导航:首页 > 电影字幕 > 这儿曾经有一个电影院英语翻译


发布时间:2024-11-09 22:58:01

A. 英语高手进 急~~~!!!

There seems to be a war/battle between them.
There used to be a movie theater here before the war.
There must be someone in the room.
There is said to be a debate among the students regarding this new rule/regulation.
There used to be a person named Joe.
Here comes some knocking.
There is an old/ancient tree in front of the school gate.
China is trying its best to help those regions that were hit by the tsunami.

B. 英语翻译

Last week, I go to the cinema saw a film "Nanking Nanking," This is a historical film about the Japanese massacre of Chinese troops who are very hateful of Nanjing is a beautiful city I've been to many times

C. 过去这里有一家电影院英语怎么翻译

There is a cinema in the past



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