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发布时间:2024-06-14 12:39:37

1. 推荐几部适合学英语口语的好电影

25部口语练习电影 ¬
1阿甘正传 “FORREST GUMP” 主演:Tom Hanks 汤姆 汉克斯

2电子情书 “YOU’VE GOT MAIL” 主演:Tom Hanks 汤姆 汉克斯 Meg Ryan 梅格 瑞安

3居家男人 “THE FAMILY MAN” 主演:Nicolas Cage 尼科拉斯 凯奇 Tea Leoni 蒂 里奥尼

4公主日记I.II. “THE PRINCESS DIARIES I II” 主演:Julie Andrews 朱丽 安德鲁斯 Anne Hatthaway 安妮 哈德威

5逃跑的新娘 “THE RUNAWAY BRIDE” 主演:Juliet Roberts 朱丽叶 罗伯斯 Richard Gere 理查 基尔

6新岳父大人 “FATHER OF THE BRIDE” 主演:Steve Martin 斯蒂夫 马丁 Diane Keaton 戴安 基顿

7BJ单身日记 “BRIDGET JONES’ DIARY I II” 主演:Renee Zellweger 雷尼 奇维格 Hugh Grant 休 格兰特

8奔腾年代 “SEA BISCUIT” 主演:Toby McQuaire 托比 迈奎尔

9蒙娜丽莎的微笑 “Mona Lisa’s Smile” 主演:Julia Roberts朱丽叶 罗伯斯 Julia Stiles 朱丽亚 斯蒂尔斯 Kristen Dunst 克里斯滕 等斯特

10甜心先生 “Jerry Maguaire” 主演:Tom Cruise 汤姆 克鲁斯 Renee Zelleweger 雷尼 奇维格

11热血强人 “Remember the Titans” 主演:Danzel Washington 丹泽尔 华盛顿

12铁血教练 “Coach Carter” 主演: Samuel Jackson萨姆尔 杰克逊

13重建人生 “Life As a House” 主演:Kevin Cline 凯文 克莱恩 Kristin Scott Thomas 克里斯丁 斯科特 托马斯 Hayden Christensen 海登 克里斯滕森

14海上钢琴师 “The Legend of 1900” 主演:Tim Roth 蒂姆 罗斯

15大话王 “Liar Liar” 主演:Jim Carrie 金 凯利

16单身插班生 “About a Boy” 主演:Hugn Grant 修 格兰特

17风流奇男子 “Alfie” 主演: Jude Law 裘德 洛

18妙手情真 “Patch Adams” 主演: Robin Williams 罗宾 威廉斯

19变人 “Bicentennial Man” 主演: Robin Williams 罗宾 威廉斯

20猫屎先生 “As good as it gets” 主演:Jack NIckelson 杰克 尼科尔森 Helen Hunt 海伦 亨特

21完美男人 “The Perfect Man” 主演: Hilary Duff 希拉里 荙芙 Chris Noth 克里斯 诺斯

22婚礼男友 “The Wedding Date” 主演:Debra Messing 戴博拉 梅西 Dermot Mulroney 德莫特 麦隆尼

23男人百分百 “What Women Want” 主演:Mel Gibson 梅尔 吉普森 Helen Hunt 海伦 亨特

24老爸向前冲/冒牌老爸 “Big Daddy” 主演:Adam Sandler 亚当 桑德勒

25大鱼 “Big Fish” 主演:Evan McGregor 伊万 麦克格

2. 谁能给我电影《时尚女魔头》面试部分的台词

Hi. Uh, I have an appointment with Emily Charlton?3
00:03:43,820 --> 00:03:47,310
Andrea Sachs? Yes.4
00:03:47,420 --> 00:03:50,910
Great. Human Resources certainly has an odd sense of humor.5
00:03:51,020 --> 00:03:52,990
Follow me.6
00:03:54,390 --> 00:03:57,230
Okay, so I was Miranda's second assistant...7
00:03:57,330 --> 00:04:00,460
but her first assistant recently got promoted, and so now I'm the first.8
00:04:00,570 --> 00:04:02,860
Oh, and you're replacing yourself. Well, I am trying.9
00:04:02,970 --> 00:04:05,370
Miranda sacked the last two girls after only a few weeks.10
00:04:05,470 --> 00:04:07,870
We need to find someone who can survive here. Do you understand?11
00:04:07,970 --> 00:04:09,910
Yeah. Of course. Who's Miranda?12
00:04:10,010 --> 00:04:13,310
Oh, my God. I will pretend you did not just ask me that.13
00:04:13,410 --> 00:04:16,250
She's the editor in chief of Runway, not to mention a legend.14
00:04:16,350 --> 00:04:20,340
You work a year for her, and you can get a job at any magazine you want.15
00:04:20,450 --> 00:04:22,790
A million girls would kill for this job.16
00:04:22,890 --> 00:04:25,690
It sounds like a great opportunity. I'd love to be considered.17
00:04:28,230 --> 00:04:31,660
Andrea, Runway is a fashion magazine...18
00:04:31,760 --> 00:04:34,730
so an interest in fashion is crucial.19
00:04:34,830 --> 00:04:37,200
What makes you think I'm not interested in fashion?20
00:04:37,370 --> 00:04:41,200
Oh, my God.21
00:04:41,310 --> 00:04:43,210
No! No! No!22
00:04:43,310 --> 00:04:45,470
What's wrong?23
00:04:50,780 --> 00:04:53,480
She's on her way. Tell everyone!24
00:04:53,590 --> 00:04:56,050
She's not supposed to be here until 9:00.25
00:04:56,160 --> 00:04:59,120
Her driver just text messaged, and her facialist ruptured a disk.26
00:04:59,230 --> 00:05:02,420
God, these people! Who's that?27
00:05:02,530 --> 00:05:05,730
That I can't even talk about.28
00:05:05,830 --> 00:05:08,320
All right, everyone! Gird your loins!29
00:05:08,430 --> 00:05:12,100
Did somebody eat an onion bagel?30
00:06:13,970 --> 00:06:15,870
Sorry, Miranda.31
00:06:25,950 --> 00:06:29,640
Move it! Ooh!32
00:06:29,750 --> 00:06:32,840
I don't understand why it's so difficult to confirm an appointment.33
00:06:32,950 --> 00:06:35,920
I know. I'm so sorry, Miranda. I actually did confirm last night.34
00:06:36,020 --> 00:06:38,150
Details of your incompetence do not interest me.35
00:06:38,260 --> 00:06:42,090
Tell Simone I'm not going to approve that girl that she sent me for the Brazilian layout.36
00:06:42,190 --> 00:06:45,760
I asked for clean, athletic, smiling. She sent me dirty, tired and paunchy.37
00:06:45,870 --> 00:06:47,830
And R.S.V.P. Yes to the Michael Kors party.38
00:06:47,930 --> 00:06:51,930
I want the driver to drop me off at 9:30 and pick me up at 9:45 sharp.39
00:06:52,270 --> 00:06:55,410
Call Natalie at Glorious Foods, tell her no for the 40th time.40
00:06:55,410 --> 00:06:59,470
No, I don't want dacquoise. I want tortes filled with warm rhubarb compote.41
00:06:59,580 --> 00:07:02,880
Then call my ex-husband and remind him the parent-teacher conference is at Dalton tonight.42
00:07:02,980 --> 00:07:07,440
Then call my husband, ask him to meet me for dinner at that place I went to with Massimo.43
00:07:07,550 --> 00:07:12,220
Tell Richard I saw the pictures that he sent for that feature on the female paratroopers...44
00:07:12,320 --> 00:07:14,120
and they're all so deeply unattractive.45
00:07:14,230 --> 00:07:17,420
Is it impossible to find a lovely, slender female paratrooper?46
00:07:17,530 --> 00:07:21,260
No. Am I reaching for the stars here? Not really.47
00:07:21,370 --> 00:07:26,240
Also, I need to see all the things that Nigel has pulled for Gwyneth's second cover try.48
00:07:26,340 --> 00:07:29,210
I wonder if she's lost any of that weight yet. Who's that?49
00:07:29,310 --> 00:07:31,610
Nobody. Um, uh...50
00:07:31,710 --> 00:07:36,040
Human Resources sent her up about the new assistant job, and I was preinterviewing her.51
00:07:36,150 --> 00:07:39,050
But she's hopeless and totally wrong for it.52
00:07:39,150 --> 00:07:42,050
Clearly I'm going to have to do that myself because the last two you sent me...53
00:07:42,150 --> 00:07:44,050
were completely inadequate.54
00:07:44,160 --> 00:07:47,560
So send her in. That's all.55
00:07:48,860 --> 00:07:50,830
00:07:53,830 --> 00:07:55,960
She wants to see you. Oh! She does?57
00:07:56,070 --> 00:07:57,970
00:08:01,110 --> 00:08:04,740
This is foul. Don't let her see it. Go! That's...59
00:08:11,250 --> 00:08:13,510
Who are you?60
00:08:13,620 --> 00:08:16,210
Uh, my name is Andy Sachs.61
00:08:16,320 --> 00:08:19,310
I recently graated from Northwestern University.62
00:08:19,430 --> 00:08:22,120
And what are you doing here?63
00:08:22,230 --> 00:08:26,690
Well, I think I could do a good job as your assistant.64
00:08:26,800 --> 00:08:30,130
And, um...65
00:08:30,240 --> 00:08:34,500
Yeah, I came to New York to be a journalist and sent letters out everywhere...66
00:08:34,610 --> 00:08:36,870
and then finally got a call from Elias-Clarke...67
00:08:36,980 --> 00:08:39,600
and met with Sherry up at Human Resources.68
00:08:39,710 --> 00:08:43,050
Basically, it's this or Auto Universe.69
00:08:43,150 --> 00:08:47,550
So you don't read Runway? Uh, no.70
00:08:47,650 --> 00:08:51,180
And before today, you had never heard of me.71
00:08:51,290 --> 00:08:53,190
00:08:53,290 --> 00:08:56,460
And you have no style or sense of fashion.73
00:08:56,560 --> 00:09:01,360
Well, um, I think that depends on what you're...74
00:09:01,470 --> 00:09:04,830
No, no. That wasn't a question.75
00:09:06,770 --> 00:09:11,330
Um, I was editor in chief of the Daily Northwestern.76
00:09:11,440 --> 00:09:15,900
I also, um, won a national competition for college journalists...77
00:09:16,020 --> 00:09:18,880
with my series on the janitors'union, which exposed the exploitation...78
00:09:18,980 --> 00:09:21,350
That's all.79
00:09:27,130 --> 00:09:29,620
Yeah. You know, okay.80
00:09:29,730 --> 00:09:31,700
You're right. I don't fit in here.81
00:09:31,800 --> 00:09:34,930
I am not skinny or glamorous...82
00:09:35,030 --> 00:09:37,230
and I don't know that much about fashion.83
00:09:37,340 --> 00:09:39,830
But I'm smart.84
00:09:39,940 --> 00:09:41,960
I learn fast and I will work very hard.85
00:09:42,070 --> 00:09:44,540
I got the exclusive on the Cavalli for Gwyneth...86
00:09:44,640 --> 00:09:48,010
but the problem is, with that huge feathered headdress that she's wearing...87
00:09:48,110 --> 00:09:50,710
she looks like she's working the main stage at the Golden Nugget.88
00:09:50,820 --> 00:09:54,550
Thank you for your time.89
00:09:54,650 --> 00:09:57,490
Who is that sad little person?90
00:09:57,590 --> 00:10:00,560
Are we doing a before-and-after piece I don't know about?91
00:10:06,100 --> 00:10:08,530
Brown and Law, please? Thank you.



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