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⑴ 求以下5部电影的英文简介,最好是权威的,答案好的另附50分

December 2012, the Earth suddenly appeared around the climate change is extremely unusual, since all these have disappeared with the Mayan civilization on the doomsday prophecies coincide, according to the prophecies in the Mayan civilization, 2012 December 21, end will come, the world will be plunged into endless darkness, and the monstrous floods buried the entire planet. Global human panic, riots have occurred in various places, a program called Noah's Ark began to emerge
本故事叙述一位小女孩 Alice 做梦到一处神奇的王国,经历一堆千奇百怪的遭遇,包括赶时间的白兔、会隐身的妙妙猫、奇怪的非生日宴会、扑克牌红心女王…等等。华特迪士尼一直很喜欢 Lewis Carroll 的这部作品,早在1920年代,迪士尼开始拍片的处女作即是一系列真人、卡通合演的【爱丽丝游历卡通国】,当时只是无声、黑白的短片而已。后来迪士尼拍出有声卡通、彩色卡通、长篇动画之后,原本在大战前就已有筹拍本片的计画,后来因战争爆发而计画停摆,到战后才终於将这部小说以长篇剧情动画片呈现。不过本片推出时正值战后经济困顿的时局,当时文化主流盛行写实主义,故本片超现实的手法在当时并未引起太大的回响,也不被影评所青睐,到了60、70年代以后,随着心理学的流行,本片才受到重视。不论如何,华特迪士尼多方尝试、The story describes a little girl Alice dream to a magical kingdom, through a bunch of strange encounters, including a hurry rabbit, cat, Miu Miu will be invisible, strange non-birthday party, poker and so the Red Queen ... . Walt Disney has always been very fond of this work Lewis Carroll, as early as the 1920s, Disney began filming the reality series debut Jishi Yi, cartoon cartoon starred traveled the country】 【Alice, was just silent, black and white video only. Later, Disney sold sound cartoon, color cartoons, animation long after the original has been Choupai before the war film plan, the project was shut down e to the outbreak of war, to the post-war novel was finally full-length animated film showing the story. But the film released at a time when post-war economic hardship of the current situation, when the mainstream of popular culture, realism, surreal film the way it is at that time did not attract much response, not favored by critics, to the 60,70 years later, with the pop psychology, the film was taken seriously. In any case, Walt Disney multi-try, do not draw the courage to set limits really impressive.
Elizabeth is home sweet Benny one of the most talented of the five thousand gold, but because the first impression on the handsome Mr. Darcy more than gold biased enforcement. But the habit of wrapping their emotions beneath the surface of the arrogant Darcy, Elizabeth was not until she met the cold street, a pair of mutual attraction between men and women, but very different life experience, and a quest for true love and graally clarify the differences bet当经典的迪斯尼童话世界遭遇现代的纽约市……对于美丽可爱的吉塞尔公主来说,出生在动画国度--安大拉西亚的她,过着有如童话故事般美好的生活。吉塞尔拥有一个完美公主应该具备的一切:美丽的容貌、纯洁无瑕的心灵、动听的嗓音、能够与小动物交流的奇特本领。她和所有的公主一样,期待着有朝一日能和真爱分享最甜蜜的初吻。 幸运的是,拥有一切的吉塞尔还具备了无人能及的好运气,她的愿望在遇见爱德华王子之后,变成了美好的现实,这位帅气洒脱的勇士,是通过吉塞尔快乐的歌声,在森林里寻觅到了她的倩影……四目相接之时,他们知道真爱就站在眼前,虽然只相识了一天的时间,吉塞尔已经和爱德华定下终身的誓约,相邀第二天举行婚礼。
然而,在去婚礼的路上,吉塞尔却遇到了阻碍,她碰到了邪恶的娜丽莎女王,一个嫉妒心极强的女巫,她不能容忍威胁到了她的王位的吉塞尔,化身为一个老乞婆,将吉塞尔推进了无底的泉眼……那是一个逆转时空的漩涡,穿越了漩涡的吉塞尔竟然来到了一个远离童话的地方,那里不再是丰富多彩的音乐之乡,更没有动画人物。吉塞尔自己也变成了一个真正的女人,出现在一个永远都不可能相信魔法的存在的世界--曼哈顿。 在这个全然陌生的环境中,一个严肃实际的离婚律师罗伯特和他的小女儿摩根,向这个天真无邪、穿着公主裙的女孩伸出了援手,为她提供了一个暂时的住所。与此同时,吉塞尔的白马王子也不顾一切地冲过魔法漩涡,来到现实世界中拯救自己的爱人,与爱德华一起的,还有他的仆人纳撒尼尔和吉塞尔最好的朋友,一只名叫皮普的花栗鼠。虽然现实是冷漠且残酷的,吉塞尔却用她无边的热情和快乐感染着身边的每一个人,经历了两个完全不同的世界的冲击与碰撞之后,吉塞尔最想知道的,仍然是童话故事中“王子和公主永远幸福地生活在一起”,在现实世界里是不是依然可以存在?
When the classic Disney fairy tale world of modern New York City experience ... ... for the beautiful princess Giselle is lovely, was born in the animated kingdom - On a large Australasian, she lived a fairy tale like a good life. Giselle has a perfect princess should have everything: a beautiful face, immaculate heart, beautiful voice, can communicate with the peculiar ability of small animals. She and all of the princess, looking forward to one day and love to share the sweetest kiss. Fortunately, Giselle has everything and no one can also have the good fortune to meet her Prince Edward after the desires, into a beautiful reality, this handsome warrior free and easy, happy by Giselle The song, in the forest to find the shadows of her eyes met ... ... the time, they know true love to stand in front, though only known each other for one day, Giselle and Edward have been set for life vows phase invited to the wedding the next day.
However, the way to the wedding, Giselle has encountered obstacles, she ran into the Nali Sha evil queen, a highly jealous witch, she can not tolerate a threat to her throne of Giselle, the embodiment of a Lao Qipo, Giselle pushed to the end of spring ... no ... It was a reversal of time and space vortex, through the swirl of Giselle even come to a place far from the fairy tale, where a variety of music is no longer Township, and no animated characters. Giselle himself into a real woman, there will never believe in a magic world of the existence of - Manhattan. In this totally strange environment, a serious practical divorce lawyer, Robert and his daughter Morgan, to the innocent, the girl wearing a princess dress lent a helping hand, to provide her with a temporary residence. Meanwhile, Giselle's prince charming has recklessly crossed the magical vortex, to the real world to save his wife, together with Edward, and his servant, Nathaniel and Giselle best friend, a Mingjiaopipu chipmunk. Although the reality is cold and cruel, Giselle was with her boundless enthusiasm and joy with everyone around the infection, with two completely different world after the impact and collision, Giselle most want to know, is still is a fairy tale, "the prince and the princess lived happily together", in the real world is not still exist?

⑵ 《2012》这部电影为什么叫2012

《2012》是一部关于全球毁灭的灾难电影,它讲述在2012年世界末日到来时,主人公以及世界各国人民挣扎求生的经历;该片被称为《后天》的升级版,投资超过2亿美元,是灾难片大师罗兰·艾默里奇(Roland Emmerich)的又一力作。

中文名: 2012
外文名: Farewell Atlantis
其它译名: 2012世界末日
制片地区: 美国
导演: 罗兰·艾默里奇 Roland Emmerich
编剧: 罗兰·艾默里奇、哈拉德·克卢瑟
类型: 动作,冒险,科幻,灾难
主演: 约翰·库萨克,桑迪·牛顿
片长: 158分钟
上映时间: 北美、中国首映:2009年11月13日
分级: USA:PG-13
对白语言: 英语
色彩: 彩色
imdb编码: tt1190080
主题曲: 奇迹之刻,演唱者:亚当·兰伯特
拍摄时间: 2008年7月~2009年1月



⑶ 1.电影2012的英语发音是two thousand twelve吗2.科学发展观的英文解释是什么谢谢~

看过电影《2012》预告片的人们会发现,片子里面读的是“two thousand twelve”(两千零一拾二)。

⑷ 《2012》的电影英文介绍 ,40词以内。

The film briefly references Mayanism, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, and the 2012 phenomenon in its portrayal of cataclysmic events unfolding in the year 2012. Due to solar flare bombardment the Earth's core begins heating up at an unprecedented rate. This results in a series of Doomsday event scenarios plunging the world into chaos, such as California falling into the Pacific Ocean, the eruption of the Yellowstone National Park caldera, shifting of the continents by crustal displacement, and Megatsunami impacts along every coast line on the Earth. The film centers around an ensemble cast of characters as they narrowly escape multiple catastrophes in an effort to reach ships in the Himalayas, along with scientists and governments of the world who are attempting to save as many lives as they can before the disasters ensue..

⑸ 电影2012简介

外文名:Farewell Atlantis


⑹ 2012 三部电影英文名都是什么都是哪年上映的






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