friedrich Nietzsche? We can't burn that! He's one of the most important thinkers in 19th Century!
Elsa:Please! Nietzsche was a chauvinist pig who was in love with his sister.
Jeremy:He was not a chauvinist pig!
Elsa:But he was in love with his sister.
Brian Parks:Uh, excuse me, guys? Yeah, we got a whole section on tax laws down here we can burn.

31. Laura Chapman:Everything I've ever cared about, everything I've worked for, it's all been in preparation for a future that no longer exists. I know you always thought I took the competition too seriously. You were right. It was all for nothing.
Sam Hall:No, I just said that to avoid admitting the truth.
Laura Chapman:The truth about what?
Sam Hall:About why I joined the team. I joined it because of you.

32. Laura Chapman:I've got one. Your favorite vacation?
Sam Hall:You mean besides this one?

33. [as Brian works on a radio]
Statue of Liberty Guard:You should get some help with that.
Campbell:Sir, I'm the president of the electronics club, the mathematics club, and the chess club. If there is a bigger nerd in here, please point him out.

34. Jack Hall:Professor, I think it's time you got out of there.
Terry Rapson:I'm afraid that time has come and gone, my friend.
Jack Hall:What can we do?
Terry Rapson:Save as many as you can.

㈨ 后天观后感英文版

篇一:《后天》 观后感 英文版

The feedback of“the day after tomorrow”
This is my second time to see “the day after tomorrow”. The first time, and many others, I see the contradiction between human and nature, environmental pollution, energy deficiency. How stupid human are, and human is so small in the disaster. Then, I think more about how to protect the environment and save energy to avoid this situation happens.
But this time, I didn’t see the film from environment, but from the human. I saw people’s affection, friendship and love in the face of death, serious work and dedication, and some people is fatuous and ignorant in the face of scientific.
The time, I really feel what is responsibility, what is persist, what is commitment. In many cases, we do not need to go to the principle of the so-called persistent on the way of things. Some critical moment, we have to give up some minor things, only know how to choose can do anything more perfect.


篇二:后天 观后感 英文版

People always thought that probably as a human on the planet Earth is the most senior animal owners who dominate nature. Can be wanton destruction of the earth, nature mutilations. Also for the immediate interests of the greedy nature and the blood drained 、 the nature of the skin stripped 、 nature of the meat-eating. With the thought this will be what kind of consequences. Also claimed ignorance 、 elated to conquer nature. Sing really ridiculous. If another Ice Age in front of us, the humanity will be caught unprepared? Human nature can conquer? No, summer 2004 opening large - <<acquired>> given us a loud and affirmative answer to the question. This terrible disaster films told us an irrefutable truth - always dominate the natural person. "Acquired" the film depicts the United States as a representative of the Earth within one day suddenly nose-dive into glacial science fiction stories. In the story, climate scientists Jack. Hall observed in the study pointed out that prehistoric climate, the greenhouse effect brought about by global warming could trigger an unprecedented global catastrophe. Mainly refer to the destruction of the beautiful human nature, but by the serious nature of the punishment. Lightning 、 、 hail storm 、 tornado 、 hurricane 、 、 floods caused by global warming, such as the melting of Antarctic ice disaster befall humans, before human consciousness to know repentance may have been too late. In an instant because of the disaster emerged, floods, in the eyes; hail, in the eyes; all in the eyes of force majeure. Entry into the Earth's greenhouse effect will glaciation. Tornado 、 earthquake tsunami 、…… So you ask that the name will become a natural part of human life. In the film, you can see New York City inundated lens: the confusion of the crowd the air vehicle broken glass, followed by the floor, as high waves… you can see in the seaside holiday resort in Hawaii hit by the hurricane scene. This is the destruction of the natural consequences, and this is the punishment of mankind. For thousands of years, continually engulfed in the natural human body, should now enjoy nature of the pernicious consequences of brewing.

㈩ 写一篇关于 《后天》这部电影的200个单词的作文

"Over the past few weeks. Let us feel, in front of the forces of nature we are
so small. Over the years, we always thought, we can reckless squandering of our
planet's natural resources, we are wrong, I was wrong... "Film" the day after
tomorrow ", shocking disaster scenes, like be struck with fright plot, full of
people in the field of tenacity and dedication, and the ultimate value of life
and profound thinking about the meaning, and the demands on the harmonious
coexistence of man and nature.
When the last saw Sam one family security survival, psychological surviving a
warm haven't covered in snow and ice.But despite the warm, still nearly
a country nearly half of the people regret, "go with" Jack "for a lifetime"
Frank mourned for the victims, the president and sad. No ground for blame, human
life is the most precious, so, do you have thought about the "acquired" may
really falling?
We respect life, we should respect our planet, and only your love, the future
survival of people "rights" can be guaranteed, constantly destruction will
eventually let us destroy



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