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发布时间:2024-10-19 10:40:02

A. 电影 雨人 英文版的观后感


这是一部讲述兄弟间骨肉情深的电影。当查理多年之后仍然耿介于父亲当年对他的教育时,父亲的去世并没有给他带来多少悲伤;相反,倒是300万美元的遗产让他为之寝食难安并欲穷尽手段。之后,他查明那些钱是留给他哥哥的。而这个哥哥他从未听说过,当然在记忆里他是以雨人(雷曼,因其发音不准读作了rain man)的形象存在的。无需否认,在最初阶段,查理丝毫没有念及兄弟之情,而是将其哥哥作为一种工具,即想获得对他的监护权,当然这种权利的背后是为了巨额遗产。而电影故事情节就是从这里展开,直到它复原了一个幼年的记忆和一份亲情故事。

B. 求电影Rain Man的英文读后感,以及故事梗概(不超过20句)全部要求英文!

Charlie is a hustler. He's been on his own long enough to know how to work people and situations. He finds that the father who threw him out as a teen ager has died. He's left him a now antique convertible and something more important, a previously unknown brother, Raymond. Raymond is autistic, but is able to calculate complicated mathematical problems in his head with great speed and accuracy. Their father has left his fortune to Raymond who doesn't even understand what money is for. Charlie is enraged by what has happened and by his father keeping Raymond's existence from him for his entire life. He kidnaps Raymond from his residential home but then finds that Raymond will only fly Qantas. The two begin a long road trip that will lead them to an understanding of each other.
Self-centred salesman Charlie Babbitt (Tom Cruise) kidnaps the autistic brother (Dustin Hoffman) he never knew existed to try and claw back his inheritance. Rain Man is about two brothers, and their new, forming relationship, learning to live with and love each other, and making that understanding that only brothers have.

Dustin Hoffman as Raymond Babbitt is without doubt one of the finest performances I have ever seen from Hollywood in the last two decades. The standard I think he set with Rain Man is one that is difficult to beat - he was extremely impressive as an autistic man. The way he walked, talked, even his eye movement and facial expressions, were all perfect. I was bowled over by his talent, and found him to be extremely believable as Raymond. Now, I'm not a Tom Cruise fan, but I have to admit he was very, very good in his role of the thoughtless, cynical, and arrogant Charlie Babbitt. This was probably the best he's ever done in his acting career. In addition to two wonderful performances, Cruise and Hoffman's connection on screen was fantastic, resulting in truly emotional, moving, and many times humorous, occasions. They had me floored.

I found Rain Man to have amazing cinematography. The entire casino sequence, I thought, was filmed beautifully. And a commendable mention must go to the elevator scene, with Raymond and Susanna. I found that scene to be truly heartbreaking, but at the same time sweet. The ending is one of those moments that cannot be explained; a unique closure that is truly soul-stirring and touching. Overrall, this is a poignant, powerful view of the human spirit.

Rain Man is a rare gem, and one which cannot be forgotten.

C. 《阿基拉和拼字比赛》电影观后感 介绍阿基拉 英语有翻译


It tells the story of akira, a little black girl. At 11, she was not a good student. She did not like her school and often skipped classes. However, I developed a strong interest in English spelling and got 100 percent in every English spelling test.

This is because at the age of 6, akira, lost her father, living father and akira often play scrabble, it left a deep impression in her memory, so in order to rece his pain, his often alone ceaselessly, desperately playing scrabble, which also showed his great talent for spelling.

Soon, the school held a spelling bee, akira did not want to participate, but was forced to do so by the principal. Akira won the championship with no difficulty.

Although akira won the school championship, she was not confident about future state and national spelling bee competitions. She feared that her failure would bring ridicule from classmates, teachers and disapproval from parents.

Later, professor Laurabee, who coached her, solved akira's self-abasement through a famous passage: The deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, the deepest fear is that my ability is unfathomable.

When we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others an example to follow. Dr. Lohrabi also gave her a good way to memorize words: jump on a rope and follow the rhythm.

On the day of the competition, the six members of Akira's family flew to the venue. The game began, players take turns to spell words on stage, spelling the wrong out, spelling the right to continue the game.

Graally, the number of contestants sitting on the stage, among which Akira was fortunate enough to be one, grew more intense, misspelled, and the words became harder and weirder.

One word stumped Akira. Remembering Professor Loraby's method, she lifted her hands and made skipping movements to spell out the long word: "P-U-L-C-H-R-I-T-U-D-E," and the audience breathed a sigh of relief. Finally Akira and a boy won the spelling bee together.

The film is very touching, especially the hero Akira dares to express his thoughts to the teacher, principal, mother and professor, while I am always submissive and dare not put forward my own ideas, sometimes misunderstood by teachers and parents do not dare to put forward.

That's something I should learn. Akira is also very clever: her right hand automatically pats her trouser leg to help her memorize words. This small act increased her concentration and allowed her to remember more words than most people could have imagined. These are worth my reference in learning.












D. 5篇英文电影观后感(观后感中文)!










本影片在没有冰河时代那种有搞笑和赏心悦目也没有那种惊奇的搞怪夸张幻想在里面,只是很似人的故事情感的塑造了一个人物的思想和被改变到最后的为了救罗素和kevin和查尔斯的战斗让故事有了一个很好的体现人的性情和理想愿望等。他在为了完成心爱人的愿望将他们的房子放到天堂瀑布不懈努力坚强执着 一定要将这件事做完而放弃了kevin被查尔斯抓走而为了房子放弃营救,看出他心里情绪是多么在乎他妻子的愿望不为过之后,看了妻子留给他的……而想通。之后他在回想到与罗素、kevin和狗的生活,这些让他感受到了朋友的重要。他就马上行动去救罗素。他就把所有房子里的东西让自己……在有失去房子他那时的心里和最后罗素坐在房子旁数车的色彩,说明人物已经从过去的悲伤中走了出来,这里可以体现整部片子的人物生活性情的改变,说明我们现实也许要……

E. 电影《灰姑娘》英文影评

It is a tough bet to retell a story which has already been told not once but many number of times. We all know what happens in Cinderella, but it would take Disney to make an already known story to be interesting. The way this version of Cinderella has been told makes all the difference. Disney and Fairy tales are made for each other so much, that no matter how many times they tell the same story, it is still as interesting as watching it for the first time. Throw in some top class CGI to the fairy tale, and voila you have a stunning movie, and yes the movie was stunning, be it the palace, which i believe was CGI, the performances by the artists and above all the screenplay had been extremely well written all over the movie. Thankfully this one is not a musical like its predecessor, from Disney.So full marks to the director Kenneth Branagh, and full scores to Lily James for portraying the most loved character of all times. Also a special mention to the characterization of the prince,played by Madden, that rather than being portrayed as the lover boy Prince Charming, who just falls in love over Cinderella, in this version he shows his character by standing up for his love.

F. 观公主日记有感英文50词

综述:This is a very cute,heartwarming and postivie and uplifting movie.i loved watching it over and over again-it's very uplifting.

《公主日记》(The Princess Diaries)由美国迪斯尼电影出品,加里·马歇尔执导,朱丽·安德鲁斯、安妮·海瑟薇等主演的喜剧电影。




G. 观《泰坦尼克号》有感英文50个单词左右


Titanic enriches us with a romantic story of young love,passion and feelings,full of utopias and dreams,mother and child fighting for power and greed.

Idealistic and self-identified clashes within a consenting human ambitions society and victims of their own vanity and pomposity.

This is one of the films that most shocked the general public in the last twenty years.The huge collections that are logical because they got obvious that.

Titanic has one of those stories full of strength and feeling,with great dramatic content.If we add the stunning beauty of the image,thanks to advances in digital technology,success is understandable.

Very successful movie,which tells the story of the sinking of the ship,but in the background shows a passionate love story.










H. 求篇60字作文观新3D泰坦尼克号有感英文版

Titanic", tells the story of a ship hit an iceberg on the luxury liner story, when I saw the film, by Ruth Jack, the hero of the two emotional shock.

The film tells the story of the protagonist Jack and Ruth meet on a luxury liner, two of them fell in love with each other, a luxury liner sailing on the sea, but crashed into a sea of ice water, ship, the captain let the elderly and infirm lifeboats, the rest of the people were waiting for death, when Ruth boat she returned to the ship, the search for Jack, the two decided to wait until the ship sinking to escape, into the water, they are prone to a piece of wood, but wood can only sit quietly alone, Jack pushed Ruth up, in cold water ... ...

Life and death in a moment between, Jack chose Ruth, his great love to save Ruth 's life, he froze to death in the water, he is divine, and in between life and death, but there is a lot of shameless, someone money money captain, defile pure life, someone actually not himself did not sink, Ruth head press, human nature is good or bad, here will be able to show, between life and death, human obviously fear of death, however, something more important than life, choose someone else life is noble, great love to defeat the fear, Jack let Ruth live, he let your life and love life escape from death, to the students.

In contrast, those for their own interests to hurt others, such as Li Jia, he sold Du Shiniang to the others for money, he compared with Jack, he is so brazen, small, disdain!

Die although scary, but everyone can live well can make people feel happy, life does not mean just one person, other people or animal life, egoistic people right away, your life will not be happy,

When you see someone who is happy, he will be happy.

In front of great love, a person's life is very tiny, Jack for his love and give up his own life. Love, can make people laugh, but also can be painful, but saved others, their will be happy. Death can never win but a great love, love can let a person not in the face of death fear, Jack and Lucy, in my mind forever is worth learning, memory of the people!

Cool wind dispersed the hot summer, I think of the Titanic, a moving story ... ...



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