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发布时间:2024-11-09 14:37:54

Ⅰ 求《罗马假日》 英文版 中英文字幕


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Ⅲ 求电影罗马假日中英文简介,200字左右

Ann (Hepburn), the crown princess of an unspecified country, has started a widely publicized tour of several European capitals. In Rome she becomes frustrated with her tightly scheled life. Her doctor gives her a sedative to calm her down and help her sleep, but she secretly leaves her country's embassy to experience Rome on her own.

The sedative eventually makes her fall asleep on a bench, where Joe Bradley (Peck), an expatriate American reporter working for the Rome Daily American, finds her. Not recognizing her, he offers her money so she can take a taxi home, but a very woozy "Anya Smith" (as she later calls herself) refuses to cooperate. Joe finally decides, for safety's sake, to let her spend the night in his apartment. He is amused by her regal manner, but less so when she appropriates his bed. He transfers her to a couch. The next morning, Joe, having already slept through the interview Princess Ann was scheled to give, hurries off to work, leaving her still asleep.

When his editor, Mr. Hennessy (Hartley Power), asks why Joe is late, Joe lies, claiming to have attended the press conference for the princess. Joe makes up details of the alleged interview until Hennessy informs him that the event had been canceled because the princess had suddenly "fallen ill". Joe sees a picture of her and realizes who is in his apartment. Joe immediately sees the opportunity and proposes getting an exclusive interview for the newspaper for $5000. Hennessy, not knowing the circumstances, agrees to the deal, but bets Joe $500 that he will not succeed.

Joe hurries home and, hiding the fact that he is a reporter, offers to show Anya around Rome. He also surreptitiously calls his photographer friend, Irving Radovich (Eddie Albert), to tag along to secretly take pictures. However, Anya declines Joe's offer and leaves.
Enjoying her freedom, on a whim, Anya gets her hair cut short in a barbershop. Joe follows and "accidentally" meets her on the Spanish Steps. This time, he convinces her to spend the day with him. They see the sights, including the "Mouth of Truth", a face carved in marble which is said to bite off the hands of liars. When Joe pulls his hand out of the mouth, it appears to be missing, causing Anya to scream. He then pops his hand out of his sleeve and laughs. (Hepburn's shriek was not acting—Peck decided to pull a gag he had once seen Red Skelton do, and did not tell his co-star beforehand.)Later, Anya shares with Joe her dream of living a normal life without her crushing responsibilities. That night, at a dance on a boat, government agents finally track her down and try to escort her away, but a wild melee breaks out and Joe and Anya escape. Through all this, they graally fall in love, but Anya realizes that a relationship is impossible. She finally bids farewell to Joe and returns to the embassy.During the course of the day, Hennessy learns that the princess is missing, not ill as claimed. He suspects that Joe knows where she is and tries to get him to admit it, but Joe claims to know nothing about it. Joe decides not to write the story. Irving plans to sell his photographs, but then reluctantly decides not to do so out of friendship.

The next day, Princess Ann appears to answer questions from the press, and is alarmed to find Joe and Irving there. Irving takes her picture with the same miniature cigarette-lighter/camera he had used the previous day. He then presents her with the photographs he had taken, discreetly tucked in an envelope, as a memento of her adventure. Joe lets her know, by allusion, that her secret is safe with them. She, in turn, works into her bland statements a coded message of love and gratitude to Joe. She then departs, leaving Joe to linger for a while.







"Rome,by all means, Rome. I will cherish my visit here in memory, as long as I live! "



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罗马假日的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
欧洲某国的安妮公主(奥黛丽·赫本 Audrey Hepburn 饰)到访罗马,国务烦身,但她又厌倦繁文缛节。一天晚上,身心俱疲的她偷偷来到民间欣赏夜景,巧遇报社记者乔(格里高利·派克 Gregory Peck 饰)。二人把手同游,相当快乐。公主更是到乔的家中作客并在那过夜。
不料乔无意中发现了公主的真实身份,他决定炮制一个独家新闻,于是乔和朋友、摄影师欧文(埃迪·艾伯特 Eddie Albert 饰)一起带公主同游罗马,并且偷拍了公主的很多生活照。然而,在接下来与公主的相处中,乔不知不觉恋上了公主。为了保护公主的形象,乔只能忍痛抛弃功成名就的良机,将照片送予了公主。

Ⅵ 用英语简介一下电影《罗马假日》

The film's is a charming romantic-comedy. A runaway princess rebels against her royal obligations and escapes the insulated confines of her royal prison to find a 'Prince Charming' commoner - an American reporter (Peck).And then they traveled the royal tour in Rome.


这部电影是一个迷人的浪漫喜剧 。一离家出走的公主放弃并背叛了她对的皇室义务,并逃出绝缘禁锢她的皇家监狱,找到一个她心目中的白马王子迷人 -一位美国记者(派克)。然后他们一起游览罗马的故事。


Ⅶ 求《罗马假日》中英文双字幕高清网盘

《罗马假日》是由威廉·惠勒执导,奥黛丽·赫本、格利高里·派克、埃迪·艾伯特、托里奥·卡米纳提等主演的电影,于1953年9月2日在美国上映。[1]影片讲述了皇室公主安妮访问罗马时私自出游,与美国记者乔邂逅。乔起先是为了偷拍公主,最终却爱上了她。安妮起先厌倦皇室繁文缛节,但经过罗马一日假期后,反而体验自己对国家的责任,忍痛抛弃爱情返回大使馆。 该片于1954年获得第26届奥斯卡金像奖最佳女主角、最佳编剧(故事)和最佳服装设计



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