导航:首页 > 电影字幕 > 5人英语对话电影二到三分钟


发布时间:2024-09-25 12:38:33

Ⅰ 英语三分钟演讲,我最喜欢的一部电影《飞屋环游记》,带译文。

Hello, everyone.today I want to talk about the movie which I like best" up"This is a 3D cartoon, is mainly about Mr. Carle, in order to keep to the wife of the commitment, determination with his wife and Eli forge skyrocketing housing moving story." up" is full of wonderful imagination, the incomparable beauty of a movie.It tells us, as long as I believe, there is nothing impossible.

Ⅱ 去看一场电影 英文对话5人 急, 要短一点的,两三分钟就行 着急

go to see a m
A:hey anni,do u have time this weekend i wanna ...
B:what?briefly ,ok?
A:er...i am just wondering whether u like to go out with me .i have a extra movie ticket .if u ..maybe ..
B:i am sorry Bob,i feel blue now,and have no mood to any other places.
A:what happen?can i help u
B:nothing ,just my exam.it is so close,i have not ready yet .what is worse,i totaly can t clam down to review my book.that makes me feel worry .if i offend u ,i feel so sorry.
A:it is ok.i can understand.but if i were u ,i would go out to relax myself and breath some fresh air to make me clear.that definitally will improve ur effect.Anyway this movie is so interesting ,which would make u feel better.better mood ,better work.
B:yaeh...it sound make sense.forgive my rude,please.
A:never mind .glad to help.
B:so when will u pick me up?when the movie start?
A:er...around 6 p.m.r u available by the time?
B:yeah ,of course.
A:see u then .
B:ok .see u
oive go to the theater

Ⅲ 英文电影 经典独白 3分钟左右。最好给我个链接。。一个人的。别太难。。

肖申克的救赎里,摩根弗里曼有很多独白,都是说安迪的...... 还有影片最后那封信,再适合不过啦也不是很难。
另外还有一段印象深刻的,不能算是独白,勇敢的心里华莱士的阵前演讲,搜一下就有的,一段不是很长,几十秒就说完了,但绝对是经典"....they may take our lifes,but they will never take our freedom."也不知写错没....

Ⅳ 两到三分钟的英文电影对话或独白模仿,高二,最好生词少一点

Jack: Listen, Rose. You're going to get out of here. You're going to go on. You're going to make lots of babies, and you're going to watch them grow. You' re going to die and old, an old lady in her warm bed, not here, not this night, not like this. Do you understand me?
Rose: I can't feel my body. Jack: Winning that ticket (for Titanic at a poker game) Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you, and I'm thankful (crying) you must (shivering) ...you must ... do me this honor. Promise me that you'll survive, that you won't give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless. Promise me, now, Rose, and never let go of that promise, never let go.



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