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发布时间:2024-09-21 10:18:16


Saving Private Ryan(拯救大兵瑞恩)
This movie tell us what are the most important things around world.They are life and cradit.Life is precious,in this movie the captain want to save Ryan's life.But the captain died at last.Before he died he told Ryan to be a good man.At the end of movie.Old Ryan walk to the captain's tombstone and ask his wife:"Am I a good man?"
We should protect our life keep it colorful.And we must be good men.We must be the honest!

② 选一篇励志的英文电影写观后感,300字,英文版,谢谢~

Forrest GumpAfter I had seen the film Forrest Gump,I was moved a lot.The unique boy with low IQ really shocked me.And his amazing life made me never forget.I admire him for his faith,honest and persistence.He never cares people who discriminate him,just does things that he likes.Every time,he just runs ahead and believes in love.He experiences many things and then be rich and famous.The film told me that :Life is like a box of chocolate,and you don't know what the next one will be like.Just run,run ahead to make the life brilliant. 阿甘正传的

③ 一些励志英语电影的英文简介

"The Pursuit of Happyness" -- the title comes from a misspelled schoolhouse mural -- has a lot on its mind but mostly this: If America is about the promise of bettering oneself, why does it have to be so freaking hard? In the movie, Jefferson's Declaration of Independence words about happiness kept recurring to Chris Gardner. Every day, Christ had to work hard from morning till night, but still could hardly make a living. Chris saw a bunch of suits, mostly male, pouring out of the Dean Witter Reynolds brokerage firm in downtown San Francisco. They all looked “happy,” “Why not me? “ Christ wondered. He did have an adorable boy, Christopher, but wife Linda was becoming a scarecrow of overworked anxiety. Finally, his wife left Christ because of life pressure, leaving him and her five-year-old son, Christopher. And naturally, Christ became a single father.

With the failure of his business, Christ had no money to pay for the rent, so they were driven away from the flat. They became homeless. They slept in asylum, subway station public bathroom or anywhere as a temporary shelter. The destitution of life was absolutely depressing, but for his son’s future, for his own belief, Christ never gave up and he still strongly believed that happiness would come one day if he worked hard enough today.

With his great efforts, Christ won a six-month internship at Dean Witter, but there was no pay at all. So on one hand, Christ had to work hard to make a living; on the other hand, he had to fight for his intern work, since only one of the twenty interns would succeed finally. Besides, he had to take good care of his son after day care. However, Christ made it with his amazing willpower.

Christ was unfortunate, for he got a wife who was not understandable at all (though she has her own difficulties) and was in bad luck with his business. But he was very fortunate also, for he got a son who was very thoughtful and, I think, tough life experiences always make a great person

④ 请高人把它翻译成英文 这段话出自励志电影《弱点》

Difficult to express encouragement, you can think of a stupid idea, or make mistakes, but not everyone's problem, also not a coach or a teacher's question. Because they will make his own mistake. They may be more understanding, maybe not. That depends on what kind of person you are, we can't tell. Only in this way, we can see that we can not get easily controlled. The thing is, values, no one can say that. Give yourself only, cannot always encouraged by others. Sometimes, you even why to do not have any responsibility, can let a person. However, the honor, it is let you decide to do or not do a thing. The key is you is what person, still have even if you want to become. If you die badgering some think important things, so you can fight, so good, I think it should be so, you should be looking forward to courage and effort to win trophies. Maybe you would do what others say, actually, everyone must.

⑤ 求一个励志的英语电影片段(7 ,8分钟左右)


⑥ 求青春励志微电影《等待》里面英文歌曲

《No Boundaries》--Kris Allen

You know what you want but how long can you wait/你知道自己的目标,可你还能守候多久

Everymoment lasts forever/你感到已迷失方向

When you fee lyou've lost your way/每一刻都漫长到没有尽头

And what if my chances are already gone/万一我已无获胜的机会,我该怎样

Is tarted believing that I could be wrong/我开始怀疑自己可能走错了方向

But you gave me one good reason/可你给了我一个充足的理由

To fight and never walk away/去奋力拼搏,决不退缩

So here I am still holding on!/所以我仍在这里苦苦坚持

With every step you climb another mountain/你一步一步艰难地越过又一座高山

Every breath is harder to believe/每口呼吸都足以令你窒息

You'll make it through the pain/你定能挺过所有痛苦的煎熬

Weather the hurricanes/经受住暴风雨的洗礼

To get to that one thing/去领取那无上的荣耀

Just when you think the road is going nowhere/就在你觉得前方无路可走的时候

Just when you've almost gave up on your dreams/就在你觉得梦想行将破灭的时候

They take you by the hand/他们却将你手握紧

And show you that you can/告诉你要相信自己

There are noboundaries/你的潜力无限

There are noboundaries/你的潜力无限

If ought till the limit to stand on the edge/我拼尽全力才站在悬崖边上

What if today is as good as it gets/如果今天是最后的机会

Don't know where the future's heading/真不知我的未来该通往何方

But nothing's gonna bring me down/可什么也别想将我阻挡

I've jumped every bridge/我跨越过每一道障碍

And I've run every line/我突破过每一道封锁

I've risked being safe/我拿自己的生命冒险

But I always knew why/始终明白其义何在

I always knew why/始终明白其义何在

So here I am still holding on!/所以我仍在这里苦苦坚持

With every step you climb another mountain/你一步一步艰难地越过又一座高山

Every breath is harder to believe/每口呼吸都足以令你窒息

You'll make it through the pain/你定能挺过所有痛苦的煎熬

Weather the hurricanes/经受住暴风雨的洗礼

To get to that one thing/去领取那无上的荣耀

Just when you think the road is going nowhere/就在你觉得前方无路可走的时候

Just when you've almost gave up on your dreams/就在你觉得梦想行将破灭的时候

They take you by the hand/他们却将你手握紧

And show you that you can/告诉你要相信自己

You can go higher/你可以飞得更高

You can go deeper/你可以潜得更深

There are noboundaries/无论天上还是地下

Above and beneath you/都任由你自由驰骋

Break every rule/冲破每一条束缚

Cause there's nothing between you and your dreams/因为再没有什么能阻挡你去实现自己的梦想

With every step you climb another mountain/你一步一步艰难地越过又一座高山

Every breath is harder to believe/每口呼吸都足以令你窒息


There are noboundaries/你的潜力无限

There are noboundaries/你的潜力无限

With every step you climb another mountain/你一步一步艰难地越过又一座高山

Every breath is harder to believe/每口呼吸都足以令你窒息

You'll make it through the pain/你定能挺过所有痛苦的煎熬

Weather the hurricanes/经受住暴风雨的洗礼

There are noboundaries/你的潜力无限

There are noboundaries/你的潜力无限

There are noboundaries/你的潜力无限

⑦ 英文电影中的励志句子


Work hard! Work will save you. Work is the only thing that will see you through this.努力工作吧!工作能拯救你.埋头苦干可令你忘记痛楚.《Sleepless in Seattle西雅图不眠夜》

You are the most attractive man I ever laid ears.Why would you want to be with someone who doesn't love you?为什么留恋一个不爱你的人?你知道,女人过了40想出嫁就难了,被恐怖分子杀死都比这容易.你是我听过的最帅的男士.

⑧ 求一些励志的英文电影的经典句子或英文歌曲的励句子 要带翻译

i will go down with this ship,i won't put my hands up and surrender,there will be no white flag above my door,i am in love,alawas will be.我将坚持下去,永不降的意思.
hold on ,don't be scar,your destiny will keep you on不要害怕,坚持下去,生命永不息.
i believe i can fly ,i believe i can touch the sky我相信我可以的.
all i need is time,a moment that is mine,while i'm in between
make the best of what has been given you,everything will come in time,why deny yourself,don't just let life pass you by ,like winter in july.
when i find myself in times of trouble ,she is standing in front of me ,speaking words of wisdom,"let it be"
i will go down with this ship,i won't put my hands up and surrender,there will be no white flag above my door

⑨ 在电影风雨哈佛路中摘抄五句励志英语台词并作翻译


Don't close your eyes, the opportunity will appear in the next second.请不要闭眼,机会就在下一秒中出现.

Now I can lay it out and burn it done, put it in the rest, then I can go on..放下负担,让它过去,这样才能继续前进。

I could submit to everything that was happening and live a life of excuses... or I could push myself. I could push myself and make my life good.我可以为自己寻找各种借口对生活低头,也可以迫使自己更好地生活。

some of the time. but I was very excepting, I was very excepting. I just always knew that I need to get out.很多时候倒让我觉得很难过,但是我总是勇于接受,我总是勇于接受事实,我知道我总想离开我的环境。

I think people just get frustrated without harsh, life can be. So they're spending their time dwelling on that frustration we calling it anger. keep their eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation.我觉得有些人只对生活的艰苦灰心丧气,因此把时间都浪费在灰心丧气里,我们称之为愤怒,对事物的整体视而不见,对于所有能够成功的微小元素视而不见。

Keep their eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation. All those tinny things that have come together to make it, what it is.生活的残酷会让人不知所措,于是有人终日沉浸在彷徨迷茫之中,不愿睁大双眼去看清形势,不愿去想是哪些细小的因素累积在一起造成了这种局面。

and was no going back. And I reach the point, where I just thought, "All right, I'd got to work as hard as I possiblly can , and see what happens".世上没有回头路,当我意识到这点我就想,那么好吧,我要尽我的所能努力奋斗,看看究竟会怎样。



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