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发布时间:2024-09-24 08:30:07

1. Filmorbook,whichdoyoupreper为题写英语作文

Film or book,which do you prefer?电影或者书那一个你更喜欢?
Film or book,I like film,actually,电影和书籍,我喜欢电影,事实上,My English doesn't very well,so reading the orginal English books have had some problem.And I have already can watch the movie,and doesn't very difficult,I have already can see some simple movies use English language.And watch the movie will help you save time,get interesting,also was easy understanding.我的英语也不是非常好,所以,对我来说,读原版英语小说会有一些问题。并且我已经能够看原版的英语电影了,对我来说,这不是非常的困难,。并且看电影将会帮助节省了时间,让你感到有趣,也是容易理解的。

2. 看电影与看书 英语作文

At free time ,we ofte have some interesting activies.Such as watch movies and read the books.I think watching movies can save time ,and I think it is interesting and easy to understand.Reading is relaxing ,we also can learn a lot of skills from the books,I am interested in reading.Because reading can help me learn more knowledgeable,and do not need to stay at the same time about a hour Ijust need to take a book stay with me.And at the same time,new fictions are more than the new movies.

3. 电影和原著你更喜欢哪一种-英语作文100个单词

Personally,I prefer books.Movies have only been around for a small amount of time and by favoring movies,I am not immersing myself in the words and thoughts of great women and men of the past.I can not imagine simply not reading books which have captured the hearts of so many people.Although many films try to bring out what the author was trying to say,they usually have big budgets and a lot of editing.I like that most of the authors who are famous,had incredibly raw and emotional lives and I really think that their inspiration came from that.
When reading a book,we are so engrossed into the story line that our mind's eye has crafted a picture and emotional response that is highly intense and real.With this in mind,a movie proction would be hard pressed to match what we already have formed within our mental file cabinet.

4. 电影和书你更喜欢哪个 英语作文

which one do you prefer? movie or book?
someone like book.They said book can give them more details and it alway has beautiful lauguage .someone like movie ,because it can save they time and compared with book, it more interesting and easy understanding.
As for me ,i like book more.First of all ,it give me more spare and more time to think about the meaning of ever word .so i can remember details longer.
secongly,book often more real than movie .last but not the least ,i like collecting books,it make me happy!

5. 关于读原著还是看电影的英语作文80词左右

To compare and contrast the To Kill A Mockingbird film vs.the book.The book is better,but watching the movie also enjoying.There were three differences that stood out,the absence of characters,the different scenes,and an actors to characters comparison.The book to the movie there is a clear difference but the morals are all still the same.The directors made some good changes and some bad ones the movie was good over all any ways.
From the book to the movie there were characters missing some important some not important at all.One character that I felt was missing that is important that wasn抰 there was Aunt Alexandra she was the whole be more like a girl role model for Scout.A character in the book that wasn抰 in the movie was Mr.Do
The Characters compared to the actors in the movie were good in some cases but bad in others.The same characters were the same heroes and the same characters got killed so the movie still resembled the book.In deleting the scenes they choose the created a different perspective of they story.
To Kill a Mockingbird
Vs.The character Jem is not as I had imagined him I thought he would be more physically fit.The overall moral was the same just not as clear.Rachael was an other character that was omitted from the book,dill was not living with her in the movie instead he live with Mrs.The movies mood differed from the book because it was in black and white.The school scenes were important they give insight on how the school was built.Another scenes that were deleted was the Dolphis Raymond scene were Dill drinks the coke that is supposed to be booze.lphus Raymond it wasn抰 a big deal though because he really didn抰 play a huge role anyways,just shows how people had to find away to not be ridiculed by others for liking bad people.Scout is a bit different that I thought I thought she would be bigger and more mature,in the story she acts really childish.
There were scenes omitted from the book were unnoticed some were missed.The director made the choice to delete these characters for a reason the only one that affected the book was Aunt Alexandra.

6. 啊,英语作文,关于读原著好还是看电影好

Film orbook, which do you prefer?
Some of us think that it is better to see film than to read the book in theoriginal. For one thing, it savesus much time. Foranother thing, lively conversations andmovements are more funny than the black and white letters. What’s more, almosteveryone can make sense of them.
On the other hand, many people prefer the book in theoriginal. They think it not only has more details but also has beautifulsentences.
While in my opinion, I would rather read the original book than see thefilm. Because the original book is more meaningful than the film.
Besidesan original book is worth reading several times, which can give you a better understanding of the point.
So which do you prefer? Film or book, it’s a question.

7. 一篇关于电影和书谁好的英语作文

关于我们受电影的影响比书的多的英语作文 In nowaday's fast paced society, we can hardly had any time to sit down, have a cup of tea and doing some reading as we all have so limited time and most people are so exhausted after work. Movie, on the other hand, is regarded as a better way for relaxation and killing time. Under this circumstances, movie exerted more influence on our life than books.



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