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发布时间:2024-04-08 04:52:26

❶ 求电影《女王》的一段英文台词

Well at least the old bat has finally agreed to visit Diana's coffin.
这个老混蛋,终于答应参加黛安娜送殡When you get it wrong,you really get it wrong...你误会了,你真的误会了
that woman has given her whole life in service to her people. 那个女人,全心全意为她的人民
50 years doing the job,she never wanted...工作了50年,做一个她永远都不愿做的工作a job she watched kill her father...她目睹自己父亲死于这个工作she's executed it with honour, dignity,
and as far as I could tell...
without a single blemish, and now we're all baying for her blood.
All because she's struggling
to lead the world in mourning
for someone who threw everything
she offered back in her face.
and who for the last few years
seemed commited 24/7
to destroying everything
she holds most dear.

❷ 电影恋爱女王中最经典的台词有哪些

很多时候,爱一个人爱得太深,人会醉,而恨得太久,心也容易碎。世间最痛苦的事莫过于等待,我不知道她等了我多久,我一直以为我不会再有机会见到她,突然间,我不知道该怎么开口,不知道怎么讲第一句话,告诉她,我真的很爱她。原来尘世间有很多烦恼是很容易解决的,有些事只要你肯反过来看,你会有另外一番光景,我终于明白,静花水月是什么意思,其实情之所至,应该你中有我,我中有你,谁是男谁是女,又有什么关系,两个人在一起开心不就行了,今天她是小霸王,可能明天又会轮到我了。 ————

❸ 求电影 穿普拉达的女王的台词剧本

1.Let me know when your whole life goes up in smoke. That means it's time for a promotion.


2.An accessory is merely a piece of iconography... used to express indivial identity.


3.Everybody wants this. Everybody wants to be us.


4.Fashion is not about utility.


5.Tomorrow they can spend another $300,000 reshooting something that was probably fine to begin with, to sell people things they don't need.


6.That's realy what this multibillion-dollar instry is all about anyway, isn't it? Inner beauty.


7.It is not just blue, it's not turquoise... it's actually cerulean.


8.You have no style or sense of fashion.


❹ 求《The Queen》(女王)台词

不知道是不是这些 。。。 你看看吧

so what I say to you now,
as your Queen, and as a grandmother,

I say from my heart.

Heart? What heart?
She doesn't mean a word of this.

That's not the point.
What she's doing is extraordinary.

(Queen) 'ln good times and bad... '

- That's how to survive.
- Listen to you.

A week ago,
you were the great moderniser,

making speeches
about the people's princess.

- Now you've gone weak at the knees.
- Ssh.

(Queen) '... and for her devotion
to her two boys.'

I don't know why I'm so surprised.

At the end of the day, all Labour prime
ministers go gaga for the Queen.


(Queen) 'Millions who never met her,
but felt they knew her, will remember her.

'I, for one, believe there are lessons
to be drawn from her life,

'and from the extraordinary
and moving reaction to her death.

'I share in your determination
to cherish her memory.'

I hope that, tomorrow, we can all,
wherever we are,

join in expressing our grief
at Diana's loss

and gratitude
for her all-too-short life.

May those who died rest in peace,

and may we, each and every one of us,

thank God for someone
who made many, many people happy.

(Man) 'Diana's coffin, now on the move

'the short distance
from St James's Palace,

'to her home at Kensington Palace
before her burial tomorrow.

'Lt's incredible. Less than a week.

'Who could have imagined
such scenes?'



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