❶ 【速度】帮帮忙,2小时之内,鼠来宝这电影的英文介绍以及翻译!高分悬赏。
Following the only grumpy lazy and tasty for the Garfield Joke
after a lot of things together, large screen from a new generation of pet chipmunk 3 she took over the ... ... the story started in a living in Los Angeles, but sees their talents wasted ambitious writer of the music and lyrics by David Seville dilemma faced by a series of his procer Ian works for him and his girlfriend Claire seems to be not quite satisfied with the lack of patience, so simply " frozen "in him for his indifference. David almost gave up on all the hope, they suddenly heard the kitchen of their own lighthearted rhythm, follow the voice, he found the Alvin, Theodore and Simon - three in the kitchen eating, definitely has a unique talent chipmunk.
David was almost scared out of his chin, they shamelessly went to his house looking for things that can eat the chipmunk, not only speak fluent English, are still singing, and some music ... they are a big talent ... David's home in home security has become the deserted house of a new pet, good enough to live at the same time, the way to help David created a few new Christmas songs, a common concert to listen to Ian.
Unfortunately, the same singing chipmunk think Ian is very magical, but also see a wealth of resources rolling road, three chipmunk for him to carry out the most efficient packaging and publicity, then launched a worldwide tour and give them a lot of work arrangements, minds to how slavery they can bring to their biggest economic effects. In order to let his mind clear of the plan all the way, Ian will always find excuses for the successful protection of the chipmunk's David out of the door, so that he can not again become involved. Then we can be cute chipmunk greed in the human to survive it? David also can save three to help him in this to get rid of the loneliness of the partners, in time for the money Ian supremacy before causing permanent damage? In fact the answer is, as early as in before we entered the cinema, on the already very clear.
❷ 榧犳潵瀹1缁忓吀鍙拌瘝锛
1.Sorry, Dave, l can't hear you over the thousands of fans screaming my name
銆銆鎶辨瓑,澶у崼,鎴戝惉涓嶈 澶澶氱矇涓濆湪鍛煎枈鎴戠殑鍚嶅瓧浜
銆銆2.Alvin, take it easy out there. You gotta share the spotlight. 鑹惧皵鏂,涓婂彴涓嶈佹 浣犲緱鍒嗕韩鑸炲彴
銆銆3.Wait a minute. Why is he in charge? He's counting on me.Dave, please don't die. He's just sleeping. He's had a sedative.
銆銆4.We're back! Let's go! Give me the Black Beauty.
銆銆鎴戜滑鍥炴潵浜! 鐪熸槸鐨!榛戠編浜虹粰鎴!
❸ 有一个关于老鼠的外国电影,不是动画片。
英文片名:Alvin and the Chipmunks
导演姓名:蒂姆·希尔Tim Hill
鼠来宝1 开着小破车,哼着小调儿,戴维·塞维尔(杰森·李)今天的心情很是不错--没准这次他的“大作”终于能圆满讨碗饭吃!想想看,从爹不疼娘不爱听众不买账的词曲作家到宇宙无敌大热制作人,不过也就是一曲之隔嘛!多来咪法索就那么几个音,这次他好歹“呕心沥血”“唱做俱佳”,没有功劳也有苦劳吧?还没等戴维的白日梦做完,老板伊恩(大卫·克罗斯)一副臭脸,就直接宣判了他心血之作的死刑…… 郁闷的戴维砸掉了电子琴,一肚子火正愁没地方发,却突然发现厨房里怪声怪影不断--碗盘自己移动,黑黝黝的影子窜来窜去。NND,小老鼠居然敢在太岁爷头上动土,今天俺就让你们死无葬身之地!拿起铲子、翻出帽子,戴维开始了满厨房剿鼠记。可那几只活蹦乱跳的小老鼠,竟然让戴维手忙脚乱自找没趣!然后,哐铛一声,一个大罐子直接砸向了戴维的头,堂堂七尺男儿当场晕倒(没被砸晕也被气晕了)。 嗖,嗖,嗖,晕倒的戴维身上多了三个小脑袋。小金花鼠艾尔文、西蒙、西尔多,像“天使”一般降临了。显然,上帝可怜没成没就的戴维,他费尽心思想抓到的可恶小老鼠,竟然是三个能歌善舞会说人话可爱至极的小金花鼠!听了三小鼠的美妙合音,戴维终于和它们达成协议--他同意收养无家可归的三小鼠,而三小鼠则负责表演新老爸的“大作”--完美组合!不过,在“鼠来宝”成为风靡全球人听人爱的超流行乐团之前,戴维还得被三个活泼过头的小家伙整得七荤八素先!
在上一集故事中,极具音乐天分的花栗鼠艾尔文(贾斯汀·朗配音)、西蒙(马修·格雷·古柏勒配音)和西奥多(杰西·麦卡尼配音)与他们的经纪人兼监护人戴夫·塞维尔(杰森·李饰)重归于好,虽然他们招惹麻烦的本领有增无减,但经历了考验之后,他们都明白了家庭所代表的真正含义……由于戴夫意外受伤,需要在医院静养,所以3只花栗鼠的看护工作就暂时交托给了他的侄子托比(扎克瑞·莱维饰),而且艾尔文、西蒙和西奥多也厌倦了受人追捧的名人生活,他们决定离开舞台,暂时放下流行偶像的身份,回到学校充电。 不过让人意想不到的是,这3个小小的作曲家才刚刚来到学校,就不得不担下一份艰巨的任务——通过赢得乐队的比赛来拯救即将被取消的音乐课。虽然3位花栗鼠小伙子觉得,在比赛中胜出对于他们来说简直就是易如反掌,但是,当他们遭遇了布莱特妮(克里斯蒂娜·艾伯盖特配音)、埃莉诺(艾米·波勒配音)和珍妮特(安娜·法瑞丝配音)之后,所有的一切都跳脱出了他们的控制……她们是3只同样非常有音乐天赋的花栗鼠美女,势必会制造出优美的旋律和充满浪漫气息的火花……