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发布时间:2024-04-04 00:53:13

1. 功夫熊猫好词佳句英语

1. 功夫熊猫30个英文句子,外加翻译


One meetsits destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.2.你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。Your mind islike this water, my friend, when it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see,but if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.3.退出,不退出。

做面条,不做面条。Quit don'tquit. Noodles don't noodles.4.昨天是历史,明天是谜团,只有今天是天赐的礼物。

Yesterday ishistory, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it's calledthe present (the gift).5.从来没有什么意外。There are noaccidents.6.师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制,我可以控制果实何时坠落,我还可以控制在何处播种。

But thereare things we can control, I can control when the fruit will fall, 。 And Ican control7.乌龟:是啊 不过无论你做了什么,那个种子还是会长成桃树,你可能想要苹果或桔子,可你只能得到桃子,那个种子还是会长成桃树。

Yes, but nomatter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree, you may wish for anapple or an orange, but you will get a peach. 师傅:可桃子不能打败大龙。But peachcan not defeate Tai Long. 乌龟:也许它可以的 ,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。

Maybe it canif you are willing to guide it, to nuture it, to believe in it.8.你不能走,真的武士决不会退却。You cannotleave, real warrior never quits. 师傅:那你为什么不退出呢?你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。

Why didn'tyou quit? you know I was trying to get rid of you, but you stayed. 阿宝:是啊,我留下来了。 我留下来是因为每次你往我头上丢砖头,或说我难闻,这很伤我的心。

可最伤我心的是,我每天努力练习,却还是这个我。 我留下来,因为我以为, 如果还有人能改变我, 能让我焕然一新, 那就是你-- 中国最伟大的功夫师父!Yes, Istayed.I stayed, becauseevery time you threw up brick on the head or said I smelled, it hurts.But it couldnever hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me.I stayed,because I thought。

If anyonecould change me,could makeme not me ,it was you the greatestKong Fu teacher in the whole of China!9. 阿宝,天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意,阿宝,忘了其它的事情,你的使命一直都在向你召唤。 我们是面条家族,血管中流着着面汤。

I'm sorrythings didn't work out, it's just what it's meant to be. Paul, forgeteverything else, your destiny still awaits.· We are Noodle folk, broth runs deep through our veins10.我私家汤的绝密食材,就是……什么都没有。 认为它特别,它就特别了。

The secretingredient of my secret ingredient soup is。nothing.To makesomething special, you just have to believe it's special.。

2. 帮我找找功夫熊猫中的好词好句

One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it . 有言,子欲避之,反促遇之。

Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear. 乱则不明,但若心如止水,答案便尽现眼前。 There is no charge for awesomeness ,or attractiveness . 彪悍不求回报,迷人更无所需。

1.一切早已注定。 There are no accidents. 2.何必躲呢,躲不过的。

One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. 3.着急的时候脑子也乱了,静下心来就好了。 Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear. 4.做不做呢,要不要呢? Quit don't quit. Noodles don't noodles. 5.俗语说,既往者之不鉴,来者尤可追!那就是为什么今天是present(现在/礼物) There is a saying, yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift, that is why it's called the present (the gift). 6.乌龟:是的,看着这棵树,我不能让树为我开花,也不能让它提前结果。

Yes ,look at this tree Chivu(师傅),I can not make it blossom and suit me,nor make it bear food before it's time. 师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制,我可以控制果实何时坠落。我还可以控制在何时播种,那可不是幻觉,大师。

But there are things we can control,I can control when the fruit will fall。 And I can control what time to seed.That is not illusion , Master. 乌龟:是啊,不过无论你做了什么,那个种子还是会长成桃树。

你可能想要苹果或桔子,可你只能得到桃子,那个种子还是会长成桃树。 Yes, but no matter what you do,that seed will grow to be a peach tree.You may wish for an apple or an orange,but you will get a peach. 师傅:可桃子不能打败太郎。

But peach can not defeat Tai Long. 乌龟:也许它可以的,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。 Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it, to nurture it, to believe in it. 7. 阿宝,天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意,阿宝,忘了其它的事情,你的使命一直都在向你召唤。

我们是面条家族,血管中流着这样的血。 I'm sorry things didn't work out.It's just what it's meant to be,Paul,forget everything else,your destiny still awaits.We are Noodle folk,broth runs deep through our veins. 8.你不能走,真的武士决不会退却。

You cannot leave ,real warrior never quits. 9.师傅:那你为什么不退出呢?你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。 Why didn't you quit ? You know I was trying to get rid of you,but you stayed. 阿宝:是啊,我留下来了。


我留下来,因为我以为,如果还有人能改变我,能让我焕然一新,那就是你——中国最伟大的功夫师父! Yes,I stayed. I stayed ,because every time you threw up brick on the head or said I smelled ,it hurts.But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me.I stayed ,because I thought,if anyone could change me,could make me not me,it was you the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China! 10.Enough talk!Let's fight! 罗嗦什么,打吧! 11.There'e no charge for awesomeness or to attractiveness ! 牛人不收费,迷死人不偿命! 12.我私家汤的绝密食材,就是什么都没有。 The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is。

nothing. 13.你说它特别,它就特别了。 To make something special ,you just have to believe it's special.。

3. 《功夫熊猫》中最经典的一句台词是什么

1.We all have our places in the world.


2.You eat when you are upset.


3.Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it is called Present.


4.There are not accidents.


5.No news are good or bad.


6.You just need to believe.

让我想起了一句卓别林的名言:You must believe in yourself. That is the secret of success.经典无比!

7.You must believe.


8.You must continue your journey without me.


9.We are not trying to stop you, but coming with you.


10.There is not secret ingredients.


11.Because i am THE fat panda.


12.Internal peace, harmony and foucs.



13. If he believes in himself, he can do anything.

4. 功夫熊猫的英文台词

嗨 你醒啦?

Hi. You're up.


I am now.


I was just。


Some day, huh?

我只是想 有时候武功这东西很难 是吗?

That kung fu stuff is hard work, right?Are your biceps sore?

今天一天真是又长又叫人泄气~所以 I've had a long and rather disappointing day, so。

是啊 我现在也许~真该睡一会了Yeah, i should probably get to sleep now.

对 当然 - 那好 谢谢

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course.-Okay, thanks.


It's just。 Man, i'm such a big fan!

叹息河之战 你们表现神勇

You guys were amazingat the Battle of Weeping River.

面对千倍敌人 毫不退缩而且~ 啊!

Outnumbered a thousand to one,but you didn't stop. You just。

哦 请多包涵

Sorry about that.

呃 你不该来这里的

Look, you don't belong here.

我知道 我知道 你说得没错

I know. i know. You're right.

不~ 我只是~

I don't have。 i just。


My whole life i dreamed of。

不不不 我的意思是这间屋子 这是我的房间

No, i meant you don't belong here.I mean, in this room. This is my room.

哦 懂了对对

Okay. Right, right.

那么 是的你想睡觉了

So, you want to get to sleep.

你要睡了 我在打扰你

Yeah.I'm keeping you up.


We got big things tomorrow.

你很牛!我就说这些啦,OK 拜拜~

all right. You're awesome.Last thing i'm gonna say. Bye-bye.


What was that?


I didn't say anything.

哦 晚安 晚安 真尴尬

Okay. all right. Good night.Sleep well.it seems a little awkward

5. 功夫熊猫5个片段的英文经典台词,5个片段哦

看到别人写的,看看有用不功夫熊猫之经典台词 1.一切早已注定。

There are no accidents. 2.何必躲呢,躲不过的。 One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it3.着急的时候脑子也乱了,静下心来就好了。

Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear.4.做不做呢,要不要呢?Quit don't quit. Noodles don't noodles.5.俗语说,既往者之不鉴,来着尤可追!那就是为什么今天是present(现在/礼物)There is a saying,Yesterday is historyTomorrow is a mysteryBut today is a giftThat is why it's called the present (the gift)6.乌龟:是的,看着这棵树,我不能让树为我开花,也不能让它提前结果Yes ,look at this tree Chivu(师傅)I can not make it boloosm and suits me ,nor make it bear food before it's time .师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制我可以控制果实何时坠落我还可以控制在何处播种那可不是幻觉 大师but there are things we can controlI can control when the fruit will fall。 And I can controlWhat time to seedThat is not illusion , Master乌龟:是啊 不过无论你做了什么那个种子还是会长成桃树你可能想要苹果 或桔子可你只能得到桃子那个种子还是会长成桃树 Yes, but no matter what you do,That seed will grow to be a peach treeYou may wish for an Apple or an orangeBut you will get a peach师傅:可桃子不能打败太郎But peache can not defeate Tai Long乌龟:也许它可以的 ,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。

Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it , to nuture it , to believe in it .7. 阿宝,天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意,阿宝,忘了其它的事情,你的使命一直都在向你召唤。我们是面条家族,血管中流着这样的血。

I'm sorry things didn't work out …It's just what it's meant to bePaul ,forget everything else ,your destiny still awaits.We are Noodle folkBroth runs deep through our veins8.你不能走,真的武士决不会退却you cannot leave ,real warrior never quits.9.师傅:那你为什么不退出呢?你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。Why didn't you quit ? you know I was trying to get rid of youbut you stayed阿宝:是啊,我留下来了。


我留下来,因为我以为,如果还有人能改变我,能让我焕然一新,那就是你--中国最伟大的功夫师父!Yes ,I stayed .I stayed ,because every time you threw up brick on the heador said I smelled ,it hurts.But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me .I stayed ,because I thought ..If anyone could change me ,could make me not me ,it was youthe greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China!10,Enough talk~ let's fight!罗嗦什么,打吧!11、There'e no charge for awesomeness or to attractiveness !!牛人不收费,迷死人不偿命~12.我私家汤的绝密食材,就是…什么都没有。The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is。

nothing.13. 你说它特别,它就特别了。To make something special ,you just have to believe it's special.。

6. 功夫熊猫英语笔记单词,句子

Today is Saturday and I watched an interesting movie at home, Kung Fu Panda. It is an American computer-animated action comedy film, based on the theme of Chinese Kung Fu. The story is about a clumsy panda who determines to be a martial arts master. Paul is a apprentice of a noodle shop, and most of animal in his hometown are martial arts master, expect him. So he dreams to be a master and beats others. Unexpectedly, he takes on the task of saving the valley to against the intrusion of evil Taro.。

7. 求功夫熊猫里的5句台词(英文的)

33 SACRED HALL OF WARRIOR里 master .. shifu , shifu , are you ok ? hmm ? po , you are alive , or we're both dead no master , I didn't die , I defeated tailung you did ? whoa~~~ it is as oogway foretold , you are the dragon warrior you have brought peace to this valley , and , and me , thank you , thank you , po thank you .. thank you 。

no , master .. no no no , don't die shifu , please ! I'm not dying you idiot , ah~~ dragon warrior , I'm simply at peace , finally ohh ~~ so um, I should stop talking ? if you can can I get something to eat ? yeh ~~~。

8. 功夫熊猫全部中英文台词

,. Iseeyouliketochew,maybeyoushouldchewonmydesk. ,thenheswallowed,andthenhespoke Enoughtalk,let'sfight esomeness Heissoawesome,andattractive. Howcanwerepayyou? . Flew! , ,andsoloved. ---thefuriousfive Weshallhangout!---agreed Yeh! Buthangingoutwouldhavetowait, Thereisonlyonethingandthat's Getup You'llbelateforwork! Po~getup! Hi~Po,whatareyoudoingupthere? Oh.nothing Monkey!mantis!crane!viper!tigeress!wow~~ Po,let'sgo!You'relateforwork! Coming~ Sorrydad~ Sorrydoesn'tmakethenoodles~ Andwhatareyoudoingupthere~allthatnoise Oh…Nothing,just..hadacrazy Whatabout?Whatareyoudreamingabout? En.wasi….iwasdreamingabout..en…noodles. Noodles?? Yeh…whatelsehaveIdreamedabout? Oh,careful,thatsoupissharp! Happyday!Mysonfinallyhadthenoodledream! Youdon'! Thisisasign,Po~ En..asignofwhat? You,up, Andthenyou'! JustasItookitoverfrommyfather, FromagamenamedMajiang. Dad,dad,dad…thiswasjustadream. No,itwasjustthedream. . Dad,didn'tyouever…wanttodosthelse?sthbesidesnoodles? Actually.whenIwasyoungandcrazy,. Sowhydidn'tyou? Becauseitwasastupiddream! Canyouimaginememakingtofu? Hahahaha……tofu……no! Weallhaveourplaceinthisworld,mineishere,andyoursis… Iknow…ishere. No…it'sthetableto2,5,7and12! Serviceswiththesmile! Welldone!students!ifyouaretryingtodisappointme,tigeressyouneedmoreaccuracy, Monkeyquickerspeed,cranehike,vipersubtlety,mantis…! MasterShifu! What? it'smasterWugui,hewantstoseeyou. Masterwugui,yousummonedme?IsSthwrong? ? So…nothingiswrong? Well,Ididn'tsaythat. You'resaying… Ihaveanvision…Tailangwillreturn. Thatisimpossible!Heisinprison! Nothingisimpossible… Sing!Flytoprison!Doubletheguards,doubletheweapons,doubleeverything, Tailangdoesnotleavethatprison. Yes!Mastershifu. Whenoftenmeetdestinyontheroad,ittakeswhatitreallyto… Wehavetodosth,beforehemarchonthevalley,andtakearrange…he'll…he'll… Mindthiswater,myfriend Whenitisagitated,itbecomesdifficulttosee. Butifyouallowittosettle,theanswerbecomesclear.thedragonscroll.Itistime… Butwho?? Tobecomethedragonwarrior? Idon'tknow~ Excuseme…sorry… Hey~~~watchyourpose~ Sorry~ Sorry!doesn'tinpurpose~ What!Master'schoosingthedragonwarrior,today! Everyone!Everyone!Go!Gettothejadepalace! ! We'!justleavethebowl! !leaveaboutit,kidsgo~ Po~whereareyougoing? Tothejadepalace… Don'tforgetyournoodlecar!Thewholevalleywillbethere,you'llsellnoodlestoallofthem~ Sellingnoodles? But,dad…youknowIwasthinking…maybei…Ibecomesthingking… Couldalsosellthebeanbundles,they're…they'reabouttogobad… That'smyboy!Itoldyouthatdreamwasasign!~ Yeh~gladIhadit~ Almostthere! What?no…no…no… Sorry~po~we'llbringyoubacksouvenir. No,I'llbringmebacksouvenir. Itisahistoricday,isn'tit,MasterWugui? Yes…andIevenfeltIwillnotlivetosee~ Areyourstudentsready?---yesmasterwugui. Youknowthis,oldfriend,,butalsotoyou~ Let'sourtournamentbegin~ Nonono~wei…I'vecome… Hey~openthedoor~letmein~ Citizensofthevalleyplease~itismyquitehonortopresentyou…tigeress,viper,crane,monkey,mantis! ----thefuriousfive Thefurious5? Warriors,prepare~ Nono,pickitahole Thethousandstonsoffire~ Wow~kookatthere!Hey~getaway! Andfinally!mastertigeress~ Believeme!citizens!you'venotseenanythingyet~ Iknow! Tigeress,playon!Andherplaysofgests~ . Citizensofthevalleyofthepeace! 。

2. 求功夫熊猫1英文版百度云,有中文字幕,蟹蟹(⊙v⊙)


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3. 鍔熷か鐔婄尗鑻辫鐗堬紙涓鏂囧瓧骞曪級



4. 《功夫熊猫:命运之爪 第一季》免费在线观看完整版高清,求百度网盘资源

《功夫熊猫:命运之爪 第一季》网络网盘高清资源免费在线观看:
链接: https://pan..com/s/1TeTl_iifugmPnfUxXA3kag

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《功夫熊猫:命运之爪 第一季》
导演: Charlie Adler、Dan Forgione
编剧: Benjamin Lapides、Johanna Stein、Nicole Belisle
主演: Laya DeLeon Hayes、Makana Say、海莉·朱、贡纳·赛兹莫尔、史蒂夫·布卢姆、Cherise Boothe、艾米·希尔、米克·温格特、吴汉章、格蕾·德丽斯勒、詹姆士·谢、克丽丝·梅斯、杰夫·贝内特、JB·布兰科、Christopher Swindle、Piotr Michael、Mitch Watson
类型: 动作、动画、冒险
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2018-11-16(美国)
季数: 1
集数: 13
片长: 23分钟
动画剧情紧接《功夫熊猫3》电影,阿宝也作为师傅收下了四个徒弟。 来到生父所在的熊猫村定居后,阿宝收了4个天赋异禀的徒弟女孩(Nu Hai), 宝(Bao), 静(Jing)、饭桶(Fan Tong),他们分别化身青龙、灵龟、白虎和朱雀,对付新的反派金雕。 4个精力充沛的熊猫宝宝掉到一个山洞里,他们从传说中的“四星象”那里获得了气(chi),有了成为大侠的基础。当然这4个熊孩子需得到神龙大侠阿宝的指点才能成大器。 影片反派金雕是千年前的武侠宗师,他曾是青龙、灵龟、白虎和朱雀的师傅,但被黑暗气(chi)所诱惑堕入黑暗。“四星象”封印了自己和金雕,没想到千年后金雕跑出来找到秃鹰做肉身。如果金雕将“四星象”吸收,就会变成完全体,天下将毁于一旦。

5. 求一篇功夫熊猫1的观后感 英文 300到500字

功夫熊猫1的观后感 英文:

I was very entertained by "Kung-Fu Panda". This movie ranks among Dreamworks Animation's best along with "Shrek", "Shrek II", and "Antz". The animation as a whole was excellent, including the fantasy sequences that took the form of supposed 2D animation. Even when the animation was 3D, the animation had everything down to a T from the blades of grass to roof shingles to animal's fur.

Of course, since 3D has now become the norm for animated movies, I know that 3D animation alone cannot save a movie. For instance, "Doogal", "Shrek The Third", and "Shark Tale" (which also featured the voices of Jack Black and Angelina Jolie) were big disappointments for me. Fortunately, there was enough good comedy, great action sequences, and intriguing characters to keep me entertained and to rate this movie as the best to come out of this summer so far.

For starters, Jack Black was perfect as Po the Panda. In my opinion, Black was underused in "Shark Tale", which was probably why I didn't like that movie so much. Here, he brings his great comic timing and a touch of his Tenacious D personality into this panda character. He especially works very well in the training sequences with Head Master Shifu (Dustin Hoffman). I thought it odd that his character was the only panda in a story set in China, but I won't get too picky.

The actors who played the Furious Five were also well cast. Angelina Jolie was a natural to play Tigress, who is probably the first truly strong female character in animation history who also isn't involved in a love story subplot of a film. I actually found myself relieved that they left such a subplot out and just concentrated on a great story.

If I have one complaint against the movie, it's that the other four fighters weren't as focused on as they should have been. Yes, there's only so much you can fit into a 90 minute movie, but the snake (Lucy Liu), crane (David Cross), praying mantis (Seth Rogen), and monkey (Jackie Chan) all indivially made such intriguing characters. Indeed, this is one of the few animated movies I've seen that merits a sequel, and I hope that all four of them are focused on in that other movie should it come along.

Otherwise, that's my only complaint against the movie. It just worked so well otherwise. Other than the mostly American voice-overs, the movie stayed true to a traditional Kung Fu movie by the likes of Bruce Lee and Sonny Chiba, and also had elements of spaghetti westerns and other movies such as "Star Wars". None of that would have been complete with a great Darth Vader-esquire villain like leopard Tai Ling (played by lesser known actor Ian McShane), and an even better Yoda-esquire mentor like tortoise Ancient Master Oogway (Randall Duk Kim). This is an altogether incredible movie that I personally can't wait to purchase on DVD. I may even see it again in theaters, and there are few movies that make me want to do that.

6. 求功夫熊猫1下载地址,中英字幕英语发音的,急急急!




7. 《功夫熊猫》免费在线观看完整版高清,求百度网盘资源


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