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发布时间:2024-07-21 23:02:04

Ⅰ 爱情电影经典台词英文


We can't go back.


Why don't we start again.


Actually, I'm an actor. The king of comedy


You stay, or I go with you.


The real thing is the least attractive.


Li Yaohui, let's start over.


I saw you at the moment, my heart.


Not the bullet, but the beauty killed the beast.


There is, there is No.


We're talking about business, not love.


McDull, he's not a moron, he's just good.


I guess the beginning, but I guess the ending.


Sister, do you practice for thousands of years, in order to be a fairy worth it?


If I know how to give up you, how good that.


If there is one more ticket, will you go with me?


A wounded man who does not know how to receive and give love.


Often things change people, but people can not change things.


I don't care if you are a man or a woman, I only know that I love you.


People in this life so long, who has not fallen in love with some scumbag?


If I have one more ticket, will you go with me?


I don't want my family to start with a lie.


Love is something, time is the key. To know too early or too late.


Some things don't have to be done in one night, we're not in a hurry.


I know the best way to avoid rejection is to reject others first.


Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get!


Love is something, time is the key. To know too early or too late.


I don't even have a picture of him. He lives only in my memory.


No law. No limit. There is only one rule: never fall in love.


I don't know what to say, I just suddenly miss her at that moment.


I love line, hand on the lifeline and business line, is your name.


The purpose of my coming to Hongkong is not for you. Your purpose in Hongkong is not for me.


Life is full of coincidence, two parallel lines will intersect one day.


Hug is really wonderful, although two hearts close, but can not see each other's face.


Some people have scores, scores have lakes. People are rivers and lakes, how do you quit.


Some people cheat all their lives, and some people cheat for a lifetime.


I'm with you, because I choose to be with you. I don't want to live my life.


When I stand in front of the waterfall, feel very sad, I always think, should be two people standing here.


For so many years, holding your hand, just like the left hand holding his right hand without feeling, but cut down will hurt.


I don't know how many women I will like in my life, but I don't know which one I like in the end.


There are so many cities in the world, there are so many pubs in the city, but she just walked into my.


I once heard that, the only thing you can do when you no longer have something is not to forget.


From now on we are friends for a minute, it's a fact that you can't change, because it's over.


Feeling is, you hurt others, either naturally or half unconsciously, there is always someone to hurt you.

Ⅱ 爱情的句子唯美英文,电影中那些惊艳的英文句子


Whatever you do, you hold on to that foolishly hopeful smile.


知识点:hold on to sth. 坚持,不放弃;抓紧

foolishly hopeful smile 副词foolishly修饰hopeful这个形容词,用副词修饰形容词。

Whatever you do=no matter what you do不管,无论… 让步状语从句

I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I‘ve no idea of who he is. But I feel happy everyday for this.


知识点:have no idea of sth. 不知道,对……没有想法

A calm heart stills all panic.



still作及物动词,译为使安静,安慰 still sb.

still作不及物动词,译为安静,平静. e.g. The wind stilled. 风停了


I love you not for who you are, but for who I am with you.


知识点:not for……,but for…… 不是因为……,而是因为……

In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love. Just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years.


知识点:no……nor…… 既不……,也不……

I wish I had done everything on earth with you.


知识点:会不会还有小伙伴分不清on earth和on the earth的区别呀?on earth是在世间,世上,天下的意思;而on the earth是在地球上(是字面意思,地球为行星的意义上)。另外,on earth跟在疑问词后面,译为到底,究竟,用来加强疑问语气。


I‘m gonna offer the choice. Do you want an empty life or a meaningful death.


知识点:这句话里的an empty life和a meaning death是一组对比,小伙伴们在写英语作文的时候也可以对用对比或是对仗的结构,会让老师眼前一亮哦。

With great power comes great responsibility. This is my gift, my curse.


知识点:“With great power comes great responsibility”这句话很实用的,小伙伴们可以记一下哦,with sth. comes……这样漂亮的句子结构也会提高大家作文的文采分哒。这边的gift和州培curse也是一组词义相反的对比,很有内涵。

What’s your superpower? Courage.



Ⅲ 经典爱情英文电影台词


open for the rest of your life.


玛蒂尔达:I don't give a shit about sleeping. leon. I want love....or death. That's it.


李昂:I want death. Only death is real. Get off my case. Mathilda. I'm tired of your games.


玛蒂尔达:There's this really great game. Leon. Makes people nicer. Start them thinking. The kind of game you love. If I win you keep me with you... for life


李昂:And if you lose?


玛蒂尔达:Go shopping alone, like before.


李昂:You're gonna lose. Mathilda. There's a round in the chamber. I heard it.


玛蒂尔达:So what? What's it to you if I end up with a bullet in the head?




玛蒂尔达:I hope you're not lying. Leon. I really hope that deep down inside there's no love in you. Because if there is just a little bit of love in there for me...I think that in a few minutes you'll regret you never said anything. I love you. Leon.



玛蒂尔达:I win.



I'm full of shit, OK? I am knowingly full of shit. Because I have never cared about anybody or anything in my entire life, and the thing is everybody have accepted that...like "That's just Jamine." And then you... Jesus ... you didn't see me that way. I have never known anyone who actually believed that I was enough until I met you, and then you made me believing too. So unfortunately, I need you and you need me... Let's just say... that in some alternate universe, there's a couple just like us. Only she is healthy, and he is perfect. And their world is about how much money they are spending on vacation, who's in bad mood that day, or whether or not they're guilty about having a cleaning lady. I don't wanna be those people. I want us. You. This.


I used to worry a lot about who I'll be when I grow up. Like how much money I'd make, or someday I become some big deal. Sometimes the things you want the most doesn't happen, and sometimes the thing you never expect happen does. Like giving up my job in Chicago and everything, and deciding to stay and apply for med school. I don't know - you meet thousands of people and none of them really touch you. And then you meet that one person and your life is changed. Forever.

Ⅳ 鑻辨枃鐖辨儏缁忓吀鐢靛奖鍙ュ瓙

1. 濡傛灉鎴戠埍涓婁綘鐨勭瑧瀹癸紝瑕佹庝箞鏀惰棌瑕佹庝箞鎷ユ湁銆
2. Can鈥檛 believe they鈥檙e my blood. I.Q. of sloths and the manners of banshees.
3. No fun just to keep it straight. You鈥檝e got to move a little bit, feel the road.
4. 鎴戝彧鍏冲績鏈鏉ワ紝鍥犱负鎴戠殑浣欑敓閮戒細鍦ㄩ偅閲屽害杩囥傛櫄瀹夈
5. 鏈夋椂鐖辨儏鏄鏈靛惈钃勭殑鑺憋紝闇瑕佹椂闂存墠浼氭掓斁銆
6. 涓嶆槸涓嶆诲績鍙鏄姝讳笉浜嗗績銆備粠鐜板湪寮濮嬶紝鑱鏄庝竴鐐癸紝涓嶈侀棶鍒浜烘兂涓嶆兂浣?鐖变笉鐖变綘?鑻ユ槸瑕佹兂浣犳垨鑰呯埍浣犺嚜鐒朵細瀵逛綘璇达紝浣嗘槸浠庝綘鐨勫槾閲岃村嚭鏉ワ紝鍒浜轰細寰堥獎鍌茬殑涓嶅湪涔庝綘銆
7. 鎴戦犲掍簡鏁翠釜涓栫晫锛屽彧涓烘憜姝d綘鐨勫掑奖銆
8. 浣犺侀艰嚜宸变紭绉锛岀劧鍚庨獎鍌茬殑鐢熸椿锛屼互鍚庣殑浣狅紝浼氫负鑷宸辨墍鍋氱殑鍔鍔涳紝鑰屾劅鍒板簡骞革紝鍒鍦ㄦ渶濂界殑骞寸邯閫夋嫨浜嗗畨閫搞
9. 鎵胯哄啀澶氾紝鍋氫笉鍒颁篃浼氬彉鎴愯皫瑷
10. 鎴掗粍浜嗭紝濡傛灉浠ュ悗浣犱滑鍦ㄨ窡鎴戣撮粍鑹叉晠浜嬨傛垜灏辩粰浣犺蹭竴涓鏇撮粍鐨勬晠浜嬨
11. Some people live a lifetime in a minute.
12. 涓嶇′綘鍦ㄥ摢閲岋紝鎴戦兘涓庝綘鍙鏈変竴涓杞韬鐨勮窛绂汇
13. 鈥滄捣楦熻窡楸肩浉鐖憋紝鍙鏄涓鍦烘剰澶栤濃斺斻婄強鐟氭捣銆
14. 涓嶆槸瀹岀編鎯呬汉锛屽氨鏄绮剧炵梾浜恒
15. 鐢ㄥ垁瀛愭崊姝讳綘锛屾垜鎬曡佽;姣掓讳綘鍚э紝鍋囪嵂澶澶;鐢垫讳綘鍚э紝鐢佃垂澶璐碉紝娣规讳綘鍚э紝娌″噯浣犺繕浼氭父娉炽傜畻浜嗭紝鍦h癁鑺備簡锛屾垜杩樻槸鎯虫讳綘鍚с
16. 寰椾箣鎴戝垢锛屼笉寰楁垜鍛姐
17. 鑷浣滃氭儏鍙鍥犱负鎯宠╀綘涔熷枩娆㈡垜銆
18. 璇风粰鎴戣冻澶熺殑闃冲厜锛岃╂垜鐨勫績鐏跨儌璧锋潵
19. 涓娈佃桨杞扮儓鐑堢殑鐖辨儏锛屼竴瀹氳佹噦寰楃粏姘撮暱娴併
20. 瑕佹敼鍙樿嚜宸辩殑鐢熸椿锛屽氨瑕佸厛鏀瑰彉鑷宸辩殑鎬濈淮鏂瑰紡锛屽垱閫犲揩涔愮殑鎯呯华锛屼綘浼氭劅鍒版洿骞哥;鎯宠薄瀹屽杽鐨勮嚜宸憋紝浣犱細瓒婃潵瓒婃垚鍔燂紝鍍忎竴涓鐧句竾瀵岀縼涓鏍锋濊冿紝浣犱細濂囪抗鑸鍦拌嚧瀵屻

Ⅳ 风雨哈佛路经典台词对白爱情电影英文独白(双语)


The world is changing while you're just a starst. The earth turns around with or without you. Reality doesn't change according to your will.


Did you ever feel sorry for yourself?--That had always been my life and I really——I feel that I got lucky, because any senses of security was pulled out so I was forced to look forward. I had to… there was no going back and I reached a point where I just thought, “oh I'm gonna work as hard as I possibly can and see what happens” and now I'm going to college. and the NYT is going to pay.


I think people just get frustrated without harsh, life can be. So they're spending their time dwelling on that frustration we calling it anger. keep their eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation.


I'd give it back, all of it, if I could have my family back.


The world moves,and you just suspect. it could happen without you. Situations are not conced to what you want for yourself. Someone else's needs, someone else's fate is going to be stronger than yours is


Keep their eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation. All those tinny things that have come together to make it, what it is.


Don't close your eyes, rise again after you fall, you need to get out.


Because I was turned so inward by mom and dad, I got chance to see how all the little tiny things come together to make the final proct .So I was never inclined to wonder why this or why that. I knew why. not that I was happy about it, in fact I was really sad about it, some of the time. but I was very excepting, I was very excepting. I just always knew that I need to get out.

9、如果我不顾一切发挥每一点潜能去做会怎样? 我必须做到,我别无选择。

I will use my every potential to do that. I just always knew that I need to get out. I have to do it. I have no choice.


Sometimes I feel like there is skin upon the world. And those of us who are born under it, can see threw it. We just can't get through it


Keep their eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation. All those tinny things that have come together to make it, what it is.


Don't close your eyes, rise again after you fall, you need to get out.


Because I was turned so inward by mom and dad, I got chance to see how all the little tiny things come together to make the final proct .So I was never inclined to wonder why this or why that. I knew why. not that I was happy about it, in fact I was really sad about it, some of the time. but I was very excepting, I was very excepting. I just always knew that I need to get out.


Did you ever feel sorry for yourself?--That had always been my life and I really——I feel that I got lucky, because any senses of security was pulled out so I was forced to look forward. I had to… there was no going back and I reached a point where I just thought, “oh I'm gonna work as hard as I possibly can and see what happens” and now I'm going to college. and the NYT is going to pay.


Sometimes I feel like there is skin upon the world. And those of us who are born under it, can see threw it. We just can't get through it.

Ⅵ 英文电影中那些经典爱情句子




I don't think that when people grow up, they will become more broad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's aselecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's the least. And then be a simple man.



When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop. Please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us. If the sky is still vast , clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesn't take away the world that belongs to you.



Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give you strength at last.



I love you not for who you are, but for who I am with you.



Love makes man grow up or sink down.



If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down,it's called burden-bearing. Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love.



We all live in the past. We take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone.



One may fall in love with many people ring the lifetime. When youfinally get your own happiness, you will understand the previoussadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love.



When you are young, you may want several love experiences. But as time goes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the whole life will not be enough. You need time to know, to forgive and to love.All this needs a very big mind.



When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no more important in your memory, we suddenly realize that we r pushed forward by time. This is not a train in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by. It is the truth that we've all grown up.And we become different.



If you leave me, please don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.



Don’t forget the things you once you owned. Treasure the things you can’t get. Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.



I love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed things.Only in this way can I know what will not be abandoned by time. For example, when you love someone, changes are all around. Then I step backward and watching it silently, then I see the true feelings.



Ⅶ 经典英文爱情电影台词对白爱情电影英文独白




Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you will go to get to me ,I'll never forget this !

I wish I could have been there with you. Your were Jenny, I am not a smart man, but I know what is love. ---Forrest Gump.

"Death is a part of life" ----阿甘母亲在临终前对儿子说的话。

"where is my jenny?"------FORREST GUMP 当阿甘喊出这句话,让我不能控制的掉下眼泪。 至今仍然忘不了。 在这个社会,谁能象阿甘一样去爱。

2.《乱世佳人》: Tara! Home! I‘ll go home, and I‘ll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day. 《乱世佳人》

3.《Titanic泰坦尼克》: 《Titanic》中Jack死亡前的对白: Jack: Listen, Rose. You're going to get out of here. You're going to go on. You're going to make lots of babies, and you're going to watch them grow. You' re going to die and old, an old lady in her warm bed, not here, not this night, not like this. Do you understand me?

Rose: I can't feel my body. Jack: Winning that ticket (for Titanic at a poker game) Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you, and I'm thankful (crying) you must (shivering) ...you must ... do me this honor. Promise me that you'll survive, that you won't give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless. Promise me, now, Rose, and never let go of that promise, never let go. Rose: I'll never let go, Jack. I'll never let go, I promise. ---------《Titanic》

4.《兄弟连》: I remember my grandson asked me the other day, he said: "Grandpa, were you a hero in the great war?" "No," I replied, But I served in a company of heroes." 有一天我的小孙子问我"爷爷,你是大战中的英雄吗?我回答:不......但我与英雄 们一同服役。"

5.《勇敢的心》: WILLIAM WALLACE:"Fight, and you may die. Run, and you'll live at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now. Would you be willing to trade? All the days from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our Freedom! Freedom" 威廉华莱士:"是啊,如果战斗,可能会死。如果逃跑,至少还能活。年复一年,直 到寿终正寝。你们!愿不愿意用这么多苟活的日子去换一个机会,就一个机会!那就是回 来,告诉敌人,他们也许能夺走我们的生命,但是,他们永远夺不走我们的.自由!" "我们的自由!!

6.《偷天陷阱》经典对白: Believe me, I was prepared for everything ,except you ---------Entrapment(偷天陷阱)

7.《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》:I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.

8.《大话西游》大话西游经典对白英文版 :once I let a true love slip away before my eyes, only to find myself regretting when it was too late, nothing in the world can be as painful as this, if the god wound give a chance ,I wound tell the girl I love the girl ,if our love have to be settled a time limit ,I wish it wound be ten hounds of years! 9.《天煞-地球反击战》又叫《Independence day》独立日:出自电影中,美国总统为号召全世界的人们一起抵抗外星人的侵略,而发表的一篇慷慨激昂的演讲,全文如下: Today we celebrate our independence day! Mankind, that word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. we will be united in our common interests......you will once again be fighting for our freedom. Not from tyranny, oppression or persecution. But from annihilation. We're fighting for our right to live, to exist......as the day when the world declared in one voice "We will not go quietly into the night. We will not vanish without a fight. We're going to live on. We're going to survive." Today we celebrate our independence day!

10.《when Harry Met Sally》:《when Harry Met Sally》很经典的一部爱情戏剧:电影最后Harry在除夕夜向Sally的表白 And it's not because I'm lonely and it's not because it's New Year's Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible! (我来这)不是因为我寂寞,也不是因为除夕夜。今晚我上这来,因为如果你知道了自己想和谁一起度过余生,你会希望余生开始得越早越好!

11.《罗马假日》:《罗马假日》结尾奥黛丽.赫本的一句台词 "Each in its own way was unforgettable. It would be difficult to.....Rome, by all means Rome. I will cherish my vivid here in memory, as long as l live."

12.《007》:占士邦的口头禅创吉尼斯记录 "Bond -- James Bond" It was the all-time most-famous movie phrase, the Guinness Book of Records declaring.

13.《City of Angels》: I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss from her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without it.

14.《初恋的回忆》: from初恋的回忆--a very moving film love is always patient and kind, it is never jealous. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and it is not resentful. love takes no pleasure in other people's sins but in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust , to hope and to enre, whatever comes!



Some people cheat all their life, while others use their whole life to deceive a person.


Now we are talking about business, not romance.


When the sun shines on the sea, I think of you. When the dark moonlight appears in spring, I think of you.


I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is. But because of this, I am very happy every day.


All those who really love end up scattered, and all those who live together are finally reunited.


If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight lifting. If you can hold something up but can not put it down, it's called weight bearing. Unfortunately, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love.


Let her know that there was a person in the world who loved her with all his heart and soul, and let her believe that there is eternal love in the world.


In your life, there will at least one time that you fet yourself for someone, asking for no result, no pany, no ownership or even love me. Just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years.


I guess the beginning, but I can't guess the ending.


I don't need to be present at every important moment in your life. I just need to know that you have me in your heart at every important moment.


Good love makes you see the whole world through one person, while bad love makes you abandon the world for one person.


I've heard that when you can't have it anymore, the only thing you can do is not fet it.


If I knew that one day I would love you so much, I would love you at first sight.


Don't fet the things you once you owned. Treasure the things you can't get. Don't give up your own. What has been lost is kept in memory.


A wounded person does not know how to accept and give love.


McDull is not a poor man. He is just kind.


Love makes man grow up or sink down.


Some people have never been fotten in the bottom of their hearts. Time stolen is not just memories, but also the ones I love most.


Again gentle refusal, ingredients are always ridiculed.


There are some things I really can't figure out. Why do I not open my eyes when I open your eyes?


The love I dreamed of was very close.


At the most, you go out of the wall one inch, I move the wall one inch, you go out a foot, I move a foot.


I am with you because I choose to be with you. I don't want to live in other people's way.


A period of unacceptable love needs not sadness, but time, a period of time that can be used to fet. A badly hurt heart needs no sympathy, but understanding.


The so-called deep love is that you have me in you and I have you in me. Originally, there are no o people who eat happily.


I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.


I don't know what to say. I just missed her very much at that moment.


In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness.


The Youth Day is missed, but never again.


If you leave me, please don't fort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.


I like the way he looks at me when I look elsewhere.


Some people have grudges and grudges. People are rivers and lakes. How do you quit?



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银河奥特曼大电影中文版国语 浏览:476
电影定海神针的台词 浏览:14
国语救援电影 浏览:552
中国电影的发展简史 浏览:285
江湖恩怨电影高清电影 浏览:232
香港里程碑电影 浏览:395
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电影功夫武打演员 浏览:940
1921电影台词 浏览:672
韩国电影女主被活死人咬了 浏览:508
跟青禾男高相似的电影有哪些 浏览:709
经典抗美援朝的电影有哪些 浏览:138
女主重复同一天电影国产 浏览:255
香港电影宝马车 浏览:793
电影最后的武士人物原型 浏览:249
外国人看中国功夫电影叶问 浏览:110
九七伦理电影院第 浏览:651