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发布时间:2024-11-21 15:52:47

A. 美国电影妈妈咪呀

不是阿曼达·塞弗里德Amanda Seyfried 吗?

B. 电影<妈妈咪呀>大概一百字英文简介

I didn't know what to expect when going into watch "Mamma Mia", was this gonna be another Hairspray or Across the Universe or Rent? This was a lighthearted, quite enjoyable movie of its own style, Meryl Strep blew the entire audience away with her comedic persona in this movie. After seeing her in Devil Wears Prada, you are shaken momentarily after seeing her climb on top a roof singing "Mamma Mia!" and swoon and the dance teenage giddy girl dance. You'll love this movie for trio of older woman characters, they were all so funny. Mr. James Bond's character and singing was such a hilarious delight for the audience, we couldn't believe this was the man who played a top secret spy agent.



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