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发布时间:2024-07-12 21:20:35

A. 一个动画电影,是有个叫德古拉的,会变蝙蝠

怪物旅社 Hotel Transylvania (2012)
主演: 亚当·桑德勒 / 凯文·詹姆斯 / 安迪·萨姆伯格 / 赛琳娜·戈麦斯 / 史蒂夫·布西密 / 大卫·斯佩德 / 法兰·德瑞雪 / 乔恩·拉威茨 / Cee-Lo / 莫莉·香侬
剧情简介 · · · · · · 在阴森恐怖令人谈之色变的幽灵森林深处,耸立着一幢巍峨庄严的古堡。这里的主人正是声名显赫的吸血鬼德古拉(亚当·桑德勒 Adam Sandler 配音)。与传说中不同,德古拉是一个无比温柔的好爸爸,他独自抚养爱女梅菲丝(赛琳娜·戈麦斯 Selena Gomez 配音),为了保护女儿免遭人类的戕害,而特意修建了这座名为尖叫旅社的城堡,普通人类绝对无法接近这里。每年梅菲丝生日之际,科学怪人、狼人、木乃伊、隐形人等怪物都从世界各地赶来为小女孩庆生。在梅菲丝118岁生日之际,她渴望见识外面的世界,早有准备的德古拉设下骗局,却意外将人类少年乔纳森(安迪·萨姆伯格 Andy Samberg 配音)引入古堡。

B. 求一英语动画片电影。 剧情:吸血鬼和他的妻子,愉快生活,有一天晚上村民把妻子烧死了只留下吸血鬼和...





C. 主角名叫mavis的吸血鬼女孩的动画电影叫什么

精灵旅社 Hotel Transylvania (2012) 导演: 格恩迪·塔塔科夫斯基 编剧: 彼得·贝恩汉姆 / 罗伯特·斯密戈尔 / 托德·杜伦 / 凯文·哈格曼 / 丹·哈格曼 主演: 亚当·桑德勒 / 安迪·萨姆伯格 / 赛琳娜·戈麦斯 / 凯文·詹姆斯 / 法兰·德瑞雪 类型: 喜剧 / 动画 / 家庭 / 奇幻 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2013-11-01(中国大陆) / 2012-09-28(美国) 片长: 91分钟

D. 精灵旅社1和2七十词英语观后感

梁御精灵旅社2观后感 用英语100字,选部分借鉴,但橡橘岩是需要再Hotel后加上2,如下:
伍做Hotel Transylvania has a simple concept: classic campy monsters staying
in a hotel where humans are not allowed because they think we're evil.
It doesn't sound too fresh but it looks fun. Behind this concept is a
father-daughter-relationship that seems to follow the footsteps of
other great recent animated films. The result is, it's not getting
there yet but it's still as delightful as it's suppose to be. It's one
of those films that it's so crazy, you'll instantly like it. Most of
the gags are clever and ridiculous. Overall, it's an endless fun

Though, the film sometimes feels like a mediocre animated kids film.
Generic family film elements are there but they are used in a different
way. There is often slapstick and toilet humor but the gags are best
when it's outrageously absurd. Every set pieces are swift, quirky, and
exciting. The voices of the characters sound silly at glance but the
actors made them pretty likable.

When the craziness slows down, there's a sweet bit of Dracula's
relationship between Mavis and Jonathan, and some brooding. The drama
is a little effective. It's not as strong as most recent animated
films. It's more focused at being fun and hilarious. It's great when it
stays to the roots of a cartoon like showing peculiar looking
characters acting like lunatics. The best laughs are when the monsters
are expressing their misanthropy in a ludicrously paranoid way, and
when they're just making fun of each other. Mainstream pop culture song
numbers kind of tone things down, but the song number at the end didn't
affect the breathtaking and emotional climax.

Hotel Transylvania is good enough for the whole family even though it's
raucous. Fans of the animation genre would enjoy this a lot more. Since
it's directed by a cartoon expert, it contains a lot of absurd and
exciting scenes that is similar to his shows. Although, some might
expect something more since many animated films these days are deeper
and powerful, leaving the old habits behind. Hotel Transylvania still
has the heart but it's just not as compelling as the others. If you're
in for the joys then this will give you a good time.

E. 精灵旅社1英语剧本,要英语的哦,老师说明天要表演,求求你们了,拜托了!三分钟以上哦

{0:51:14}{0:51:18}Look, honey, there's no falling in love at your age.
{0:51:18}{0:51:20}Mom was my age. Eunice says Mom kissed you first
{0:51:20}{0:51:22}'cause you were too scared to make the first move.
{0:51:22}{0:51:24}Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
{0:51:24}{0:51:26}Forget about me and Mom and kissing.
{0:51:26}{0:51:29}Dad, at some point, I'm going to get married.
{0:51:29}{0:51:32}- I can't be here forever. - What? Why not?
{0:51:32}{0:51:35}You're barely out of your training fangs.
{0:52:08}{0:52:10}Quasi wins again!
{0:52:10}{0:52:14}When you bump with the hump, you land on your rump!
{0:52:21}{0:52:23}But why all the sudden interest?
{0:52:23}{0:52:26}Every time we used to talk about love, it was always,
{0:52:26}{0:52:27}"Ooh, Dad, that's gross,"
{0:52:28}{0:52:30}and "Ooh, Dad, I don't want to know about that."
{0:52:30}{0:52:32}I don't know.
{0:52:33}{0:52:34}- Sir, he made it into the kitchen. - He what?
{0:52:35}{0:52:36}What do I pay you for?
{0:52:36}{0:52:38}I'm sorry, honey. I have to go.
{0:52:40}{0:52:41}He doesn't pay me.
{0:52:46}{0:52:47}Before you kill me,
{0:52:47}{0:52:50}can I please talk to my backpack one more time?
{0:52:50}{0:52:52}I don't want to leave anything unresolved.
{0:52:52}{0:52:54}Bonjour, Monsieur Dracula.
{0:52:54}{0:52:56}Shut your hump hole.
{0:52:56}{0:52:57}Now you are helping him?
{0:52:57}{0:52:59}What is it with you and this human?
{0:53:00}{0:53:02}He is not human. He's a Stein!
{0:53:02}{0:53:04}That's right, little man, I'm a Stein!
{0:53:04}{0:53:08}If he is a monster, let him scare Esmeralda!
{0:53:09}{0:53:10}The mouse?
{0:53:10}{0:53:12}Pfft! Without a doubt.
{0:53:12}{0:53:14}Okay. Here we go.
{0:53:25}{0:53:28}A human! A human!
{0:53:28}{0:53:33}Monsieur has brought a human into the...
{0:53:36}{0:53:40}Esmeralda, help me.
{0:53:52}{0:53:53}Hey, thanks for saving me back there.
{0:53:53}{0:53:56}That guy's crazy! Trying to eat me.
{0:53:56}{0:54:00}That's only happened to me one other time. This weird de at a Slipknot concert.



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