1. 洛丽塔中的经典语录英文
1. 关于洛丽塔的英文诗句
关于洛丽塔的英文诗句 1.洛丽塔中关于爱情的句子英文版
Humbert: Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta:
Humbert:Lolita.From here to that old car that you know so well is a stretch of 25 paces.Make those 25 steps with me.
Humbert:I looked and looked at her and I knew,as clearly as I know that I will die,that I loved her more than anything I'd ever seen or imagined on earth.She was only dead leaf echo of the nymphet from from long ago。but I loved her,this Lolita,pale and polluted and big with another man's child.She could fade and wither.I didn't care.I would still go mad with tenderness at the mere sight other face
Humbert:What I heard then was the melody of children at play.Nothing but that.And I knew that the hopelessly poignant thing was not Lolita's absence from my side but the absence other voice from that chorus.
I stood listening to that musical vibration from my lofty slope, to those flashes of separate cries with a kind of demure murmur for background, and then I knew that the hopelessly poignant thing was not Lolita's absence from my side, but the absence of her voice from that concord.
英文原版书中句子(摘抄节选):Despite our tiffs, despite hernastiness, despite the fuss she made, and the danger , helplessness of it all, despite all that, I was in paradise. A paradise whose skies were the color of hell flanes, but a paradise still.尽管我们有争吵,尽管她言语粗鄙,尽管她吹毛求疵,动不动变颜变色,尽管这一切都卑劣、危险、根本无望,我仍然沉醉在我自选的天堂里——天堂的穹空布满地狱之火的颜色——但仍然是天堂。
男主人公的经典对白I looked and looked at her, and I knew as clearly as I know that I will die。
that I loved her more than anything I'd ever seen or imagined on earth. She was only the dead leaf echo of the nymphet from long ago, but I loved her; this Lolita, pale and polluted, and big with another man's child. She would fade and wither, I didn't care. I would still go mad with tenderness。 at the mere sight of her face. Lolita。
电影洛丽塔>中汉伯特最后说的话I stood listening to that musical vibration from my lofty slope, to those flashes of separate cries with a kind of demure murmur for background, and then I knew that the hopelessly poignant thing was not Lolita's absence from my side, but the absence of her voice from that concord。
My knuckles lay against the child‟s blue jeans. She was barefooted; her toenails showed remnants of cherry-red polish and there was a bit of adhesive tape across her big toe; and, God, what would I not have given to kiss then and there those delicate-boned, long-toed, monkeyish feet Suddenly her hand slipped into mine and without our chaperon‟s seeing, I held, and stroked, and squeezed that little hot paw, all the way to the store.这就是原文。
The widower, a man of exceptional self-control, neither wept nor raved. He staggered a bit, that he did; but he opened his mouth only to impart such information or issue such directions as were strictly necessary in connection with the identification, examination and disposal of a dead woman, the top of her head a porridge of bone, brains, bronze hair and blood。
I looked and looked at her, and I knew as clearly as I know that I will die。
that I loved her more than anything I'd ever seen or imagined on earth. She was only the dead leaf echo of the nymphet from long ago, but I loved her; this Lolita, pale and polluted, and big with another man's child. She would fade and wither, I didn't care. I would still go mad with tenderness。 at the mere sight of her face. Lolita。
3. 求《洛丽塔》里面的一句台词的原版英文翻译,翻译器别来
I looked and looked at her,
and I knew as clearly as I know that I will die...
that I loved her more than anything I'd ever seen or imagined on earth.
She was only the dead leaf echo of the nymphet from long ago,
but I loved her; this Lolita, pale and polluted,
and big with another man's child.
She would fade and wither, I didn't care.
I would still go mad with tenderness...
at the mere sight of her face.
4. 电影中经典的爱情台词
洛丽塔,我生命之光,我欲念之火。我的罪恶,我的灵魂。洛丽塔。舌尖向上,分三步,从上颚往下轻轻落在牙齿上。——《洛丽塔》 2、我跨越了时间的瀚海来寻找你。——《吸血僵尸惊情400年》 3、这最后一吻,让她对这个世界最后的印象,就是你嘴里的味道。——《破碎的拥抱》 4、现在,我必须离开了。我走到街角,然后转弯。答应我,别看着我,把车开走,离开我,就像我离开你。——《罗马假日》 5、你一生做了什么无关紧要,重要的是你去做了,因为没有其他的人去做。就像有人走进你的生活,有一半的人说:“你从来就没有准备好,”但是另一半人说:“永远守护著她”。——《记住我》 6、如果我知道怎么戒掉你,那该有多好。——《断背山》 7、有天你会遇到一个彩虹般绚丽的人,当你遇到这个人后,会觉得其他人只是浮云而已。——《怦然心动》 8、伊丽莎白镇,由死亡开始的盛典,我们失去,哭泣,惊慌失措,陷入低谷,然后,我们穿越漫长的旅途,“在甜蜜的痛苦中沉醉,去品尝,去拥抱,然后将之丢弃,继续赶路”。——《伊丽莎白镇》 9、我在想如果我失去了你,我的生命就将结束了。我就会一无所有了。——《原罪》 10、可现在我发现只有自己一个人坐在屋顶上自言自语,像傻瓜一样,就这样一
1/1个人在外边。我也在。对,你也在。——《八月迷情》 11、如果你跟我走,我们将永无安宁之日。我们会被追杀,遭众神诅咒。但,我会爱你,直到我死的那一天。我会永远爱你。——《特洛伊》 12、我爱你。我要你有自己的思想,自己的意见和感受。即使是在我怀里的时候。——《看得见风景的房间》 13、“我是船长,我随时都可以在这里举行一个婚礼,就在这,就在这甲板上。”“总有一天你会接受海盗的生活。总有一天你会接受我。”——《加勒比海盗》 14、人要擅长讲故事,因为这样才可以记住你爱的人。——《乱世澳洲情》 15、现在,哪怕已经过了很多年,只要一看见穿红外的女人,他的心还会颤抖。——《巴黎,我爱你》 16、她曾经说过,如果有一天我走丢了,就在原地等着,她会来找我。——《蓝莓之夜》 17、美丽的女人骤然出现在面前,总是引人注目,泫然而逝,但是我们从未真正看透她。我们只见到躯壳,我们被美丽的外表蒙蔽了。爱上一个漂亮女人比什么都危险。——《挽歌》 18、爱是激情,是迷恋,是不可或缺的。疯狂去爱一个迷恋你的人,他在哪里,要用心去寻找,不要用理智,否则人生将失去意义。这辈子若没深爱过,就枉此一生。要勇于尝试,否则等于白活了。——《情约今生》 19、你一直是孤单的,你无法逃脱寂寞的感觉,直到你死去。——《巴黎最后的探戈》 20、我恨我自己,从一开始我就知道你贪婪,你的自私,可我还
5. 《洛丽塔》中的一句台词
6. 求电影《Lolita》中男主人公的一段台词