导航:首页 > 电影字幕 > 电影主题鲜明用英语怎么说


发布时间:2024-09-25 08:51:45

Ⅰ 这个电影使我感兴趣(5句) 用英语怎么说

I am interested in this film.
This film is very interesting to me .
I take an interest in this film.
This film makes me interested
This film interests me.

Ⅱ 用英语叙述一部电影的主题

Movie Title: The Wild
In this computer-animated comedy-adventure, an assortment of animals from the New York Zoo - including a lion, a giraffe, an anaconda, a koala, and a squirrel - discover what a jungle the city can be when one of their own is mistakenly shipped to the wild and they embark on a dangerous mission to rescue him.

Ⅲ 你认为这部电影怎么样用英语怎么说

What do you think of the film?

How do you like the film?

How do you like=What do you think of:你觉得....怎么样

Ⅳ “电影专题”用英语怎么说

Film Feature 电影专题

Ⅳ 你觉得一部好电影需要具备哪些特征用英语怎么说

What do you think a good movie should have?



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